20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 16, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. I Y if priDPP uac Tpirpn up VvpahpwhaiMF maviw' Rnnip i avin'. AenuNty' Ta F rm dollars to cianoouff '7 okay its ill IHERE, I VE GOT TO TAKE A ABOUT THAT MAKES A PLACE SO UNTIDY, I At 'CHOKER' WILL SHOW UP HERE VCUR FUNERAL III ' FAST POWDER, MAGGIE CHOKER"? J L ALWAVS SAV .,4 1 SOONER OR LATER, PEeTV--BUT, I "OR IT SOON . I I T k --Wn r- - -r V a m 1 -mop-top masgie' will tip him V will be J I (Chapter 11) THE PARTY It was the night before Santa's party ana all through bantas nouse cot a creature was sleeping though ftU were snug In their beds. - Mrs. Claus could not sleep be cause she was counting cakes and cookies instead of sheep and won dering if she had made enough. Santa couldn't sleep because he had Just thought of a new toy he wanted to make for Christmas: a bicycle with, water wings which a boy could ride on the ground or pedal in wa ter whichever he wished. - Mr. Dilly lay wide awake wor rying about the rabbit trick and wondering when Santa would lind the time to show him how to do it. ' As for Henry and Serena they were too excited to rest. Henry had Tweedleknee's present under his pillow where he could feel it from time to time. What could it be? What could it be? Would Christmas never come! Along about half past midnight they an leu last asleep Dut merci ful day! no sooner had they begun to dream than there came a swish ing and clattering and haloolng all about the roof of the tiny cottage. They sprang from their beds and ran to the windows. It was black night and not a thing could they see. Then came a thundering at the floor, wuickiv Mrs. ciaus lighted the lamps and Santa threw open the door. In walked seven of the ugliest witches that ever flew brooms on a Hallowe en night. Henrv shook with fright and Se rena hid in the wood box while Mr: Dilly snatched up two umbrellas to defend them all. - But Santa cried. "Come in! Come in!" and Mrs. claus said VGoodness. I'm so glad to see you!' ' The seven witches clomped In (fragging their brooms behind them. 'We had to come early, you know," screeched the ugliest witch. ."We can ride our brooms only from midnight to one." : "Don't worry about us." chortled another. "We'll curl up under the Stove and never be a bit of bother. But Mrs. Claus knew that witches hate to sleep at night. Besides. When you have a party only once every hundred years or so you don't mind missing a night's sleep. 6o Mrs. Claus wrapped herself in her best red woolen bath robe and put a big pot of cocoa on the stove, . "We'll start our party this very minute." she declared. "Santa, do poke up the fire and put your slip pers on, too. Mr. Dilly, find seats lor everyone. Henry, oring me su- far and cinnamon for toast." In a moment the little cottage was bursting with activity. What an odd sight it all waa: Mrs. Claus with her hair still wrapped in pa per curlers, Santa in his red pa jamas and slippers, and the seven witches strewn about the room like long legged dolls suddenly come to life. r "Are you really the witches who fly on Hollowc'en night?" asked Jienry when he had overcome his iear. "Indeed we are," said a witch. J'Are you one of the boys who throws stones at us and locks the door against us?" C Now Henry had thrown stones at Hallowe'en witches but how could he ever have known they were nice like this? Jie blurted. "Then boys would not pe no afraid of you." ,- "It is a good tiling for you to learn." said a witch. "That the ugliest creatures are very often the kindest." And she drank her smok ing cocoa down In one great swal low. What a wonderful night it -was! At dawn other guests arrived for the party. By nine o'clock ev eryone had come. There were three men in a tub. Slmnle Simon carry ing an extra load of pies, Little Boy Blue holding Miss Muffet's hand, Tom Thumb. Cinderella, Yankee Doodle. Father Time, the Gingerbread Man, Jack Frost and many many others. The Santa Land workers rnrpri from the shops and started games and dances and songs. Mrs. Claus set out bowl after bowl and plat ter after platter heaped with but terscotch rolls, ham with eggs pan cakes, waffles and sausage. Santa and the Easter Rabbit talked about children they knew ivnicn were good and which were bad and which were only middling Mr. Dilly found a aulet corner and discussed magic with the Wizard of Oz. Henrv went off for a snow ball fight with Plnocchlo. Serena played checkers with Red Riding Hood's wolf. But alas all this pleasure could not last. Suddenly the terrible blue nosed, saucer-eared Wiggle Waggles burst Into Santa Land. The Santa Land folk and their guests quivered with fear. But Santa was undisturbed. "IH get my magic wand," he said. "And we'll soon be rid of them." Next: The Awful Curse More the Merrier Perk up your Winter wardrobe with plenty of new blouses like these! No. 2994 has the simple high neck that looks so neat beneath jacket lapels. No. 2082 is a late shawl collar edition, especially smart in striped jersey. (Two separate patterns). no. bum is cut in sizes 10 la. m. 10. 18. 20. 36. 38. 40. Size 16, lMi yds. 39-ln. no. auaa is cut in sizes 10. 12. 14. 16. 18, 20, 36, 38, 40. Size 10, 2lA yds. 39-ln. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of or iter via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that includes designs for all memoers oi tne iamny irom tiny tots and growing girls to juniors nnd misses, mature and large-size women? Just include the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 20c. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Canitnl Journal. 214 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5, Calif. R2876 w The Saury Sot Add a bit of dash to your "little miss" outfit bv cro cheting this bright hat and match- iiik mull set. They are Ideal for keeplnR cozy wnnn. Gaily trimmed with embroidery the set works up in little time. Pattern Envelope No. R2876 con tains crocheting instructions, ma terial requirements, stitch illustra tions and finishing directions. To obtain thi pattern, send SOc In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. wiw""-; . Cap. '. " fnriW VJ.rw. ft. Vvti tiff , "jGta4S!!S B HER H""0 HS BEEN I OUT O' WORK, H THEY NEED HELP VERY 1 YEOH-WELL, D Y J K I IS SICK, IS THE MOTHER OF I G6E-6 E- 1 H TIME-HM-M-BUT NOT JTHf-tr TH' WW I A PENNY--BPfiEiy ENOUGH DO WHrtT I CAN, 8:15 p ldh- WM I A FINEEVEMINS 1 Y IT WAS VOUR CWKl FAULT, li rWELL.THEY NEVER HAVE TO I DIDN'T ME SURE HEDlD!l5l 1 'VOL) TALKED M RUDV-yOL) CARRIED ON sb W EXPECT US AGAIM. IF HARRY SUC5GESTBUT DO VOU ""B 5:5? T A rUvc-r?r ABOUT GOIMG THAT TWEY Pj MOCKER WAS A DECENT HOST. DOIMG f THINK ID LET HIM? i ' IsrTAWDWATCH f DIOJT EXPECT US --JWJRFW HET HAVE SAT OUT AND Zd WJUAT?V DOTWANT TO BE 1 Jj45 , I ft WHILE THE MEM Iflmnm- p-wWlNMDTOTHATfiUYl a.-K I FABULOUS JOMES-ISTH' SfjfllQL OIT ANY tW-PflDEOTS, XX&. I I IS A MIZZue.LE,ORIINA ill AN' TOSS HIM MAH WAV? S I I I" AU-tyt-T---HUi AM e3iAS YNOW-AH IS JEST A I AH DOKTT WAMT MUCH I I HAIN'T MUCH I r-TLiT.,c TNowwEVeeor K3TTAKe it easy jeff this Ton, don't worrv iHifS k TilMWM 'AtS&iZ M a vin 4 A LONG RIDt? IgSM IS AN AWFUL PARK ROAD ( ABOUT THAT I 5tft-pH S ,Er49 tlMM (fi"1 U wOMtSnG TO GET Msi AND VOUR LIGHTS AIN'T i KNOW WHERE WIK ftmSSSI t W' THERE-THAT'! r 6olly! i wonder what's I l t'T".i n rfcr n. ti'TOff f "FLIP' FLIP! 60T INTO HIM? HE'S ALL HIMMEL ! THAT Bl6 CAT 7 it n S ' & W t?TV. ?S?t VBI JM ft COMEBACK W TREMBLY ABOUT SOMETWN6' "RAJAH" HAS ESCAPED AfiAIN ! KSS I jffl3tSA W!Ly.'$W vtSTTI HERE, FLIP! Hu t l TORE A HOLE IN THAT J&M I ffll WKTtrfMrW- ifPlISl WkUKM.K,- I TWr. , r4 fwWi 1,-JlnW. j- -J J L- . I NOW YE UNDERSTAND, BUNNV, liSS I 1 C0U10 SEE YOUR paenou MF JlXT I uilihuji I V -Z I I THAT MRS. WORTH KEPT -esl WHYTHETHOuaHTOFMARRYINyTufncv SONNY FACE BETWEEN, 0R NnRRUp'nlirN V HANNIBAL! vftal HOPPIN'UKE A HENON A EH LUCIA AN' L05IN' YOU HA5 WE AND THE5ALW flux ABOVE THAT V fST HOT 5T0VE TILL I COME BEEN TORTURE FOR ME.roJeR AW IIFE, Cm5c Am.1 VWE:EU5IC I A JUL V-JL OUT L0OK.IH'F0RYE! KGW KOlN KEX KSLM KOCO 630 NBC 870 CBS ) 11 EH) ABC 13H0 MBC HBO Kc K00 The S 0t V Knoi Mnnln Dhl. of Yakon Santa's MU Band of Day S'HNcwa rbe Llltla Bhow Chal. of Yakon CaU Band of Day 5:30 Sonfi of Tim. Newa 8k7 Klnr Tom Mil Biof Cmby 5:45 Elaer Petcraon Newa Sky King lorn Mil Builnen Newt S'OO Henry M or fan Lea It to Joan Freflthten Gabriel Heater Candle Ll(bl 15Benry Mortan Uave It to Joan Home Edition N. W. Newa and Sllrer 6:30lUrault Lam 'n Abner Modern Fishing and Plaheatter 6:45 Dnranto Lum 'n Abner Bomaneei Uuntlog Clcb Twilight Bong 7:00 Olreetora' Young Loro Plghtg Sam Hayea Pat O'Brien 715 FlayhonM Young Love FlghU Tbla la Motto Mo ileal Jackpot 7:30 Bill Stern Nnmbei Pleato KfghU Ciaeo Kid Elyn Knlghl 7:45 Bhjthm Time Number Plcaae Flghta Clteo Kid Mldconrt S'OO Slnatra-Klritco Lowell Thomas Fat Man Straight Arrow SHS - Engcno :15 Newa of World Jaek Smith Fat Man Straight Arrow SHS - Eugene 8:30 Oreheglra The Goldberca Your FBI Lean Back SHS - Eugene g:45 Orebettrn Tho Goldberg! Your FBI Jerry Sean SHS - Eugene 9:00 Star King My Favorite Onle A Harriet Newa Sns Eugene 9:15 Orchestra Husband Ostte A Harriet David Bota SHS - Eugene 9:30 Dance Mash Beulth IVestern Sklee Muilo Newe 9:45 Dane Muslo Club 15 Western Skies Muslo Troplcana 10:00 3am Hayes It Star Final Rich. Reporter Fult. Lewis Jr. Warwick Tbeat, 10:15 Sports Final Sport Spotlight Intermesso Select News Warwick Theat. 0:30 Dick Haymes Air-llo Concert Hour News Huslo Yon Want 10:45 Urchestra Harry James Concert Hour Charlie SoWak Music Yon Want 11:00 News Serenade Concert Hour Loto Mystery Nocturne 11:15 Wai Museum Organ Muslo Concert Hour Navy Air Nocturne 11:30 Wax Museum Treasury Band Memos Car. Cavallero Nocturne 11 :45 Wax Museum Newa Memos Car. Cavallero Nocturne lZiOOalgn off Silent TCtra Hour pign Off glgn Off SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Podge Hodge Podge Uodge Podge Hodge Podge 6:00 Hodge 6:15 30 iOfl; :15! an 45 :00 :15 :30 :45 Now Hear This Now Hear News Sam Hayes Fred Waring Fred Waring Smiling Mcuonneu Mary Lee Tayior Reading Is Fun LVews Farm Hoar Farm Hour Voices. Events Voices, Events Newa (KOlN Klock KOlN Klock IKOIN Klock KOIN Klock ThlstNews News (Consumer News Let's Pretend Let's Pretend Junior Miss Liu n tor Miss Theatre of Today IGrand Central brand Central Btara Over Hollywood Give and Take tolrt and Take Lassie T B A T B A T B A Young uregonians Music a nil Musloana T B A It B A It b A T B A Mind Manners Mind Manners Rpt.. America Broadway Coi News Quest Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony (Larry Lesuer NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Bands oi tho Land (Dawn Downbeat pawn Downbeat Btound-UD Agronsky Breakfast Plasa Breakfast Plaia Home Agent' Musical Bridge Musical Bridge Musical Brldite 101 Ranch 101 Ranch Tor land Tunea pToyland Tunes County Fair County Fair Meet the Missus Meet the Missus News Mother Knows Best Family Party Famili Part (Newspaper newspaper Feature Feature ICol. Feature Stan Dougherty Stan Dougherty Newa U. N. Red Barber Inside CBS Bandstand Way for Youth Way for Youth (News Timekeeper piurcn Time lews BoysjNewe EireaKiast uang Ireakfaat Gang Top Trades bargain Counter Muslo Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Northwest Newel ping Sings Pastor's Call iSage Riders Stars of Tomorrow Stars of Tomorrow Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera 'Met. Opera Mct. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera News Femme Fair Proudly Hail Proudly Hall Uunlor Junction uass Concert uais Concert Letters to Sant. llarry Wlsmer Albert Warner Church A Nat. Fez Bitter Newa Organ Moods Extension Serv- , Reminiscing Reminiscing nVest'n Melodies Science Excur. Pop "Varieties Defense Report Music Without Words (Babe Ruth Salem Air Bee. (Concert Favorites Platter Jock Platter Jock (Platter Jock Platter Jock Top Trades News NW News Bob Eberly Man on Farm Man on Farm Man on Farm Man on Farm News loth Army Band College Cbolr College Choir Orchestra Orchestra Sat. Matinee bat. Matinee Mel Allen Hemingway IKostelaneta IKostelanets Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade At the Opera Ut the Opera News iNavy Band Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Cy Shannon Cy Shannon Chin-Dp Chat Chin-Up Chat Cbln-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Spotlight Musie Spotlight Muslo Curtain Calls Curtain Calls DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 ir AT Friday r.nt. ummren's xne NwMW ateri 5:15, On the Upbeatt 5:50. 650 Sports Clubi 6:00, Newsi S:I5, OSO Alumni I 6:80, Muslo of Cseoho Slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Hour; 1:55, Basketball i 9:30, News and Weather) 9:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. lnAf Saturday A.M. 10:00, News IXwMVx 0:15, Especially for Women 11:00, The Concert 'Hall: 13:00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hojrt 1:00, Bide Em Cowboy i 1:80 Voice of the ArmTi 1:45, Melody Lanei 2:00, Muslo of the Masters! 3: H0, Sclencei 8:45, Spirit of Vikings i 4:00, Pan-American Rhythms t 4:15, Songi of the Westi 4:45, Here Is Australia. Plenty of Wafer For Entire Nation Washington, Dec. 16 (yp) Despite the severe shortage in some parts of the country, the United States will "never run out of water in the foreseeable future." So said Secretary of the Inter ior Chapman yesterday. He is sued a statement after receiving a flood of queries, most of them prompted by New York City's water troubles. Rather than a general water scarcity, Chapman said, the problem is that "serious short ages confront certain areas where we don't have water where we want it when we want it." The cabinet official said "we can no longer take water for granted, as we do the air we breathe," adding: "But on the whole we shall never run out of water in the foreseeable future." ACROSS 1. Balkan country 8. Ringed boa 18. Hardening 14. Hindu headdress 1R DoMiArl endorsement 83. So. American animal 15. Two: prefix 36. Greek letter 38. Character In Homer's "Iliad" 18. While 18. Isinglass 19. Astern 20. Colored fabric 23. Tally 24. Adverbial ending 85. Beginning 27. East Indian finer plane 40, Altar screen 42. Symbol for tantalum 44. Short for a girl's nam 46. ArenoBe 47. Purpose 48. Greenland 28. Carried on the 60. College degree- 67. Mum of nerson 61. Appellation ftna. amatory 19. Samuel's of Athena mentor 62. One of a 20. Morning: wandering abbr. race 21. Genus of the 84. Makers of oat clothes A N PffSpP A T SPoTpTC Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle ooetry 68. Interminable. DOWN 1. Competitor 2. Consolidate 3. Mold 7 p j 4 5 S J p 8 I? 10 it iZ gj-p-g-- IP73 31 132 1 33 3 jj in m 55 iiWfcWss si? " 1 1 1 in 1 1 11 1 A Newifeotvrts 4. Southern constellation 6. Symbol for nickel C. During 7. Child's marble 8. Land measure 9. Vagabond 10. Skip 11. Type of pave ment 12. State whose motto Is . "Here we rest" IT. Throw of six at dice 20. Chides 21. Massachusetts cape 22. Wet blanket 26. One lost be yond recall! slang 26. Masculine name 28. You and 1 31. City In Texas 32. Caller 34. Hewng tool 37. English murderer 38. Append 41. Growing out 42. Rows 43. Accumulate 45. Tibetan monk 7 nrnir.vUMIn A. plant 49. Article of millinery 61. Entirely 63, Be enough 56. Article 56. Small osb ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem ' I WAS TELUN' A JEWELER. ABOUT YER. IDEA OF USIN' DA MAGNETIC NORX' POLE TUH KEEP A WRIST WATCH WOUND UP AN HE SAY5 YtK. AS NUTTY AS A NOUGAT BECAUSE DEY At NT ENOUGH MAGNETIC PULL FtK A LIL COMPASS NEEDLE TUH WIND A MAINSPRING JOVE, I CAN'T get OVER.' IT YET "THAT FIGHT MANAGFC TAMC BACK. AND GAVE ME $Z50 . FOR. ALFY5 CONTRACTS HE HOPES HE CAN PERSUADE ALFYS BRIDE TO CHANGE HER MIND AGAINST HIS BEING A BOXER,-7 ' in r Ki r " v. jsfc " cT l Nk