- 10 CanUn Tmtvnnl finlem. nrpovm FrMflv.Dec. 16. 1949 r -W pt nnHiff jimmy . i uai imii w 'A-' ' "."" .fry r pi ft r K- Qv."lf J.V XArnZZ i - ai " k ' 'V ft 1 Tn 5uoar Bowl Favorite Leon Heath- Oklahoma fUu- juyai uuni i qtumic back( wh0 ,ed the natlon with 9.12 average yards per carry, will prove his various talents when his team will meet Louisiana State University for the Sugar Bowl game in New Orleans. Heath rushed 684 yards In 15 carries and was also reeognired as an outstanding blocker. Skiers from 32 Nations To Vie at Aspen Meet Aspen, Colo., Dec. 16 (P) Skiers racing down steep moun tain slopes at 70 miles an hour. Then spine tingling leaps through the air as far as 140 feet in daring lunges to sail even faster. That's what's in store when skiers from 32 nations come here next February for the first giant shilom and slalom world championship races to be held in the United States. The slalom events are downhill races against time. They're being held after the Jumping and cross country events at Lake Placid. The Federation Internation ale de Ski (FIS) the world governing body of the sport, is sponsoring the events. The championships always held in Europe before start with jumping and cross country events Jan. 30 through Feb. B at Lake Placid, N. Y. Then they shift to this little onetime min ing camp deep In the heart of the rockies. Here at Aspen the giant sla lom and slalom races tests of a skiers' skill to make sharp turns on a steep slope will be held for four days atarting Feb. 13. The next day will be for the women's downhill races on the silver queen run. Feb 18 will bring the climax the men's downhill events. Approximately 100 entries will take the lift to the top of Mount Aspen 11,000 feet above sea level. One by one, racing against time, they'll pitch for ward down a narrow, tightly- winding trail newly cut for the championships to test their skill and daring to the utmost. Invitations were sent to 31 nations by the National 8ki Association of America, the host group. Official accept nnces have come from Nor way, Sweden, Italy, Austria, Canada, Chile, Yugoslavia, Lelch-Tenstein, Israel, France and Switzerland. Those which have indicated they are considering accepting before the Jan, 1 deadline are Russia, Greece, Great Britain, Argentina, Bolivia, Australia and Belgium. Expected to accept but giving no indication yet are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Den mark, Finland, Holland, Hun gary, Iceland, Lebanon, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey, all FIS members. BASKETBALL COLLEGE CORKS (Br the Associated Prsea) Hamlin 50, domain 47. Pepperdlne 45, BrlKham Youni SB. Whitworth 67, Carroll (Mont.) J. New Mexloo A tit Jd 05, California Poly Pacific Lutheran 53. Puiet Bound 41. Oregon Toch 87, Lavtrnt 39. IIIOII SCHOOL CORKS Redmond 54, Mndrnfl 20. Wheeler 5fl, Tillamook B'a 48. Sheridan 41, Newport 38. 1 SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 InlcriUlB Tractor 1 Morris 539. Ro bin ton 410, Shackman 373, Tanquerr 441, Pearl 511; Naval Air Facility RtatUn !) Han ah, a. nrteaier jis, nwoiM , . Knedler K5, Brown 493. Ctjihlnr'a Unln Service (1) Pea 431, Farlov BIB. Btonn 441. BcOtt 461. Com- stock 403; VFW (I) White 433, Miller 404, Parkei 3, Valleau 37, Wodiewotla 411. Eaxlca (It Peter ion 553. Reld 460. RIU man 433, Pero 400, Zeller 4B3: let Na tional Hank (l Drlgfi 457. Kottlce 438. Marr 351, Martnaii 3BS, Morni ow. Judton'a Plumblnr (2 Angove 361 Rronson 373. Beali 380. Little 430, Hop- finger 470; Ralph Job nun Frank 443, H. Ben 43B, js. uningie w, jwonimsm wi, , Bell 389. rirer A Sana Im. (t) chroeher 434, Cherrlnnton 460. BroURht 495. Plants 481, Perm an 438; SAN Clothier ( Rlcke 300, Barker 400, Muemaupi aoo, juneisi &a, NaRiey 4Zo. Pum ill t 4) Duncan 651, Bolter 458, Sheridan 411. Keller 401. El wood 388; Weatern Paper 0) Oadach 413, Asder sen 414, J. Kuebler 3B0, Luke 458, L. Kue- bler 384. High lnd. tame. Brought, 237; mgrt d. aerlei. Peternon. 653 : hleh team game, Dyer St Bom, Ins., 963; high team series, pumiirie, aesa. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. Momyer Chefron CD W. Miller 480, Schaefer 442, Odermatt 447, Covert 410, L. Miller 448: Knlghta of Pythlaa ) De catur 521, El wood 435, Schiedel 405, Maera Teen id a na. Van'a Parklnr Station (4) Vleck 633 Bar ilea 443, nosers 4S0, Keenan 440. mc- Danlels 523; McDonald Candy A) Baiter Bryant 360. Nlctiojli 450, oemmeu 476. BCOll 41T. KOCO (0) McElroy 431. Ransom 331, Naioo 333. Wllliama 408, Thede 451: Zeeb'i Vaed Can 4) Delk 459, B. Carr A, Zeeb 434. 8. zeeb 367, Peterson 453. Smith An to Parti (11 Clark 428. Ed- minister 325, Bchuets 367, Lemon 447, Lee 472; Bhroek'i Motors (7) White 404, Mc- Parland 316, Meyers 366, Stepanek 393, Wlsiter 414. Hioh lnd. game and series, vleck oi Van's Parking Station, 233 and 633; high team series, van's ranting station, auu, JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 17S N. High HIGHEST QUALITY CORDOVANS You'll Be the Apple of "Her" Eye! in these fine GENUINE shell cordovans! They are hand casted especially for Jim's . . . select yours today. Full run of sizes. Jim's Shoe Service 175 N. High It Heap Big Smoke and Lots of Fire X Make Christmas 1949 a Practical, Useful $ X and Lasting One! X i . V I Low Cost Transportation BICYCLES I 3 WHIZZER BIKES $ 8 SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES $ I! 1 P, New and Used '4 ft v ; New Low Prices and Easy Terms, of Course VISIT INDIAN TERRITORY ;J SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES I! ' JUST PAST THE UNDERPASS J; !! 3007 Portland Road Phone 2-1423 Read what Salem housewives are saying about CATERIZED OIL! I wouldn't use any other but CATERIZED OIL in my hornet Just imagine! No SOOT or CARBON to dirty up my curtains or wood work! , . . and housekeeping is so much easier, too! Take It from me, CATERIZED OIL is your best fuel oil buy! Ct 4 'v TjV I'LL SECOND THE MOTION! CATERIZED OIL is THE fuel oil In my hornet It is so clean and most economical, tool CATERIZED OIL! The Fuel Oil All Salem Is Raving About ! Investigate the new, modern way to heat your home by using CATERIZED OIL the fuel oil that cleans out soot and carbon as It burns! Yes, this new modern miracle oil Insures top peok furnace efficiency , . . reduces stack fire hazards to almost nil . . . and can be stored with absolute safety! Be modern! Be wise! Call Howard J. Smalley Oil Company today for your load of CATERIZED OIL. DIAL f. (IS any rrV MTiottu PRODUCTS D I ST HUT 3-5692 or 3-5606 K-pm. t-t t For Your Load of Caterlxed V w Oil Today ML oil compRnv oat Hood St. at Broadway Capital Alleys LADIES C1TV tCAGLE CDital Cltv L&undrr (0) Btln 433, Doerler 380, Rob 349, HUlmmn 346, Boyce 347; Goad Bouicketplnr (S Olney 432, Albrich 411, Duncm 411, Jonei 489, Pos Mhl 43ft. Senator Beastr Shsp (0) CUne 393, Scott 340, Thorn m 313, McClala 326, Adolph 429: WllUrd Art Tile (St Olbb 4M, Lawleu 418. WlUard 3M, Wklnwrlgrtt 374, Coimfta 430. Ackltn'i Bootcrr (1 Wilder 333, Loken 248, Whlttaker 308, Vlttone 299, Archer Putnrn 47. ' ' - cj YWC'A (0) Gardner 381, BcQueuier 310. Schwab 318, Uactcey 330. Meyer 274; Cupboard Cafe CI) Thompson &00, Day ey 493, Peas 439, Glodt 438, Boyct 406. Quitenbarry Urut () McElhaney 404, Evans 397, McDanleli 453, Black 451, Ken nedy 480; Golden Pbeasant (0) Clark 441, Thrush 448, Muellhaupt 407, Laird 479, Oarbarino 437, High team aeriei, Qulsenberry Drug, 2316; hlfth ind. series. Alberta Thompson, 300; high lnd. game, Helen Qlodt, 201. BEARS WOMEN'S LEAGUE Lane 288, Hill 308, Wedel 272, Adams 287. HaUey 364, Fleetwood 215, Davis 366, Baughn 330. SEARS HEN'S LEAGUE Harmony House (1) Pltior 393, Hill, 48. Paulson 42t pavtj 43 ft Plltrlei (! Jensen' 44S, orstrorp. 4(,' Ifitolaky 431, Qough &00. Homart (3) Porbei 447, Roach 423, Cooper 398, Cook 881; J. C. Hlfdn (0) Quesnell 463, Sajstrom 472, filerp 356, Os lund 486. Kenmora (I) Wenger 415, Adami 419, Hutmacher 477, Jones 3S5; All State !) Ollsar 484, Rlehl 477, Clark 364, Hawke 443. Coldspot ) Halsey 304, Drye 425, Bev 1ns 405, Patton 449; Craftsman (0) Bar ker 450, Kraus 435, Klein 337, Morris 378. High team series, Homart, 2166; high team game, All State, 762; high lnd. se ries and game. Cook, 861 and 109. Duckpin Bowling 'ence AppIaU 403. For Bobttwon 370. Wilfred Wtlmer S75, Howard Mill 436, Cten Blanton 416. Quality L'sed Cara (4, Royal Pawley 551, Dill Campbell 489, B. B. Snelsrove 478, Mcue Van Dell 405, Emll Scholz 371. Tweedte Oil (21 Duane Frank 372, Carl Plood 40B, Ira Short 384, Harry Bcharf 376, Emry Alderman 465. Willamette Val ley Bank 12) Bob Junsliim 410, Camel Walding 350, Al Flicker 346, Bye 334, Bye 396. Marion Electric (4) Al Hakaiuon 400, Arlo Young 438. Bob Orlffith 327, John Wood 387, Bye 360. G.M.C. Truck Co, (01 Derby Sermon 354, John Fullenwlder 327, Joe Brook 360, Hilt Thomu 409, Charles Jayne 330. Gleason'a Bakery f3 Bill Moad 461, Marion Glsason 428. Harold Bonner 442. Ken Masuren 408. Tom Wood 438. Cum mine's Heating (1) Dave Spalding 424. Loiter Woods 368, Eddie Ooertstnea 427, Howard Smith 399, Lu Dolge 426. Hlfth team aerlea and game; Quality, 3384 and 844. HlRh individual aerleg and game: Royal Pawloy, 551 and 202. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport 10:01 a.m. 11:18 p.m. 10:59 a.m. Dec. 18 11:41 a.m. S.9 . 19 1:14 a.m. S.O 12:28 p.m. 9.1 . 2:05 a.m. 7.2 1:16 p.m. 9.7 Low -3:47 a.m. 5:05 p.m. ' 4:42 a.m. 6:58 p.m. 5:39 a.m. 6:49 p.m. 6:32 a.m. 7:38 p.m. 7:24 a.m. 8:24 p.m. IF 7T7 Bui out?- 3 mi118 you are one of those men vho believes electric shavers take too long, and won't shave a beard like yours CLOSE enough please do this: Skip a shave and visit your Sunbeam dealer with a good 24-hour beard. He will be glad to let you shave any time with the sensational new Model "W" Sunbeam Shavemaster. It takes the average man about 7 minutes to lather and shave with soap-and-blade. That same man will get a better shave with the new Shave master in 3 minutes. Even if you've got the toughest, heaviest beard, plus a tender skin, you'll shave with Shavemaster in LESS TIME than it takes with soap-and-blade. You'll get a closer shave more comfortableno nicks or cuts, muss or fuss, this new, easy way. There's no 10-day "trial period" necessary with the new, revolutionary Model " W" Sunbeam Shavemaster. You can find out in 3 or 4 minutes how the new Sunbeam can give you a cleaner, closer, faster shave than you ever thought possible. Try it at your Sunbeam dealer's. Most dealers are prepared to have you try the new Shavemaster in their stores. Get a Closer Cleaner Shave in LESS TIME than with soap -a-blade fl ENTIRELY V. I g0r.ig 1 S' lX A 0 ) N E W S H APE JJlV $ " , J X' I Easier to ''y EM SINGLE 'f'S. j ' " ' POWERFUL Jt iO I, oTTT Armature-type I "1' Jo?:AY M "REAL" motor X ""'0?f? .'U";;i' Vsi-j '! ",--jt-v-- , -.-: . . . V: ' vi t. .x4 if f fv w i-qr.t .'tT Jul " ' " . . .... .1... ,: .1 ) jhj.i.i.H y"-!: WHISKERS CAN'T MISS The holet ar clattr logtth-' r than th hairs on your fac and lh whiskers can't escap htm. SI