16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 16, 1949 .V. 4 si Bachelor's Yuletide Gift Carefully wrapped to protect her from handling by choosey and nosy Christmas shoppers, ac tress Janet Leigh is worth every inch and every curve the choice as a perfect Yuletide gift for any bachelor. Gosh, where is the price tag? Says Congress Used as Sounding Board for Social Plans Washington, Dec. 16 U.R Rep. Robert F. Rich., R., Pa., ac cused the administration today of using congress as a "sounding board for the socialized programs of the fair deal." He said most witnesses before a house-senate subcommittee hearing on problems of low-income families have been adminis tration officials. All of them, he said. Brannan Calls for Bold Gov't Action to Rid Farms of Poverty Washington, Dec. 18 (U.B Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan Thursday called for bold government action to elimin ate the "rotten fruit" of poverty from our farms. Brannan said 11 children of migratory farm workers died of malnutrition last month in California's San Joaquin valley, one of the world's richest farming areas. "Democracy cannot tolerate this sort of thing," he told a joint congressional subcommit tee investigating problems of low-income farm and city fami lies. The California tragedy, Bran nan said, is evidence that the "shocking" conditions described a decade ago in John Steinbeck's novel "Grapes of Wrath" are still present in the nation today. Earlier, the subcommittee was told by a spokesman for the southern negro that farm me chanization is creating increased hardship for unskilled farm la borers in the south particularly negroes. Brannan recommendeda three-point program of federal aid for farm groups for whom price supports do not provide adequate income insurance: 1. A special "readjustment or redevelopment" program for small farms which do not yield enough to provide adequate in come. 2. Federal aid to help bread winners on "inadequate farms" get full or part time jobs in in dustry. 3. A program to bring social security, minimum wage, old age benefits and other federal help to hired farm laborers who are not covered by these pro grams now; plus help in job placements, transportation and educational and health benefits for migratory farm workers. Langlie Recall Petition Filed Olympia, Wash., Dec. 16 UJ9 A recall petition was on file today against Governor Arthur B. Langlie of Washington state. The recall was initiated by an organization calling itself the Trade Union Jobs and Security Council of Seattle. Alvin R. Warren, secretary of the recall committee, said about 400 reg istered voters signed the peti tion. A group of 150 who came here to file the petition wore lapel buttons with the words, "Recall Langlie." Before a recall move against the governor can reach the stage of a special election, more than 220,000 registered voters of the state must sign petitions. Langlie said he was not dis turbed by the recall move. A governor may be recalled for any one of three violations: failure to carry out the duties of his office; overstepping his authority, and violation of his oath of office. The petition charged the gov ernor with violation of the un employment compensation, workmen's compensation, vet erans preference and state wel fare laws. Baby-Killer Gets 14 Year Term Chicago, Dec. 16 (JP A young mother was convicted by a crim inal court jury Wednesday night of murdering her six-day-old daughter. She was sentenced to 14 years in prison. The presiding judge at the trial of Mrs. Dorothy Skeoch, 22, blamed her parents for their daughter's act. Mrs. Skeoch had admitted fatally choking her baby daughter, Susan Elizabeth, with a plastic diaper last Aug. 19. Defense attorneys attempted to prove she was temporarily in sane at the time of the claying. After the jury retired to de liberate, Judge Julius Miner called her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lamont of Astoria, Ore., to stand before him. "What I am going to say is addressed primarily to you, Mrs. Lamont," Judge Miner told the couple. "I have been shocked by the testimony about the treat ment of your daughter. No one is more responsible than you for the fact that she is on trial for murder. "If I had treated a child of mine as you treated yours, I would not forgive myself for the rest of my life. "You're cruel. You're unkind. You're miserable." Mrs. Skeoch had testified her mother had opposed her mar riage to Thomas Skeoch, 21; had refused to answer her letters, and on the day of the baby's birth, refused to talk to her on the telephone. Auto or Personal CASH LOANS $100 to s1000 ss COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLA INCOIIPOIIATEOsa Salem Agency: 460 N. Church St. Tel. 3-4168, NORTH. SOUTH, EAST, WEST, FOLKS SAY CALVERT TASTES THE BEST taste CALVERTyourself .and you'll switch, too Calvert reserve Blended Whiskey 86.8 Proof-65r. Grain Neutral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City Stop in ind get this new book. "How to Mike Coroios.Dnp cries. Slipcovers". It's yours for the tilting. HAVE IT FOR YOUR OWN! TRADE IN YOUR OLD MACHINE GET A GENUINE SEWMACHINE PAY 0Nty$f0 A WEEK! You've seen this Domestic Sewmachine adver tised in the national magazines. Now you can have it at new low terms! Domestic has 27 modern features that make your sewing quicker and easier. Set of attachments, Sewing Manual with every machine. See it today! HOGG BROS. 260 STATE DIAL 3-9148 HEADQUARTERS FOR SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES Initiate 20 Twenty candidates from many valley points will be initiated by the Mt. Angel council of the Knights of Columbus Sunday with a full day's program rea dy. All Knights have been in vited to the initiation by Grand Knight Andrew Schmidt, Mt. Angel. . Members and candidates will receive holy communion at the 8 o'clock mass at St. Mary's church to be followed by a breakfast at the Mt. Angel hotel for officers and new members. Initiation will start at noon at the St. Mary's auditorium with the ladies invited to the banquet at St. Mary's dining room at 6 o'clock. Rev. James Koessler will speak at the ban quet to be followed by a pro gram. The regular meeting and Christmas program of the Mt. Angel council will be held next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the club rooms. Santa Didn't Come In Time for Doris Gaffney, S.C., Dec. 16 (U.B) The parents of four-year-old Doris Ann Simmons tried to make Christmas come early for the sick little girl, but they couldn't get the holiday to her quite in time. Doris Ann was critically burn ed Tuesday when her dress caught fire from an oil stove. Swathed in bandages, she plead ed for Santa Claus to come. Mrs. W. P. Simmons, heeding doctors' advice, rushed home to get Doris Ann's presents. She was too late. When she got back to the hospital, Doris Ann was dead. The little girl's army sergeant father, W. P. Simmons, didn't ar rive in time either. He was on his way home from Alaska for the holidays. Willamina Plywood Plant Presents Pins Willamina, Dec. 16 The As sociated Plywood Mills, Inc., Willamina division, will hold its tenth Oregon birthday and ser vice award party, Saturday night at the Coaster in Ocean- lake at 9 o'clock. Three hundred fifty employes of the plywood plant and their wives have been invited to the party which .will include danc ing, a buffet supper to be serv ed at midnight and service pin presentations to employes who have been with the company for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. There will be one employe who will get the 20-year award, 2 employes getting the 15-year award, 66 employes receiving the 10-year award, and 110 re ceiving the five year pins. GIVE THIS EASY-TO-MAIL CHRISTMAS GIFT Mayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE In a Special Gift Wrap and Shipping Carton Ready to Mail - " S-lb. Ollt Packs At Your Store Or at Yewr Dear are "in terested in building up bigger government programs in order to get the government into more business for their departments." Rich told newsmen it looks to him as though the subcommittee staff which lined up the wit nesses, is working "in cahoots with the administration." Raymond M. Foley, housing and home finance administrator, said yesterday that "a major share of the job of housing low and moderate income families must be assumed by private en-1 terprise." J "Public housing," Foley said, j is only a part of the solution to this problem." MAKE THE 3-MINUTE TRIAL AT VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 North Liberty See how you can get a Quicker, Closer shave in LESS TIME than it takes with soap-and-blade Siiibedm SHAVEMASTER There' only one way to find out what this new Sunbeam can do come in and TRY IT. Skip your next shave and see for yourself at our store. Over 3000 pr. to Choose From WOMEN'S WAFFLE WEAVE fid b3 L HOUSE SLIPPERS Comfortable, easy to slip on house slippers, semi-wedge heel. Soft shade light blue, pink, royal blue and red. 5 to 9. PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS 1 98 ROMEOS 3.98 Comfort. built in elastic side gore, composition sole or leather sole. Elk fin ished cow hide. M QQ Boy's sizes 8 to 3, 2.98. 0 PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS Remember Penney's Will Be Open Until 9:00 P.M. Tonight and Every Night Thru Dec. 23rd BROCADED SLIPPERS Slip on style with comfort able platform sole. Rich shades of wine, black, royal blue and light blue. 4 to 9. 98 DOWNSTAIRS STORE WOMEN'S Shearling Slippers Snug and warm fur lined slippers with leather uppers and soles. Lovely colors. Children's sizes 9 to 3, 1.98. 298 DOWNSTAIRS STORE CHILDREN'S ZIPPER BOOTS Warm and cozy for those tiny feet. Plaid trim. Felt with snug fitting tipper. Sizes 6 to 3. 149 DOWNSTAIRS STORE MEN'S LEATHER OPERAS Always popular, with the J OQ men slip-on slippers with 7O leather soles. Brown elk finish widths. B, D, EE, A QQ sizes 6 to 12. X U DOWNSTAIRS STORE Don't Miss Penney's SLIPPER SELECTION Go straight down your list . . . then head straight for thrifty Penney's! You'll find styles, colors for the whale family! FUR TRIMMED SCUFF SLIPPERS Soft, feminine house slippers with plush finish. Dainty colors: pink, light blue, red and royal blue. 5 to 9. 249 PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE BOY'S FELT SLIPPERS Cushion sole for extra com fort. Felt uppers for warmth. Plaid trim. Wine and brown. Sizes 1 to 5. 79 DOWNSTAIRS STORE CHILDREN'S Character Slippers Any little boy or girl would love these adorable slippers. Here's Bunny, but we've a whole par ade of his favorites. 249 DOWNSTAIRS STORE FOR INFANTS SNUG FITTING BOOTIE Soft and cuddly and practical too, because the slide fastener holds them on the foot. Cotton velour lined. 2 to 8. PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE (49 BOY'S SHEARLING LINED OPERAS Mellow elk - finished cow hide, fully lined with shear ling for warmth and com fort. Brown. Sixes 1 to 5. 298 PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE