Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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Have Program
The First Presbyterian church
choir will present their annual
Christmas candlelight musicale
. twice next Sunday. The services
will be at the Presbyterian
church at 5 and 7:30 o'clock. The
choir is directed by Charles
This year the entire program
will be sung in a setting of can
dlelight. The prologue will con
tain a bit of old English carol
pageantry. There will be music
by an instrumental quartet from
outside the sanctuary, preced
ing the service. The four carol
ers, in costume, will sing a num
ber of the familiar and most
popular of the traditional
Christmas carols. The carolers
will be accompanied by Thom
as Facey, violinist.
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, the organ
ist, has chosen as her organ
numbers Christmas Suite by
Edmundson and the Christmas
Cradle Song by Poister.
The choir will enter the
church in a candlelight proces
sional, singing "O Come, O Come
Brooks Church
Women Help Worker
Brooks The Women's Mis
sionary council of the Assemblys
church held its regular meeting
and Christmas party at the home
of Mrs. Carl Martin. Luncheon
was served at the noon hour by
the hostess.
An offering was taken for a
native worker in Bible school,
training for the ministry in
A gift exchange was held and
the secret sisters' names reveal
ed. Attending were Mrs. Zelma
Gains, Miss Dorma Lee Bunn,
Miss Evelyn Austin, Mrs. Ed
ward Edmund and Duane, Mrs.
A. H. Jensen and Clarence, Mrs.
Harold Fite, Mrs. Maude Timm,
Mrs. Frank Tischler, Mrs. Anna
Dundavy, Mrs. H. C. Chapman,
Miss Stella Jordan, Mrs. Esther
Wymore and Janice, and the
hostess, Mrs. Carl Martin.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. George Bacon
December 28.
Friends Present
Star of Light
The Chrstmas pageant, "Star
of Light" will be presented
Sunday evening at 7:30 at the
South Salem Friends church.
The cast of 14 characters,
chosen from the high school and
young adult classes of the Sun
day School, is under the direc
tion of Robert Nordyke. As
sisting Nordyke, Milton Bingen
helmer is in charge of lighting
effects; Mrs Forrest Smith and
Miss Beth Aebischer in charge
of costuming; Mrs. Hazel Lowe
directing the Girls' Choir; Mrs.
Eilene Ogier, soloist and Mrs.
Eilene Nordyke, organist.
In adition to the pageant the
primary and junior depart
ments of the Sunday School, di
rected by Mrs. May Nordyke,
will present a varied program
of songs and recitations.
The public is cordially invited
to enjoy this commeration of
the birth of our Lord and Savior
An offering will be taken to
assist needy families in the city
Vested Choir Will
at Silverton
Silverton A pre-Christmas
evening of song will be given
Sunday evening, at the First
Christian church, with Mrs.
Frances Willard-Ployhart direct
ing the vested choir of more
than 30 voices. This is the second
musical program in a planned
The program will take the
place of the regular service.
The children will be given a
special evening of song and pro
, gram, Thursday, December 22
i in the annual Christmas hour
On Sunday evening, December!
25, a number of members of the
congregation have tentatively
planned an evening of Christmas
hymns with the older members
of the group special guests. More
definite announcements will be
made later.
Concerts Scheduled
Af Silverton Church
Silverton One of the stellar
attractions in the holiday season
of song, will be the appearance
of the Silverton high school 48
voice choral group, directed by
Justin L. Dyrud, at the First
Christian church Sunday fore
noon worship hour.
The two special numbers to
be given are the favorite hymn
arrangement of "Mighty Fort
ress is my God", and Folk Song
rendition of ' Carol Bells .
Sunday evening the entire ser
vice hour of the First Christian
church will be given over to the
second in a series of choir con
certs with Mrs. Frances Willard
Ployhart d'rncting the regular
vestea swgprs oi me cnurcn.
Christmss and Dre-holidav music
m v
WILL DC given.
Jjalem & .hurched
Central Lutheran N. Capitol and
Gained. . B. Rundstrom, pa.stor. Broad
cut KOCO, B:1S. Sunday school . 9:45.
Morning worship. 11. ChrLstmu concert
by tho choir, 7:4S.
Flrat MethodUt Church and State.
Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning wor
ship, II. Sermon. "Let's Keep Christ In
Christmas." unurcn scnooi unrutma pag
eant "The Nativity," 6.
Salem Heights Community Liberty
road at Madrona avenue. Sunday school,
10. Preaching services, 11 a.m. and 7:30
P. m.
St. Johns Lutheran (Mo. Synod) Six
teenth and A. H. W. OrcM. pastor. Serv
ices at 9 and 11. Sunday school and Biole
class at 10.
First Church ot Chrlut Sciential Liberty
and Chemelceta. Sunday school at 11.
Morning service at 11. Lesson-sermon. "Is
the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by
Atomic Force?" Nursery lor children up
to 3 years of age provided during the
morning service. Evening service at 6. Lesson-sermon.
"Is the Universe, Including
Man, Evolved- by Atomic Force?"
Jesus Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis St.
Ronald V. Slttser. pastor. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Morning worship. U. Evening wor
ship 7:45.
Institute of Religious Science, Salem
Chapter, Inc. Salem Women's Club, Rev.
Olive Stevens, minister. 11:00 a.m., topic,
"The Divine Conception." No service Jan.
Weil Salem Mtthndlit Third and Garth.
O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school.
0:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Sermon. "Star of
Hope." 7 p.m.: All church and community
Christmas dedication service. A candle
llalited service of son. and dedication,
usln. Christmas songs only.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L.
oodenberser, assistant pastor. 9:45,
Church school. Two morning services:
9:45 and 11. "At Bethlehem's Gate." Ser
mon by the pastor.
The eorraniaed Church of Jeau Christ
of Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and
Chemeketa. Chas H. Asher, pastor. Church
school, 10. Worship service. 11. chas. H.
Asner, speaker, zion s league, o:su. rray
er service, 7:30.
Kinawood Bible 1125 Elm street. A. H.
Padenrecht. pastor. Bible school. 9:45.
Morning worship. 10:45. Christmas serv
ice, presenting "The Christmas Blessing,"
upon the screen, 7:30.
Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at
Jefferson. Louts C. Kirby D. D pastor,
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service. 11,
Sermon, "The Angel's Christmas Mes
sage." Evening service, 7!30. The choir
will present the Christmas cantata: "The
Light Eternal."
Knight Memorial Congregntlonal Nine
teenth and Ferry. Louis E. White, minis
ter. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning worship,
u. service ot cnmimas music oy me
Knight Memorial choir under the direc
tion of Mrs. Richard F. Smart, with Mrs.
Lewis Mitchell as organist. Minister's
meditation, "The Lost Star." Also church
time nursery. Pilgrim fellowship. 6:30.
Senior and Junior high groups.
I. Mark Evangelical Lutheran 343 N.
Church. Rev. M. A. Getzendaner, D. D..
pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Sermon. "The Angel's Message."
Luther league. 8:30 p.m. A Christmas mu
sical service by the choir, 8 P.m.
United Pentecostal 445 Perry. Rev.
Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school,
045 a.m. Morning service. 11. Evenina
service. 7:45 p.m.
The Metaphysical Center 362 N.
tage. Healing dally, 12:15.
Central Church of Christ Chemeketa
at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister.
Bible school. 9:45. Preach I nit and wor
ship, 10:49 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
First Spiritualist 24S N. Commercial.
Rev. Maxlne Roberts, speaker. Services at
Jiiu ana 7:so.
Unitarian Fellowship The Unitarian
leuowsmp win meet at the home of Mrs.
js. Anaerson. 1577 court at., at 7:3ti
p.m. Rev. Sidney Petcrman of the Eu
gene Unitarian church will be In charge
oi tne program.
.Court Street Christian 17th and Cnurt.
W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school as
sembly. D:45 a.m. Morning worship and
Communion, 10:50. Sermon subject, "Star
1 in tit." Youth and Bible study hour, 6:30.
Bible school Christmas program, 7:30.
First Christian Hlzh and Center. Dud
ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, associ
ate minister. Morning worship and Com
munion, 10:50. Sermon, "The Christmas
Rush." Dudley Strain. Youth mertlnox.
0:15. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. A Christ
mas musicale oy adult choir. Christmas
music, stringed trio and "Living Pic
tures." Melvln Deist, director of music.
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and
Chemeketa. The Reverend George H. Swilt,
o. u rector, noiy uomm union ( in tne
chapel). 7:30 a.m. Junior church and
classes, 0:30 a.m. Nursery school In parish
nouse, li. rrayer service ana sermon, 11.
Vespers and church school Christmas
pageant, 5 p.m.
Leslie Methodist S. Commercial at My
s. G. Wesley Turner. uaMor. Sundnv
school, 0:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon,
"Our Fnlth in Christ." Evening service,
7:30. Christmas cantata, "Hall Messiah,"
oy comDinea Youtn and Adult choirs.
Bethany Evangelical Reformed Mar
lon and Capitol street, Rev. Russell May
er, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship,
11. Sunday school Christmas program,
Christian and Missionary Alliance N,
5th at Gaines, Richard J. Abrams, minis
ter, services 0:45 and 11 a. m.: 7:30 n. m.
Sunday. Sunday, 7:30 p. m cantata, "The
music oi Jjetmenem, jonn Sen mid t Jr.,
First Evangelical United Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Summer. Wilmer N
Brown. Sunday school Christmas pro
gram at io:ao a. m., "a cnmtms
Dream." choir cantata. "The Song of
unristmaa" at 7:4b p. m.
First Baptist Marlon it Liberty. Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday school.
b:; morning worsnip, n. youtn meet
ings, 6:15 p. m. Evening service, "Child
ren's Christmas Program," by the Sun
day school children.
Halbert Memorial Baotlat One mile
north of underpass on highway 8S-E. Rev.
e. BricKweaei, pastor, sunaay scnooi.
8:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11. Young
people a league, s:jo p. m. Evening gospel
service, 7:30 p. m.
Four Corners Baptist State and Elma
streets, rour corners, nev. victor u.
Loucks, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.;
morning worship, 11; evening gospel serv
ice, 7:30 p. m.
flalem Heights Community church Lib
erty road, Mr. Lee Shipley, minister. Bun-
aay scnooi, 10 a. m. Mr. diaries stepnens,
superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a, ra.
Mr. Shipley speaking.
First Church of God Hood and N. Cot
tage. O, W, Clemens, pastor. Phone 3-8740.
Church school, 0:45 a. m., Mrs. Clemens,
superintendent: morning worship, n
m., topic, "God's Greatest Wish." by
guest speaKer, rtev. c. h. Anrenat. port
land; 6:45 p. ui.. Youth Fellowship, La
velle Bishop, president; 7:45 p. m.. eve
ning worship, topic, "Christ's Last Re
quest,' Rev. Ahrendt.
Cbnreh af Jesai Cbrlit of Latter Day
Saints John E. Salisbury, bishop, 5th
and Madlsoa streets. Sunday school.
a. m.; priesthood meeting. 11:30; evening
prvice. b:jo.
Amity Churches
Baptist Bruce Wakeman. pastor. Sun
day school. 10 e. m.; morning worship,
11 a. m . topic, "Commanded to Love";
Youth Fellowship. 7 p. m.; evening serv
ice, 8 p. m., topic, "Agony In the Gar
den." Methodist Fremont Paul, minister.
Sunday school 10 a. m.; morning worship.
II a. m. (Membership Sunday. t Junior
Fellowship, 6 p. m.; Methodist Youth
Fellowship, 7 p. m.
Church af Christ Wm. T. Morse, pas
tor. Bible ichool, 10 a. m.; morning wor
ship 11 a. m. Junior C. E. 6:30 p. m.:
evening service 7:30 p. m.
Awmbiy of r.od-wiiiism Bwhy ps-
'or- Snda? school, 0 45 a. m.:
worship, 11 a. m.; special youth service.
t7:ll p. B.; evening nrvlce, 7 41 p. m.
DON'T FORGET . . . Tfie mean
ing of Christmas. Talc time
in oil the rush and festivity
to renew your faith and hear
again the Christmas story.
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at
10. Evening service at 7.
Sunday school at
t. Paul's Catholic Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10.
Weekdays, 6.
Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas
lor. Sunday school, 9:45. Divine worship,
11. Young people's society at 6:45. Evan
gelistic at 8.
Church of God Rev. F. E. Nfx. pastor.
Sunday school at 10. Worship hour at 11.
Evening services at 6.
Seventh Day Adventist Elder A. D.
Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder, in charge. Sabbath school Sat
urday, 9:30. Morning worship at 11, Sat
urday. Sunday evening evangelistic ser
vice. Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Sermon by, pastor, 11,
Young people meet at 7. Evangelistic ser
mon at 8.
Methodist Marnuam and Molalla joint
pastorate. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bible
school and sermon forenoon, Sunday, at
Marquam, afternoon at Molalla.
Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor.
Sunday school hour, 9:45 until general
worship hour, 11, will be the annual Sun
dav school Dronram for the children. Ser
mon, 11. by pastor. Youth Fellowship
group will sponsor a program when the
adult choir will give a Christmas can
tata at the 7:30 evening hour, A youth
pageant win also be featured.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
minister. Bible school, 9:45. Communion
and sermon, 11, Subject: "Christmas: Com
mercialized or Christianized?" Special mu
sic by high school chorus of 48 voices,
Justin L. Dyrud. director. Evening evan
gelistic hour, 7:30. A special program by
tne vestea cnurcn cnoir, airectea oy Airs.
P. Ployhart.
Calvary Lutheran Pastor supplied.
Sunday school and Bible class. 10. Morn-
ning worship, 11. Communion, sermon by
kcv. f. w. tricKson oi &aiem. won ur
ination class Saturday, 10.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlie, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10.
Divine worship. 11. Sermon: "Prepara
tion for Christmas." Special music, Holy
Communion. Sunday school Christmas
tree festival Sunday evening, 7:30. Pro
gram by Sunday school. Confirmation
classes, 9 and 10:30, Saturday.
Trinity LutheranPastor suDolied. Biin-
dny school and Bible class, 10. Divine wor
ship, 11. Sermon by Rev. R. G, Hovland.
Lutner league, 7:30. Christmas program
and exchange of gifts. Confirmation
classes, 0 and 10:30, Saturday forenoon.
Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor
on T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school,
0. Worship service, 11. Sermon by pas
or: "The Promise of the Holy Ghost."
Youth meeting, 6. Evening evangelistic
service. 7:30. Special music by the young
ioik. sermon theme: "The Second Coming
of Christ."
Seotts Mills Friends Calvin Hull, min
ister. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening
service. 7:30. Mid-week prayer meeting.
Wednesday, 7:30. Sunday evening, Decem
ber 18 the Sunday school will give Its
Christmas program at 8.
Jason Lee Choir
Gives Cantata
The Jason Lee Choir of 26
voices, directed by Mrs. Glen
Humiston and accompanied by
Mrs. C. A. McCIure at the organ
and Mrs. Richard Bell at the
piano, will present the cantata,
"The Light Eternal" Sunday
evening, December 18th at 7:30.
The cantata contains 13 numb
At the 11 o'clock service, the
pastor, Dr. Louis C. Kirby, will
speak on the topic: "The Angel's
Christmas Message." The choir
will sing "Jubilate and Away in
the Manger," a duet: "Jesus
Bambino" by Mrs. Nick Brink
ley and Mrs. Otto Yunker; and
a- ladies' chorus will sing "The
Shepherd Christmas Song," with
an incidental solo by Mrs. Arch
ie Brewster. The public is in
Guest Speaker at
Church of God
Rev. E. H. Ahrendt, of Port
land, will be the guest speaker
Sunday at the First Church of
God, Hood and N. Cottage.
Rev. Ahrendt is one of the
pioneer ministers of the church
and is now retired. His topic
for the morning service at 11:00
o'clock will be: "God's Greatest
Wish." In the evening service
beginning at 7:45 oclock, he
will speak on the subject
"Christ s Last Request.
The pastor, Rev. Oral W,
Clemens, extends a cordial wel-
by the
Choir of First Christian Church
Center & High
7:45 P.M.
Great Christmas Music
MELVIN GEIST. Director of Music
Dallas Churches
First Christian Bible ichool, 9:45, Mor
ning worship, 11. Sermon by Rev. Ken
neth Johnston, pastor. "Personal Enemy
No. 1." Christian Endeavor fellowship. 6.
Study, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon,
"What Does Christ Mean to You?"
Christian and Missionary Alliance O.
E. McGarvey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45.
Morning worship, 11. "Foreshadows of the
Coming Light or the World.' Special pray
er, 7:15. Evening service, 7:45. Sermon.
"The Perfect Timing of the Coming of
Christ." Afterglow radio program, station
KOCO, from this church. 9:30.
Mennonlte Brethren a. H. Jantzen,
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Worship serv
ice, 10:45. Church choir program, 7:45.
First Baptist E. J. Schroeder, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11.
Training union, 7. Evening worship, 8.
First Methodist Clark B. Ens, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11.
Sermon, "Image of God." Candlelight
vesper service oi unrisimaa music, i. u
evening reintce.
Assembly of God Alfred R. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship,1
11. Christ Ambassadors, Junior C.A.s.
adult vesper service, 7. Evangelistic
meeting, 8.
Evangelical United Brethren R. Wil
liam Elmer, minister. Sunday school, 9:45.
Morning worship. 11. Choir concert and
young people's Christmas play, 7:46.
Christian Science Bunday school. 9:45.
Service, 11. Subject oi tne lesson-sermon
(or this week Is "Is the Universe, Includ
ing Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?'
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P.
Toews. pastor, senior ounany schuui, .
e,iriQ tchnnl nfintr KPt-vlce. 0:35: classes.
in. worshin. 11. Sermon topic, "Faith In
Practice." Christian Endeavor, 7:30.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff,
nnstnr. Sundav school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Evening service. 7:30. Christmas
program by young people ana piay, inc
Hidden uiu.
twmmn r,omil Sundav school, 10.
Morning worship. 11. Evangelistic service.
Free Methodist R. W. McCormlck. pas
r. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, II
a.m. and 7:45 p.m.
Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com
munion, 11.
Palls cut Methtodlst James H. Rover,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor-
snip, 11.
Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30. Morning worship, 11.
Evangelistic service, 7:50.
Seventh Day Adventist Sabbath school,
9:45. Sermon, 11.
Church of God Henry Loggan. pastor,
fiimduv KchoDl. fl:45. Morning worship, 11.
Young people's meeting, 8:45. Evangelistic
service, i;ia.
St Thnm.i F.oisconal Cvril P. Hun-
ncy, pastor. Church school, 10. Morning
prayer, 11. Holy baptism, 12:30.
Falls City Seventh Day Adventist Sab
bath school, 0:30. Preaching, 11.
Union Missionary Baptist W. A. Heard,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11.
First Presbyterian Earl William Ben
bow, D.D., minister. Sunday school. 9:46.
Morning worship. 11. Sermon, "Getting
Ready for Christmas."
Grace Mennonlte J. J. Regler. pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11.
Christian fellowship, 7:30.
Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert
Johnson, pastor, Sunday school, 10. Morn
ing service, ll. Young people's meeting,
7:30. Evangelistic service, 8.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
scnooi, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45.
Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 8:30.
Oak Orove Chapel Fremont Paul, min
ister. Morning service. 9:45. Sunday school
Eola Sunday School Sunday school,
:4&, Morning worship, 11.
Rlckreall Sunday School J. N, Thles-
scn, eupt. eunaay scnooi, v:ju.
I. Phillips Catholic Father John Bab
ysit, pastor. Mass, iu:id.
Trinity Lutheran Sunday school, 10.
Divine service, 11. Luther league and
youth confirmation class, 7.
Stayton Churches
R.Dllat R.T. WUlard Buckner. pastor
Sunday school. 10. Mornlnf worship. 11.
Tralnlm hour. 7:15. Evening service, S.
Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas
tor. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11,
Youth fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship,
8 o'clock.
Church of Christ L. M. field, minister.
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
ning worship, 6.
Methodist John Moranse. pastor. Bible
school, 10. Worship service. 11. Youth fel
lowship, 8:30. Evening worship, 9.
Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock
well, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morninz
service, 11. Young people's meeting, 8:46.
evening evangelistic service, i:o.
Immaculate Conception Cathnllo Rev.
Nath, Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses fl, 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.
St. Patrick's Catholic (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st , 2nd and Sth Sundays mass at
Our Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule. 1st, 2nd and Sth Sundays mass 8:30
a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30.
Baptist Bruce Wakeman. pastor Sun
day school 10. Morning worship, 11, Youth
fellowship, 7. Evening service, 8.
Church sf Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school 10. Morning worship 11.
Junior meeting, 7. Young people's meet
ing, 7. Evening services, 8.
Methodist Rev. Fremont Paul, Pastor,
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11.
Junior fellowship, 6. Youth fellowship,
7 o'clock.
Assembly af God Stayton. Rev. P. C.
Walcher, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morn
ing worship service. 11. Evangelistic serv
ice, 8 p.m. Young people's meeting, 7 p.m.
Mill City Churches
First Presbyterian Dr. David J. Fergu
son. minister. Sunday school, 10. Morn
Ing church service, 11. Sermon, "The
Town Where He Was Brought Up." Jun
ior and Senior Youth Fellowship, 6:30.
First Christian Thomas Courtney.
pastor. Bible school, 0:4ft. Morning wor
ship, ll. Christian Endeavor nour, v:jd.
Evening worship, 7:4ft.
St. Catherine Cathnllr Father C. Mai,
pastor. Sunday mass, 9. Confessions heard
before mass.
First Methodist L. C. Gould, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Morning cnurcn serV'
Ice, 11. Evening worship, 7:30.
Community Rev. Wayne W. Watklns,
pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning serv
ice, li. Evening worsnip. 7:30.
come to all to attend these services.
Silverton Methodists
Presenting Program
Silverton The Methodist
choir of the church, under the
direction of Felix Wright and
Mrs, Helen McCannel, organist,
will present the cantata, "The
Child of Bethlehem," Sunday
night. Soloists will be Ben
Sprick, Frank Dederick, Lois
Spenner. Janet and Joyce Herig-
stad; duet, by Ben Sprick and
Bill Stoltz; soprano solo, by
Louise Smith, and solo by Mar
gie Leonard and Felix Wright
with supporting chorus.
The cantata will be sung in
two parts and during the inter
mission the Youth Fellowship
group under the direction of
Mrs. Elaine Fisher, will present
a pageant entitled, "The Com
ing of Christ," an arrangement
by Dorothy Weatherby and oth
Ths cast features David Flnlay, as Is
aiah. Betty Montgomery as Mary. Loel
Wright as Joseph. Angels, Jean Porter, Su
san Yeatman. Barbara Skalle, MarJorle
Hahn, and Vivian Reeves. Wise Men. Klrby
Brown. Charles Westfalt and David Gen
try. Shepherds, Darrell Johnson, Richard
Naegell and Larry Comer.
Readers. Blair Flnlay. Raymond Riches
and Diana Hobart. Stage Crew, Wayne
Spencer and Bob Jones. The chorus Is
composed of Mar let a Smith. Dlnna Ho
bnrt. Louise Smith, Darlene Bradley, Betty
Prcsho, Geraldtne Hamblen. Norma Olsen,
Martha Browning, Joyce Hertgstad, Mar
gie Leonard, John wilkersoti, Edson
Montgomery, Bill Woodall, Kenneth Nae
gell and Kenneth Hahn.
Trumpet solo, Kenneth Nurse) I and
Kenneth Hahn. Vocal solo. Martha Brown
ing. Organist, Joyce Herlgstad.
Lyons Music Groups
Presenting Concert
Lyons Three newly organiz
ed musical groups will combine
their talents to present their
first Christmas concert at the
Lyons Methodist church on Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock. They
are the senior and junior choirs,
under the direction of Mrs. Rob
ert Fetherston, and the mens
chorus under the direction of
Mrs. Charles Power, Mrs. Mar
vin Toland is pianist for all
three groups. This concert is be
ing presented in addition to the
regular Sunday school program
which. is on Friday evening De
cember 23. The concert to which
the public is cordially invited to
attend will offer the following
Processional "Silent Ninht". Mrs. Mar
vin Toland. "Carol Naul" by Peter J.
Wllhauskev. senior choir, flcrlntnr i.nk
t-w-i. ev. jewen. "Moiy mem , Mrs.
V. Fetherston, Mrs. O. A. Jewell. Mrs.
P. Johnston. "I heard the. hPii. nn
Christmas day", and " It came upon a
Midnight Clear", Junior choir. "The Holy
City," Mrs. R. V. Fetherston. "There's a
song in the air," Mens" chorus. "Bless
mis nouse." Paul Jewell. "Silent Night,"
Men's chorus. "Jean nmhlnn ur
Charles Power. "Star of the East," Mrs.
J. Lande, Mrs. O. P, Johnston. J. Prid-
eaux, w. Power. "Joy to the World." "Oh
Little town ot Bethlehem," Hark the Her
ald Angela ainn." "O Come All Ye Faith
ful," and "Silent night. Holy night".
audience and choir. "Glory to God in the
Highest," .senior choir.
Christians Plan
Full Observance
Christmas will be observed
next Sunday at the First Chris
tian Church at all services. The
adult choir, under the direction
of Dean Melvin Geist, will pre
sent a Christmas Musicale Sun
day evening, 7:45, which will
include Christmas anthems, a
string trio, and "living pictures."
Following the evening service,
the combined youth group of the
church will go carolling to the
institutions and various homes.
At the morning service. Rev.
Dudley Strain, pastor, will speak
on "The Christmas Rush." The
choir will sing, "Incline Thine
Ear" by Hummel with Peter
Larson, incidental soloist. The
offertory solo, "Psalm of
Praise", by Hallem will be sung
Dy Raymond Glen Leuning, ten
Wednesday evening, the chil
dren of the Sunday School will
present a pageant, "Christmas
Eve," in the sanctuary at 7:30
Talbot Churches
Talbot CommunitT Church Talbot. Ore
Rev. R. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday
amuui, iu a. m., L,oren tioven, superin
tendent; divine worship. 11 a. m.. mes
sage, "Three Fires." Young People's
tjioupa mre, bi o:ju p. m. evening serv
ice. 7:30 p. m. The church choir will pre
sent a Christmas cantata entitled, "While
Shepherds Watched." At the close of the
service- there will be a Baptismal service.
First Evangelical United Brethren Church
Marion and Summer St.
Ernest Friesen, director - William Fawk, organist
10:50 A.M.
R. H. Ermel Superintendent
Candle Light Service, Wed., Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m.
Church of Cod Third and Grant sts.,
Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school,
i. m.; worsnip, 11 a. m. ana s p. m.;
P., 7 p. m.
Assembly r-f God Second and Lincoln
:. Lester Oibson. pastor. Sunday school.
9:45 a, m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:45
n.; Y. P., 0:45 p. m.
Free Methodist Young and Gatch Sts..
Mrs. Rozella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:45 p. m.
Christian E, Lincoln and Doud Sts.-
Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school, l
a. m.; service, 11 a. m.; C. E., 7 p. m.i
evening service, 8 p. m.
Met hod lit Young and B sts.. Ormal B.
Trick, pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.;
worship, 11 a. m.
Foursquare 1 197 E. Lincoln St. Ar
thur Goble, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45
m.; worship, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.;
P., 6:45 p. m.
Bethel Preubylerlan 3 miles east on
Union School road. Earl K. Fenton. pas
tor, worsnip, iu a, m.; etunaay scnooi,
10:45 a, m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday school,
a. m.; Sacrament meeting, 11:30.
t. Agnes Catholic (Hubbard) Attend
ed by Woodburn parish priests, Sunday
masses, 8:30 a. m.
I. Mary's V.p lie opal E. Lincoln at
Cunld's Court. Clarence C. Slocum. vlcnr.
Church school, 0:30 a. m. Divine worship,
li a, m.
Bible Baptist Orange hall, Settlemier
id Harrison, Earl Baker, pis tor. Sun
day school, 9:45 a, in.; worship service.
u a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Y. p., 6:45 p. m.
ImmanurT Lutheran Harvin N. Chris
tennrn. puiMor, Doud and Oswald sts.
Worship service, 11 a. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m.
nerral Prenbylerian Ernest Tremhtav.
onstor. Sundav school. 10 a. m.; worship.
U a. m.; C. E., 7:30 p. m.
St. Lukr'a Catholic V. L. Moflenbefer
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 41 h.
Sunday servires. 7 a. m.. 8:30 a. m.. 10:30
a. m.: devotions, 4 p. m.. Sunday. Week
day mas, 8:15 a. m.; devotions Friday.
7:4S p. m.
The Reorganized Church of Jesus ChrM
of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second
and Garfield. George Omans. pastor.
Church school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a.
m. Zions League, 7 p. m. Lecture atudy.
a p. m.
First Fresbvterlan Garfield and Third
ts. Earl K. Fenton. nastor. Sundav
school, 9:4S a. m. Divine worship, 11
m. and 7:30 p. m.: Y. P., fl:30 p. m.
Nativity Theme
Of EUB Service
The illustrated Christmas can
tata, "The Song of Christmas"
by Roy Ringwald, will be pre
sented by the First Evangelical
united Brethren Church choir
Sunday night, December 18 at
7:45, under the direction of
Ernest Friesen, with William
Fawk, organist. A stringed en
semble will also accompany the
The story of the Nativity Is
told in Christmas songs, carols
and Biblical verses and illus
trated by colored art pictures.
The script, which was arranged
By Kev. Wilmer N. Brown, will
be read by Mrs. Donald Senter.
Solo parts will be taken by Con
nie Nickcy, Genevieve Jaffe.
Diane Riggs, Enoch Maerz, and
Waldcmar Krause.
The Sunday School will pre
sent the pageant, "A Christmas
Dream" at the 10:50 morning
worship service.
A candlelight service will be
held on Wednesday night, De
cember 21 at 7:30 p.m.
First Methodist
Church Down Town
The Tall White Spire
Church School 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship 1 1 a.m..
Sermon by the Pastor
Anthem "Glad Tidings of
Great Joy" (Bornshein)
Solo "Cantique de Noel"
" " Betty Starr Anderson
5:00 p.m.
Christmas Pageant
Open House in the Church
Brooks H. Moore, minister
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 16, 194915
Nazarenes Give
Program Sunday
Becinnine at 9:45 a. m., Sun
day, December 18, First Church
of the Nazarene will present her
annual Christmas program from
tile children's department of the
Sunday school. William Beaver
is Sunday School superintendent,
Mrs. Floyd Nagel is in charge
of the beginners department
Mrs. A. G. Schroeder the pri
mary department, Mrs. Fred
Riedesel the junior department,
and Mr. Vernon Obert super
vises the intermediate depart
ment. During this period of pro
gram and worship, the pastor,
Rev. Orville W. Jenkins will
bring a message on the subject
"The Glory of Bethlehem."
The church choir and orches
tra are presenting their program
in the evening at the 7:30 o'clock
service. They will present the
well known Christmas hymns
and carols. Different vocal
groups and also instrumental
numbers will be given during
this evening of special music,
The choir and orchestra are
under the leadership of ProfeS'
sor Ronald J. Lush.
Calvary Baptist Church
1230 South Liberty
1 1 :00 a.m. "The King of Hearts"
4:30 p.m. Traditional Candlelight Vesper. A beau
tiful service of carols, special music and
Christmas meditation.
Mata Thristmas Meaningful
Worship at Calvary
Episcopalian Church
Offers Full Program
Woodburn St. Mary's Epis
copal '-hurch will initiate the
Christmas season with morning
prayer and sermon "John the
Baptist," Sunday, December 18.
Friday, December 23 at 8 p. m.
will be the traditional Christ
mas pageant by the church
school children and a party fol
lowing. Saturday, Dec. 24 at 8
p.m. will be Christmas eve wor
ship and carol service; Sunday,
Christmas Day at 11 a. m. will
be Holy Eucharist, preceded by
carol singing; Sunday, Jan. 1,
at 11 a. m. will be celebration of
the Divine Liturgy.
North Capital and Gaines
G. B. Randstrom, Pastor
Sunday School for all ages .... 9:45
Mornlna Worship U:00
Christmas Concert ":5
Rev. Robert O. Hovland will apeak.
Listen to the Central Lutheran Hour
every Sunday mornlnir 0:15, KOCO
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