' ' Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Hntrsday, Dec 13, 19439 MILLER'S PRESENT GOOD QUALITY CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY.., (or slendel or small legs uodlte for average size legs dncheM for tall, larger legs and laMl. for largest legs r I mm- X THERE'S A GREAT DAY COMING! Women's Sweaters Nylon, wool pull overs In pastels and bright shades. 34 to 40. 2nd floor Reg. to (7.95 now $1.00 Rayon Jersey Nightgowns Reg. $6.95! Pink, blue, rose. Smart ly styled. A very fine gift. 2nd floor. Now Women's Blouses Reg. to $8,951 Ir regulars from famous make. Small sizes, 2nd floor. Now $2.oo Women's Blouses 0.98 Women's Chenille Robes 5.95 Women's Suit Slips l.98 Reg. $8.95 1 Tor her gift see these chenille robes at a saving! 2nd floor now Reg. $3,981 Suit slips with white tops! Blue or black skirt bot toms. These ar nylon. 2nd floor. Reg. to $8.95! 34, 36, 38. Also nylon sweaters in well known b ra n d Shop now and save. 2nd floor, now $3.oo Women's Blouses Reg. to $12.50! Ijong and short sleeve, Peter Pan and other collars. Also some cash mere sweaters in this group. 32 to 40. 2nd floor. ... $4.oo Women's Skirts Reg. to $4.95! Ray on gabardines in black, brown grey, red and green. Olos - out. 2nd floor ., .. ,, .. 3.50 Women's Skirts Reg. to $3.S5! Special purchase . . . front pleats, black, green, grey. 2nd floor. Clear ance price 2.50 Women's Nylon Panties '1.95 Women's Rayon Crepe Frocks Reg. $14,951 Downstairs. A grand clean up of our stocks before Christmas! Dressy, casuals or sport styles, or for workaday! 12 to 20 and 144 to 24Vi. downstairs. Clearance tomorrow $5.00 Women's Winter Coats Reg, to $29.95! Downstairs, New Prom our regular stocks! Grey, red, brown, green, tan etc. Sizes 12 to 18, I9.95 Women's Dresses Reg. $37.50 2nd floor. Holiday frocks in satins! Also rayon crepes. Black, browns, green, luggage tans, etc. Bead ed trimmed dresy, and casual styles, 2nd floor. 10 to 20 and 38 to 44. Clear ance 19.95 Women's Slipper Sox $.49 Table Lamps 14.95 Quilted Plastic Chests 6.95 Plastie Coat Hangers $1.00 Garment Bags 3.98 Plastic Shoe Bags 98 Cannon Bath Towels $1.50 Reg. $3.35 Bright plaid wool uppers with felt soles. Suecial Hoss dept. Sparkling crystals , , , gleaming brass , . . and hand dec orated china com plete with shades. 3rd floor furniture Reg. $6.95! Five drawer style . . , wood reinforced. Blue, green, rose. Notion dept. Now Reg. $1.50! Smart gifts! Colored plastic very dur able. Ribbon tied. Notion dept. Now Reg. $4.98! In quilted plastic to match five drawer chests. Clearance now . , . Notion dept. Reg, $2.98 to match the above ohests and bags. Bucilla Pillow Tubing l.59 Reg. $1.98? Stamp ed and hemstitch ed ready to em broidery. Also Lady Pepperell quality. Downstairs Women's Scuff Slippers '1.95 Reg. $255! Sizes 4 to 9. Blue and pink. Also chil dren's stees $ to i. Children's Omphies Scuffs Blue and red In this popular slip per. Stses to t. Reg. to $3,95! Famous brand ir regulars. In briefs and trunk styles, Canary, black, navy. 2nd floor. Clearance ....... Men's Shirts Reg. to $3.95! White and pat terned. Broad cloth and oxford cloth. Well known brands! Assorted style collars. Clearance '1.98 Reg. $2,501 Spe cial purchase of irregulars lor this pre - Christmas bath towel sale. Downstairs ..... Cannon Bath Towels Regular $1.29 quality $1.00 Regular 85c quality.. 50c Wash Cloths, reg. 25c quality 20 C Girls' Winter Coats In new styles and wanted colors. Broken sizes from 4 to 12 yrs. Down stairs children's dept. $ .95 Rouglitex Drapery Reg, to $2.98 yd. Drapes, slip covers 1 f f etc. All fast color. 4; I IJ Downstairs. Now J J J Marquisette Curtains $8.50 Curtain Panels, Nets Casa Laine Sport Yarn Reg. $14.00 Prts cllla style In 88 x 84 Inches. Email dot pattern, good quality. Downstairs. Reg. $3,951 Ray. ons, nylons i n cream, ecru etc. 45 to 66 inches. 81" long. Down stairs less Reg. 950 ball 2 ra. balls of sport yam for your win ter sweaters. As sorted colors. Deep , to light tones. A famous Bear Brand product. Downstairs. 69 25 Women's Nylon Slips '5.95 Reg. 8.331 Won derful bargains In Irregulars of well known brands. Blue, yellow, lace trimmed. 2nd floor now , IT'S A BELLE-SHARMEER Christmas! FOR HER THIS YEAR It's so easy to choose a hosiery wardrobe of Belle-Sharmeer nylons ! First you choose the weight . . . very sheer to medium and workaday weights! Then our hosiery experts will advise you on your correct proportioned size (very important) . The shades in Belle-Shar-meer cover every daylight as well as evening occasion war. Sizes 8's to ll's. NO. 114 .. . 15 DENIER, 51 GAUGE BELLE-SHARMEERS $7.95 or 3 pr. $5.60 No. 214 .. . 20 DENIER, 51 GAUGE BELLE-SHARMEERS $1.85 or 3 prs. $5.30 NO. 314 .. . 30 DENIER, 51 GAUGE BELLE-SHARMEERS $1.75 or 3 prs. $5.00 NO. 454 .. . 40 DENIER, 45 GAUGE BELLE-SHARMEERS $1.50 or 3 prs. $4.30 SHADES . . . SKYLINE . . . TOWER TAUPE . . .NEUTRONE . . .ASHLIGHT Mail orders" carefully filled . . Christmas gift wrapped Blessings on thee, little man, when you spoil her with those lored V lovely Belle-Sharmeers ! Fitted like a dream, they're oh, to nattering. (And don't worry about guessing her correct leg-size we will know it.) But come in soon. Just telephone for your gift-wrapped Belle-Sharmeer t we've record of her the and favorite ihadeu , f i wq ! I I MAIN FLOOR 1o GWtf i felle- f