Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    i 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Orepon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949
Silent Vigil Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reno of El Monte, Calif.,
watch over their sleeping 10-months-old daughter, Sheila, who
was born with malignant tumors on both eyes and is not ex
pected to live until Christmas. Townspeople of El Monte
have offered their prayers that the Infant may live. (Acme
50 Years Late
Kansas City, Dec. 15 (JP) A
71-year-old woman was hon
eymooning today with a man
she walked out on almost a
half century ago.
Martha Marie Ballard and
Noah Paddack were married
last night. He is 71 also.
Forty-nine years ago Miss
Ballard left her home the
night before she was to marry
Paddack. She went to Denver
and got a job.
Paddack didn't see her again
until 1938 when she returned
to Kansas City. Last August
they patched up differences
and then decided to get mar
ried. "It was a misunderstand
ing," Paddack said yesterday.
"I understand and don't hold
It against her. We both have
more sense now."
Red Purges in East Europe
Point to Stiffening Cold War
London, Dec. 15 UP) Purges of eastern Europe's ruling com
munist parties have been speeded up in a campaign apparently
aimed at stiffening Red resistance to growing western military
Since the Russian-led cominform met In November, diplomats
" here agree, the drive to crush
U.,., r" lnaePendent nationalist feelings
tlOneymOOn LOmeS and build up Russian prestige
nas oeen lurnea on tun blast.
The new rash of purges and
government shakeups from Po
land to Bulgaria promises an in
tensification of the east - west
cold war, these diplomatic
sources believe.
The purges are seen by dip
lomatic observers not only as
an attempt to rid the parties of
those who sympathize with the
west or with Yugosalvia's Tito
ousted from the communist in
formation bureau for defying
Moscow dictates but also to
tighten the party discipline.
The cominform is made up of
communist parties from Russia
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun
gary, Romania, Bulgaria. France
and Italy. Last month is order
ed its members to purge the par
ty of those who fail to support
the Soviet - proclaimed "peace"
drive, and to boost the Soviet
The observers saw as a fore
runner to this announced cam
paign the trial in Hungary of
Former Foreign Minister Lasz
lo Rajk. He was executed on
charges of spying, sabotage and
plotting with Marshal Tito and
the British and Americans to
overthrow the present commu
nist regime there. Rajk himself
was at one time a leading mem
ber of that country's communist
Other events that occurred al
most simultaneously with the
cominform meeting appear to be
no mere coincidence. They were:
1. In Poland, former deputv
Premier Wladyslaw Gomulka
was expelled from the central
committee of the communist par
ty lor allegedly continuing an
"anti-Soviet", nationalist policy.
There are unconfirmed rumors
he may be tried as a nationalist
or Titoist (the words are syn
onymous in cominform vernacular).
2. Polish - born Marshal Con
stants Rokossovsky withdrew
from the Russian army and be
came boss of Poland's army. He
also was given a voice in Polish
political councils bv election to
the communist party central
3. The Bulgarians suddenly
began the trial of former deputy
Premier Traicho Rostov, who to
day Is awaiting sentence in a
Sofia jail on charges of plotting
with Tito and being anti-Soviet.
Rostov's trial had been post
poned twice previously. It is
expected he will receive a severe
sentence possibly death by
hanging although he shocked
the communist world by refusing
to pour out a penitent confes
sion of his guilt.
Pray for Tiny
Cancer Victim
El Monte, Cal., Dec. 15 (U.PJ
Tiny Sheila Reno's family today
asked everybody in town to pray
for the 10-month-old cancer vic
tim who specialists say may not
live to see her second Christinas.
Despite malignant tumors that
clouded her eyes since birth,
Sheila will be able to see the
bright ornaments glittering on
her first Christmas tree.
But her mother, Mrs. Louis
Reno, said tearfully that special
ists gave her daughter only a 50
50 chance to live until her sec
ond. If anything can save Sheila,
it will be prayers, she said.
"I believe in prayer, don't
After Mrs. Reno first noticed
i Shelia's affliction three weeks
ago, her family Mr. and Mrs.
Reno and their nine-year-old-son,
started kneeling in prayer
nightly at the baby's crib.
Neighbors heeded the mother's
request for prayers in their
homes and churches.
- "I hope manv children will
pray for her," Mrs. Reno said.
"I know the Lord listens to
The Renos, however, do not
rely entirely upon prayer. Sheila
gets daily X-ray treatments at a
leading cancer clinic, but doc
tors said it was too early to pre
dict whether they can save her
sight or life.
Silverfon Legion
Joins With Unit
Silverton The regular
meeting of the second Monday
in the month of Delbert Reeves
post No. 7, American Legion, is
set ahead to Monday evening,
December 19, In deference to the
holiday season when the annual
Christmas party for the mem
bers of the auxiliary and chil
dren will be held jointly with
the unit.
' Wealer Orogim. commander, completed
the appointment of tits committee person
5 nel for the coming year's work to Include
, on membership, Fred Evans; legislation,
i Jake Kaufman; Americanism, P, O. Ham
re: service officer, Frank M, Powell: en
tertainment. Dr. A. J. MCannel; flnnnce
officer, Kenneth Webb; community per vice,
Lowell Paup; athletics, Norman Eastman:
publicity, P. M. Powell; crave resist rat Ion,
Dewey Allen; Boya State, C. E. IIininboth
. mm; waya and mean, Arthur Oottenberi,
, C. J. Towe, Ernest Lanliam, Henry Jactc
. eon, RT David, Russell Johnson and Ed
Entertainment' program is to
be given once each month. Fines
are to be imposed on each mem
ber who does not submit two
members or bring two visitors.
The band uniforms were voted
: to be given to the school group.
Pedee Grade School
, Clubs Organized
Pedee Two 4-H clubs have
been organized at the grade
school. Pedee Hustlers Live
stock, Dewey Cummins. Leader,
will meet the first Friday of
each month at the school house.
Officers are: President, Dewey
Cummins, Jr. Vice president,
Orval Stepper; Secretary, Rod
ney Hill; Reporter, Larry Zu
ver Song Leader, Leslie Broad
us Other members are Freddy
Bkeels and Dennis Zuver.
Helping Hands, 4-H Livestock
club. Leader, Glen Olson. Of
ficers are: President Dennis
Clark; Vice president, Bobby i
O'Neal; Secretary, Ronnie Bail-1
Madeay Grange Club
Has Holiday Affair
Macleay Members of the
grange home economics club and
their husbands held the annual
pre-Christmas dinner at the
grange hall.
After dinner the men worked
on the installation of a gas fur
nace and the women made plans
for entertaining the state grange
conference in January.
They also planned a meeting
for Thursday at the Lloyd Keene
Home to make Christmas deco
rations for the home.
During the social hour the
Glad Ladies for the year were
revealed and names drawn for
for 1950.
Officers for the coming year
are: Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr.,
president; Mrs. Richard McKee,
vice president; Mrs. Harry
Prunk, secretary-treasurer.
Thelma Todd Death Remains
Mystery Still After 74 Years
Hollywood, Dec. 15 VPs Was it murder? Or was it suicide?
Or did Thelma Todd accidentally die 14 years ago today?
That riddle has been cause for debate in Hollywood ever since
the blonde star was found dead in her garage one morning in
1935. Here's how the death occurred:
Thelma, the fun -loving ex-
school tpanhpr frnm Tj)tm-Bni, ISeen altve,
Mass., went to a Saturday night
party at the Trocadero in honor
of the English comic, Stanley
Lupino. A chauffeur picked her
up Between 2:30 and 3 a.m. and
drove her back to her cafe at
tne beach. She aDDeared ouiot
and tired.
When she waved eoodhvp in
the driver at four Sunday morn
ing, it was the last time she was
At 1U:15 Monday morning.
Miss Todd's maid opened the
garage door and found the ac
tress slumped in the front seat
oi ner car. sne wore a mauve
and silver evening gown and
mink coat, and jewels ornamen
ted her throat and wrist. She
had been dead at least 12 hours
of carbon monoxide poisoning.
The ignition key was turned
Champagne of fragrances
...Iti heady potency
whirls you to the start.
You will never fathom
the power of a
great French pen.
fume until you
hove known...
It got to
yo r .
$10 & $18.50
Eawde 'Toilette
$2.75 cod $5.00
W M "
3 utnui l sAwii
on and the heavy garge doors
were closed. There were no
notes or other clews. A lengthy
investigation ensued.
Was it murder? Miss Todd's!
lawyer thought so. "I believe
someone knows something about
this case which should be told,"
he said. He added that gamblers
had urged the actress to put
gambling in her cafe, but she
opposed it.
What about suIcldeT Young
Ida Lupino, daughter of the
Troc party's guest of honor told
Miss Todd that night of being
tired of the movie business and
wanting to quit.
"I've been trying to do that
all my life," answered Miss
Todd, "but I guess there's only
one way out."
But Thelma'f mother said:
"My daughter'a death was ac
cidental. I am convinced of that
Suicide Is entirely out of tv,
question. She was too happy fnr
that. Murder Is unthinkable
She had no enemies who wn,,u'
wish to cause her death."
Detective Chief Thad Brown of
the Los Angeles police aere
with that theory. "The deaS
is still accidental in my book"
he told me this week.
JGhe her a
for only
5J pe. rvl lor 8 6S.75
el-pc. rvl for S 79.50
Yen livt 4.00
18 i2
and af little as
A Month
Thrill W with a COMPLETE SET ct fir it!vr
plat In any of these famoui
potterntl Shell b ovroyd
when ih opent the lovely tar
niih proof heit theft Included
with each t. Ute th silver a
you pay for It on this nvn
rnt payment plan.
let; Reporter, Jimmy Mentzer.
Other members are Jerry Ment
zer and Raymond Jackson. Ex
tension agent, Stanley Fansher
helped organize the clubs.
JS pc. i.rvlc. for 8 44.75
(in buff.t chnt, 45.7 5)
Jewelry Dept.
t.rvlc. for 8 11.95
Si ft, i.rvlc. for $ 39.95
1847 ROGERS itrvift for 8 4 Mt-vfc for I 49,
.... EVS
Tailored to Fit and to
Flatter the 5'6 and
Shorter Figure
Typically Sterling in its slmplio
ity is this four button suit. The
finest of fabrics, in Venetian col
ors is manipulated with
leased pleat shoulder flange,
notched collar and a slim slit
miller A
New Second Floor
11 m im
,o. "'
.... th
111 1
i 1 i
r 1 VAi
a"""3 " ..-..ton o"""
New Second Floor