Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1919
Toyland Set
As Theme for
Holiday Ball
. TTieme for the Christmas
dance of Junior Catholic Daugh
. ters of America on December 27
will be "Toyland Frolic." The
party is planned at the No-Name
Members of Our Lady of Fa-
tima troop of the Junior CDA
will be hostesses and Misses
Nancy Brown and Doris Ron
land are co-chairmen for the
Invitations have been sent to
all former Salem Junior CDA
members to attend this annual
affair and some 150 couples are
expected to attend, the dance
being a highlight event of the
holiday season for the high
school group of St. Joseph's par
ish. For Little Girl
Christy McElhinny is observ
ing her third birthday Saturday
and in celebration of the event
her mother, Mrs. H. William Mc
Elhinny will entertain at a par
ty in the afternoon at the home
of the little girl's grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McEl
hinny. In the group will be the
grandmothers. Mrs. Pearl Hill
and Mrs. Charles McElhinny,
Mrs. Josephine Frederickson,
Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. Floyd
Moore. Jr., and Cheryl and Bar
bara Jean Moore; Mrs. Thomas
Hill Jr., and Tommy and Su
san; Mrs. William R. Whinn and
Michael; Mrs. Conrad Paulson
and Kristanj Mrs. Rafael Vene
gas and Lucia; Mrs. Jack Jones
and Jacqueline; Mrs. Jeffrey
McElhinny, Christy and her
IN SCIO Wednesday were
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and
Miss Dorathea Steusloff as
luncheon guests of Mrs. Hazel B.j
Pague. I
Party for Alumnae
Of! Omega alumnae have
planned their annual Christmas
party for this evening at the
chapter house at 7:30 o'clock
Miss Margaret Allen, Mrs
Jackson Hazelett, , Mrs. Dale
Pence and Miss Lorraine Poin
dexter are the committee for the
iMiss Larson
jTo Be Hostess
j Hostess this evening at a par
ity will be Miss Patricia Larson,
i the affair to be a Christmas af
fair. Cards will be played and
a late dessert served. Miss Bev
erly Kenney is to sing during
the evening, and the group will
sing carols.
In the group will be Miss
Kenney, Miss Betty Lou Ed
wards, Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs.
Robert Wagers, Mrs. David Car
ver, Mrs. Leonard Cain. Mrs.
Floyd Riley. Mrs. Paul Gilmer,
Miss Jean Hatfield, Mrs. Nor
man Mann. Mrs. Troy McGowan,
Miss Ruth Roseann Crouth, Miss
Betty Tweedt, Miss Nancy Bur
en. Miss Barbara Uninhn ATrc
jTed Maul, Mrs. Allan Steckley
01 ioany ana ine nostess. The
hostess will be assisted by her
mother, Mrs. Walter Larson.
VISITOR here during the
mid-week from Eugene is Mrs.
Richard Rinde of Eugene. She
is guest of Mrs. John A. Miller,
who is here from Columbus.
Ohio, to spend the holidays with!
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
B. Moxley. j
... j
is to arrive Sunday morning
from Evanston, 111., to spend the
holidays with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. H. A. Gueffroy. Miss I
Gueffroy is a senior at North
western university. She is to
be here two weeks. I
Med Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs William Rov Barber
were married last Saturday afternoon at a ceremony in the
First Congregational church and are shown here leaving the
church following the service. The bride is the former Stella
Jean Carrico. She is the daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B.
Carrico of Phoenix, Arizona, and is a student at Willamette
university. Mr. Barber is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Barber of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture).
Delegates Named
Delegates and alternates to
the Marion county council were
named at the meeting of Unit
No. 136. American Legion aux
iliary, Tuesday evening. The
delegates are Mrs. Harlan A.
Judd. Mrs. Bert A. Walker. Mrs.
Theodore Ullakko, Mrs. Harold
Streeter, Mrs. Jerome Hansen
The alternates include ' Mrs
Rosemary Henningsgard, Mrs
Jack Simkins, Mrs. Mildred De-
Armand, Mrs. Carroll Robinson.
Mrs. Robert Irwin.
The community service
chairman and her committee are
to consider projects. On the
committee with Mrs. Dow Lov
ell as chairman are Mrs. Joseph;
DiFilippi. Mrs. Calvin Maus, j
Mrs. Leslie Beard, Mrs. Bert A.
Members nf the auxiliary will
be at thp eift shnn in thp vptpr.
ans hosDita! in Portland nn Fri-
day of this week to assist there
for the day.
The auxiliary is to supolv
Christmas gifts for 13 veterans
in the state tuberculosis hospital.
Troop Event
The Mystical Rose troop,
Junior Catholic Daughters of
America, held their meeting
December 12 at Beverly Deggel
ler's home. The meeting was
called to order by the president,
Shirley Sommer. Beverly Deg
geller, secretary, read the roll
call and the minutes of the last
I meeting. Cherub chapel will be
held next Sunday, December 18.
j Mrs. Lyle Shepherd treated
the girls with home-made candy,
and then distributed boxes of
Christmas cards which the girls
are to sell.
After the meeting Beverly
and Mrs. Deggeller served re
freshments. ...
HOSTS on Saturday evening
for a bridge party and late sup
per will be Dr. and Mrs. May
nard Shiffer, six couples being
Crarys Are
To Be Feted
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zie
linski will entertain with a buf-
fet supper this coming Saturday)
evening at their new country;
home, Graystone, on route 7,
the affair to honor Mr. and Mrs
Morrell Crary upon the occa
sion of their seventh wedding
Holiday greens and candles
will decorate the room for the
Present will be the honorees.
Mr. and Mrs. Crary; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Dill, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Cou r, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Zielinski, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
E. Gangware, and Mr. and Mrs
'Republican Club
Installs Officers
New officers for the Marion
county unit of the Republican
Women's Federation of Oregon
were installed at the meeting of
the group Tuesday evening in
the Chamber of Commerce.
Mark O. Hatfield, instructor
in political science at Willa
mette university, was speaker
for the evening, discussing the
Hoover commission report and
its importance.
Officers installed are; Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague, president;
Miss Dorathea Steusloff, first
I vice president; Miss Marjorie
(Harris, second vice president;
Miss Elizabeth Porter, secretary;
jMrs. O. K. Beals, treasurer:
j Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs
Helen McLeod and Mrs. Glenn
McCormick, trustees.
Committees for the new year
will be announced later.
AN EVENT for Friday eve
ning will be the Cama club
dance at Crystal Gardens, danc
ing to be between 9:30 and 12:30
o'clock. Guests brought by mem
bers will be admitted free for
this holiday dance.
IN PORTLAND this week-end
will be Mrs. David Bennett Hill
and grandson, Vernon, and Mrs.
William H. Lytle. They will at
tend the Ice Cycles and the
Portland Civic theater's produc
tion of "Alice In Wonderland."
SUGGESTIONS for Christmas
gifts and ideas on wrapping
them will be featured at the
YWCA this evening at 7:30
o'clock. Mrs. Alicia Kannier
from Margwen's shop is to pre
sent the program on Christmas
gifts for all the family and will
demonstrate wrapping gifts.
The young adult committee olj
the YWCA invites all interested
women to attend.
MRS. R. W. CRAIG was host
ess this afternoon for her bridge
group, the members meeting at
luncheon and afternoon of cards
Holiday decorations were used.
Home from School
Among early arrivals home
from the colleges and univer
sities are Misses Ruth Ann and
Janie Pearcy, both Mills college
students, who are spending the
holidays with their father, H. L.
Pearcy. Miss Ruth Ann, who is a
senior at Mills, will be here un
til right after Christmas, and
Miss Janie, a freshman, will be
here until January 6. 1
No Extra
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deserves a
It costs so little to give your lovely diamond
a new look. Bring it in today. We'll show
you a variety of handsome mountings and
help you choose the one that will dramatize
YOUR precious gem. .
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Lovely gifts for o lovely lady! She will love end cherish
Heovenly silk gown ond slips by Fischer , . . luxuruious
housecoats ond robes for her moments of leisure
... an excellent selection of soft wool Jersey
pastels . . . the new short formols and smart
afternoon dresses ... all in time for the holidoy
seoson. Lovable Braemer cashmeres to be worn with
handsome belts . . . exciting new printed scarfs
. . . handbags by Jana ... by Evans . . . Aris ond
Henri Eendel shortie gloves . . . gifts of
frogrance by Jeon Patou, Germaine Montei! ...
jewels by Trifari . . . Castleciiff . . . Een Reig . . .
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260 North High