28 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 Y ROPER IS HERE ?--ASKINeJ MV OLD LADV "lC - I PEETV I THOUGHT I I WHEN THAT HAPPENS , lABOUT ME r.'-YOU DIDNT DIDNT RAISE ANY ,.ttIC HEARD A SCREAM VaROUND HERE, ROPER. 5 iTELL HIM ANVTHING, IDIOT KIDS "CHOKER" "J SllC' jUf DOWN THERE mTUE HEALTHY THING TO T I UA65IE? -75"jr' S fV''3 fr1 -' "" " """" BBJEV6 n a RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY r. M. (Chapter 10) A PRESENT FOR HENRY Henry ran back to Santa land as fast as he could. Mr. Dilly and Serena were waiting lor him in Santa's cottage. "I've got it! I've got it!" ;ried Henry handing the wand to Mr. Dilly. "Thank Boodness!" cried Mr. Dil ly. "When we woke and found you Kone I did not know what to think. I couldn't come after you because Mrs. Claus asked me to stay and watch her cakes." "HIddv dinov." broke in Serena. "You never seen such cakes as they are makincr for tomorrows party Come, boy, there are spoons to lick!" "No no." protested Mr. Dilly. ''Tell us first how you found the wand." So Henrv told them about the strange Wiggle Waggles and how he feared them because of their fierce manners. "Well they can't be very bad since they gave you the wand," said Mr. Dillv. Then he took the wand and put It in Santa's little black box. He felt wonderfully happy. "Now San ta never need know it was gone," he said thankfully as he shut the box and returned It to the corner, Neither he nor Henry dreamed that it wasn i Santa's wana but the wig' gle Waggles' wand which Zezop naa wictteaiy iraaea. "Now. come into the kitchen, aald Mr Dilly. "Mrs. Claus has left us to watcn her cakes while sne is at the ice house tending the Ice cream." What cakes they werel As large as wash tubs and smelling so sweet a boy could hardly stand it he wanted a piece so badly. On the tables were great bowls of frosting: caramel, cocoanut, chocolate, orange, mocha. And sure enough there were spoons to lick and Henry licked them. Presently Mrs. Claus came in and said. 'Come with me, Henry, need your help." She took him to the ice house which really was a big house made of cakes of ice. There were fourteen ice cream freezers each as big as a cement mixer. 'My," said Mrs. Claus. "I don't know how I'll get everything ready on time. I still have the favors to make. I do wish you would stay here and keep tasting the ice cream until id tastes rignt to you. Then turn of the freezers." What a job for a boy! With spoon and saucer in hand Henry moved from freezer to freezer, tast ing as he went. By then it was time to turn off tne ireezers, which was a lucky thing for Henry, I think. He came out of the ice house and went to the toy shop nearby. What confusion! The little Santa Land folk worked madly at their benches, putting heads on dolls, blowing up foot balls, driving nails into wagons, painting tops, and a hundred other jobs which had to be done before Christmas. As they worked they sang and Whistled and sometimes even droo ped everything while they danced a jig on tne worn taDie. ji course this slowed things up a little but it made them happy and of course only truly happy people can make good toys. Still, it made old Patrick Tweedle knees furious. He stomped around the shop pounding his fists on the tables. , "We might as well give up Christ-! mas," he stormed. "No one does any work except me. Stop that dancing! Stop that noise!" No one paid the slightest atten tion. Instead, a funny little brown ie with enormous feet saw Henry and darting to his side he snatched his hands and led him into a jig. Tweedlekneos thrpw nn his hnnrU. "The party has started already, it would seem." he said sourly. i "Of course It has," cried a lovelv fairy and before Tweedleknees could help himself she had caught his nrm and led him into the dance! Then everyone Joined in and what & sight It was to sec as they all leaped and hopped from table to bench to floor, round and round the shop, with Patrick Tweedleknees the liveliest of them all. Finally, gasping for breath, Hen ry said he must leave, for Mr. Dilly would be wondering where he was. "Wait, wait." cried Patrick Twee dleknees hobbling up and taking Henry's arm. "That was the mer riest dance I ever had, boy, and you were the cause of it. Here, now, heres a little Christmas gift for you." He handed Henry a tiny box wrapped in tissue and tied with red ribbon. Henry was so happy and so sur prised he could hardly keep his fingers steady as he pulled eagerly at the ribbon. But Tweedleknees shouted, "No, nor Henry looked up in dismay. "Do not open until Christmas!" said Tweedleknees sternly but giving Henry .all the same, his very nicest smue. Next: The Party SIZES 6 MOS., 1. 2. 3, 4 YRS. Plenty of Pleats It's fun to sew I for daughter! These two pretty little pieatea ana yottea aresses leature young fashion at Its bestyet both are easy and economical to make. (Two separate patterns). No. 2732 is cut in sizes 6 mos., 1, 2,1 4. Size 2. 1 yds. 35-ln. No. 2272 is cut In Blzcs 6 mos.. 1.1 a, 4. size 2, i yds. 35-ln.; match ing panties, yd. 35-in. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling: of! order via first class mall includef an extra So per pattern. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that Includes designs for all members of the family from tiny tots and growing girls to juniors and misses, mature and large-size women? Just Include the FALL- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a bltr aid to every home sewer. Price per copy sue. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number I State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion tst Ban tTancisco d, coin. h i. S Vvs .,. tttF R 2517 Mir; - rincapple Topping Here Is a 12- lnch pineapple dolly Mint will add charm and distinctiveness to any room. The ever-popular motlt is crocheted effectively In sparkling white or subtle ecru. Pattern Envelope No. R2517 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch illustrations and fin ishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c I In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and cone num ber to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour nal. 838 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif, 1 ifr m m SIpPll lP h.t..Ml..n I I AhOEIiSoh itSgP F- jf YES, SIREE, SANpyl THINGS aiiiMnnn,! DOC? WHY ONiy A PATIENT OP I I TIS, rM SURE YOU'RE I NOT QUITE AS llPXjSV. R U SURE HAVE WORKED OUT " YOU WHISTLIri'mD I MM6I fiM BACK IN B 1 OOIN' ALL ANY DOCTOR I SIMPLE AS THAT 7 p BL TEj ID fertKfj&f T 'MR. AMD MRS NEA No'ceI' SfrWXS'f iS. AJ OGB GAMEdrOR BRIDGE, KIHTIIINS WILUVOli,NEBB? 1 IttSFW -t-tt U WHATAPUAf)S2ffSs SAID THAT-J GOODTO4E f-i IE PUHEtKlOCKER! YOU SEE WE REALLV DIDMTj 1 nrnvi ran ug&mm I ti a.? i ' Atxiro 1 ;-'"'j"-i:--jk-Sn rTS TmTmyZmm 1 " ' rrmr i I H !-u-KY W5 , gn.V mi. BE UHLHr ( TAK1? I Maf.rMO''l WHO GOT CAUGHT BY TH' MOST MADDENINJ'LY ) it I T'POFFAWM A HAPPY Jult" ) ME T'S LI'L A I. UNhWH -UL. OTHW QALS THET IT HAD TV V 1 I I AH BIN OFFICIATIM' AT ALL S . -AH WAITi. A I Ibe. hiddcn under a burlap EkAO.' 1 1 I oSa'-S iSSuLorfr: ) S s WfaISuIooII KBUT I VSHE DOESI SHE'SU WHAT WELL, WHEN I WAS J mXT SHE ASKED ME W . . H , . ,n -' M THOUGHT NUTS ABOUT ME HAPPENEDlSURE SHE LOVED S nD W WHAT MV NAME sf W ' ' J U HAZEL BUT IT'S -. ? ME TASKED HER? WAS, SO. NOT HAWNO) EN 7 SHE LIKED T LOVED j-. ALL OVER r TO MARRV ME AND SAy? ' ANV OTHER NAME WHAT? II HAZEL fpl ? kfxUbz myotic -Kirs! n m: f" y 1 1 over at MiLEsrava fxeM r 1 1-- Ff 1&S&!VS '06 PRETTY PARx'puSTY, ( I I IJggU"- ) KILLED THOSESHEEP MISHT JUST TO KEEP ANY SUSPICION FROM V RISHT I V SOMETOINfi 1 II ? TPK THINK IT'S THAT DOS ON PUT HIM ON HIS CHAIN Tl I 60TTA601 dfc& U A."-5jT THE MILES FARM 1 n-. I B& -WJH d Ti pjm JmfHM C K ,4J LlIs3 L"SJ P "lO-V I MMMi'.I FEEL DELIGHTFULLY 7 uAP.D.onw ) WELL If I GOTTA 0O I Virlfla 1 I NCtW WirtlE AMfiRv t .... MSI WARM AND DROWSY.1' 'ANDTHAT. THNKVOU REIN T I CANT IMAGINE A J I f I WITH MEJ ijtoTTi!ouii; I 3 1 ! iMmm-mrmrvm KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO; 620 NEC 970 CBfl 1190 ABC 1390 MBC H90 KcA V.aa TheTs of Us Feature Story Green Hornet Strait hi Arrow Band of Dir 2:Vc Foster, Newt Little Show tireen Hornet Straiibt Arrow Band or Dar enSonta or Timet News Jack Armstroni Capt. Midnight Bine Croaby g.g Elmer Pcttnon Ncwi Jack Armstroni Capt. Midnight Buslneaa Newt "cTfin Screen gild Suapenaa FirelUhtera Gab. neater Candle Llr;hY" 8:Ve Screen Guild Suspemt Homo Edition N. W. News a silver cIonMui. Cavalcade Crime Mod. flomanees Tello Teat tftwa 6:45 Mu' Cavalcade rhotorrapher Mod. Bomaiicci Serenade TwiUiht Bona- fj.nn Perry Corao f ha Plajrhonio Countenpy Drama Pat O'Brien " 7 lie Perry Como The PlayhouM Counterspy Sinxlng Stlran Maala. Jackpol m'.on Drat-net Hollywood Date With Jadr T B A Evelya Knit hi 7 :45 Dra'nct Theater Pate With Judy T B A Sport "oTflin Slnatra-Klrsten Lowell Thomai Amateur Hour Hop'lnr Caaaldy Track 140 ' S.i k World News Tack Smith Amateur Hour llop'lnjt Catildy Track It 30 S.'on Aid rich Family Mr, Keen Amateur Hour Lean Back Track UV0 gAldrlch Family Mr. Keen B. Montgomery Ray Sinatra Track 1490 q.nn Father Knowa F.B.I. Blondle News Traek ltoo nlVc Father Knowa F.B.I. Rlondfe Barber Shop Track 14M q'Aa Duffy's Tavern Reulah As We Sea It Ray Block News f)4fi Pufty'a Tavern Club 15 Our Town Ray Block Martha Tiltoa jn'oo Sam nayes S Star Final Rtchf'ld Rep'tr Fult. Lewis Jr. Night Sons" " 1015 Mort. Downey Vou & World Intermeuo Local Newt Nlsht Song lfl'SO Sp,s' lee- Intl Alrflo Concert Hour News Mutlo Vou Want 1q Orchestra Orchestra Concert Hour Muslo Mualo You Want 11:00 New Serenade Concert Hour I Lava Mystery Nootnrne 11:15 Wag Museum Organ Musle Concert Hour Muslo Nocturne 11:30 Museum Handstand Memos Car. Cavallero Ndcturna 11 ;45 Wag Museum News Memos Car. Cavallero Noctarne 12:0dls'tn Q Silent Xtra Hour (sign' Off Islgn' OH " FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 6:00 Hodge Podge News Farm News INewa Summary 6:15 Kneass News KOIN Ktock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tlmo KOCO Klock 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling News KOCO Klock. 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Klock Washb'rn News News Tex Bitter ' 7:15 Old Sonza N'ewa Mart. Agronsky Drkfst. Ganc KOCO Klock 7:30 Kneass Newi News Bob Haien Mnsio News 7:45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bar- Counter King's CrtuadT 8:15 Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club Family Affair King's Cruaad. 8:30 lack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Dlb'e Institute Western Melod, 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time 9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N- W. News Time for Mei'dyf 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny stars of Today Mos. Memories Time for Mel'dyl 9:30 3 Suns Helen Trent Art Linklelter Pastor'a CaU stars Sing 9:45 Kneass News Our Gal Sunday Art Llnklettcr Walts Time J. chas Thomas 10:00 Marriage (or S Big Sister Sags Riders N'ewa NW News , 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Muslo ' 10:30 Uostess House Dr. Malone My True Story Perry Como Tune Tlmo 10:45 Party Guiding Light My True btury Morgan's Music 8 Keys 11:00 Double, Nothing ind Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladies First Muslo Mart 11 :15 Double. Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladiea First Muslo Mart 11:30 I'od'ya Children Norah Drake N'rthwesterners ueen for Day Jan Oarber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westerners Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Baukbago Talk top Trades H'llrwood Masls 12:15 Road of Life Come Get It News N'ews H'llywood HbsIo 12:30 P. V'ng's Fam. Bright Si Light Jack Norman SW News News 1 12:45 Right to Hap. Art Baker Meet Menjous Bob Ebcrly Dave Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Brkf. In nolly. TeU Neighbor Mac's Melodies 1:15 -Stella Dallas Garry Mooro Brkf. in Uolly. Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies 1:30 Lorenzo Jones Garry Mooro Kay West Organ Rev'ries Mac's MHodles 1:45 Y'ng Wld. Br'n Klrkham News Kay West Bing Sings Mao's Melodies 2:00 Wh. G. Marries Klrkham Newa Jay Stewart Bob Pools Mao'g Melodies' 2:15 Por. Faces Lire Stevo Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mao's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride St Groom Musle for Frf. Mae's Melodies 2:45 Front Pg. Far'll Tunefully lonrs Bride St Groom Music for Frl. Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welo. Travelers Art Klrkham Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mae's Melodies' 3:15 IVcIc. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mae's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodies 3:45 We Love, Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malona Gay Nino ties Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Tims 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cago Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cago Behind Story Byers Can Bo ' 4:45 Paula Stono Edw. Murrow Cin. Bear sews Beantlful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAT Thursday P.M, vn dren's Theateri 5:15, On tho 5:00, Chll. 15. On thi Upbeati 5:00, 650 Sports Club I 8, News! 6:15, Organ Music) 6:30. 'Round Campflret Headlines In Chemistry i 1:15, Eve ning Farm Uoun 8:00, Flying Timet 8:15, Great Songs; 8:30, Vets' News; 8:45, News and Weather; 9:00, Muslo That Endures t 9:45, Evening Medltatlonai 10:00, Sign Off. lHAf Friday A.M. 10:00, News and IXWMV Weather; 10:15, Especially tor Women t 11:00, School of tho Alri 11:15 Concert Hatli 12 :W, Newst 12:15, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy t 1:15, school of the Atrt 1:30, Story Behind Dlscoveryt 1:45, Melody Lanei 8:00, Tho Clubwomen's Half Hoar; 2:30, Memory Book of Musici 8:00, Newst 8:15, Kuslo of the Masters i 4:00, Oregon Reporter! 4:15, Favorite Hymns. Plane Explodes on Dive Bomb Range San Diego, Dec. 15 (U.R) A navy F-8-F Corsair fighter plane crashe dand exploded in the target area of a dive bombing range near El Centro, Cal., Wed nesday, killing the pilot. The 11th naval district re ported the plane was carrying a 500 pound bomb which explod ed when the plane struck the ground under full power. The plane was scattered over a wide area by the blast, which tore the pilot's body into small bits. Name of the flier was with held pending notification of next of kin. ACROSS 1. In addition -4. Tiffs 9, Unseal: poetic 12. Kind of baetls 13. Outer boundary IS. Tapering Pillar IT. City In Illinois 18. Feminine name 19. Pinchers 20. Marsh Kras 21. Arctic 22. City In Iowa 23. Morbid breathing sounds S4. Down: prolix 26. Nourished ST. More rational By way of Type measure Destroys Austrian measure of capacity Author of "The Age of Reason" Masculine name Rude house Proportion Expenditure Make desti tute Resolve Catnip Peer Gynt mother Church goT- ernins; body Three: prefix RCMA lNnWECOTTTN E V 1 IN C EUA F R 1 C A 3tatuIs1Is1tIoIrIeII Solution of Yesterday'! Puula DOWN 1. Fuss ft. Peer ' Y WA4 s I K ifp-FTH l-.l73" W7 WL ao 1 S " ZZM 3113' W wW -p v r w jy :l i Un 1 1 Wrr I. Anticipated with fore bod ina 4. Steeple 5. East Afrisu cola 8. Noah's boat T. Palm lUy 8. Not bo large 9, Aquatic animal 10. Biblical mountain 11. Sea eagles 14. First name of the Inventor of the sewing machine 18. Carries 19. Long sticks 20. Not dangerous 21. Fabric resem- . bling velvet 23. Wet 24. Find 25. Comfortable 57 Wu 28. Different 30. Scope 91 t,nVl 32. Heraldic cross 34. Soft drink aa. uoiors 9fi fit it. xr. 38. Receptacle for coal 39. Ornament for a spire 41. Exclamation ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern I HEARD YOUR. FIGHTING LUMBfcHdACK ear MARRIED AMD HIS WARDEN SNAPPED TH UAwnri ippc nu f J, HIM AGAINST BEING A BOXER. 7 frm-s III N1 THAT SETS TOUR CONTRACT i ON ALFY IN TH OLD ALBUM OF PRESSED VIOLETS, PU I ILL our l rwjwiuj AND TRY TO TALK TH' BRIDE INTO CHANGING HER MIND j. KNjw THIS ffZSO IS PRACTICALLY A WRITE-OFF LOSS. BUT I'LL TAKE THE CHANCE- SO VILL'rOU SELL? Pes ALREADY TALKED THE BRIDE INTO LETTING ALFY BE A BOXER.