Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1949, Page 26, Image 26

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    26 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949
"V i tats- r
j f P
W W it ' :
8"0' MlTCHr !'
UVINfi RM c I li . I
.c. E beo p,m r T J
This compact six-room house can be built as a "honey
moon cottage" with the second floor left to be finished when
the family grows. By including a shower stall in the lavatory
the ground floor will comprise a complete four-room dwell- ,
ing. Designed by Bertram A. Weber, architect, 221 North
LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111., this plan, W-502, covers an area
of about 905 square feet with garage. Including a full base
ment, the house contains approximately 18,000 cubic feet.
The architect suggests a red brick exterior accented with
white trim and green shutters. The first floor bedroom can
double as a library.
Janitor Sans Singing Lessons on
Way to Top of Ladder of Fame
(United PreM Staff Correspondent!
Washington, Dec. 15 1.R) The fattest Janitor in the world Is
one of the happiest. He's about to go into opera.
John Clark, scholarly principal of Murray vocational high
ichool in Charleston, S. C, was fixing to pass out the report
cards one day when he stopped in his tracks. He heard a fine
baritone voice vigrating the
walls in a stirring rendition of
"The Lor" Prayer."
Clark, who has an ear for
tune, went below and found
360-pound Ralph Sigwald, age
26, steering a broom across the
gymnasium floor and singing at
the top of his lungs.
The professor looked at the
five-by-seven behind the brush,
who was rolling where most
men walk,
"Horace Heidt is coming to
town to look for talent," said
the prof. "How about it if we get
you on the program?"
It took a bit of doing, but be
tween the professor, lite Charles
ton Chamber of Commerce and
the Charleston Evening Post the
young man was talked into it.
Ralph, who never had a sing
ing lesson in his life, went with
the Heidt troupe and finally
worked himself up to the finals,
which will be broadcast from
here Sunday night.
Ralph, wth curly-blond hair
and now affectionately known
as the "Caruso of the south,"
had no family. Miss Frances
Meyer, an aunt, raised him.
Before he was "discovered."
he asked to appear and sing in
a Methodist church in Charles
ton before Clark even knew the
boy was around. At the close of
his concert, he was offered a
small check. He refused. Said
"If God gave me a voice like
this, I can't charge him for sing
ing in his church."
Smart hosts everywhere
have switched to Calvert
because Calvert Reserve
tastes better.
-8 8 Proof-65 Drain Neutral Spirit.
divert DUtllleri Corp.. New York City
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406
PLAN w-J02
People who have heard Ralph
and seen him know that he has
had no training. As one critic
put it:
"The fat man just puts back
his head and sings."
But win or lose the baritone
will get his debut at Carnegie
hall in New York next year.
Salii&Mtlaa pwmalied
f bMhl Vl"
OUAIANTiro lozty
SS .i,cr
11 xrfs
Ifc J f
riumdie iui
Sunday Night
Several new features in the
program have been added to the
Annual Christmas Candlelight
Musicale that will be presented
by the choir of First Presbyter
ian church on Sunday evening
December 18, at 5:00 and 7:30
o'clock. -
Professor Charles Stowell, of
the Oregon College of Educa
tion, who is the choir director,
has arranged the program which
will be sung by candlelight and
will present a bit of Old English
Carol Pageantry. Professor Sto
well announces that the quartet
of carolers will be Grace Ash
ford, Glennis Allen, Arlie An
derson and Ralph Scott, accom
panied by Tom Facey, violinist.
Preceding the service Christmas
carols will be played by a brass
quartet composed of Frank
Combs, Jr., Robert McConville,
Glenn Benner and Charles Sto
well. 'Rosemary Gilbert and
Janet Hamblin will act as pages.
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, the or
ganist, will play one group of
numbers, in addition to the of
fertory. The personnel of the choir Is Mrs.
Francis Allen, Mli Olennls Allen. Miss
Sonja Anderson, Miss Orace Ashford. Miss
Elizabeth Anne Brown, Mrs. William Bush,
Mrs. Attnes B. Drummond, Miss Patricia
A. Elfstrom. Miss Ann Fowler. Mrs. Charles
W. Garrison, Miss Ann Oilbert. Mrs.
Oeorae A. Kanz, Miss Carol Hardie, Mrs.
Luke M. Johnston, Miss Bernlce Jsham,
Miss Jane McCollom, Mrs. Joseph Matuiec,
Mrs. E. A. Meola. Mrs. Charles Stowell
Mrs. Bertram H. Sturm. Arthur F. Abel,
Arllo R. Anderson. Dr. L. E. Barricx. Mr.
William Bush, John L. Ooodenberger,
Robert Hamblin. Frank Harris. Garland
E. Hollowell. Thomas McNeill. Jack E.
Nelson. Leo V. Reed, R. H. Scott, Ber
tram H. Sturm, Karl Thelen. and Gar
lord Weeks.
New Front Porch
Stirs Argument
Seaside, Ore., Dec. 15 U,R)
George La Roche was prepar
ing today to tear off his new
front porch after the city coun
cil agreed to stand pat on an
ordinance requiring homes to be
eight feet from the street line.
La Roche pleaded before the
council after he had construct
ed the porch without the neces
sary permit and after having
been refused a permit by the
city engineer.
La Roche appeared with a pe
tition from 26 property owners
who said they would raise no
objection to his front porch be
ing close to the street.
Councilman George Gray said
"Temporary violation of the
building code was like a reduc
tion in pay. Once it is taken
away you never get it back."
Snyder Predicts
Good Business
Washington, Dec. 15 tu.R) .
Secretary of Treasury John W.
Snyder said today there is a
"very strong possibility of good
business in the spring of 1950."
Shoe Repair
.earlier or Compositioi
French or Cuban
The navel
means 3 extras
"All the indices, as I see them,
are pointing toward good busi
ness early next year," the secre
tary told a news conference.
Snyder added, however, that
this is the time of year to use
caution in making economic
A highly favorable factor he
said, has been the strong come
back in steel production since
settlement of the strike. The in
dustry is operating at the highest
levels since last May.
In response to a question on
proposals to reduce certain tax
es, Snyder reiterated his past
stand in favor of general ad
justment of "inequities in the tax
structure and said that any
other changes should come after
Free Christmas
Shows Arranged
Lebanon Merry Christmas
greeting from Lebanon merch
ants to their patrons will be ex
pressed this year in the form of
a free show at the Park theatre
Dec. 23 and 24. T i c k e t s are
available without cost from any
one of 99 business firms parti
cipating. Their names are list
ed in today's edition of the Le
banon Express on page three of
section one.
Shows will start each day at
10 a.m. and run continuously
until midnight.
Manager Ben Adams of the
Park theatre announced the fea
ture picture "In a Secret Gar
den" has been secured. This pic
ture has the sanction of PTA
and other youth guidance groups.
Several short features, includ
ing news and cartoons will be
Adams stressed the fact that
mothers can leave their children
at the show while doing their
last minute shopping, or can at
tend the show themselves.
All costs of the two-day show
ing of the picture are being met
cooperatively by the participat
ing city merchants.
Wins Husband Again
with Her Glamorous Desserts
&edcU-luip Glamorizes
All Desserts -at the Touch
of a Finger!
Henry fell in love with me all over again when I
started serving Reddi-wip desserts every day. Reddi
wip turns even the simplest desserts like cupcakes,
gelatins, puddings and ice cream, into delicious treats,
No wonder millions of American homemakers al
ways use Reddi-wip it's made with pure, fresh cream
it whips itself at the touch of a 6nger. Each thrifty
throw-away container of Reddi-wip provides 3 1 serv
ings almost a quart of luscious, whippedfoperiec
tion cream. '
Glorious desserts are effortless with. Reddi-wip
there's no bowl or heater to wash, never a failure.
Get Reddi-wip today!
Very noticeably richer!, These golden
California navels are packed full of
sparkle and fragrance. No other orange
can compare with them.
A generous portion of extra health.
More vitamins C pnd A per glass of
juice. Gets the family off to a sunny
start each day.
Easy to peel, slice and section. Just
right for refreshing salads, for lunch
boxes and between-meal snacks.
REMEMBER FRESH orange juice, unth ALL
the flavor, ALL the health, comet only in
Nature's own round packages.
AND IVtltY Will
New Variety
Of Strawberry
Puyallup, Dec. 15 P) A new
strawberry developed in Wash
ington is yellows-resistant and
and promises to out-yield an old
favorite, the Marshall berry, by
50 percent, a researcher report
ed today.
Addressing the western Wash
ington horticultural meeting, Dr.
C. D. Schwartze said the new va
riety, named the "northwest,'
may yield nine tons per acre. It
was developed by him at the
western Washington experiment
station here.
Most strawberries are not
good canners, but Dr. Schwartze
said the "northwest" gives pro
mise of being a good canning
berry. He rated its freezing qual
ity as about on a par with the
Trial plantings have been dis
tributed to growers, the re
searcher said, and fuller reports
of field performance will be
available next year.
He said three varieties, one of
them developed by Dr. J. H
Clarke of Cranguyma Farms,
Long Beach, may have solved
the problem of red stele rootrot.
The resistant varieties are Tem
ple, Sparkle and Fairland. Dr.
Clarke developed the Sparkle
Dr. D. F. Allmendinger, sup
erintendent of the southwest
Washington experiment station
at Vancouver, told delegates that
raspberry yields could be stepp
ed up 25 to 33 percent by in
creasing the number of canes
per, hill.
Bride Accuses Groom
Of Kidnap Elopement
Dcs Moines, la., Dec. 15 (U.R)
A 19-year-old bride of one day
charged that her husband kid
naped her and forced her to mar
ry him but he olaimed today that
Same 'ol Name
But Applicant
Different Man
Dallas City officials here
are struck with the apparent
coincidence in similarity of
names of a man who has ap
plied for a job as chief of po
lice and that of the former
Multnomah county sheriff,
Marion (Mike) Elliott, who
was ousted from' his position
recently by recall vote.
Mayor Hollis Smith receiv
ed the I e 1 1 e r of application
November 26 from Marion B.
Elliott, 2833 N.E. 57th street,
Portland. The city council
placed the letter onv file, and
the sender was notified that
Dallas had no vacancy in its
police department at the pre
sent time.
Details of the letter seemed
to indicate conclusively that
the applicant was not the for
mer Multnomah sheriff be
cause of age and experience
discrepancies. "I am 58 years
of age; 6 feet in height; weigh
220 pounds and am in good
health," it stated. "I have a
good record as a police offi
cer and do not drink or use
tobacco. . I am qualified to
handle a chief's job as I am
a retired police officer from
Detroit, Michigan, where I
served 25 years."
she eloped willingly with him.
The bride, the former Hellen
Herrick of Des Moines, accused
Des Moines Salesman Francis E.
Byers, 29, of holding her prison
er at pistol point on a trip across
Nebraska to Denver, Colo.
Byers, freed on $3000 bond to
await grand jury action on her
kidnap complaint, denied the
charge and claimed it was insti
gated by the girl's parents, who
objected to their marriage.
hWfo avoid a dingy, must wash
...even when you dry indoors f
When bod weather forces you to dry
indoors, it doesn't mean
must be dingy-looking or musty-smelling.
Simply launder with Clorox, and your
white and color-fast cottons and linens
will be snowy-white, color-bright . .
and fresh as a spring breezel Not only
that . . . Clorox removes stains, makes
laundry sanitary, too!
And because Clorox is extra-gentle and
lessens rubbing, it conserves costly lin
ens and saves you moneyl Enjoy ail
of these benefits by starting the thrifty
Clorox habit todayl
iVW Vnii fro thorn i K I
H lM- C--. IUU Gl UIGOG : A I ri
en label
IPJyj) ... longer life far linens 1 j
Hope Held for
Alaskan Flier
Anchorage, Alaska, Dec. 15
(IP) Hopes that searchers may
have picked up the trail of miss
ing Pilot Francis Brownfield
rose today, even as the people of
Anchorage were preparing a
benefit program for the man's
Pilot Don Sheldon and Trap
per George Blair reported from
Talkeetna, 100 miles north of
here, that they had sighted what
appeared to be "some sort of a
lean-to, collapsed by the wind"
in the Talkeetna mountains.
They said they were unable to
land their plane and investigate,
due to the rough terrain.
Brownfield, father of six chil
dren, has been missing since
Sept. 5. One other member, of
the hunting party, Pat O'Don
nell, survived a 24-day trek
through the wilderness of the
Talkeetna area. O'Donnell was
the last person to see Brown
&ott let t&i& bzfeftett fo you . , ,
Fear, is a merciless foe . ; . the growing
terror of the night in a lonely house . .,
the dread of the shadows as you walk
in darkness. Every day the papers tell
of burglars, holdup men and worst of
all brutal personal attackers. Beau
Alarm protects you from these evils.
Touch the button and a screaming, un
stoppable police siren drives away all
kinds of criminals. Experience of ex
perts proves criminals dare not operate
where an alarm is sounded. What
your laundry (p
Here are still
Sink, dra inboard, wash basin,
tub and toilet bowl may all look
clean but actually harbor harm
ful germs. When you use Clorox
in routine cleaning,
remove stains and deodorize,
you disinfect... provide added
health protection for your family 1
... added heohH protection I
field. The pilot left O'Donnell on
a small river bar and crashed
while searching for a larger
landing spot. Brownfield surviv
ed his crash and later left a note
in a cabin which he found in his
wandering and from which he
picked up supplies. t
Sheldon said he thought if
might be possible to land a heli
copter about a mile and a half
from the sighted shelter.
7 !7T
Rain Drop! and a
mere dash of your
favorite soap gives you mort,
better, harder-working suds
than any soap or detergent
alone I
.peace of mind it brings! Better pro
tection and safer than a loaded gun.
Criminals may not SEE the gun. They
surely would HEAR Beau Alarm and
make a quick getaway. Contained in
beautiful plastic case. Small and light
enough to be carried in the hand or
pocket or kept on the bedside table. No
batteries! Lasts a lifetime! Buy a
Beau Alarm now today, for tomor
row may be one day too late.
A perfect gift for all occasions.
IVOtY n tMM0
more Clorox benefits!
you not only
Clorox conserves costly
linens and does a better
job of disinfecting
because it's free from
caustic and other harsh
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