24 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 Charles Bier Heads Theater OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL 9 WE GIVE AND REDEEM HrH" GREEN STAMPS ' The appointment of Charles E. tti north liberty Bier, former Salem theater man affiliated with the Capitol and the Elsinore, to manage Seattle's newest motion picture house built since the war the Magno lia was announced this week by Zollie Volchok, general man ager of the Sterling chain of Washington-O r e g o n theaters, and himself a former Salem re lident. i The Magnolia theatre is a mo del of modern construction whose design has been requested by theatre architects and build ers from all parts of the United States. Monday night, Decem ber 19, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pays honor to "Chuck" Bier's new movie house by choosing it as the first theatre in Washing ton to show M-G-M's new screen spectacle, "Battleground." , "We're proud to have Chuck Bier playing host for us to our M-G-M guests at one of the most Important picture prevues of all time," Volchok said, i Red Cross - Legion Sign New Agreement i Washington, Dec. 15 (VP) The American Legion and the Ameri can Red Cross have signed an agreement for joint work in disaster relief. . It provides for using manpow er of the big veterans' organiza- tion in "immediate and complete cooperation with the Red Cross and other disaster relief agen cies." The agreement, announced today, follows up an understand' lng between the two agencies which has continued since 1926. Man of Few Words Taken at His Word Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. 15 W) Snowy-haired William McRae is a familiar figure in Glasgow's Bardowie street, but he never talks much. Two masked bandits confront ed the 75-year-old man yester day as he leaned on a news counter. One prodded a gun at him. "It's a holdup," explained one gunman. , "Get out," said Willy. The bandits got. , the gift that never misses with Mist or Mrs. Stockings MOJUD in Fashion Harmony Colors Yes, from 16 to 60, they'll love you for this lovely gift. We have the juit right Mojuds for every one on your list. 1,35,0 1.65 Also Many Other Exquisite Gifts ROBES LINGERIE GOWNS PAJAMAS SLIPS SWEATERS Fret Gift Wrapping Service Kay's St'te NATIONALLY FAMOUS I f 1- , tergf bov hwfw tbom V??' y 45-gauge, types, STOCKINGS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NEW SHIPMENT No Mend the hose known nationwide for its beauty and serviceability. Thousands of our satisfied customers have passed the word to many, many others so that today, hosiery needs are synonomous with No Mend available only at Roberts Bros. IN 2 SPECIAL PRICE GROUPS fn NoMenS's "Famous '5W Proportioned Leg Types rm i m 2 m 1 m 4 rm 1 SmV fcnnoa TaH Amass Ttll r wm Sheer Nylons ... 15 and 30-denier, full fash ioned, 51-gauge types, 1, 2 and 3. 3 prs. $5.60 Sheer Nylons . . . 30-denier, full-fashioned, 45-gauge, types, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 I" 3 prs. $4.65 For Christmas Giving . : . Kaiser Nylon Lingerie Tailored style SLIPS Wash wonderful nylon slips made of run-proof tricot just dunk them in suds, they'll dry almost as quickly as nylon hose, require no ironing. Molded bodice top, contour-fitting skirt, adjustable straps. White, tea rose, , . . sizes 32-40. Briefs and Panties Light-as-a-feather smooth fitting as your skin, in your choice of two popular styles. Made of run -proof tricot, elastic waist band, reinforced crotch. White, blue, blossom . . . sizes 5, 6, 7. LINGERIE, MAIN FLOOR fnf ' ' ' JT iff " --' I -i v sP?ii ,. 1 Pi $4.05 i . $1.65 Y NYLON JACKET sports- - hunter, 1 Jya For the man and handsome 100 nylon Jacket with elastic waist band. Slash pockets. Zipper front. Brown, grey, blue. ALL-WOOL MUFFLER If he prefers gay, authentic plaids -Pi ro rich, solid colors, he'll really go for these all wool, quality-packed muf flers! Just the thins to bright en up that drab overcoat. 95 Make Him Happy with a HANDSOME ROBE See Our Fine Selection at only For those evenings at home or at-ease Sunday breakfasts, he'll really relax in one of our smartly tailored rayon robes. Wide selection of colors and patterns. A good investment In comfort. Other Gift Robes Priced from $7.95 to $17.95 $J95 ARROW NECKTIES $1.50 Bold patterns and small ligures in lux urious, distinctive colors to harmonize with his suits. Fine Arrow GIFT SHIRTS ALL-WOOL SLACKS Trimly - tailored -0 tor comfort and Q' good looks so im- portant to every man. 100 all wool fabrics in a variety of patterns and colors. Zipper av. A man never has too many shirts and he'll appreciate one of these top quality broadcloth shirt, with fine tailored detail. $3.65 m THE GIFT OF EASE THAT'S SURE TO PLEASE 1 Give a gift that means ! .easy-footing for months to cornel Choose them chic and choose them comfy . . . choose them for every moppet, maid or man on your Christmas gift list! Men's leather Romeo Slipper elastic sides for trim fit. S4.75 Her Rabbit fur Scuff; low wedge. Lingerie pastels. $2.93 Embroidery sling heel Jow wedge. Xmas colors. $2.99 Men's sheeplined opera all leather. All sizes. S3.98 Shearling Scuffs in men's, women's .ires. Bright colors. $2.99 H 1 s ever - favorite Everett slipper In supple kidskin. Hard sole, rubber heel. S3.98 Satin Honeybug hl wedge heel, various colors. $2.99 Cuffed Boot In soft leather and shearl ing lamb. $3.98 1