22 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 CLASSinKD ADVKBIISlNQi Or Una Par Lint I times J Per um tlmta " Pet Line 1 month 1M Outsld. ot Salem 150 per line per da? . Uln. 10c; 1 time mln We 6 time mm. 11.20 No Relunfia HEADERS In Local Nfs COL OnlT! 30c per line To Place an Ad Plione 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Englewood Dist. - 4 itxxl homes In the Enelewood 4M. M.JSO to 112,500. Terma arranaeo. cu WlUla Brown. Eve. Ph. 3-4937. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 H. Capitol. Ph. -BIjl OWNER HltlTsELL at ""I'1" ' H iniulated house In Keller " i.lf In atrawberrlea. Immediate pom. Uake an oflerl Ph. 3-8111. The Most for Your Money img m.w a bed rm. home. larae 1W- 27 rm.. d'nlna rm., kit., hwd. Iloora - Srn-out. oil lurnace, lane aaraae. East. Call Bar Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. .34 Eve.3-8M8 a28 " 11.7M. NEW modem 3 norm, home all on in. floor. Close In. Auto, oil furnaM. ,. Closa to aehool and bu. Terma. Call Stanley Brown with -Si-nrfi Finance Co., Rltrs. Hi.h Phone 3-4121. a2W $6500 Very mod. 2 bdrm., Cape Cod style, P.H.A. approved, lin St., W. Salem, or Phone 3-6189. a300 West Salem 11500 Lovely two bed room home with large living rm. A dining rm. carpeted wall to wall. Nice lawn, fenced back yard. Drive by 1038 7th St. A call us to Geo.' A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial St. Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 a29B A GOOD BUY rjtjjO Nice 3 bed. rm. home with fireplace. 24 yrs. old. large utility rm.. large lot. range A bendtx goes at this price. East. Terms. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-865B a298 t BD RM. house, (1800 down. bal. 13.200. Low monthly payments. 95 Park BY OWNER: Priced to sell. 16500. Reason . able down payment. Modern 2 bdrm. home In northeast dlst. on Shelley Ave. Walnut Park Addition A very lovely home near the hospital. bdrma., dble. plumbing, large leaded windows. Patio, full basm't. Exceptional llv. and lln. rms., mahogany finish woodwork. This beautiful home if on the market for a selling price of $15,500. Shown by appointment only. RENT SAVER $4850 Completely turn. 1 bdrm. plast. home Dice llv. rm. with fireplace, kit. with nook. 1850 dn 150 per mo. Drive by 185 . H. 33rd, then call us. $6500 Well built 1 bdrm. home, llv. rm., lge kit, dry bsmt., new sawdust burner. Well loc., close to h! school, Parrlsh. ' Bm this at 1155 N. 13th. Call us. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. I9t.ll N. Canlto! St. Ph. 2-8458 Evefl.-Sun. 2-5297, 3 2-4352. 8,29 B' OWNER LEAVING CITY Someone can get a real bargain In this beautiful 2 bdrm. home. Built 9 years " ago. Larue landscaped lot with a view of the city, valle' and mountains. In side needs decorating but we have reduced the price to B00O to take care of thla work. Call Bon Cleary Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater, Ph. J-5109, Eve. 3-99.19 a301 970(10 NEW modern 2 bdrm. home north. Hardwood floors. Frleplace, oil furnace, attached garage, close to school and bus. 1950 down, balance 151 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 1M S. High Phone 3-4121. 200 Two Acres " New I bedroom house. Good place for thickens. Located north. Just off Pa elflo highway. Price 16800. Realtor Salem Realty Co. 14 N High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones: 2-4591 - 2-6605 a.299' WELL BUH.T, modern 3 B.n. home with full hasement. on North Cottage. Call Mr. Johnson or Mr. Hudson. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 4BB Oourt St. Ph. 2-3629 Eves. 8-6315 or 2-8762 J' tna.' COR7LOT. Frnsiid. home. Al. Smith carpets In lvg. rm., dining rm., hall, t bd. rms. downstairs. 2 up. Bsmt., rfKi mmr piupH oil furnace. Elec. stove. Hefrg. W. H. Bcndlx. Ideal location. 216 S. James St., Biivenon, wrenon. flO.OOO 1 ACRE on Lancaster. Oood 5-rm. home with fireplace, floor furnace, un lln. upstairs. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. Hi ah Phone 3-4131. "399 Y "OWNER: 2 bdrm. house. North. Larue lot. $1700 down. Balance 12460 at $30 per mo. Ph. 35198. 3P8 East .Just listed, nearly nrw 5 rm. hse. Nice lawn, fenced, newly painted fc Insulat ed. Priced to sell at 16000. C. W. Reeve Realtor t45 S. Oom'l Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536. R290' Salem Heights School Most unusual 3 bdrm. Full basement lovely yard. $8900. J 1 500 down. $750 Down, $75 Month Buys 3 bdrm. picture window home with fireplace. New district, bus by door, paved street. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4M If. Church Ph. S-7643 Eve. A ?"n-a-?8- 398 ITT.W t-BEDROOM house. LivlliR room, kitchen, lota of built-ins. nook, utility mnm. dniihl la tin (I rv trava. 42-ial. elec. water heater, attached narane. Larue level lot Just outside city llmts. Never been lived in. 15600. inquire av int Pine Bt., Bllverton, ore. anc Two New 3 BR Homes W htv 9 exrenl lonallv nice S B homes, one Just finished ft the other will be ready Jan. 1st. One is located North n Brtod Dlst. A the other on Canrtal- tla Hts. You will like these. KlKilna Burt Picha, Realtors 170 N. HUh St. . Phone: 2-3649. Eve : 2-5390 or 3-7451. a FOR SALE LOTS FAIRMOUNT HILL int mi ion with two-car Karate, .,n.-tv. .M of Washington St. betwern Fir and Fairmount St. Will take late model Pickup or Panel Del. Truck as part payment, asuni tj.imu offer. Dial 3-4018. Eve. 3-8213. aa299' ftnua- it hiVi iliv library. 91x146. L- m 14 noil Walt Socolofsky. Rra' nttat. Ph. 3-8835. aa300 at i a nnirv IK MONTH with water A el rtriritv. Close to school A bus. Nice ""General Real Estate 135 Center Ph. S-S3S9. aaS03 CALL JOE HtrTCIIISON for ''; lou on Klnawood Hellhts. Priced 1830 00 to 13000.00. Joe Hutchison, Realtor I3S court St. m. -'? Ivi. 3-tl aa389 .WrVr'aa .w In ttollvwood 12250. Ph FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT!! 13x120 with all street assessments paid. Candalaria Heights. 12,500. No. 831 VIEW LOT!! (4x100 between two streets. Ben Lomond Park Addition. 12.000. No. floo LOT!! 44x140 on paved street Inside city. Only 1900. No- 610 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 .South High St. Ph. 39203 Sun. A Eves. 4-2874, 2-1327, 3-3738, 3-5905 aa 302 'IEW. Chance of lifetime. Beautiful elty view, near bus, lame, level, trees, se cluded, close to downtown, water, elec., 13500. Ph. 3-5051. aa393' WOODED LOT on paved street, 825 Rat cllff Dr. Cleared and leveled. FHA. City water, bus line. Ph, 3-4284. aa FOR SALE FARMS 188 ACRES located 10 mile NW from Salem, 35 acres In cultivation. About 35 more could be cultivated. Good plas ters dhome. Barn, some timber, year "around stream. Price (8,500. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 8. High Phone 3-4121. b290 NORTHEAST ft RoavfrHnm. 18 acres Will. Silt, 2 acres In strawberries, 3 bdrm. house unfinished, creek borders place, located In Hazel Green district. A real buy for 114,000. NORTH 34 acres north, very good bulldinmi. 3 bdrm. home. Barn, 2 chicken houses, m.rhln. EhH (rrientlnn s V.St em. tractor, and all equipment to take care of thl fine place Including 10 laying hens. If you are looking for a good small farm ee this. 124.000 takes all. NORTH 140 acres, large home with 4 bdrms. all plastered with full basement 30x60 barn with 21 stanchions, poultry house, nu merous sheds and outbuildings, silo, 130 acres in cultivation, family fruit, some timber, all fenced. Sale price Includes all hay In barn. $32,600, will take 50 to 60 acre place in trade. Soil la all Will. "w. J. SULLIVAN REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE PH. 2-4479 b300 11 M ACRES south with Irult and nut trees. 2 bdrm. nome, a-car kbi-hhc, poultry house, close to school. Price 17950. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. b299 REAL ESTATt ACTUALLY PRICED below the appraised value (owner transferred) mis i oe room home near schools and business district. This property should go G.I., clve yourself the best for the money. LOTS LOTS LOTS We have some very nice lots, large en ough for ranch type homes, some of these lots may be bought for 150.00 down and the balance easy monthly pay- T ACRES CLOSE IN One of the finest & Acres near the City limits, good new home, only 11200.00 down and the balance easy monthly pay ments. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court. Eve. 2-4113 c300 y, Acre North $3,500 2 room house wired for electricity. Well and pump. Terms. Ph: 2-0473 Near Leslie School $6,950 4 bedroom older type home. Lots nt room to raise a lamlty. 11.000 down. 170 a month. '. 3-0413 Business and Home Special $7,000 Small 2 bedrm. home with large space to build business. Terms. Ph: 2-0473 Beautiful Home NORTH $12,000 If you want a real nice, well construct ed 2 bedrm. home, tills is It. Living rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, nook, and utility rm. in house. All hardwood floors, fire place, lots of bulltlns. electric heat. FHA commitment, 18,500. Ph: 2-0473 CALL MR. LeCLERC J. F. Ulrich Co. J17 COURT ST. REALTORS Salem. Orriton Ph: 3-7756 c208 SUBURBAN $8500 2 bd, rm, plastered home. Electric, throunhout. hardwood floors. Garase. A lovely home. In a nice setting. Call Mr. Simpson. V A. $4950 Neff 1 bd. rm. home. That will take about $100 to finish. All plumbing in. Bulltlns, V. blinds, cement foundation. City bus at door. A real buy with aood terms. Call Mr. Simpson. Why Pay Rent? This nice 3 bd. rm. home. Fireplace. Hood location, M00O down. J65 per mo. , Full price only JflOOO. Call Mr. Tlbbelts. I ACREAGE Lovely country home. Where you can keep horsrs, cows A chickens. Fine barn and outbulldinns. This home Is sur rounded by shade trees and shrubs. A Place your family can really call home. Close In, price Is definitely right. Ev erything tip-top shape. Call Mr. Tlb taetts. , RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood Dlst.. Ph, 3-4684 Eve. Mr. Simpson 3-82S9 Mr. Tibbrtts 3-74B6 c298 "KEIZF.Il DISTRICT $8300. 2 yrs. old. Modern style. 2 bdrm. LIvIiik, dinlnR. kitchen, bath, utility rm.. attached gar ape, corner lot 83x1 30. oil heat, hdwd. lloors. A very nice house for this money. SUBURBAN Owner transferred to Portland $9500. Acre. 4 bdrm. house, living rm.. dinlnit rm kitchen, bath, utility rm,. drying shed well house Is bin enoui;h tor hobby shop. New auto, oil furnace. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS $11,800. 3 bdrm. modern style home. Liv ing rm., kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, fireplace, elec. heat, part basement, beautiful view property, $2100 dn., FHA terms. INCOME PROPERTY $23,400. 1 New 2 bdrm. home, living rm dining rm.. kitchen, bath, attached ga rage, utility rm oil heat, large lot 61 X 312. 2 3-rm. apta. bringing S5 a mo. 1 3-hr1rm living, large kitchen, utility rm. Will rent for $70 a mo. There is room tor expansion. Call for an oppor tunity to see this buy. CALL OR PEE ANDY HALVORSEN 191 S. Huh St.. Office 36639. Home 31183 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor NELSON NEWS LAROE HOME NEAR CITY CENTER. Interior A oxterior in A-l cond. New roof, new auto oil furnace, comb, lue, llv. rm. A din. rm. 2 lge. bdrms. on 1st fir. Room for 2 add'l. bdnns. on 2nd fir. Full finished bsmt. Dranrs A cur tains Incl. gar., lot 50x140. Good dlst. 111.900. OOOD SHOPPING DIST. GROCERY. Equipped with meat case: complete meat handling rqutpm't. rcerh-ln locker, scales, super -cold veg. case A misc. enulnm't. Plus luv. SELF-SUPPORTING COUNTRY ES TATE, 10 ac. with 15000 Income plus 8 varieties of fruit; 3 varieties of nuts, spacious home in attractive country net Una. Good well, Adequate outbid. Only 5 ml. out. Can handle easily with $7000. Buyer arts first at bargain price on 100 laying hens and farm equipm'l. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Sen Ice bv Mon Who Specialize 702 N High Ph. S-4833 f2!8 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES JUST COMPLETED First house. In new suburban addition. 4 mile east of Four Corners on State 6t 2 Bd Rm., Hdwd. Firs.. V. Blind. Electric heat. Completely ins. and wea therstrippcd. 5 blocks to new Lincoln School. FULL PRICE $7850 "YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT. tWe will have a 3 Bd. Rm. house ready for Xnu for only 18950.) 140 KENWOOD AVE. PH. 3-1125 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS WEST SALEM Very good older type home. In choice lo cation. Nice yard, paved street. Electric heat. Insulated. Can easily be Oregon G.I. finance. Total price 16750. Eve. Ph. 27874 or 33558. CAPITOLA 4 room home, 'i acre lot. Bus front door. Home located leaving enough room fnr Bunther home or business. Would exchanKe for home in Albany. Total price (6000. Eve. Ph. 21674 or 33558. KINGWOOD Really nice 2 bdrm. home with den that could be used for 3rd bdrm. 2000 sq. ft. floor space. Spacious rms. Pecan floors. Circulating fireplace. Basement, 100x190 lot, Unobstructed view. We believe this is a real buy for $13,900. F.H.A. loan approved for JM0.00O. Eve. ph. 27614 or 33558. 40 ACRES 7 room modern home. 1 mile from small town. 32 x 48 barn. Several other out buildings. Family berries, fruit & nuts. Well with lots of water. Total price $10,500. Eve. Ph. 34135 or 33558. 98 ACRES Very modern home. Good out buildings. Large walnut trees. Considerable saw timber. 3 miles from small town. This farm can be purchased with or without equipment. Would exchange for building or Rrocery store In or near Salem. Total price without equipment $13,500. Eve. Ph. 34735 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 37820 or 24596 FOR YOUR SAVTLt!. investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem t vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5. We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 fl. High LOCATED ON Pnc. Hwy. N. S Acres with 2 good homes. Ideal for business location Price $13,200 or will sell houses sepa rately. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 B. High Phone 34121 e3B9 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to cell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see ('RABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. WILL PAY TO $5,000 CASH I or 3 bd. home. Call my agent For ALLEN C. JONES, REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838; Eves. 3-4814 ca299 Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit listings of self supporting farms. For PERSONAL atten t noacill ERIC R. NELTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court. Ph. 2-3629. Eve. Ph. 2-7947. ca" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Investment Buy Key industrial or commercial property. 16 acres on main highway, a mile from downtown. 199 ft. frontage, 2 val uable corners. Service station A 2 bldits. on property. Full price 120,000. Call Walt Mustirave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Fdaewater Ph. 3-.M09. cd302 "TAVERN & LUNCH Just listed, owner retiring. This Is a money maker A Is priced right. No Phone information. NOT IN MARION COUNTY. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 N. High St. Ph. 3-3849 Eve.; 2-5390 or 3-7451 cd298 S8.MI PER MO. income for $65,000 Invest ment. Leaving state, win sacrmce my income property if taken at once. Call owner after 4 p.m., 3-5282. cd300 Home and Income, $14,750 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT: One 3 bdrm. home, living rm., kitchen and dinette combined, utility rm., in house, hardwood floors, plastered, elec tric heat. bath, and attached garage. Rear house, has 1 large bdrm.. living rm., and large kitchen, bath and at tached garage. Also electric heat. Rear hou.e rented at (60.00 a month. Very good location. 2 blks. to school and bus bv door. Houses are 2 years old. Act now. thbi Is going to sell fast. Eve. 2-0473 MR. J. E. LECLERC J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756. Cd299 Business & Home Combination ! DRIVE BY 1504 BROADWAY! DO NOT disturb occuimnls! You can buy this corner for only $9000! JliOOO cash will handle! Consider trade for close In ac-rciu-e with bin house! IDEAL FOR RUS INFJSS OR PUOFFsSSIONAL USE WITH HOME IN CONNECTION! Full price, J9000! SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT! C. W. Stuller, Sole Agent Salom, Oreiion Phone 2-5557. cdJ98 oi'ifK l.rxril CAPE. Newsstand. Con fectionery. Best spot in Keomono. es of equipment. Pleasant living quarters (3 P. Rms,-. Price J75O0 plus Inventory. Write Ruth Smith. Deschutes Realty Co. Box 1081, Redmond, Oregon. Tel. 2.S5-Z. cd298 EXCELLENT opportunity available to right part to operate as exclusive agent In this territory for a large concern manufacturing the finest equip ment in its field at 30 below compe tition. Sales experience helpful but not essential. Honesty, ability to cooperate with others and strone desire to build a future prime requisites. Small Invest ment required for Inventory. Business can be operated from home. Represen tative wilt be in Salem Dec. 17 and 18. Write briefly of your background and give phone number to Capital Journal Box 300. Cd399 4 I'NIT court. 3 garages. Incoma $270. $23,000. 1583 Market. Ph. 3-9409J Cd5 HAYESV1LLK store. Rt. 7." boi 145. Ph. 2-4319. Cd3 S STORY "BRICK ATT. Bl.DG., furnished, excellent location, construction, condi t nn Ar in vwl ment . 182.000. 10 I'NIT COURT close to Capital A Shop- nlno Tenter I.S5.000. NEW BUSINESS building leased for 10 vrars. $43,000. BUSINESS BLDG. North, 3 good rentals tm .soo. 5 DUPLEXES with 10 rentals. West Salem. $35,000. NEW APT. Rl.nG. West Salem, excellent const. $33,500. close IN business bldg. with lei 135.- 000. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com I. St, Ph. 3-8389. Evt. 3-P989 IFOR SALE HOUSES -1 -.)' FURNITURE FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE tapestry davenport & chair. Very gooa cona. new w&inui occaeiunm table at a sacrifice. Cecil Wolverton. 1215 N. 24th. d299- SWING ROCKER, glass top cocktail table with matched end table and what-not shelf and hassock. Ph. 3-4057. Address 1535 Norway. d300 MAYTAG WASHER with pump, 135. A-l sectional bookcase, J16. 5-piece hard wood breakfast set, 19. Big overstuffed rocker, $19. Wood circulator, like new, 135. High trade Conn coronet and case, new, $260, now 1110. Lge. oak dresser with plate mirror, $16. See these red hot buys today at GLENN WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET "See us to buy or sell." 1605 N. Summer d300 IT WILL PAT YOU to cross the bridge and ihoo at Van's Home rumisnings. .every thing's drastically reduced in price. Churl m of London living room suite: beautiful mohair frieze, regular 1325, now $225. Bed davenos. with rockers to match In tapestry, velour St frieze, at surprisingly low prices. Platform rockers, $19.50 8c up. Floor lamps, regular 114.95 com Die te with bulbs 112.95. Van's Home Furnishings Foot of the Bridge. 801 Edgewater OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS d299 OUR GIFT TO YOU FREE $25.00 FREE MERCHANDISE In addition to the sizeable saving on any purchase you can make in our store. We will give 125 In merchandise, of your selection, with the purchase of any davenport suite, daveno suite, or bedroom suite complete with springs and mattress. This offer good for a limited time. Hurry! I Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 FAIRGROUNDS RD,, PH. 3-3797. d LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. McCandlish 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147 ea3Q3- LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Bne- then. 1550 Lancaster or ph. 2ia$. ea2B9' PETS PUPPIES Small part poodle Ph. 2-5368 after 6 p.m. DRY SLAB wood with few edgings. $12 two unit load. Dry 2nd Growth $12 cord in 2-cord loads. Ph. 24276. ee303 FOR SALE Multi-colored Cocker puppies. 570 N. 18th. ec399 DO YOU want a Siamese kitten or a Daschund puppy for Xmas? Call 3-4272, ec299 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 3-4385. 13 FUEL WOOD A SAWDUST. Order now, mills close soon. R. w. Maker, pn. 3-tbbh. Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging $5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16 Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE DRY 18" slBb A edgings. Ph. 3-1458 ee ASHCRAFT'S-woods. Ph. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phnno 9.1721 nr 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD POR FURNACE A HEATER ee30: CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells lor sale Klorfein Packing j. 468 N. Front. ' West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL A STOVE OUa Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick UP wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem " PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash A maple Klab and edgings Ph 31458 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside MIU Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY YOUNG ROASTING hens. Oven ready. Li berty Poultry Farms. Fn. 32873 uoy LIVE YOUNG roasting hens and fryers. 3490 Sunnyvlew Ave. Fn. 3B341. ia8 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every lues Fox HaUhery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE CHRISTMAS GIFTS of walnut! A filberts : Growers, ff299 available now al Salem nu 2838 Cherry Ave.Ph.3-3568. WALNUTS. 3149 Center St. Ph DRIED PRUNES. Apples A Filberts. Hru )X 412. Ph. 22233. ff298 beta Rd. at Liberty. B FOR SALE Red fryers and roasters El- even weeks old. Weighing 3'4 to 4'a los. Don't buy stale troien chickens. Come out and get live one.. Choice birds round as ducks. Floor brooded In 4 Inches of peat moss. No breast Injuries nor bare backs. One and one-halt miles north of Keiier school on Clear Lake highway. We also have potatoes. T. A. Brewster, Rt. 2, box 261. . tf300 EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truck-load. Ad dress 865 S t3th. Ph. 3-9923 ff3PJ' HELP WANTED WANTED Steel and accordlan bass play players. For full Information inquire 537 Lancaster Dr. 300 REAL ESTATE salesman wanted, Inquire 960 8. Commercial, Walters Real Estate. g:?8' Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE I GRABENHORST SPECIALS . .. CAPITAL SHOPPING DISTRICT Fine apartment near State Bldaa. and ahopplni center. In No. I business aonj -Good condition thruout. auto-oll Ilred aleam heat, lae. lot Thla splendid Investment property returns 1440 per mo. Owner wants to eell. LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT Oood 1 bdrm. horn,, liv. rm., bdrm., bath. Inside utllltr, attached laraaa. Price 15,950. TERMS. CALL PETER OEISER CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW LOTS H'llhln cllr limits, paved sts., East & West views. Erom tl.OSO up. FOR FUR THER INFORMATION CALL EARL WEST BUSINESS BLDG. Excellent location -come 1385 per mo. 3 business rentals, late-built bide., Meal investment, in CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2411 Evenlnas and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-0968 BEAUTIFULLY located on corner lot In Enaleiood Dlst. This very attractive 3 B.R. home. He. llvlni rm.. dlnlni rm.. nook fireplace finished d ry base ment, automatic heat, sprlnklln. system In lawn. First time on the market and the price Is right. RAMBLING ranch style 3 B.R. all on one tloor. Uvlna rm. has nice fireplace and entrance hall, dlnlni rm.. nook, hla utility rm.. ol Plprt lurnace attach, sar. driveway wide enouih that even your wile cant miss, lot 63I1SO, lo cated In Hollywood Dlst., lotta home lor 113,600. LOCATED close to Enslewood Sen. on corner lot. bdl. plumbed. 8 B.R and den dining rm., fireplace, and nook. Full dry basm. Oil furnace, all for 111,500. 10 acres and excellent complete mdn. 3 B.R. home, located 3 ml. out, north, this Is tops. OVER 100 acres under cultivation, part Irrigated, good buildings, can be had with or without stock and equipment. Trade for town property will ba con sidered. Ph. 2-6680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate, 433 N. High St. Evt, Ph. 2-8104 - 2-7789 - 4-2326 - 3-541S 81' BusiT ibusTnesV OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES . ITNNCOECPRRD0 TSQ TWO 21 ? OUTCTANDING AND DESERVING OF YOUR INVESTIGA TION: POULTRY HATCHERY AND BROODER PLANT ie.r st.r ?oHES' Well equipped, easily run, and showing a net profit of around Iiooou per r this place Includes a truly remarkable home, which alone Is worth the "eJent ed'S '."S "lc. About 113,000 will handle - very little cash re quired for running expense, OF A SIMILAR NATURE IS ONE OF THE FINEST TURKEY HATCHERIES r-Mu VcmmM background of this enterprise ar. this place successfully. $15,000 Is indeed small. ffSaS" PLEASE CALIj tMlV n. " " Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Ph. 2-3628 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED lumber grader wanted. Burkland Lumoer i,o. i.u.c., . ... 1125. a30 CARPENTER TO bid on labor only on small nouse. nr Ph. 39865. ga298 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN, ages 35 to 40 yrs. Hourly wage. Old reliable firm. 248 N. Commercial, R m.23. Apply 9 to U a. m. gb300 PaT T-TIME Secretary in real estate office after Jan. 1. For details send statement of training, experience, etc. to Box 297 uanuai journoi. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Ph. j; WANTED Young lady for general office work. Dictation required. Give age, qual ification, experience and reference. Write Box 303 co Capital Journal. WANTEP women nut ahal.era. All lntr wore. 460 N Front Klorfetn Packing EMPLOYf COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN REAL ESTATE salesman. Must have car and ambition. Apply t 331 N. HiRh; WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. "300 YOUNG-COUPLE wishes Job on general or dairy farm. Experienced. Write Capital Journal. Box 301. M BRD. St RM. for little girls In nice large home In Monmouth. Quiet street, lawn, trees, pleasant playmates. $45 mth. For Info., call aaiem j-jobo. CHILD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. hll HOME OWNERS attention, tor repair work of all kinds, compieie roo. j". large or small. Immed. service by expert roofers. Call 4-3917. h299 GENERAL cleaning and painting and odd Jobs. Call after 6 p.m., 3-9509. h299 CARPENTER work. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093 h6 T YP I N G -R a tes reason able. Will call for and deliver. Ph. 3-1398. h 5" BABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580. h2 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h312 CHILD CARE by hour, day or week. 915 Jefferson St. MM TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2J Mimeographing-Typinff WOMAN WANTS house cleaning and iron- hi 85c nr. Ph. 42390. Mrs. iom mccru h301 is-vp. nnnv nd fpnder man wanta work . W. Myers. Ph. 2-390it. n HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. INTERIOR PAINTINO. EXP- Ph. IRONING In my home. 2-7498. h306 bVbT"sITTING. Ply 2-6323. h302 C AR PEN f E R work , any kind Reas. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-148L h-2 CEMFV1 WORK wanted Ph 2-48SO h" FOR RENT ROOMS ROOMS FOR GIRLS in modern home with other girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter St, Ph. 3-4373. )k299 WARM RMS. Ph. 3-5539. 795 N. Winter. jk398 SLEEPING ROOM. KltrJien priv. HAC wtr. 754 Ferry. Ph. 3-6317. J"99 LOVELY WARM rm. for employed gentle man. Reasonably priced. Near Shopping center, pn. jiina. tzil r'elv ir w Hot el ' 148 N. Com'l.. under new management. Clean, comfortable sleep ing too s for employed men. Reason , able weekly rale, Jk39l' REAL ESTATI APPO.NTMENT Eve. Ph. 2-1847. FOR RENT ROOMS WELL FURN. sleep rm. Church. SLP. Si LIGHT hskpg. rnLjl-4336. FOR "rEnTaPARTMENTS LARGE 2 Bdrm. duplex apt. Nicely furn, 1st floor. $76. rn. zbioj. iZ NEWLY DECORATED, new furniture, 3 rm. ..Pt. Private nam. ui.iit.iw u.i.. $68. Ph. 2-9138. JP300 partly turn. Jp303' NICE S A 4 rm. lurit. apt. Close In. Elec. heat. Ph. 2058. WILL SHARE my cottage with employed girl. Home privileges, with all utll. furn. 1529 State State St. on back of lot. Ph. 2-1073. JP300 DELUXE FCRN. 2 A 3 rm. cottages. Rea sonable priced. 3130 Portland Rd. Jp299 2 RM. FURN. apt. Elec. refriR. Close In downtown. $37.50. Inquire Bert Picha Realtor, 379 N. High. Ph. 23849. Jp399 RM. FURN. apt. Adults. Ph. 35372. 1935 Center St. JP8 2 RM. furn. apt. Clean A nice location, 993 S. 12th. Between 8 a.m. A 5:30 p.m. Jp300' 3 RM. APT. All furn. Good clean cond ah ntimv nxcentina Hunt lurn. Al ways warm. Located near State Office building. Ph. 38672 or 37954. J. F. Ulrich. 2 RM. APT. Also sleeping rm. for 2. Ph. 34335. jpjvu- NICE, CLEAN apt. Emp. couple. PrlT. ent. nam. iuub n. om. SMALL UNFURN. apt. PrlT. bath. Electrle heat. Refrlg. A range. J8. empioyea lady. 715 Ferry St. jpana' FURN. APT. Private bath. Bus by door. 1 partly furn. 1310 Madison . jpjui 2 RM. furn. basement apt. Private bath. Utilities furn. $35. pn. auu oeiore 8 a.m. JP300 PARTLY FURN. 2 BR apt. In West Sa lem. Call 3-6398 1P8 YOU CAN afford the bestl Ambassador apts. $50 to $75. Ph. 3-6605. Jp321 I ROOM basement apt. fully furn. Utili ties furn. $25. 2605 Maple Ave. Jp396 CLEAN 2 RM. furn. basement apt. Show er. Adults. 575 d at JP-lUU' NICE large apt. Utilities furn. 365 S. 16th. JPJUU- APT. CLOSE IN Beautifully furn. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-I8B7. JPj; RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close In. Ph 2-0745. JP298 NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apts. $62.50 and $65 Ambassador Apt., 550 N. Summer. Jp298' NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. JP 3-5838 or eve. 3-sn. CLOSE IN, clean 1-rm. Ferry. FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN S bdrm. house. $78 per mo. Ph. 29138 before B a.m. jmjui year OLD DuDlex. Beautifully furn. Hardwood floors. Electric thruout. $65 per month. One block south of Colonial House, fn. jdcoo. jm.o S LOVELY 2 bdrm. homes. Hardwood firs., floor furnace. Rent $68 A $70 per month. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. A Sun. 2-0128. Jm298 NEW 3-rm. mod. furn. Elec. heat, laun dry. 2 adults. No pels. 3845 Portland Rd. jmsuu ONE ROOM furnished house, nice bullt lns. Man only. 20ia Kappann noma. jm299 1 bdrm. home. All electric, fully insulat ed. 3 vrs. old. Attached garage. Avail able Dec. 20. Call 39968 or 34369 after 8 p.m. Jm300' SMALL 1 bdrm. house. 3385 Shelton fit, Inquire it 1138 N. 13th after p.m. Jm300 NEW 1 BR unfurn. house. Ph. 43842. Jm300' t ROOM HOUSE, furnished, prlv. show er. Immediate pass. Ph. 2-0658. in.2991 NEW t B.R. unfurn. duplex, elec. heat, 4 mite E. State St. 4 Corners. Children welcome, $70 mo. 4145 State or Ph. 3-1135. Jm9 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR space on State St. Desk apace on Marlon St. Fn. a-aB3. V DRIVE Truckt. Rojtnaon Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph 29103 J BUSINESS SVM. tot NM, . U 611ft 1 AUTOMOBILES GET PROVED NEW FEATURES N THE USED CAR YOU BUY, SELECT A HUDSON USED CAR -YOU'LL GET MANY FEATURES JUST LATELY INTRODUCED ON SOME CARS PLUS FEATURES STILL EX CLUSIVE WITH HUDSON. SHROCKIZED HUDSON 149 COMM. OLB-CPE. BEAUTIFUL TWO-TONE BLUE FINISH, SEAT COVERS TO MATCH, RADIO, WEATHER MASTER CONTROL HEATER. TRIPLE - SAFE BRAKES, CEN TER POINT STEERING, FLUID CUSHIONED CLUTCH. DRIVE MASTER (EASIEST OF ALL WAYS TO DRIVE.THE CAR YOU STEP DOWN INTO. GUAHAN- TEED .............. HUDSON 1947 SUPER SIX ROOMY (6) PASS. SEDAN. TWO TONE BLUE FINISH AND UP HOLSTERING LIKE NEW. RA DIO, WEATHER-MASTER CON TROL HEATER, TRIPLE-SAFE BRAKES, CENTER POINT STEERING WITH AUTO-POISE CONTROL, OVER-DRIVE FOR ECONOMY. CHROME ALLOY MOTOR. BLOCK FOR LONG LIFE. 102 HORSE POWER FOR PERFORMANCE. YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN THIS ONE. GUARANTEED U495 NOTE THESE LOW PRICES STUDEBAKER 1847 COMMANDER SEDAN, O.D 1488.00 KAISER H47 SPECIAL SEDAN 1348.00 CADILLAC 1947 (621 SEDAN I 5siJ CHEVROLET 1947 M. DELUXE CPE I 05.00 CHRYSLER 1940 ROYAL SEDAN J J 00 PACKARD 1941 (1101 SEDAN M ?0 DODGE 1939 CUSTOM SEDAN 8 .95.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN SELECT YOUR CAR AND SAVE Shrock Motor Co. CHEMEKETA AT CHURCH The "ROCKET" is Easy On Your POCKET AND SO ARE THESE Hydramatic Futuramic OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" SAFETY - TESTED Trade-ins 1949 KAISER SEDAN 11645 1948 MERCURY CLUB COUPE ..$1350 1948 NASH "600" CLUB SE DAN 81350 1948 OLDSMOBILE 78 SEDAN ...118B5 1948 PRAZER MANHATTAN .,,.$1325 1948 PACKARD SEDAN $1795 1949 HILLMAN SEDAN $1185 1947 STUDEBAKER COM. CLUB COUPE H75 ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF GOOD PRE-WAR CARS AT SUBSTAN TIAL SAVINGS! LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 485 CENTER PHONE 2-7978 2410 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also 2 atory alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Tel. 3-4121. J' FLOOR BANDERS for rent Uontgomerj Ward. J POWER TOOL rtntala for home and in dustrial usa Howser Bros fn TRAILERS 82.00 per d7 Howser Bros I41u 6 12th, West Salem. )' rn on mod lob 'ent a good floor sand' er. We sell averrtmnc to complete wie lob HOWSER BROS Pft. 3-3846 OOD USED riANOS. H. L. Stiff 4INGEB ELECTRIO portable tewing ma chines Reasonable rates. Free olct uf A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co '30 N Com 1 Ph 33512 l WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE AGED working couple. No chil dren or pets, want small lurnisneo apt. Private bath, etc. Must be modern. To $45. per mo. Write Capital Journal box 29J. J a 298 WANTED: By Jan. 1, 3 bedroom furn. house. 4 adults. No pets. Good care. Refs. Phone 3-8838. Ja299 LOST & FOUND LOST! Cocker pup, light brown A white. Sick. Ph. 2-0658. LOST! Boy'i plastic rimmed glasses with out case somewnere oetween nigmanu school and N. Winter St. Please ph. 2-7738. k399 LOST: CHRISTMAS pkg. 1 grey towel A wash cloth, pr. pillow slips. No questions asked. Lost In Woolworth's Wed. 1205 SO. 19th. Apt. NO. 1. k300 1 pr. childa house slippers. Ph. k298 LOST! Brown billfold. Important papers. Vicinity of Safeway between Front A Commercial on Court St. Sat. nite. Ph. 2-1379. Rt. 7. Box 432A. k296 FOUND! A really good place to eat. Food selling Is the art of providing foods that won't come back to customers who will AUUSVtLLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllle. Oregon Truck Parking k310 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mil WILLIS BROWN, Real Estate Salesman, formerly with Larsen Home A Loan Co. now with Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38318. m300 DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 2 MR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEULER DENTIST Adolpo Bldk Stat A ComoivlaJ 8t. SALSM Pboot -mi AUTOMOBILES HUDS ON 1 4 8 SUPER -SIX, ROOMY (6) P A SS . SEDAN. TWO-TAN FINISH AND UP HOLSTERING LIKE NEW. RA DIO. WEATHER-MASTER CON TROL HEATER. FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS, TRIPLE- SAFE BRAKES, CENTER POINT STEERING. CHROME ALLOY MOTOR BLOCK FOR LONG LIFE. FORCE FEED OILINO SYSTEM. 12 1- HORSEPOWER CAR WITH THE MODERN STEP DOWN DESIGN. GUARAN TEED $199 HUDSON 1946 SUPER-SIX ROOMY (6) PASS. SEDAN. MA ROON FINISH AND BEDFORD CLOTH UPHOLSTERINO LIKE NEW. RADIO. WEATHER-MASTER CONTROL HEATER. TRIPLE-SAFE BRAKES, CENTER POINT STEERING WITH AUTO-POISE CONTROL, FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS FOR THAT COMFORT RIDE. OVER DRIVE FOR ECONOMY ON THAT HOLIDAY TRIP. YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE, GUAR ANTEED TEL. 3-7922 1947 BUICK SUPER SEDAM ....11441 1947 PONTIAC "8" ST A. WAG. $1540 1947 OLDSMOBILE 78 SEDAN ,.$1465 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER CLUB ...I148B 1947 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SE DAN $1188 1948 OLDSMOBILE 78 SEDAN .,$1280 1946 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN 81198 1946 OLDSMOBILE 78 SEDAN ..11260 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD- -PHONE 1-HOO q299a BUILDING MATERIAL DOORS Bedroom, bathroom A closet doors, atia dard sizes, single panel. The quantity Is limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front A Court Salem ma rfAVE ON ROOPTNO Lei Wards give you eompiete H STALLED price on your rooflni need Wide range of colors Gall our outside salesman for (re estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM. OREOOM . a WINDOWS As much as Vj off regular prices on large assortment of single A multlpane standard and-offslze windows A frames. KEITH BROWN Front A -Court Salem ma SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR SIDINO t"X". Choice and limited lot. Regularly $60 U, now 140 H H" SHEETROCK tile board. Regularly 195 m, now .jao aa KEITH BROWN Front A Court - Salem ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist en 7 our eon- tractor and carpenter using the flneai old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand nt Dick Meyer Lumber Co. U Lam Art. Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma FLOORING l"x4" clear, end-matched fir flooring. Limited quantity. Regularly 8100 IC now 171 M KEITH BROWN Front A Court Salem ma COMPOSITION ROOPTNO 45 lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll 90 lb. Slate granule surfaced roll ..341 IS lb. Asphalt saturated felt build ing paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll ... .I- 168 lb. Hex ihlng.es. Slat surfaced Sq MI 230 lb. Square butt shingles, The finest. Sq 1M WrsTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Salem, Oregon rnaSll HERE'S A PLAN TO IMPROVE YOUR HOME "NO RED TAPE" Build that extra room or garage. Rs mode) your kitchen, bsmt.. or attic. BORROW UP TO 12504) I NO MONEY DOWN Payments arranged for $5 mo. tilt. EPPING LUMBER CO. 4140 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2084 malt ..'(Continued on Page 23) ia.nl 'after I aja. e3P8