Rated Tops Among Pro "Backs ifiwu? fu p.: ft ' 1 V At I w. Tf-i p iia ki Btiniii b 1. j 7 """"i" CHET MUTRYN Philadelphia login Buffalo Bill. Position Player Team END MAC SPEEDIE, Cleveland Browns TACKLE ARNIE WEINMEISTER, N. Y. Yankees GUARD DICK BARWEGAN, Baltimore Colts CENTER FRED NAUMETZ, Los Angeles Rams GUARD GARRARD RAMSEY, Chicago Cardinals TACKLE DICK HUFFMAN, Los Angeles Rams END PETE PIHOS, Philadelphia Eagles BACK OTTO GRAHAM, Cleveland Browns BACK STEVE VAN BUREN, Philadelphia Eagles BACK BOB WATERFIELD, Los Angeles Rams BACK CHET MUTRYN, Buffalo Bills 4 BOB WATERF1EID los Angeies Rams HU Wt College 6-3 212 Utah 6-4 235 Washington 6-0 230 Purdue 6-1 222 Boston College 6-1 210 William & Mary 6-2 255 Tennessee 6-1 215 Indiana 6-1 190 Northwestern 6-1 205 LSU 6-1 195 UCLA 5-10 175 Xavier Ram Trio Named to All-Pro Grid Squad by Press Vote OTTO GRAHAM-Bock Cleveland Brown Honorable Mention Redskins; Dan Edwards, Chica-1 go Hornets: John Greene, De-i3. 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 Phog, Who Favored Higher Hoops, Has Real Altitude Lawrence, Kas., Dee. 15 (JPi Phog Allen, who lost his fight to raise basketball baskets two feet, has come up with some skyscraping players by way- of rebuttal. Some are so big it requires two Pullman berths to bed one man comfortably. Phog's team this year is the tallest in his 33 seasons as head coach at the University of Kansas. For years he has campaign ed to add a couple of feet to the 10-foot baskets. He feels it would "equalize the game" for tall and short players. But with little support in his cam paign, he's turning to tall men. Three of the players in a 13 -man traveling squad occu pied six berths on an over night trip to Cincinnati, where they play tonight. The headboards between Pullman berths had to be re moved for Clyde Lovellette, 6 feet 9 inches, and Gene Pe tersen and Jack Carby, both 6 feet, 7 inches. The traveling squad also In cluded such lofty fellows as Claude Houchin, 6-5, and Maurice Martin and Bill Hou gland, each 6-4. SCORES in the ALLEYS Capital Alleys MAJOR LEAGtTE Cspooard Cafe 3 Henderson Ml. 550. McCluskey S. Evans W7, J. Glodt 5W. ffoodri'i Firnftare 1J Kit chen 3, O'.iaier 510, Perry M7, Fore xin 520. Ad3i?h 554. La Von'i of McM inert lie H Myera M0. R-als 473, Kraft 574. Minder 4S7, G. Glod; 4M. Cline'i Coffee Shop 1 Clint Sr. 61. 0;nej 456, Farmer 519, Karr 505, Osload Mar'a Lancta (2 S:ratton 4. Kit Ends Alton Baldwin, Buffalo!";; iZJiri!;-". Bills: Ed Berrang, Washington dez 5-:5. wieiiund m, d. ps sh, woc-i- oe Motor I lalirich 629. Frtesen Irons 5!S. S'.einbock 444. HnU vxwii. win scenic, mv,a6U((n 4T3 Wil:4ca ill. B-iier 480, utxr Bears; Dante Lavelli. Cleveland ."f D . Du r rt-; Slem Hardware i3 Thwie S54. Gir- Browns: Bob Mann, Detroit r.J0n W3 SiU Bayce 5:!. WeJt 553, Lions: Bob Nowaskey. Baltimore corraiiis Mchnit oi Ker.oedr Colts: Jack Russell, Y. Yan Chicago Cardinals, The other three places went to Chet Mutrvn, 175-pound backfield workhorse of the Buffalo Bills; Arnie Weinmeister, giant fackle of the Brooklyn New York Yankees, and guard Dick Barwegan of the Balti more Colts. The players were chosen after sports writers' reports on the 17 By FRANK ECK (AP New, rnturM Sporu X&tor) players from the Los Angeles Rams, western division cham pions of the National Football league, today were named on the Associated Press All-Pro team for 1949. The Cleveland Browns, top ence since its inception in 1946, gained two places as did the Philadelphia tagles, lor tne 'third straight year winners ofrOVOt CQnl6r the eastern division in the xsa . tional league. The three Rams on the first team are triple-threat back Bob Waterfield, center Fred Nau metz and guard Dick Huffman. The two Browns are brilliant signal caller and passer Otto Graham and sensational pass catching end Mac Speedie. The two Eagles are Steve Van Bur en, hardest runner in pro foot ball, and Pete Plhos, terrific end. In all, the National league - gained six places. The other All-Pro from the senior elr ' cult Is Garrard Ramsey of the kees: Bill Siacki, N. Y. Giants; Hugh Taylor, Washington Red skins. , Tackles Bill Fischer, Chi cago Cardinals; John Kissell, Buffalo Bills; Martin Ruby, N. Y. Yankees; Vic Sears, Philadel phia Eagles; Bill Willis, Cleve land Browns; Al Wistert, Phila delphia Eagles. major league pro teams in 12 cities. I A significant thing about the! first team is that seven of the (Giants; Frank Kilroy, Philadel players were with teams in the phia Eagles; Joe Signaigo, N. Y. Ross 517. 5:a.-r 511. Coe at. stuiaitt 433. :? h m4i:T:dui! n&t: Oorte Mirtcn, of Araie Mo:orj. 234. Hlxh feMiiTiiiui; genu: Georti Iflrieh of Ace Motors. 33. H:e1i ta crae: Woodry'j miraltore, 1C3S. Huh team series: Bilem Bardw,7, 3fl.9. Duckpin Bowling At'TOMOTnT LEACn Klitrr Fruer il M:ke r.eck 130. 2M ,T; 35a. 3:- Himbr 458. Red Futer 358. final playoffs of the rival leagues. The San Francisco 49ers. run- nerup to Cleveland during the regular season, placed four men tabulating Associated Press'on the second team, Muscle Masseurs To Stage Show For Silverron ' i Heavyweights will perform in the Silverton armory arena Sat urday night when Bulldog Jack ion presents a half dozen muscle grapplers in a wrestling show. A percentage of the proceeds will be turned over to the Silverton Boys Athletic club. The program will include three scheduled bouts: "Muscles" Pederson vs. Tiny Al Pincher; 'Dirty Dick" Raines vs. Andre Adoree, and "Tiger" Joginder vs. Tiny Zimmerman. A curtain raiser will feature the "Mystery Manglers." Utah Team Plan Flight to OSC ', A chartered 21 -place United Air Lines plane will provide .transportation for the University of Utah basketball team sched uled for two games with Oregon State college at CorvallU Fri day and Saturday nights. The plane will land at the Salem air port some time Friday and will leave Sunday for the return trip. Starts for Grid Games in Poll New York, Dec. 15 W Earlier starting times for col lege football games are gen erally favored by sports writ ers and nportcasters. An Associated Press poll to day showed that a majority of the observers would like to see games started at 1 p.m. and not later than 1:30 p.m. Darkness and cold were the main reasons given. City Loop Scores C1TT LEAGt'E (Natlt.ae.1 DlttiUal rMt Office (til (S;i Net!. Gurd Touehle 1 7 3 L. Perry H jmprirtTa 4 ....f 4. Hertmen Oerdner I C Pettr liorrLAOD 3 0 Birvrioit Aibrlch 4 0 1 richer 1 S'jbi.' Guard Bi&sett 3, ror.oer 3. 31&:;. Ume, P. O. 10. Our4 13. Mar. Beeerre, (111 (ST) C. T. L. Wuntr 3 P 4 Klr:iumltb Witaoo P CcuaieT Carrow 3 ....... -C . ..... 10 Pt!u:mor-J Wejilloa 4 0 3 Blaielr Weal I 0 13 Clark Sura: Uar-.nrj Jaiua 3: C. T L- Aari cra:t 4, Detww 3. Hajltlme: liannea 0. C. T. L. IS . C. It. C. 113) (44) .Natl. Gar Turner I P 11 Youm Linheart P 13 Hart Moon 3 C 3 Jonej Mrera 0 3 MleriaeU Skeela 4 0 3 Cupell Suba: C. B. C Oodser 1: Guards Cum mmta 3. Halltlme: C. B. C. t, NaU. Ouard 33. Yankees; John Wozniak, N. Y. Yankees. Centers Bill Blackburn, Chi cago Cardinals; Brad Ecklund, N. Y. Yankees; Ed Neal, Green Bay Packers; Bob Nelson, Los Angeles Dons; John Rapacz, Chi cago Hornets; George Strohmey er. Chicago Hornets. Backs Sammy Baugh, Wash ington Redskins; John Clement, Chicago Hornets; Charley Con erly, N. Y. Giants; Glenn Dobbs, Los Angeles Dons; Don Doll, De troit Lions; Bill Dudley, Detroit Lions; Pat Harder, Chicago Car dinals; Dick Hoerner, Los An geles Rams; Bob Hoernschemey er, Chicago Hornets; Bobby Layne, N. Y. Bulldogs; John Lu jack, Chicago Bears; Marion Motley, Cleveland Browns; Jer ry Nuzum, Pittsburgh Steelers; Bosh Pritchard, Philadelphia By the margin of 66 to 23. Val-I5:agles: Kil Kamsey, Lnicago setz high downed Oregon School;" e" ge a"ermn for the Deaf raoprc w4n.H Buffalo Bills; Gene Roberts, N. night. The preliminary went to the visitors, 20 to 17. Valieti 6) (33) o. 8. D. S'JIi,H " c'y Babh 13 p e Head 37 o . 3 jiue-hej ! son. Hurtsee) 3 o 3 ScMu.ke ITittlp " i Young. N Guards Les Bingaman, De- 1 i -,,-troit Lions; Don Ettinger. N. Y.jAlayOf LeOgUefS Worry Over Radio Broadcast Monster Three All-Americas Chosen Three former All-Americas made the first team. They are Graham, Northwestern ace in 1943; Huffman. 1946 star for Tennessee, and Ramsey, William Ac Mary star in 1942. Three players Van Buren, Speedie and Pihos were unani mous selections in that they gained votes in every city in which they played during the season. Valsetz Cagers Drub OSD, 66-23 Kinc Y. Giants; Joe Sulaitis. N. Y. Giants; Billy Stone, Baltimore Colts; George Taliaferro, Los Angeles Dons; Tommy Thomp- Philadelphia Eagles; Y. A. Baltimore Colts; Buddy Y. Yankees. New York, Dec. 15 URX Big league baseball, worried over the possible effects of new federal broadcasting reg ulations, was asking today "Have we created a monster that will destroy us?" The club owners spent the entire day yesterday discus sing the new ruling by At torney General J. Howard Mc Grath which they themselves fought for Now they are concerned lest their farm clubs and the other minor league teams, which are the backbone of baseball, suffer disastrous at tendance losses while fans elect to stay home and listen to broadcasts of big league games. BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL SCORES By United Pts& Eiiece 44. Grtnt (Portland' 43. Uui:oanii Colleje 36, Lincoln (Port mi' 3. Odell 30. St. Miry'J Tht? LHi:' 19. Vs'jeti M. Orecon LI &hoo! 23. Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON CrfOGJuJiicic rel ievr prociptJy b-fciuK It fot right to the ml of the trouble to help looMfi mad expel germ Ud phlegm led aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in Aimed bronchial mucous membraneL Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of CreomuUioo with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allay the cough or rou are to hare rout mooer back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis (OIVMII tllWIklll, INC TA(0M A,W I N I N 910 N J Stuff and Nonsense! Gift shopping for HIM is simple , when you remember that There's 10 FREE for every 50 at S&N. You might start with 7)orukichards They presented an entire DON RICHARDS ward robe on STOP THE MU SIC. Our hope is that you'll start with one DON RICHARDS suit or top coat. (Don't limit yourself, though, if you feel you need more than one.) Get the Smart Notion ... Shop Now at By the woy, HARRY the EX-CLOTHES HORSE, tug getrs you redeem your FREE "10 for every 50" S&N GIFT CERTIFICATE with WINGS shirrs and WEMBLEY ties. Though you might like to know. C LO THE S ' Herbert Mink 311. OtdimcbU (1) Prick Cstksrjn J0. E. Surrnt 410. An Wo Ike 363. B; 6-w.uck 3TB. Dee7 Bsni4:n 3.Q. Cdinw (41 Bob Fry 451. Don Boweri 3W, B-d Redj 333. WUir Do&s 448. Her iert Brry 359. Hodion (0' Bob ShiKk 402. Al Wilen 38T. Jiek WttiU 339, Ed Burton 33. Dare Farrell 313. Lincoln Merenry (It P. B. Cburelunan 340, E-d OTcn 3T3. S?a4 Spifle 339, Bob Hu: 3J-3. Ea.-l Brooki 423. Ford (3) Vem Boock 435, Bob Burn 413. Arnold Holats 4. Al won 2s. Gienn Scsrorer 480. Dodxe (2 1 BUI Ckt?bU 407. D&llaa KJier 338. Prank Jor. 390. Hil WiLson 374. Hal Wilson 374, Frank Sne'.trove 333. BBiek 'It Shorty WUUaiaa J4. Harry W:on 354, Dorvan Holt 433, Dav ilooc 357. U. Van Del! 435. Hlth teaa aerlti and came: Pord, 141 and 30 S3. Bua lcdlTMaal xrlea: Boock and Tan EXU. 435. H:fh IndWd-Ba! na: U. Van De2. 197. Deadpan Louis Says No Thought Of Regular Bouts Detroit, Dec. 15 (i Retired Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis toyed with two opponents last night in a pair oi five round exhibition bouts that were more of a financial than a fistic success. Louis had the same old dead pan expression as he chugged through his chores with Irish Johnny Flynn of Rochester, N.Y. Detroit. The former heavyweight icing's weight was announced at 225 but he looked to be even heavier than that. Flynn came in at 210 and Toles at 225. A crowd of 9257'paid a gross gate of $19,778.96. Asked if he had changed hisi mind about returning to the ring for some real scraps, Louis replied: "Nothing that has happened in these exhibition fights has got me to thinking that I should go back into the ring for regu lar fights." From where I sit ...ly JoeMarsh -m- Now Hospitals Are "Banks," Too! Doe Simpson was sarins, "Hospi tals are banding ap "bone banks' that work Just like blood banks. When bone Is needed, the surgeon takes one from a refrigerator, cuts It to the right shape and limply splices it in." "You doctors are sure making progress," I says, "but tell me, are any of the patients fussy about tcAo bone they're getting!" "No sir!" replies Dot "No more than they worry about whose blood they get No one yet asked for a bone from a man who went to the same school or church he did." From where I sit, It wonld be a better world If we were half as willing to accept other people's Ideas and tastes, as we seem to be willing to accept their bone and blood. There'll always be differ ences. Some like buttermilk, others would rather have a sparkling glass of temperate beer. But underneath we're pretty much the same deserving each other's re spect and tolerance I Copyright, 1949, United State$ Brewers Foundation LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HZRE3T GIVEN, that by an order oi tn Circuit Coon el tat 8tat of Orefon for tin County of Marlon, In Probat. dalr sad and entered on the 2iti day of November, 1949, that PIO NEER TRUST COMPANY, or Salem. Ore son, hu been duly appointed u Execu tor of the laat w:I! and testament and estate of Zuiette Paister, deceased, and that It baa duly qualified aj ineb execu tor. A3 persona hartac claim araliut aa!d estate hereby are required to present them, wltb proper voucher, to aald Pio neer Trust Company at 109 North Com mercial Street. Salem. Marlon County. Ore roc. witn tlx. montha alter th date of first publication or this notice. Dated and first published tba 8th day of Decembsr. 1949. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY Of Salem, Orezon. Executor aforesaid. Peery T. Buren, Attorney for Executor 311 Pioneer Trust Buildinc, Salem. Oreton. Dec. 8. 15. 22, 39. Jan. 6. CALL FOB BIDS THE CITY OP SALEM. OREGON. Will receive sealed bids at t&e office of the City Recorder. City Hall, Salem. Orecon, until 3;qo, p.m., Tuesday. Demter 30. 1949, on tha foUowlnz equipment to be delivered at the Slnsrwood Heirhts Fire station, uien creex Rod and Parkway Drive, Salem. Ores on: One (1) only Electric Refrlferator of standard brand and make between 1 cu. ft. and 9 cu. ft. storage capacity. Outside width not to exceed 34 inches. One (1) only Electric Ratal of a standard brand and make not exceeding 41 inches overall lencb, to Include three heat la t units and one deep well. Elect limine devices and clocks need not be Included in bid as Standard models of both refrxeraior and ranee are all that are required. The ruht la reserved in the Interest of the city to accept or refect any or ail bids. ALFRED MTJNDT C'.iy Recorder C.ty of Salem, Ore on Dec. IS. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ON PLATE GLASS MIRRORS Com in ond see our Christmas Special Sale on beveled mirrors. Large variety of styles and sizes, just in time for that last-minute gift for the home to give you a lifetime of joy and beauty. Regular 20.30, now. . Regular 12.60, now. 9.90 6.80 LUf-fULLft 6- CO 171 S. Liberty Dial 2-3933 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Until Christmas Straight Kentucky Bourbon in all its Glory! Naturally a finer drink Lf M' JbA Naturally aged 4 years in wood . . . fwPpiWj Naturally lighter in body ... Naturally smoother in taste . . . St1 oJ035 $Q75 U Mm PINT M 45 QT. fir COM I sic COM isis . . i IN V - KIM I PUD ertr Snlrl until Fnur nut U PB00F. KENTUCKY STKAiSHT BOURBON WHISKEY. THE SE0. T. STAGS COMPANY, FKAiWOgT. KENTUCKY.