5 C 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 p U.S.COAsrGUARD NL-4' Burned Seaman Brought to Shore Ewald Blai (in stretch er), one of eight survivors of the explosion and fire aboard the Dutch motorship Doros off the Florida coast, is trans ferred from a Coast Guard PBM to a crash boat a Miami, Fla. Seven other survivors were walking cases. Sixteen crew men are missing. (AP Wirephoto) German Version of Jane Russell, Betty Grable Seeks a Husband Gettysburg, S. D., Dec. IS VP) Isle Derinlowska of Hamburg, Germany, can have her pick from some 80 prospective husbands In the midwest. The 28-year-old German woman wrote a letter recently to Mayor Walter Sundergard of Gettysburg saying she was lonely and wanted "a gooa mmtiu- husband." She described her self as "endowed with a bosom like Jane Russell and legs like Betty Grable." The mayor show ed the letter to some newsmen. The answering epistles came In from North Dakota, Wyo ming, Iowa, Nebraska and Min nesota. They are still arriving daily although the mayor has long since disclaimed running a "Lonely Hearts" agency. On 3B-vear-old Iowa farm er drove 400 miles to get first hand information about Use from the mayor. The man said his mother prompted the trip by auggesting he should "pick out a good German girl for a wife. Lacking a stenographer, Sun dergard said he was bundling up the letters as they arrived and forwarding them to Use for her personal attention. With a touch of local pride he reported no men in this central Sout Dakota community of 1,000 pop ulation have applied yet for Use's hand. Fourth Grade Scout Girls Hold Program Salem Heights. Dec. 15 The Salem Heights Bluebirds of the fourth grade held their meeting in the school lunch room after school with Karla Anderson the hostess chairman. Mrs. Myron Butler is the lead er but lets the girls conduct their own meeting. President of the club is Rita Hopkins, secre tarv-treasurer. Sue Rasmussen and scribe, Sally Archibald. The group plans to join other Blue bird and Campfire troops to sing Christmas carols around the Christmas tree on the Court House lawn Saturday afternoon The group plans on caroling for the neighbors as their way of spreading Christmas cheer, Ingrid Admits 'Difficulties' Hinder Her Getting Divorce tj, vnrk. Dec. 15 UP) The New York Times in a Rome riUnatnh tnriav said film star Ingrid Bergman had told its cor respondent "some difficulties" had prevented her getting a divorce from Dr. Peter Liinastrom. Times correspondent Camille M. Cianfarra wrote that Miss Bergman told him she planned to marry Italian mm director Roberto Rossellini as soon as she is free, having decided "to give up my artist's career be cause I now want to live my own life just as any other woman." Cianfarra said he interviewed Miss Bergman and Rossellini In her apartment in Rome. The cou ple's romance began last spring when Rossellini directed the Swedish actress in the film Stromboli," made on a bleak, volcanic island off Italy's west coast. According to the Times dis patch, Rossellini said Miss Berg man "explained things quite clearly" to Dr. Lindstrom when they met in Messina last May, at a time when the Bergman-Ros- sellini romance was making headlines around the world. 'I want to make it clear," the ii.rji.N.dLLiLLiLiijLjj;:!;! ;,: i :h inii, ;i::ii;au;ijLi..ii.i.ii!:i.riN.ii Give a LIVING Gift This Christmas j Give a Gift- Certificate 1 F. A. Doerfler & Sons Nursery 8 DIAL 2-1322 1 150 N. Lancasfer Drive at 4 Corner! Times account of Rossellinl's remarks continued, "that at that time the relationship between Ingrid and myself Was absolute ly correct. It is not our fault, is it, if we cannot get married because Ingrid has been unable so far to obtain a divorce?" Concerning published reports that Miss Bergman is going to have a baby in February, the Times quoted Rossellini as saying: "Whether she is or is not is nobody's affair. I think that report deserves neither denial nor confirmation because- it is an attempt to pry into the pri vate life of a woman who, to as sert her right to her own life. has given up her career which is what an artist regards as the most important thing in life Isn't that enough?" "By making that decision has not Ingrid as good as said to both her admirers and detractors: Look, I've fallen in love with a man who is not my husband. " 'As an artist I have certain responsibility toward the public and I may be criticized. All right, if that's 'the case, I no longer want to be an artist, I want to be a happy wife with the man I love.' " Miss Bergman said she peatedly" had asked her husband for a divorce since last April. Rossellini told the Times cor respondent he was sure Miss Bergman and he "would have been spared all the criticism which has been poured on us' had Lindstrom granted his wife's request for a divorce last spring. Rossellini told the Times cor respondent that if Miss Berg man could not obtain a divorce in the United States, she would sever her marriage ties in a European court. "I know," he was quoted as saying, "that some of the di vorces granted on this continent are not recognized in America, but they are recognized in many il!Jl!l!lill!BBIB!l!!IIIItlllillllll!IBf iM'iii'-ii'nn!!'!: M'i'i:!! i!::M:'i-!!!-. :l !::r: lN -in :''!i!!:i.iirmri,t 'The Mark of a Princely Host Born in the Elegant Eighties ...still the mark of a Princely Host 'ThcPrincefy Whiskey Pi i ice 1 7 fcoitt lim ptoirfly icrTc4 thn excellent vhitkey siicc 1662. 92S Fluk Sa RARE BLENDED WHISKEY IS PROOF. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THREE FEATHERS DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCEBURG, I NO. European countries. If that's the best we can do, that's tne nest we can do at least for the time being." Rossellini refused to explain the "difficulties" Miss Bergman said had developed in the divorce negotiations with her husband. The Times correspondent said friends of the couple told him Lindstrom had refused to give his wife a divorce because he thought her romance with Ros sellini "was only a passing fancy and not real love" and he want ed Miss Bergman to come back to him. Locating in Oregon Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wetter of Buffalo, New York, cousins of Mrs. Mabel Hatch ar rived the past week to spend the winter in Oregon and if they can find what they like, they will make their home in Oregon. Dairy Report Discontinued Portland, Dec. 15 W The de- partment of agriculture is dis continuing the monthly Oregon dairy report because of the cost. The state emergency board last week refused to grant an extra $6,000 for the project. The re port is published by the federal agency from state and federal funds. LEO H. JOHNSON Electrical Contracting Repairing Supplies -See Us For Lighting Fixtures 250 Court St. - Ph. 20715 Just back of Busick's Philadelphia was founded in 1S82 by William Perm. FOR Insured Savings First Federal Savings First Current Dividend VA st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 UII mm enrol rt icoutot One sip of Schilling tells yon here it richer, better-tasting coffee. Thermo Regulated roasted for uniform good ness, always delicious, always satisfying. Schilling M nidi off sp r Her Christmas Robe LOVELY: to be welcomed and cherished, . rlACTICAL: all year around! Warm and Fluffy CHENILLE ROBES RAYON SATIN QUILTED ROBES Wonderful washable chenille with colorful scroll design or in self color trimmed all around the hem. A typical budget gift from Penney's world of thrifty gifts. Sizes 12 to 20. Some larger sizes too! PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR 5.90 Wrap around rayon satin quilts with delicate florals and smart solid colors.' Wide skirts, large collars and full linings. Perfect gift. Sizes 12 to 20. Larger Sixes 8.90 PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR 7 ATTENTION MEN! FREE GIFT WRAPPING ON ALL PURCHASES IN THE STORE ! ALL WOOL FLANNEL ROBES Imagine I All wool flannel robes at this small price. Again Penneys bring you a thrift Christmas gift. Beautifully tailored with contrast ing piping. Classic good looks. PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR DOBBY FIGURED RAYON FAILLE 8.90 RAYON SLIPPER SATIN ROBES ,A Christmas gift she'll never for get. Lovely quilted cuffs and col lars. Shimmering rayon slipper satin in rich colors of wine and blue. Handsomely tailored. Sizes 12- 20. PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR PRACTICAL - COZY CORDUROY ROBES 7.90 Perfect giftl Dobby figured rayon faille. Wonderful shades. Gathered at waist to give extra fullness in the full skirt. Short sleeves, belted back. 10-20. 9.90 Wrap around corduroy robe to wear 12 months of the year! Royal blue and wine and its wonderful In any of these shades. Long sleeves, com fortable style. 7.90 PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR PENNEY'S 2ND FLOOR STORE HOURS . ; Starting Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ; Thrifty SALEM, OREGON