14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 Cooey Gets Heart Attack Dancing With Mac P her son By VIRGINIA MACPIIERSON Hollywood, Calif., Dec 15 IU.R) Western bandleader Spade Cooley hired Macpherson to do a one-minute acting job with him In Robert L. Lippert'i "Everybody's dancin'." We did Just what he told us to. But we must have been pretty awful. Twenty minutes later Cooley crumpled to the floor from c heart attack. 1 Three policemen rushed him to St. John's hospital in Santa Monica, where he is recovering from his horrendous experience. Cooley is being real gentle manly about the whole thing. He insists it wasn't our fault. He had been working too hard lately, he says, and the ticker had been acting up. "I knew I was gonna have to alow down, anyway," he said from his hospital bed. "But I was trying to finish that pic ture. That was the last day. "As soon as I wound up that scene with you I was going to the hospital for a check-up. I'd already had one attack." Maybe. But our brand of emoting will never put Bette Davis out of business. Turn that loose on a man with a tricky ticker and the results could have been a lot worse. We're waiting now to see how the make-up man came out. He had a bad time of it, too. Getting the MacPherson mug ready for the scene is no cinch. First, there was the matter of a pug nose. In desperation he smeared a long streak of brown goo down the center and said maybe that'd tone down the coop snoot a little. But he wasn't guaranteeing anything. He didn't like the MacPherson eyebrows, either. Seems they have a tendency to curl up on the ends. And anybody knows a dame can't look glamorous with a pug nose and eyebrows to match. The hair was another prob lem. He combed it up, then he combed it down, and finally he gave up and left it the way we had it in the first place. (Our only victory of the day, we might add.) For our screen debut we walk ed on the set, shook hands with Cooley, said a few words, and walked off again. We had to do it over three times. Seems we don't talk loud enough. (And this will come as a complete sur prise to our old man!) Re-takes are expensive things. But Spade was a gentleman to the bitter end. He said we did fine. Then he collapsed. His doctor said he will re cover. As long as he takes it easy from now on. It goes with out saying that Includes no more movies with female reporters. 80,000,000' Feet Offered in District Timber tracts totaling 80,000, 000 feet will be offered for sale In 1950 In the Salem district of the O&C advisory board. Oregon-California agency tim ber tracts for sale during the year were listed today to permit - buyers to plan the-year's logging operations. Daniel L. Goldy, regional ad ministrator of the bureau of land management, said the tracts hold 467,000,000 board feet for har vesting. The advance listings were recommended by the O&C advisory board. The largest block is 107,000, 000 board feet in the Coos Bay district Others, besides the Sa lem district, are Roseburg, 92, 000,000; Medford, 100,000,000; and Eugene, 88,000,000. European monks perfected tained glass craft in the 14th and 15th centuries. Court Tilts All Pinballs Olympia, Dec. 15 W) The Washington state supreme court tilted all the pinball machines again yesterday and the machine owners declared they would ap' peal to the U.S. supreme court to keep the pinballs rolling. The state court denied a pe. tition for a rehearing of its Nov. 9 ruling that pinball machines are illegal. Then the judges turned down a request that the ruling be stayed pending an ap peal to the highest court. Wilmot Garvin of Spokane, attorney for the pinball owners, said the U.S. court would be ask ed for a stay of Judgment "in three or four days." He said any justice of the high court has the power to halt action on the ruling. Reapportionment Petitions Circulate Portland, Dec. 15 W) Peti tions for an initiative vote on reapportioning the legislature on a population basis were circu lating here today. The state AFL and CIO organ izations, the Young Democrats and some of the Young Repub licans have endorsed the campaign. Another reapportioning meas ure is expected to be out soon. The plan of Rep. Giles French, Moro, which has the support of the farm bureau federation, would change the legislative system to the federal plan. It would give each county one sen ator and put the house on a population basis. Andersons are Hosts Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Arthur i Anderson entertained with an evening of cards at their home Guests biden were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teagen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Eltin Brown, Austin Longfel low, Cliet, Wayne and Grant Smith, all of Mehama. Lucky says- b'&ora, for. ENEfZ6Y,YE CAN COUNT ON FRESH 'N'TASTV SHAMROCK POTATO CHIPS EH, PATRICK t " I hSU AV THAT. at your Qrottrt Distributed hv PHIL SCHNELL DISTRIBUTING CO. 280 Bcllevue Fh. 33608 CARLOAD SALE jr" sunkist at M' SEEDLESS NAVEL , flvVi'? II HT Vour frlrndi, rrlatlrri yil IwX'f Mn ,lft ", ,h"f lu" 3 gtfXt' Maui, wfrl, ii-rdlm oranr.fi i'3 jmm &jX- will aavt rndlrsi hop- ,AI W$ Full Box M9B V 059 M fc 70lb,. ..4 Box ....2 M HOME TOTER BAG ff-ffl 1 m. iolb5.75c IX S Stores CARLOAD ORANGE SALE IGA Stores - Salem Woodburn Gcrvais Scio Mehama-Monmouth-lndcpcndene Divining Rod Fails In Hunt for Girl Ostrander Junction, Wash., Dec. 15 lU.Rl Fred N. Schoen er, Kent, Wash., who tried to find lost Ruth Aberle with a divining rod of whalebone, led himself back to town with out results. Schoener tied a piece of the missing girl scout's dress to the, pointed end of a forked whalebone and set out. He made a wide circle of the search area and led a party of curious searchers back to town via a logging road. Mrs. Bridges Hostess Lyons Mrs. Sam Bridges was hostess for the Altar Society meeting at her home. No spe cial business was conducted and the afternoon was spent infor mally. Present were Mesdames Herman Free, John Jungwirth, Bob Free, Clarence Jungwirth, Frank Leichlightner, Phillip Pie trok, Mike Schwindt, Doc Jung wirth, Father Schneider and the hostess Mrs. Bridges. Accused Denies 'Urge to Kill' Iowa City, la., Dec. 15 U.fil A University of Iowa psychology student accused of strangling his pretty coed sweetheart Wed nesday denied he had consulted a psychiatrist about an "urge to kill." County Attorney Jack While said he had a sworn statement from a psychiatrist that Robert Bednasek, 24, charged with the slaying of Margaret (Gee-Gee) Jackson, 20, confided that he had "homicidal and suicidal im pulses." But Bednasek denied that he had visited a psychiatrist. "I wish you would talk to Professor Edward Shoben (As sistant Professor of psychology and clinical consultant at the University of Iowa)," Bednasek said. "He probably knows more about me than anyone else. I trust his Judgment Implicitly." Shoben confirmed that he knows Bednasek "very well," but said he didn't feel free to discuss his relationships with students. "I will be wiling to tell of the relationship after I have been subpoenaed," Shoben said. The county attorney, who would not identify the psychia trist or elaborate on his state ment, said authorities' investiga tion has "establish a motive and an intent for the crime." The National Geographic Sod. ety says American craftsmen have recaptured the lost medi- eval methods of staining glass. Nothing Down Pa; Monlhlj VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades V VCm ilin Biih ratina tialnt ' J re-ilsta your Aid Venetian blind ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Ruge St. West Salem We give 8 4 H Green Stamps wtefcyj iac ix . ft i i - yv m w m w rMu t m m i y r m R7 4. U . IXiSafr' tl rrLAf Mf MM MM M M MM M MM MM MM W Mm I m SHORTENING WTm WHTU Pur. .11 vegetable, short , ibfeSsL- - . bPSSXSn enlng mat compares vntlIL) . If""" ' ' v7"'6sw 2?T5 the finest. Take advantage m I I Wlk 0 Brand K ' ofthla very special low 11 I r I VtfS& JLL IT 9 OCEAN SPRAY JQ , . ' Jlh IL. JLI lvK Asiortwl Flavors ft CfOnberry SflUCe VVhol. or Strained 2 for Zr7L trooDtSftJ ii Pk9s 75r 2Jaig?sarS LJ A niblets whole corn i r kv t m i si i m i i ' iii i mM BSV.B M SJ SB rsfjsst sF wuin mi iiic tvv vn i w wvu .... vssj iui m 1 1 IGA s I; in NUC0A MARGARINE 25 lb. carton V 2-49e Armour's Star J IGA MARASCHINO CHERRIES 3-oz. jar IGA MAYONNAISE 15c 39c Pineapple Juice Large 46 oz, can . TREET Luncheon Meat I 3QC 12 oz. can w I soup f Armour Star 1 CHOPPED HAM e 12 oz. can J J ' IGA SLICED Hi SALAD DRESSING Vinl 27C PINEAPPLE Na.2can Lit SHREDDED WHEAT 16c 70 With a 10c coupon in each package toward the purchase of Nabisco CI fjl 117 ., , J M M 100 Bran. W W IX 50 lb. bag M LARSEN'S VEG-ALL No. 303 Can IGA WHOLE KERNEL CORN n. 2 can . 17c 18c Order Your TURKEY or HAM for Holiday Feasting at Your IGA Store SEE THE VARIETY AT YOUR IGA STORE SPECIAL PRICE Old Fashioned Choc. Drops lb. 10 lbs. i pkg. ARMOUR'S STAR Corned Beef Hashu hfViV'lriJ'ii In HcWiJ if JtSsA oz. can ARMOUR'S STAR DEVILED HAM IV ARMOUR'S STAR VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 Cleans dirty hands leaves them soft BORAXO i, oz. can SWEETHEART SOAP 3 "St 23c 2 IT 23c V iir 1 1 (A2a, 17c 85c 39c Junket Freezing Mix Vanilla, Choco late, Maple, Strawberry, pkg 12c PKG. Pillsbwry's PIE CRUST 9c MIX IGA Mince Meat 20c . , LMWMmMM .'.v.v. i -'A FOR FRESH TASTINQ HOLIDAY SALADS . . . EMPEROR GRAPES 2 b, 25c i 'f , ; a '"''"'j For your fruit bowl or eating enjoyment CLOROX r 25c Vi G Ju Disinfects Deodorises Bleaches Removes Stains H T yv Am-..-- '- .-r . ii ..." ., i.- w:., : .. FRESH CELERY Crisp, tender and sweet. r : i I- HEAD LETTUCE Fresh, crisp, solid green heads. Pound 10c Deschutes. Finest all purpose potato. 10 lb. bag U. S. No. CiS ' Yours for only.... AND 3 KIN I HATION LAtll Atk Us for OroW Mank M m KENLRATION 14C Highland Market 100 Highland Ave. Broadway Grocery Brdwjr. & Mkt.-Open Sunday Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Carter's Market nth and Market St. State Street Market 1830 Slate St. Lemmons Market 598 No. Commercial Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Pearson's Food Mkt. 894 No. Commercial Model Food Market 875 North High St. Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon