12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 Acheson Admits Arms Aid Row Washington, Dec. 15 (U.R) Sec retary of State Bean Acheson Wednesday first denied and then confirmed that the United States and her Atlantic pact allies still re disputing over conditions for ending U. S. arms aid to Eu rope. Acheson had denied at a news conference that negotiations cov ering terms for sending arms aid to Europe have hit some snags. He reversed himself after an hour-long conference with Brit ish Ambassador S 1 r Oliver Franks on difficulties that have cropped up during negotiations since Nov. 3. The department announced that W. Averel Harriman, rov ing ambassador in Europe, has been named U. S. representative on the North Atlantic defense financial and economic commit tee. The committee was set up last month by the North Atlan tic council to advise on the fi nancial and economic aspects of the defense plan. Gets Death Choice of Gallows, Firing Squad Ogden, Utah, Dec. 15 (U Rl Ray Dempsey Gardner faces a man datory death sentence Friday, following his conviction for the rape-slaying of 17-year-old Shir ley Jean Gretzinger. The jury of 12 men took just an hour Tuesday night to return a verdict of guilty, with no rec ommendation of leniency. When the 28-year-old ex-convict and mental hospital inmate stands before Second District Judge John A. Hendricks he will be given his choice of death on the gallows or before a firing squad. 4 J I i filled with her favorite fragrance IfHIODISI WOODHUl TICm STMW Ml fiary a precious drop wasted because Fabergo's exclusive TOUCH CONTROL tip release! its perfume only when she strokes It on her skin Fabergette in purse-perfect leather pouch, gift boxed 3.50 Insemble of Fabergette ond matching cologne, gift boxed 3.5(7 ursette of black velvet holding two Fabergettes, assorted fragrances, 5.00 ,1m m f .1. fMAdlnf naiicnxwi mill Ai j. . ' JIIBIMI C(NTf NCHTf OMrgLt M 0' tW Olf AI mill IU. 1 1H, ' www " Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. HARD CHRISTMAS CANDY Lb. 23c 1C lbs. or more, lb, 21c Special Box Chocolates, light and dark, 89( Special 5 lb. Box Chocolates, asst $3.25 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 MAkSHMALLOWS Fresh and Fluffy Wonderfood 1 lb. cello. 19c Maraschino Cherries Large 7Va oi. jar . . 23 C MINCE MEAT 33c Jljoiiday SV7 f 5 otD-FAsmomo mao candies, mM cmam chocolates ft of . J Jane Adair Flower Chocolates, 1-1 b. box 79e Imperial Flower Chocolates, 2-lb. box $1.49 Chase Chocolate Covered Cherries, box 49' Imperial Radio Mix, bulk, lb . 22c Imperial Monster Gums, bulk, lb : 22c Imperial Orange Slices, bulk, lb .22 Imperial Climax Chocolate, bulk, lb 25e ALMONDS Soft Shell . .ib. 33c Pennant Large 30 oz. jar MIXED NUTS Fancy (No P-Nurs) Ib. 33C ib 29c BRAZIL NUTS Large PECANS, Paper Shell Funsten, large . . .lb. C SPECIAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FANCY PUMPKIN CRANBERRY SAUCE ROYAL PUDDINGS Chocolate - Vanilla - Butterscotch - Oram WHITE STAR TUNA HORMEL SPAM Standby No. 2 J4 con. , Standby Fancy No. 300 ca or Kxxxl. . . . m pkgs. Chocolate - Vanilla - Butterscotch - Orange - Cocoanut - Tapioca, etc Chunk Style Grated No. Vi can Spiced Luncheon Meat 12 oz. can 2 ,a 9e 15c cam WW 2 11 25c n mm cans " 4 25c 29c 37c TUNA FISH -,- 19c Devil's Fudge White Golden Spice 0 37c ADD ONLY WATER Large Pkg. . FREE SERVINGS CINCH CAKES FRIDAY-SATURDAY And it't a cinch that Folgar't good coffee will be served, toe HI HO CRACKERS Fresh Superior COCO Bon Bons 1 lb. OQ- Cello J'C Folger's Coffee 1 Ib. can 69c 2 Ib. can 1.37 WE'RE SORRY - WE WERE SOLD OUT So, hoping to please you, we have decided to again give you the oppor tunity to Stock Up and Save ... At a NEW LOW PRICE. SprTpred COOKED PICNICS 39c Average 5 to 7 lbs. Remember no fust, no muss just slice off and enjoy BOILING BEEF Grain Fed Baby Beef Short Ribs and Briskets ... I LB. GENUINE GRAIN FED DA DV RCCC HIND QUARTERS DAD I DCCr Remember We guarantee our locker beef to be tender Home. Rendered Fresh Stock 2 Ib 4 lbs. Ib. PURE LARD 29c , 19c 44c 57c cello 49c r ZS Sunshine crisp round rtA wafers, 1 Ib. pkg X7C A 9.5c SUNSHINE CANDIES wmz ess- ' - m l FILLED MINTS f "5 HOI1 1 PkfT wk coc X&fb To" iQt HEINZ 1 W0JZ FANCY SWEET PICKLES rSl 43C JSzr wurown I SWEET GHERKINS & Ta 0(r Heinz Midgeti yiQ. I ton Pint ia' c I "" i Sweet Mixed Heinz Pickles " I Large 24 oz. jar 47c HEINZ MINCE MEAT Fancy No. 2 can . . 53c Hormels - Cascade - Swifts - Armours - Morrells and others. Place your order now for your preference. Order That TURKEY Now or plan to buy from our large stock starting Monday, the 19th. Most of our Turkeys for Christmas will be killed on the 21st of December. To be sure of the FRESHEST OF TURKEYS SHOP AT ERICKSONS. FRESH OYSTERS ". WiHapa Harbor pint 59C .,fT'eXTPA FRESH HIGHEST QUAUTr CRANBERRIES -vh0,. 2 -29c ft" l Fnif Callrornia Garden LtLCKT Fresh, Crisp Stalks SWEET POTATOES OR YAMS. SUNKIST ORANGES STiSK. .49c Hot House Local Grown Washington JUST HEAT AND SERVE! SPAGHETTI With Tomato Sauce and g aa Cheese for 2 Cans .... 45c NALLEY'S SPAGHETTI NALLEY'S with MEAT 1. mmwM r.rs w fUSTL, sow"8001 3$mL 9 R9. a ' 8c A 2 ... 25c Ll ILI4' 7o. ib. jc r . 5c hm -jfisu jv gm Delicious, easily I &IC I s A m prepared pie crust I I JS. mrlmm for that Christmas I -iM MTjT" yn- dm,r pi.. kksi uuRnvtvin 33c UfEk 28 CEME" AT MEAT I 79c : TOMATOES POTATOES U. S. No. 2't 50 Ib. bag 98c PARSNIPS Santiam, white and crisp PREPARED PI E CRUST Hot Roll MixiD;:::Pkg 25c Heinz Casserole' Deal 3 tall cant Heinz Oven Baked Beam with 60c Glanbake Casserole SI. 00 Value ALL FOR These Grocery Specials Also Effective at Paramount Market 261 North Liberty Phone 2-24MM Salem's Quality Service Store 2 Up Charge for Delivery Service On These Specials Only 1 Vttf1 E Crown ti Ib. Pancake Flour Centennial 10c with Purchase of CROWN CAKE FLOUR 2'i Ib. pkg. . . . 33c BORAXO HAND CLEANER e oi. can . . . . 16c 1 lb. can. . . 27c PEET'S GRANULATED SOAP 33c Giant pkg. . . 65c 3720 State St. Two Big Stores 3060 Portland Road i