U. S. Must Keep Exporting $s, Or Buy More Europe Goods , Washington, Dec. 15 VPS Hep. Mansfield (D., Mont.) has brought 4back from overseas an idea that Americans must keep on export ing billions or "get in the habit" of buying more European goods. "Competition in some measure, and on fair and reasonable terms, with the goods and services of our own producers," he ideas: occupation of Germany must continue around 10 more years; the United States should re-study its embargo on arms shipments to Israel; and Presi dent Truman's point four pro gram for helping the world's backward countries should be the key point in foreign policy in 1950. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dee. 15, 1949 11 IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT said, "will have to be accepted, the United States will have to get in the habit of buying Euro pean products, where price and quality make such purchases sensible." AN This, he said in a report to the house foreign affairs committee, will require "a profound shift in the outlook of the American people to make them really import-minded." Mansfield and Rep. Javits (republican- liberal-NY), another member of the committee, took opposite views on a quick peace treaty and diplomatic recogni tion for western Germany. Mansfield is for them, Javits against. Each spent weeks abroad. Mansfield has been back for some time but just submitted his report today. Javits flew in yesterday and held a news con ference. Mansfield reviewed political and economic trends in France, western Germany, Austria and Italy. He said all western Europe should be brought into an econ omic union without any customs barriers, the European recovery program should stop as such in 1952, and dismantling of Ger man plants should stop now. Mansfield said he had con cluded that American aid through the recovery plan has stopped the advance of commun ism in western Europe and put it on the defensive. Americans, Mansfield said, have three choices in helping Europe. He listed them this way: The first is to stop or greatly reduce our exports and freeze world trade at a low level. He said this must be rejected be cause it would lead to stagna tion and perhaps war. The second is to continue to subsidize Europe's buying through gifts of billions of dol lars a year. He said such gifts can't keep on indefinitely. The third is to buy European eoods and make investments abroad. "In accepting the third choice," the congressman said, After saying reasonable com petition must be accepted, he added: 'European sales could be ab sorbed by this country into a constantly higher total flow of import and export trade, the whole resting on a solid founda tion rather than depending upon the artifical prop of continuing dollar assistance by the United States." Javits told his news confer ence that he and three other members of a foreign affairs subcommittee agree that west ern Germany should not be al lowed to rearm now. The other members are Reps. Joseph Pfei- fer of New York, Gordon of Il linois and Zablocki of Wiscon sin, all democrats. Javits gave as his personal Truman Urges Soldier Gifts Key West, Fla., Dec. 15 WJD President Truman today asked the American people to give servicemen away from home a nice Christmas. The president outlined his Christmas hopes for men and women of the armed services in a letter to Frank L. Weil, chair man of the president's commit tee on religion and welfare in the armed forces. "For many . . . servicemen and women in the United States there will be no Christmas at home," the president wrote Weil. "I think it would be a fine thing if American communities, wherever members of our armed forces are located, made special efforts, this year of great spirit ual significance, to welcome community life." The president himself will fly home to Independence, Mo,, for Christmas. He will leave here December 20, spend a brief time in Washington and fly to Inde pendence December 23. He will return to Washington December 28. Pre-Holiday Shoot Scheduled at Amity Amity A pre-Christmas tur kev shoot will be held here De cember 18, under the auspices of the Lions club and the Amity FFA chapter. The shoot will get under way about 10 a.m. Prizes will include turkeys and hams. Proceeds will be divided by the sponsoring groups. The Lions club will use its share to finance a town bas ketball team. The location of the shoot Is on grounds one-fourth of a mile south of Amity, 99W highway. UMPQUA DATE PRUNES Another Oregon taste treat. Grown in the famous Umpqua Valley. The finest and largest of this year's crop now available. Attrac tively packaged in 5 and 1 0 Ib. boxes. Eat these delicious date prunes like candy. Cook them if you wish. Sweet, tender. Buy a box for the holiday season. Have us ship sev eral to out-of-state friends for Christmas. They'll be delighted at your thought fulness. VALLEY FARM STORE 4345 Silverton Road at Lancaster Drive Ph. 22024 Also Distributed by PARAMOUNT MARKET and GOLDEN ARROW RESTAURANT n7s rW ff Here is a must for office or home. Rest-A-Phone saves time, makes phon ing easier. Clips on phone in 5 seconds and rests snugly on shoulder. Total weight one ounce. Com plete satisfaction or your money back. ALAN D. WIESNER Route 6, Box 346 SALEM, OREGON jmi wt" Mm jSp . theiale,tich aWSt. ffluwch of. . . ""ff i i .that grand importec Canadian Whiskey 5 PROOF CANADIAN WHISKEY, IMPORTED IN BULK BY I. & J, DUNBAR & CO. BOTTLED BV THE OLD MONASTERY CO, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SPECIAL gifts for SPECIAL people GEMS GENUINE GEMS unmount ed, cut by expert commercial cutters. Amethyst, aquamar ine, zircon, garnet, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, spinel, tourmaline, kunzite, star sap phire, star garnet, precious fire opal, also Oregon agates and other semi-precious gems in full supply, from World Wide Sources Burma, Cey lon, Madagascar, India, Aus tralia, Brazil, Colombia and Siam. JEWELRY MOUNTING We are equipped to set your gem in gold or silver mount ing, in latest modern design, by skilled craftsmen at money saving prices, FINE MINERAL SPECIMENS CHOICE CRYSTALLIZED TYPES Over the years, we have assembled probably the largest and most comprehen- BOOKS ON GEMS, MINERALS, LAPIDARY, etc. The following is a partial list of useful books in the field of gemology, miner alogy and geology. Jewelry. Gem Cutting and Metalcraft 3.00 The Art ol Gem Cutting 1.50 Gem Cutting , 3,50 Revised Lapidary Hand book 3,00 Introductory Gemology . 3,50 5000 years of Gems and Jewelry .... 3.75 The Story of Diamonds 1.85 Getting Acquainted with Minerals 3.25 Mineral Collectors Handbook 3,75 Field Book of Common Rocks and Minerals .. 3.35 Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy , 6.03 The Book of Minerals 2.25 Historical Geology 3.75 Quartz Family Minerals 3.00 Handbook tor Prospectors 4.50 The Rock Book 6.00 Handbook of Uranium Minerals 3.00 Fluorescent Gems and Minerals 130 Meteorites. 38 page illustrated booklet .... 1,00 An introduction to Paleobotany S.50 Gems and Gem Cutting 4.00 sive stock of crystals in Am erica from World Wide Sources. Crystals are aptly named "The Flowers of the Mineral Kingdom," born dur ing the aeons of time, in beautiful groups, clusters and crystalline masses. We invite inspection. Catalog 10c. ULTRA-VIOLET LAMPS FOR FLUORESCENT MIN-ERALS-i-The application of ultra-violet light to certain minerals is a spectacular phe nomenon, changing otherwise drab and colorless minerals into breathless beauty. Short wave, $17.50 to $39,50 Long wave, $10.00 & $29.50 Complete line of fluorescent minerals. Short wave, 18 spe cimens, $15.00. Long wave, 10 specimens, $7.50. RIKER MOUNTS FOR DISPLAYING AND STORING GEMSTONES: Consists of neat, sturdy box, with glass top and finished in durable black binding; filled with compact layers of cotton batting. 2'Ax3" 75e; 4x5" 85c; 5x6" $1; 614 x $1.50. AGATE JEWELRY Oregon is noted for its beau tiful agates and we maintain a varied assortment of agate rings (men's and ladies') pen dants, earrings, brooches, tie chains, charms, etc., in ster ling silver at bedrock prices. GEIGER COUNTERS FOR URANIUM PROSPECT ING The T-X 6 Geiger counter is the lightest, most practical and economical Gei ger counter on the market. Weight 4 lbs. Of rugged con struction. Complete with bat teries, headphones, probe and instruction sheet. $100.00. 88 page "Handbook of Uranium Prospecting," $2.00. Collec tion of 4 important uranium minerals, $3.50. DIAMOND SAWS An always appreciated gift for the agate cutter is a dia mond saw. Our diamond saws are precision made of finest quality. Prices: 8" $8; 10" $10; 12" $12. METEORITES Small specimens, 1 to S ounces, $2 per ounce. Larger specimens up to 50 lbs. are in stock. BLANK MOUNTINGS For the agate cutter who wishes to mount his own gems, we have the blank mounting in sterling silver for rings, pendants, earrings, brooches, tie-chains, etc. POCKET MAGNIFIER Just the thing for the miner alogist, gemologist, geologist, for field or laboratory work. Double 25 millimeter lens giving 4 or 8 magnification, in light weight durable plas tic. Price $3.50. Bausch and Lomb 10-power lens, Cod dington precision type. Price $12.00. For many years, through mail order, we have been supply ing the leading colleges, museums, research labs and pri vate collectors throughout the United States. You are invited to visit our shop and inspect our unrivaled stock of unmounted gem stones, fine mineral specimens and supplies. NO OBLIGATION. Location 4 Mi. N. Salem on 99E at Lancaster Dr. Store Hours, 1 :00 to 9:30 p. m. V. D. HILL AGATE ft GEM SHOP Complete Gem and Mineral Establishment lHm HOME Simplify your shopping by going to Hamilton's, Our large park ing lot is supplied for your convenience and selections are most complete in all departments. Rt. 7, Box 188 Salem, Oregon CARD TABLE ttrot des $2.95 FIRE SCREEN inel type wi immed edge $6.95 With ottroctive wood-groin , design top. Three-panel type with brass trimmed edges. i 4 PIECE WEST BEND Waterless cooking aluminum 51 Iw set. Kegular $lts.n, Special 995 DEHLER HOSTESS CHAIRS Choice of several good colors and fabrics. on.,529.5Q miwmwiwmwmwBimwwiiw AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTERS 2-slice models. 9.95 Special IHWli01CHiiiiIHl SWING ROCKERS ! size rockers i choice of tw combinations, $29.50 Medium size rockers in plaid fabrics choice of two color combinations. iWMiimmwnininwmHWftw LADIES 0'NITE CASE 1 8" size, genuine leather bound: Wi Covered in two-tone diagonal B pattern fabric, Special 0,JU Fed, Tax 6 WAV FLOOR LAMPS Bronze finish, large gloss re flectors, washable shades. ; Large Genuine Tspgrain LEATHER LOUNGE CHAIRS $149.50 Choice of several styles and colors at this one low price. KROEHLER : SOFA-BED AND : CHAIR $129J0 C,J Choice of several good covers. 5 -PIECE SAMPSON BRIDGE SET $29J5 Includes sturdy steel legged table and 4 upholstered choirs to match. Choice of several good colors. DREXEL American Traditional pine group va shown in November "Better 3Kma .Homes and Gardens," Why not start s collection from this new open stock group now ; being shown exclusively at Ham ilton'.? SPECIAL VALUES From Hamilton's Toy Department .Large Coaster Wagon, . .$8.95 , 16" Tricycle ...... JpJaek's Pony Pool Tables I (floor models) Upholstered Rockers (leatherette) .... Tob!e and Chair Sett , Large Dams Truck. . . , . $2.95 i 1,31. i . - - , Lionel Trsms, from. . .$1 5.95 Wind-up Traini ...... .$2.85 Barnyard Sets ....... .$4.95 Service Stations, from. , ,$1,95 METAL SMOKING STAND Bronze finish, table top, re movable glass ash tray. Special $1.95 MAGAZINE RACKS All wood construction with hand J grip. Choice of light or dark finishes. $ 3.95 BOUDOIR CHAIRS Choice of several styles and colors. Special 995 3 ROCK MAPLE TRAYS Special 1,95 o 395 SEWING CABINETS Duncan Phvfe stvle base ma hogany finish. Assorted thread equipped. Special 14.95 LANE CEDAR CHESTS Special Christmas model a advertised In Life. $ 49.95 $8.95 .t; $3.95 $9.95 ..$9.9sife I.'wOther Lane and Cavalier chests in vonoui finishes. DRUM TOP TABLE V top with drawer. Duncan .Phyfe base with metal-shod feet. This table is well designed to sell at $39,00, Now 29.50 '12.95 ADMIRAL Combination radio-phonograph a fine performing set in an attractive limed oak cabinet. Special $125.90 Si DOLLAR TOYS Si Soft Animals - Doll Beds Electric Irons Spin Bowl Game Bag o' Blocks Large Plastic Dish Set Archery Set Gun and Holster Sets and Other Good Toys Special MnmmRinictMM HAMILTON DRYER Now in stock for immediate delivery. An ideal home gift. With Ultra Violet Lamp '249.50 5-PiECE CHROME DINETTE SET Was plastic top and upholstered chairs. A Super Value af MMMMM f69.50 "V .HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. j: 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM, OREGON X !