8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 Two Arrange Tea For This Friday fRfiiffl R-M;tA fUBar Cr. Where, Oh Where, but at Cascade Merc. CAN YOU GET CHRISTMAS TREES IDOya DaDDIlJ U3U5 jayS. FREE! It is a Gift from Us to All Customers Who Spend Only 3 Bucks With Us! A pre-holiday tea is planned by Mr. Harold Busick and Mrs. Glenn W. Stevens for the com ing Friday afternoon at the Bu sick residence, guests being in p p vited to call between 2 and 4 o'clock. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Kenneth G. Man ning. Assisting about the living room will be Mrs. A. C. ueriing- I Cants S? A-VS E (fx i X 1 TSGm: . .a vt m ,.m i y . ......... i WW- f-k J; ill f-.'I . C 1 w Or- r. w i . i r i i -i rrr - e . r i i ur Asking guests Into the dining room will be Mrs. James C. Stone. Mrs. F. J. Forristel and Mrs. Robert Coffey, the latter of Portland and formerly of Salem, will pour. Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Morris K. Crothers nd Mrs. Edward Busick of Tacoma. Miss Richter Wed On December 9 Buena Vista Candles and flowers decked the First Baptist church, Friday evening at 8 o'clock for the mariage of Miss Nola Richter, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Fred Richter, to Clare Mill houser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Millhouser of Buena Vista. The Rev. Herman Wiede officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white slipper satin gown. Her illusion fingertip veil was trimed with lace. She carried a white Bible with a white orchid and ribbon streamers. Her sister Miss Georgia Rich ter, was maid of honor. She wore a peach satin dress in duplicate pattern to that of the bride. Keith Moore, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Milo Graber and H. R. Engblom. Mrs. Herbert Schunk sang accompanied by Miss Ruth Schultz. Mrs. Lynn Huntley played the wedding march. Mrs. Fred Richter, mother of the bride, wore a beige dress with a corsage of pink rosebuds and Mrs. Zeb Millhouse, mother of the bridegroom, wore a blue grey dress with a corsage of yel low rosebuds. A reception immediately after the ceremony was held in the church parlor with Mrs. Keith Moore, sister of the bridegroom, cutting the cake and Miss Mar garet Mills pouring, Miss Jean nie and Beannie Thompson and Miss Ealine Soltz, assisted In serving. Miss Joyce Martin pass ed the guest book. Pupils Guests On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Frederick Wilson enter tained members of his piano class at his studio on Market street. A program of piano solos, duets and two-piano selections was given by the students. Two pupils of the Daniel Uhey studio were featured In trumpet solos, Larry Smith and Douglas Gregg. Following the serving of re freshments, Santa Claus Imper sonated by Eddie Hamilton made his timely appearance and helped distribute gifts from a table near the multi-colored Christmas tree. Pupils taking part in the re cital were Dorothy Ann Moen, Ann Strain, Judy Page, Marian Braudli, Ann Fleming, Sandra Everitt, Eddie Hamilton, Dar lene Goodman, Judy Byers, Ka theryn Winiecki, Gary Jarman, Carol Werner, Wilbert Blschoff, Sharon Byers, Kenneth Holler, Jill Cummings, Sharon Muller, Wayne Fleming, Arlene Werner, Robert Goddard, Patricia Col lins, Verna Wade, Gloria Stolk and Kent Brown. ; j; J Trees For Sale, Too. Any size from 3-10 feet only . . . 49c SLEEPING BAGS For that sportsman or Scout in the family. Here Is a present he can use the year around. RANGER BAG Wool filled, air mattress pocket, zip per clear around. Can be made into double bag. Water repellent cover, canopy cover. Lots of other Bags, Down Filled, Kapok, everything you might want. Campus Hit Basic gray wool Jersey with convertible s? i I I . .. , . ' . ' ? " i-. U B h H I J ' U i Vi v. -l ....... 1 rl B B TJ "T,..-. S? HERE'S A LliricY DIIV I, 3 CuH 0 3 6,4 k 4 If - ' ' 1 M . 1 ' rt, trlttK THIS AUTOMATIC I -f V'SWPh. 2U,f WiW WWc , , .. ifc I.!; - . .. , - - a I POP-UP TOASTER I i'"-' ' ' J. ' v - ' V r -J '",, .''-. Two-slice, adjustable UL l.li.J-Ut, ,r, -.v, ft s.., i&L.: 1 artss WITH EVERY $3 PURCHASE mf can t put the name in the jTs. S? paper, but you will see the vvvvV W value in a minute. FREE TREE t WO I lllUl I With each nurchace nf S3. 00 ar mnm X I I I . Any size or kind. Your choice. St Hundreds to Choose From. X. W That's Right Just $10.95 1 1 minus- Dene I Cd..1495 1 "s.!6 d CAMP r j$ Two 36-inch bunk beds, new, complete with springs H j d IT d A. I FOR ONLY LS V , A beout,f u. presen Lots ofy and . 0 I This is an excellent buy, the best ever offered in I "'.A r f. I ' f i Salem. I " V.Hliml' SfftVft ' I Geniune Coleman, finest made f , j Mi Just received another shipment of the ' I popular small sheath knife. Pearl ' f ' , , handle, leather sheath. , ' . 1'-"J ''"' I "c - ' POCKET I r . r r ' rt'-Y KNIVES liiilllliv I G.I. Coveralls J ZtZ. X Just received a shipment of green ' ' Jl S10 i W H.B.T. G.I. coveralls, brand new . , ' ' t Blade Scout Knife O'C . W and all sizes. ' SQ. t' ' , if - ort 'V . " ' Blade Pocket Knife yC i ? p4.0V ' i ' i Blade Gold Plated QC- w .. . ' .. "..A fiift Knife in Box 7JC .... . - A , ' j . . '". These are top quality knives with asi 61 A v. ' X irass iininqs, top quality blades. . , Dubbin " j2J& W The real G. I. water-I 1 . , - , ; . - ' S? proofing for shoes. I ' ' J ' jy-1-- - MSSfe I BLANKETS e f r wnr ars - i . ... V !.:, w w w . , 100 wool U.i.N. (-rew Q C X I Ha"d 7 m S Client optics, Zeis. ,, Blank.hJI9hl. NEW. . . . f ...r,... MkET I work sox. VftX 8 Honey and Almond . .4 ;TH?SM ' "J Sll , . . . v . Cream. Large size S W$&j&&k ' ' ' I 50 and 35 wool work sox, long . , S b0,tle- X " WH LUs7x50 CQ CA length, lots of wear and warmth. . '' Sj? or j3 td. ions Jy.JW : :;-A , S? Z forXJC 7 All with beautiful 2 . 1 flfl ,X littf r- .!-,.' . , i... i... !:.:'...,.:, S oars icWW 1 - (Aj T . XWhite, Khaki or Greyy'-t; W Mi j WRIST WATCHES 1 ' . JACKETS Si 4 t' I 5 All or. Swi.. moyem.t watches. All er guorar.. - ' , Make an ideal Christmas present. Give him some- 4 i'fS W I I j' SNVv52 teed one year. . . , , . 1 I p 1 fe! KJ I ' Ali 17 jewel, waterproof, 7 ow.l. Waterproof. thing that he can use. 4 L fXWf 1 5 -! iJftZ ll shockproof. A fine 11 A r SATIN TWILL, silver or I 7 J It, TT 1 k h rlTlft WafCh' II.VD ' cedar bark. Fur collar 1 Kl I I M d 1950 17 jewel Chronograph. ' B-l 5 PILOTS, alpaca lined -11.95 - v ffl i S 5 : 2 Also a stock of lower The finest watch made. SLlfilfW 1 fi " sWiif r. . i a til Push button stop A-2 Horsehide Pilots Type. A baut C tT ? ffl f J l j J ".gooquaK watch. Telemeter, etc. ,ul jacket. Front-quarter horsehide. I V . Wfl ill P S ( . Av p -All are waterproofed, all are very well made and tnfr' lnhiaj fi I iFb ? ; 4.95 27.50 good looking. f i 6 lUWSM.... ! I ..Minn. mi .! n .... ,u ,...,.....,..,, ry .'"''''; nw vsw S Wjf KttBMbslMMsiiAiAistf .- -v-it----1-. msasssMfflssUttMliitlWlITt UMiTii ntWiilirlfctUI.-i-itAla..warli f& i Tin ynawpiL iVBL0mnil 0 HILL wa K 9 P.M. POCKET IS For Those "Extra" Presents 4 Blade Scout Knife 89c Am Blade Pocket Knife . 49c 2 Blade Gold Plated QC Gift Knife in Box These are top quality knives with Jrass linings, top quality blades. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! Special Purchase 100 Gabardine MEN'S SLACKS Beautifully tailored and in the best colors. Here is a buy we couldn't pass up. A wonder ful Chritsmas present. Regular ONLY O.J $15.00 We are passing this saving on to you. RAIN GEAR Steelhead Fishermen and Duck Hunters, Attention! U.S.N. RAIN PARKAS 1 QF like new I U.S.N. RAIN PANTS 1 QF like new . ; Complete suit only $3.75 U.S. ARMY RAINCOAT 1 QF like new or J Lots of Rain Jackets and Rain Coats, all at a Dig savings to you. Tents & Tarps We are headquarters for Sportsmen's Tents, either wall type or umbrella. 8x10 Wall Tent. .25.00 10x12 Wall Tent. .29.50 12x14 Wall Tent. .35.00 9x9 Umbrella Tent 34.50 9x11 Umbrella Tent 42.50 T.irps All sizes and kinds. At wholesale prices. Corner Fairqrounds Road and North Chui wool jeiavy wn. -f. zip neckline, designed by Rob- -----.-. -......T..'e....T..tt....tA..T?...e..tt.t A good stock left of Christmas ornaments. All at wholesole prices. For example: Pastel balls only 19c dozen. 1 ert Saligman, IJk2UtUILt