V r Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Roy Koffler were mar ried Saturday, Nov. 26 at St. Luke's Catholic church in Woodburn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrews of Woodburn, and Mr. Koffler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koffler, also of Woodburn. They will make their home in Woodburn. (Alyce studio picture) Shower Given for Couple on Sunday A miscellaneous shower was given for Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Given, rela tives and friends attending the event. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given, Mrs. Gertrude Harris, Mrs. Mary Benner, Mrs. Vera Savage, Mrs. Helen Need ham, Mrs. Tamari Needham, Mrs. Gilbert White, Mrs. Ethel Archibald, Mrs. Lucille Hof mann, Mrs. Melba Hofmann, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Given, Mrs. Jean nelle Moore, Mrs. A. P. Maier, Miss Geraldine Edwards, Miss Lorene Edwards, Larry Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dah len, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar tin, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Craw ford, Mrs. Laurence Edwards, Mrs. Ruby Mertle, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills, Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Mrs. Ethel Guteknust, Mrs. Margaret Martin, Mrs. M. O. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Su ko, Mrs. Stella Hess, Miss Car men Given, Miss Donna Given, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Given. MMWMMUIIiMUIWI ,111111 lllfflHHM Rice Custard Good Rice desserts have long been among "favorite recipes," but this rice custard filled with raisins and almonds surpasses all others for popularity. The rice crispies and almonds make a topping that is both, decorative and crunchy. : Serve this dessert at the ta ble, from the dish in which it is baked, adding the whipped cream garnish in quantities to suit individual tastes. EICE CUSTARD 1 cup seedless raisins - 3 eggs 3 cups milk ' 2,h cup granulated sugar Vs teaspoon salt ., 1 teaspoon lemon extract or vanilla ' 1 teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups cooked rice 2 cups rice crispies Vi cup chopped unblanched almonds Whipping cream to gar nish Preparing the Rice Put 1 cup of rice, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 cups cold water in a two-quart saucepan. Cover with a tight fitting lid. Set over a hot flame until it boils vigorously. Then reduce the heat as low as pos sible and simmer for 14 minutes more. During this time the rice will absorb the water and come but deliciously tender. Remove ' the lid to permit the rice to steam dry. Lift rice with a fork to test its consistency. Never stir rice while cooking and the grains will' be separate and tender. Makes approximately 3 cups fluffy rice. Keep left-over cooked rice in a covered bowl in refrigerator you'll find it handy next time you re in a hurry to fix a quick meal. Method: Rinse raisins in hot water and drain. Beat eggs, add milk, sugar, salt, flavoring, spice, rice, rice crispies and raisins. When well blended, pour into a baking dish and sprinkle top with almonds. Set in a pan of warm water and bake in a slow oven 250 F. about 1 hour or until custard is set. Serve with a generous amount of whipped cream. ' This recipe makes 8 servings. &n-Hvr pwrt voniRo Qf Hi Art hot qut and defeat t aroma from art axpft blnd at Mexico and Madagascar Yon oat nor Hovor, tartar bofcmf BEN-HUR makes the flavor ( tr - to -&IU l i i)i'iinVi1 Plan Holiday Party Kingwood unit, American Le gion auxiliary, will meet Thurs day night at 8 o'clock at the Le gion hall. Members are remind ed to bring their popcorn pop pers. The business meeting will be dispensed with so that the group may prepare the treats for the Christmas party to be held Fri day night, December 18 at the hall. The party will follow a no- host dinner for the Legion and auxiliary members, their fami lies and friends. A variety of en tertainment is scheduled for the evening. Silverton Welcomes Riches on Visit Silverton Among former local residents visiting members of their families and friends over the week-end were Frank Riches, Yakima registered Here ford owner, enroute home from attending the Medford Cattle show were he entered three bulls and took first awards on each entry. The Charles Dahlens, formerly of Fairview avenue, were noon luncheon guests of Mrs. Ed Hol den, here looking after property interests. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coomler and Dickie and David, were here for the week-end from their home in Cottage Grove, making I repairs' on their McClaine street! property which will be for rent or lease.. Mf v .I YW Board's Meeting Miss Janet Rilea is the new stenographic secretary in the of fice for the Salem YWCA, it was announced at the meeting of the association board, Tuesday. Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod heads the personnel committee making the appointment. Preliminary plans were talk ed over at the board regarding the annual meeting to be he!d late in January. Mrs. A. A. Schramm, YW president, will name a committee for this event soon. 'Miss Gertrude Acheson, ex ecutive secretary, stated 10 per sons are enrolled in the English class set up to aid foreign born who have come here to live. The group is planning a Christmas party. Report was made that the YW has extended emergency relief m several cases recently. Mrs. Jensen Named Ladies Aid Leader Aurora The Ladies Aid of the Aurora Presbyterian church met at the church and elected new oficers for the coming year. Chosen to serve are Mrs. Wil liam Jensen, president; Mrs. John Kraus, vice president, Mrs. William Nagl, secretary; Mrs. William Lowrie, treasurer. Mrs. Emma Smith was honor ed on the occasion of her birth day at this meeting. The society voted to change the monthly meeting date from the first Friday to the last Thurs day of each month. Mrs. Floyd Smith will open her home to the Aid for the January meeting. Initiation Event Ii itiation was the highlight of Monday's meeting of Salem Re bekah lodge when Mrs. J. "7. Townsend, Mrs. W. W. Gaines and Mrs, John Harper became members by transfer and the fol lowing by initiation: Mrs. Ger trude Alfredson, Mrs. Fannie Clements, Mrs. Maybelle Pickard and Mr. and Mrs. George Peas. Resolutions were read and me morial service held for Edward Nowak, recently deceased mem ber of this lodge. Mrs. Jane Mennis and Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Clure were elected to be adviser and assistant adviser to the The ta Rho club. AMONG club hostesses this week is Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, who is to entertain for her bridge club on Thursday ever ning. A late supper will follow the bridge games. This is the Christmas party for the group, Any celebration of Christmas was a crime in the Puritan Eng land of Oliver Cromwell. A Sugar Plum Tree! Candy Christmas Tree For the kiddies. Wonderful centerpiece for a mas candv tree. Everyone will then munch a piece of it! Shape fast work, but let the youngsters stud it with "lights m the shape of gumdrops, cherries, dates and pecans. Center the tree on the table and arrange green huckleberry leaves or pine And here's another holiday boughs around it. Then put tiny surprise package favors in among the leaves and tie them with gay ribbons that lead to .each plate. Candy Christmas Tree Ingredients: 1 four-and-one-haif-ounce package puffed rice, 2 cups light corn syrup, 1 tea spoon salt, 2 teaspoons vinegar, V cup butter or margarine, 2 teaspoons vanilla, gumdrops, candied cherries, dates, pecans, candied pineapple. Method: Put the puffed rice into a shallow pan. Heat m a moderate (350 degrees F.) oven for 10 minutes. Pour puffed rice into a large greased bowl. Mix the syrup, salt, and vinegar to gether in a saucepan; cook until a few drops in cold water form a hard ball (225 degrees F.. Re move Irom heat; add butter orjjn s greased 7 x 11-inch pan margarine and vanilla, stirring only enough to mix. Mixing quickly, gradually pour cooked syrup over the puffed rice. With greased hands shape into a large cone-shaped tree. Decorate with gumdrops, candied cherries, dates, and nuts Cut star for top from candied pineapple. Place decorated tree on a base about two inches high a small can, a glass, or custard cup works fine Wrap base with Christmas paper. Note: Make the tree no more than a day or two before the time it is to be used. i? she's singing her gift's from it's holiday party table is a Christ oe delighted to admire it first the tree yourself, tor that needs confection that's delicious to taste and easy to make; Chocolate AfarskmaHow Bars Ingredients; 6 cups puffed rice or puffed wheat,. Ya. cup but ter or margarine, & cup peanut butter, Vt pound about 32) marshmallows, 1 six-ounce pack age semi-sweet chocolate pieces, cup peanuts. Method: Put puffed rice or wheat into a shallow pan. Heat in a moderate (350 degrees F.) oven for 10 minutes. Pour into a large greased bowl. Melt but ter or margarine,, peanut butter, and marshmallows in a double boiler, stirring occasionally, (It may take quite a little while to melt the marshmallows, Pour over puffed rice or wheats stir ring untl the cereal is evenly coated. Pack half of mixture cover with chocolate pieces Place in a moderate 350 degree F.) oven for 2 to 3 minutes, un til chocolate pieces are softened. Remove from oven. Spread choc olate with a spatula; sprinkle with peanuts. Top with remain ing puffed rice mixture. Cool and cut into bars. MR. AND MRS. D. O. Lear left this morning on the Shasta Daylight for Phoenix, Arizona, to spend the winter. They will visit at the home of their son. Ii Dwight Lear, who is in Red Cross work at Phoenix. Carter's . . . end it's peorfs ond foce, heoveniy nylon and a dream in soft beauty. 5he -holds those folds of pink orchid and oquomorine, and loves those precious rows of M Q C pear! seediings. 32-38. Ifitif3 VWiat angel wouldn't fly away with this dainty nylon loce, set into nylon jersey! Pink QC or aquamarine. 32-40. tJmJrJ You'li love to see our other gowns, too. Just the gift to pteose her singing heart ... ft QC and they're from T W J You'll always please with a JOHNSON'S Gift Bond. We'd iave to have you present one. P Store for Ladies Rainbows Initiate Ticket sale for the annual Rainbow formal, to be given De cember 22, opened Wednesday. The dance will be at Crystal Gardens. Programs and tickets were handed out at the meeting of Chadwick assembly, Order oi ftambow for Girls, last evening. Miss Shirley Jones is m charge .- the ticket distribution. Tickets also will be available at the door; the night of the dance. Initiation for seven new mem bers was conducted at the as sembly meeting last evening. The new members Include: Misses Delilia Smith, Kay Har ris, Barbara Alien, Dariene Crawley, Anne 3Utchey Justine Lewis and Dixie Avirette, invitations were read from other assemblies lor special events, including a reception for grand officers at Junction City on December 17, a reception at Forest Grove for grand officers on December 22, and installation; of officers for Salem bethel ofi Job's Daughters next Monday evening. Advisory board members were given special honors at last eve- mngs meeting. Jason Frizzell, worthy patron of Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, presented a gift to Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother adviser for Kain bowt for her service with . the group it was also Mrs. Henry's birthday, . Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting, the tables; being gay with holly and cedar: greens,.- On the serving commit tee were Mr. and Mrs- Harold Phillippe, Mrs. G. A. Reeherv Mrs- Joseph Franko and Mr, and Mrs. K. T. Stanley. Christmas Party For Children's Home The South and North unions of the WCTU are sponsoring the annual Christmas parly for the1 Children's F3rm home at Ccrval- lis on Friday o this week, De- Jliid ; t niexa Capital Joiirital, Salem, Ore., F ' " - if Aft ? - .A 1 ft 1 1-1 Uberty Miss Jacqueline VanLoh, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John YanLoh, has announced her engagement to David WeSiicrbec, son of Mrs. Mary Wetheroee of CorraSiss and Howard "Welherbee of Portland. No date haa been set for th wedding. Bishop-Moderne studio picture) cembcr IS, at 2 p. m. in the! Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sehnebly, Methodist Old People's home at! superintendents of the home, are 1695 Center sireef. !fo present a gsp sf th6 chH A silver offering is to be tak- iro!a lhe home i!t a pEO en instead of the presentation of t the usual gifts. The Rev. John gram- Walker of the Free, Methodis Au interested friends of ths church is to give the dcvation5,lWCTU and home are invited. ; ewe or u Wednesday, Bee. 14, IMS 7 ; J j. . ft? - "f 5, v j ti" V "Btczwz she's a woman of taste, because you care for Kerf because every woman loves fine silver,., give feet 1847 Rogers Bros. No other silverpkte can boast such height and depth of ornament; such perfect crush, such law less balance. 52-PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT 64.75 I. 5SRTtSS , fiSit LSVJ 7.00 Bow, 7,00 Monthly nam