Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER f t . 4 , st 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 Cosmis Club's Christmas Dance on Saturday Evening The semi-formal Christmas dance for the Cosmis club is on the calendar for the coming Saturday evening, December 17, the event to be at the Mayflower hall with Claude Bird's orchestra playing. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Harold omogalla, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Al Domogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dumler, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. The club roster for the year includes the following: Mr. and Mrs. John Bostrack. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bostrack, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bowman, Mr.- and Mrs. Sie Crouser. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Daue, Mr. and Mrs. Al Domogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Domogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dumler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Enyeart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finney, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gately, Mr. and Mrs. John Gra ham, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard King, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Luhr, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wil liam Miller, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monismith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monson, Mr. and Mrs. Lowtus Nabors, Mr. and Mrs. William Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Prunk, Mr. and Mrs. John Przybilla, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rainwater, Mr. and Mrs. Mars Slack, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Stuhr, Mr. and Mrs. Trygva Terjeson, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Salem Girl Named Oregon State College (Special) Betty Brinkley of Salem was darned "Moonlight Girl of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at a dance given at the chapter house In her honor. Contest qualifications called tor attractiveness and an out standing personality. Winners ill over the country will enter the "Moonlight Girl" contest on a national scale. WEST SALEM Woman's club Is meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. In the City hall. Members are asked to take their children as guests for an exchange of Christmas gifts. Mrs. R. J. Mc Donald heads the hostess com KEIZER Ladies' Sewing club Is meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Nick LeRud. There will be quilting and a no-host lunch eon at noon. There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts among the members. HOSTESS to her bridge club Tuesday was Mrs. A. Terrence King. The group met at the Sen-iWalker' Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Whit- ator hotel for luncheon, going later to the King home for the annual Christmas party and aft ernoon of bridge. For Miss King Mrs. A. E. LaBranche, Mrs. Ralph King and Mrs. Wilbur Flood were co-hostesses at the LaBranche home when they complimented Miss Jean King with a pre-nuptial shower. Miss King is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey King of Salem. She is a graduate of Salem high school and is attending Oregon State college. December 21 has been set as date for her mar riage to John High of Spray, Ore. He is also a student at Ore gon State college. Feting Miss King at the party were Mrs. Minnie King, Mrs. Harvey King, Mrs. Edmond Talbot, Mrs. Wal do Miller, Mrs. Kenneth La Branche, Mrs. Ethel Mclntire, Mrs. Fred Fleming, Mrs. Ronald Payne, Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mrs. Harold Stilson, Mrs. George Walters, Mrs. Hugh Chrisman, Mrs. Leroy Mooers, Miss Bever ly Kardtcn, Miss Doris Schmidt, Miss Patsy Walters, Miss Shar on Fleming, Miss Maxine King. YOUNG MATRONS club has planned its Christmas party for Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the North Church street home of Mrs. Floyd McNall. There will be an exchange of gifts. On the committee for the eve ning are Mrs. McNall, Mrs. Morse Stewart, Mrs. Robert Hawkins and Mrs. John Hunt. BARBARA FRIETCHIE tent, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, is meeting Fri day at the home of Mrs. Frank Conover, 210 South 19th at 2 p. m. This will be the annual Christmas party for the group with exchange of gifts. Surprise for The Browns A surprise housewarming fo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brow at their new residence in Can dalaria Heights district wa; given by a group of friends last evening. A gift was presented the couple. Canasta was played during the evening. Feting the Browns were Mr. and Mrs. Holly Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Loring Grier, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heater, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Felton and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCafferty. Marriage Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Chris Danielson of Minneapolis, Minn., announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elinor Marie Danielson to Ernest R. Meyer of Salem. The marriage was solemnized in Portland on December 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bathe, with the Rev. Arne Chris tensen of Central Lutheran church officiating. Otto Meyer stood as best man for his brother and Mrs. Arthur Bathe, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. The bride wore a wine color ed suit and black accessories, Her corsage was of gardenias with yellow rosebuds. The matron of honor wore a rose tan dress with black accessories. Her corsage was of talisman roses. A reception followed the cere mony for immediate members of the family. The couple motored to Wash ington for their honeymoon and are now at home in Salem. THE PAST Matrons' associa tion, Order of Eastern Star, is to have its monthly dinner meeting Friday at 6:30 p. m. in the Gold en Pheasant. On the committee of hostesses are Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. George Stephens, Mrs. Ramona Lindley, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. David Looney, Mrs. M. C. Palmer. The Glamor Gifts (AP Newafeaturw) When shopping for last-minute slamnr sifts for familv and friends, give something aoDronriate. Don't take iust anv old thing because time is getting short. You can make wise selec tions by making a list of things you want ior each person on your list. You'll find it is simpler to shop when you know what you want. Mere are some suggestions: OR GRANNY . . . Just because she's a grandmother don't think she won't adore a beautiful compact that she can fill with her favorite powder. Or how about a travel case filled with creams and lotions to perk up her weary face after a trip? Bath sets containing scented soaps and toiletries are other top-of-the tree lavorites. A good hair brush and comb always is welcome. One packed in a knitting box offers double appeal. FOR MOM . i . You can splurge on her. She'll adore a gift certificate to a beauty salon, a vitalator machine for beauty mas sages, a home permanent wave, perfume in special bottles, co logne, special beauty kits containing favorite cosmetics or a compact with jewel trim perfect for evenings out with Pa. FOR BIG SIS . . . Sachet pillows for lingerie and sachet hangers for special dresses will make a big hit with Sis. A box office beauty kit is a compact carry-all for make-up at home, office or on the campus, a wallet containing a lipstick and compact, a nosegay of violets concealing four lipsticks, a Christ mas stocking containing everything for the bath from dusting powder to fluffy milk bath petal wafers are useful and practical Budget priced are liquids which are painted over the lips to keep lipstick from smearing, lipstick with mirror attached, a pink tinted heart of soap with a bottle of perfume nestled atop it, manicure cutlery set containing cuticle scissors, nail file, tweezers and cuticle pusher in a zippcred case. FOR T1SISN-SIS . . , Start her off right with delicate colognes, perfumes and sachets, a debutante-type kit of make-up essen tials, a set of various nail polishes and manicure essentials (a budget nail polish and lipstick combination comes with a round plastic base and a built-in finger rest). A fun compact is avail able with a horseshoe, wishbone or four-leaf clover motif, solid perfume in a bracelet compact to dangle from her wrist, a comb and brush set for her vanity table. acre, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witen berger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright. FIDELIS class of the First Baptist church is meeting at 2 p. m. in the church, Thursday. Girl Scouts Fete Retiring President CANDIES h tmMv A irlL&J , !-.!.. . Mrs. Spaulding Honored At a recent meeting of the in coming and outgoing officers of Santiam area council, Girl Scouts of America, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, the retiring council president, was honored by members of troop No. 4, Salem, an orchid being presented her. Preceding the presen tation the color guard of the troop performed. In the picture, left to right: Mrs. Edwin Fortmiller, Albany, the incoming council president; Mrs. Spaulding, Carol Randall, Joan Bale and Ann Berger of troop 4. Other scouts also remembered Mrs. Spaulding with gifts in appreciation for her work with the group. (Jesten-Miller studio picture). Officers for Guild Elected Officers for the Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church were re-elected at the meeting of the group, Tuesday afternoon. They include Mrs. Paul Gem- mell, president; Mrs. W. C. Gab riel, vice president; Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., secretary; Mrs. Eugene Foster, treasurer; Mrs. John Langrell, Mrs. Elmer Smith and Mrs. Earl Andresen, directors. A large group attended the guild event in the church parish hall, husbands and friends be ing guests for the luncheon. Holly wreaths, red candles, fig urines and the manger scene fea tured the Christmas decorations. Mrs. H. H. Henry, Mrs. Gemmell and Mrs. Wilson were in charge of the table decorations. Mrs. George Rossman was a special guest and gave a review of the book, "The Big Fisher man." Many additional members and guests came in after the luncheon to hear the program. Mrs. Custer Ross was general chairman for the meeting and was assisted by Mesdames A. J. Rahn, Louis Lachmund, E. J. Scellars, P. J. Russ, Ralph H. Cooley, Carl Hansen, George W. Maurer, Miller Hayden, E. H. Kennedy, William H. Lytle, C. B. McCullough, Lee Warnick, Don Roberts, T. H. Galloway, Frank Minto, Gerald Fisher, L. W. Miles, Mrs. Ethel Webb, Miss Virginia Nowlen. Gold Star Mothers Salem chapter of The Amer ican uold Mar Mothers, Inc. will meet Thursday for their Christmas party at 8 p.m. in the VFW hall. The members will not exchange gifts but will bring a gift for the hospitalized veter ans at the Roseburg and Camp White hospitals. The. Oregon state department of the Gold Star Mothers has adopted a ward of 19 veterans at the Roseburg hospital for Christ mas and all chapters of the state are contributing. Douglas coun ty chapter of Roseburg will pro vide a decorated Christmas tree and a Christmas program. Each man in the ward will be present ed with a canteen book and gifts from the other chapter of the state. Mrs. George Pro is hospi tal chairman of Salem chapter and is urging all Gold Star Moth ers of Salem to contact her if they cannot be present at the Thursday meeting. THE BOARD for the Women of Rotary met on Monday after noon for dessert at the home of Mrs. Robert Sprague and made plans for the group's December meeting next Monday. Attending the board session were Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs. Floyd Bressler and Mrs. Sprague. . PI BETA PHI Mothers club met Tuesday afternoon at the chapter house. Gifts were brought for the house and a jam shower given for the chapter. A Christmas program was enjoy ed, the girls of the chapter sing ing carols and Mrs. David H. Cameron singing solos. Tea was served following the program, Mrs. Carl Schneider and Mrs Dolph Craig being the hostess- WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 104 PAY MORE.' IWs 4ta q'44- uwujoria. Ovjcxj Pecan Delights 10 oiinces $ .75 Assorted Chocolates 1 pound 1 .35 Assorted Creams 1 pound 1 .35 Nut, Chewy and Crisp Centers 1 pound 1.35 Cherry Cordials 12 ounces 1.35 Assorted Chocolates and Butter Bons 1 pound 1.75 Assorted Chocolates ond Butter Bons 2 pounds 3.25 Assorted Chocolates 3 pounds 3.95 Assorted Chocolates 5 pounds 5.85 L Candy Depf, Main Floor WOMEN'S auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church is meet ing Friday at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Reports will be given on the Episcopal church triennial con vention held in San Francisco this past summer by the women who went from here as delegates to the auxiliary convention held in conjunction with the church event. The reports will be given by Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. George Corwin, Miss Marjorie Harris and Miss Elizabeth Por ter. The nominating committee al so will report. Tea will follow the business and program. Club Party At Hagens A party is planned at the E. J. Hagen home for Sunday eve ning, members of Mrs. Hagen's bridge club to entertain for their husbands with a buffet dinner at 5 o'clock. Holiday decorations will be featured, including a bronze Christmas tree on the buffet and other holiday favors. In the group wlu be Mr. ana Mrs. A. J. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ballmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur W. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ko ger Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Rudd. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Hagen. Employes Group Planning Party Highway chapter, No. 1, Slate Employes association, has plan ned its Christmas party for next Tuesday evening, December 20, at Chuck's Steak House, dinner to be served at 7 o'clock. There will be dancing and special en tertainment. Between 75 and 100 are expected to attend. Pupils from Chemawa Indian school are to give the special entertainment. Each one attending is to take a gift for a child, these presents then to go to the Shrine hospital for crippled children. Miss Ruth Rawlings and A. J. Head are co chairmen for the party. LIBERTY The Liberty Wo man's club will hold its annual Christmas party on Thursday, December 15 at the home of Mrs. Harold Lane on Skyline Road. There will be a no-host dinner at noon, and a gift exchange. All members are asked to remember the stuffed toys for the children of Fairview Home. All ladies living in the Liberty district are welcome. They are invited to come and get acquainted. Anyone wishing to send maga- zines to iairview nome is to bring them to the party and they will be taken to the home with the gifts. HEW SIZE! MEW 0000 WILL OFFER In every new GIANT SIZE Nawl Big lint free Cannon dish towel in every new 2 14 -lb. Giant box of this safe, whit 1 granulated 1 soap! WCCLQBiwi'!i 1 ocafii flR SlZ box I 5? s m A GIFT TO MAKE THE HOME fi fev OOMPHIES Cpg The Ideal m! Christmas Gift : and sizes 1 OPEN FRIDAY' NIGHTS I more ENJOYABLE -". If 1 .Jm ) FIVE PIECES 1 IW.I Bed, Vanity, Chest, Bench and Stand H i " ONLY 9900 A genuine walnut bedroom set with lock-joint drawers, center guides, plate glass mirror quality you usually find only in bed room sets at twice this price. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. We Will Be Open Sunday, Dec. 18th From 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. For Your Shopping Convenience EASY TERMS DRIVE OUT AND SAVE AT MAURER-BOG ARDUS FURNITURE CO. At the South 12th Street Hiway Junction X