Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 14, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    x--ui..z-?-:.:.tei-L Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 14 1949 3
Monty Smiles Field Mar
shal Viscount Montgomery
smiles at newsmen aboard lin
er Mauretania on which he
sailed from New York for
home after a visit to the U. S.
4-H Cooking
Club Formed
Girls attending Bush school
recently formed a 4-H cooking
club with Mrs. Francis Won
derly as club leader.
Officers of the club elected
were Kay Hardin, president;
Nancy O'Neil, vice-president;
Connie Pursley, secretary; Lu
cille Wonderly, reporter and
Nancy Klumpp, song leader.
Parents present were Mrs. R.
L. Klumpp, Mrs. Freda Seiber,
Mrs. Paul Boney, Mrs. ft. T.
Hardin, Mrs. M. E. O'Neil, Mrs.
' F. L. Wonderly and Mrs. R. O.
Sickles. James Bishop, city 4-H
extension agent explained cook
ing club requirements and as
sisted the organization of the
The members will prepare
two foods at least twice in each
of the following groups: toast,
cereals, milk, quick breads, eggs,
fruits, breakfast meats, sand
wiches, cookies and small cakes,
breakfast or school lunch.
Another first year cooking
club is being organized for Bush
school girls under the leadership
of Mrs. S. P. Houser.
Both boys and girls nine years
of age and older and living with
in the city limits are eligible to
join the city 4-H club program.
Young people and parents inter
ested may contact their school
principal or James F. Bishop,
city 4-H extension agent, at 475
N. Church street, Salem.
Fourteen girls and several
mothers met at Washington
school Thursday to consider or
ganizing a 4-H cooking club.
Mrs. Harvey Page explained the
purpose of the meeting and in
troduced James Bishop, city 4-H
extension agent, who explained
4-H club work and the require
ments of the first year cookery
Young people present for the
discussion were Judy Pahl, Jea
nette and Darleen Goodman,
Judy Larson, Carla Henderson,
Patricia French, Darleen Clark,
Roberta DeWeese, Barbara
Rawlins, Imogene Thomas, Judy
Ann Powers, Darleen Werrenga,
Mary Clark and Carolann Whit
man. Beelzebub Gets
Chance to Appear
In Bridges Case
San Francisco, Dec. 14 (U.R)
Spectators at the Harry Brid
ges perjury conspiracy trial
enjoyed a laugh-filled Inter
lude today when a defense at
torney suggested Beelzebub,
the Biblical name for the de
vil, be "properly Identified as
a government witness."
The serio-comic Incident oc
curred during testimony of
Manning R, Johnson, a Negro
ex-communist who was trying
to explain why he left the
party ranks in 1940.
"One cannot serve two mas
ters any more than a man can
serve both God and Beelze
bub." Johnson pronounced it
Bridges' attorney, Vincent
Hallinan, immediately object
ed. "Beezlebub," he said, mock
ing the witness' pronunciation,
"hasn't been identified as a
member of the communist par
ty's national committee. I ask
the government to identify
"Is he going to he a wit
ness?" he demanded.
"Well, maybe he iras the
uninvited guest," District
Judge George B. Harris said,
carrying on the gag.
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