V ''Vs.,. I -X.' "f . s IT V.j: turn Rock Slide Smashes Car Henry Alfred Waldref, 47, of Grand Junction, Colo., was killed and three persons were in jured when a slide of several thousand tons of rock crushed the car in which they were riding near Thistle, Utah. The slide occurred in Spanish Fork canyon on U. S. highway 50 between Provo and Price, Utah. (AP Wirephoto) Missing Boy ! Found on Street Berlin, Dec. 14 W) German police headquarters reported Tuesday night they had found the missing three-year-old son of the American deputy com mander of Berlin after a hunt which had mobilized most of the American and German motor ized police in the city. The child wandered out of his front yard at about 3 p.m. A general call was sent out by both German civilian police and American military police put ting scores of searchers on the scene. It had been feared the boy might have wandered into the vast area of the Grunewald forest near his home. The German police said they found him about a mile from his home. When found, the boy was standing on a street corner look ing around. He was lost, cold, but not worried. His parents, Colonel W T. Babcock, and his wife missed the furore over his disappearance and finding. They were appar antly driving home from Frank furt to Berlin and not reachable. He had been in the care of his nurse. WITNESS ON LOW INCOMES: One in Every 70 Students 'Destined' for Mental Hospital Washington, Dec. (P) A federal security official told con gress members Monday that perhaps three children in every average classroom of 30 pupils "are destined to spend part of their lives in a mental hospital." "It is estimated that 3,000,000 of the 30,000,000 children now in school suffer from serious emo-1 tional and behavior problems," said John L. Thurston, acting federal security administrator. He was the first witness be fore a subcommittee of the joint congressional economic com mittee. It is investigating the problems of low income families. Thurston urged approval of administration programs for compulsory national health in surance, federal aid to educa tion, broadened social security and grants-in-aid to states, and expansion of public health serv ices to ease the plight of low in come families. Chairman Sparkman (D., Ala.) said the subcommittee, opening 10 days of hearings, is seeking information "for the good of the country," and "not for the purpose of building poli tical ammunition for either party." He and other subcommittee members lashed out at reports which were not identified spe cifically that the hearings, had a "political" implication. "No member of the subcom mittee has any political motive In these hearings," Sparkman said. Senators Flanders (R., VO, who proposed the investigation, said he had "perfect confidence" that there was "no trace of poli tical purpose as far as the sub committee is concerned." Similar expressions came from Reps. Hubert (D., Ohio) and Rich (R., Pa.). . Earlier Flanders said congress! may learn from the hearings that some thrifty farm families are doing pretty well with cash incomes as low as $2,000 or even $1,000 a year." JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. High HIGHEST QUALITY CORDOVANS Counterfeiter Seized New York, Dec. 14 FBI agents last night arrested the alleged head of a ring accused of producing $1,000,000 worth of counterfeit travelers' checks of, the American Express company. The suspect, seized at his Brook lyn home, 667 77th street, was booked as George Gillette, 39. Scientists are mnkin? svn thetic materials at hieh nressuri in stainless steel "bombs." j Royal Farewell King Fred erik, of Denmark (above) waves as he leaves by train from Liverpool street station, London, en route Home after a visit in the British capital. Denmark's Regal Dragon Bright As New Again London, Dec. 14 VP) Den mark's most regal dragon is once more bright as new. The dragon decorates the chest of the Dane's King Fred erik, who visited London last week. 1 The king, who is admiral-in-chief of the Danish navy, recently noticed the dragon's reds, greens and blues were beginning to pale with the passage of the years. Last week he stopped in at George Burchett's tattoo shop on Waterloo road and had the colors touched up. Brady Loses Post by 2 Votes Portland, Dec. 14 ) Phil Brady, president of the AFL Portland Central Labor Council for 15 years, was defeated for re-election Monday night by two votes in a write-in contest. Roy F. Renoud, assistant bus iness agent of the Electrical Workers, beat Brady, 84 to 82. Renoud was not on the ballot. It apparently was part of a revolt against the Teamsters' Union. Brady a member of the state legislature is head of the Portland Council of Teamsters. Other Teamsters defeated in Monday night's voting were two candidates for trustee positions: Oscar Abelson and Mark Holmes Renoud ran against Brady a Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 29 Quonsel Hut Full Of Shells Burns Portland, Ore., Dec. 14 U.R) A quonset hut full of shotgun shells caught fire and set up a random barrage Monday as the structure burned to the ground. No one was hit in the uproar. The 25,000 rounds of ammuni tion were owned by the Port land Gun club. Damage was es timated at $20,000. TAKE MY MONEY 4 OUT OF S WHO APPLY TAKE IT C. R. Allen Manager To most folks who get a loan it's dollars and cents, it's the where-with-all to do something with. To me it's something different yes it's money all right . . . it's my only mer chandise . . . but wrapped up in every loan is a lot of sat isfaction. Doctor bills paid . . . cash for the new baby . . . the old car repaired . . . that dream house a reality ... a business trip it's all done with cash my merchandise, and a sincere desire to be of service. So, if a loan is to your advantage take my money, use it where it will do the most good, and If you haven't the time to come in and chat about it, pick up the phone and call me. I'm known as the "Yes Man" because 1 like to say " Yes" to loan requests in fact I say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 and I'd like to say "Yes" to you and I'll try and arrange a loan the same day. The name is C. R. Allen, Mgr., the Phone No. Is 22464, and I'm at Personal Finance Company, 518 State St. year ago when the Electrical Workers charged that Teamsters were going through their picket line at a struck appliance store. Renoud was nominated for a place on the ticket at a nominat ing meeting last week, but fail ed to meet council requirements that he either be present or say in writing that he would accept. So, ruled off the ballot, he be came a write-in candidate. II J, IUCIEN II10N8 STRAfOHT MOM THE MANB '.5 OF SANTA'S REINDEER.., Lucien Lelong has borrowed jingling, tingling bells to add the musical note to this charming holiday gift. A lovely flacon of Lucien Lelong perfume Bet in a circlet of bells, ready to ring,' happily under any Christmas tree. Available in six favorite Lucien Lelong fragrances. W.SOplultal 135 North Liberty You'll Be the Apple of "Her" Eye! in these fine GENUINE shell cordovans! They are hand casted especially for Jim's . . . select yours today. Full run of sizes. Jim's Shoe Service 175 N. High ...only the FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY bears this label, . HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's is the master piece of Canada's largest Independent Distillery. To millions. It has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Ask for Hmwood-s today i isftti , Iff FIFTHS $5.05 intsm.so Jp W ! BieNDlOCAMAOIAHWHRKY.MOOli f RENFIELD IMPORTERS, ITO, NEW YORK , " 1 :'" p : Oldsmobile Rockets Ahead! Look ahead to a great new fleet of Futuramie Oldsmobilcs for '50. Expect the surge of high-compression "Rocket" Engine power, the whispering voice of "Rocket" pace. Count on an exciting new development in automatic driving ... a brilliant new partner of "Rocket" performance. Get ready for breath-taking now Futuramio styling ... a unique look of fleetness and luxury. Watch for three complete series of great cars ... the finest ever to bear the Oldsmobile name. Look ahead to all these big advancements . . . then plan to Go Ahead and Own an Oldsmobile! WATCH FOR THI NIW F U T U R A M I C S - C O M I N O SOON TO YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALERS LODER BROS. Salem, Oregon