i 28 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 W thus is omat HANGOUT poo T thanks euv vouaseiM 1 Meanwhilt-Belo VecksA'tmL& I I'm 1 !?: ' "Si1.". ."?:;'- J ???.JS, WAV, V J-Ml N 1 I YOU OOT ME OUT OP A BAD SPOT RADIO PROGRAMS WITH THE MOP" STRANGER --SO TELLIN' VOU THIS FOR FREE -- SHE LIED TO YOU ABOUT MOT KNOWIN' CHOKER BIBBS WEDNESDAY P.M. A S X weve .got company LU r m a JMiiS-IS. uraiK wvk. - KGW 620 NBC KOIN 970 CBS KEX 11 B0 ABC KSLM KOCO MM Ke , -I ay (Chapter 9) THE WIGGLE WAGGLE CAVE "Oh. mvl" aasned Henry In terrl. ble lesx. "You mast be one ol the Wiggle Waggles." "Wight you are," said the elXin creature. He took a strawberry colored handkerchief and gave his nose three loud honks. All the while his saucer like ears wiggled and waggled like aspen leaves in a breeze. "Come, now. Follow me." He turned into the woods. Henry did not know what to do. If these elves were as wicked as he had heard, should he not return to Santa Land as fast as his quaking legs could carry him? On the other hand, the creature said he had Santa's wand! "I must go with him," decided Henry. "No matter how dangerous." Immediately he started after the Wiggle Waggle. He cheered up when he thought how happy and surprised Mr. Dllly would be when he returned with the wand. The Wiggle Waggle pushed on through the woods. Henry's feet sank deep into the snow but the Wiggle Waggle seemed to walk on top of the snow and have no weight at all. In fact he went so fast that Henry would have lost him If the wiggle waggle naa not stopped from time to time to honk his nose. At last Henry caught up. "Where ao you live? ne asked breathlessly. "Oh the Wleizle Waggles are scat tered all over the world," said the creature. "You probably have heard us honking and never knew what it was. were usually Invisible you know." Now Henry could remember many times lying In his bed at night and hearing strange noises In the black house of Mrs. Snell. Had It been one or me wiggle Waggles blowing his nose? he wondered with a shiver. -nut, now," went on the elf. "We nave all come north because of course you know Santa Is having a big party tomorrow. Simply every one Is invited. Everyone except the Wiggle Waggles. We are quite an gry about it and mean to pay Santa This sounded very rude to Henry. He started to say that he thought the Wiggle Waggles should Just forget about it and mavbe Santa would invite them the next time he had a party. But before he could jay this, the Wiggle Waggle darted into a cave. Whon Henry followed him he very soon saw why Santa felt the Wiggle Waggles should not come to any party of his. For the Wiggle Waggles appeared to be the most quarrelsome people In all of elfdom. What a honking and squalling and waggling of ears there was in that cavel Henry stood perfect!;- still and stared about In astonishment. There were about a hundred blue nosed, saucer-eared creatures push ing each other around Some were slapping each other, some were kicking, some were pull ing hair, and all of them were honk ing their noses and howling. "Goodness!" cried Henry. "Why are they fighting?" The creature who hnrT Iph him there shrugged his shoulders. "We iiiwiiys squaooie," ne snm matter-of-factly. "Can't help It." One Wiggle Waggle ran across the cave dragging behind him an other Wiggle Waggle by the hair. The two of them crashed against Henry and then rolled over and over, sceechlng and digging at each other with their nails. Henry was so frightened he start ed out of the cave. But at that very moment there was an extra loud honking and a deep voice cried, "Be quiet, the boy from Santa Land Is here!" Instantly the Wiggle Waggles quieted. The biggest and ugliest one then said to Henry. "I am Zeuop. What do you want?" "I I won't stay long," stam mered Henry. "I I ust came to get my wand Santa's wand, that "My brother, Humphrey found ttie wand In the woods," said Ze Bop. "Then may I have It? It's real ly very Important, you know." "We know very well how Im portant it Is," snapped Zezop. "Are you going to Santa's party tomor row?" "Why, I suppose so," said Hen ry. Then he added, "If you did not squabble and quarrel so terribly I'm sure Santa would have Invited you." "We'll be there anyway," cried Zezop fiercely. What could he mean? Perhaps he is not going to give me the wand, thought Henry in dismay. But at that very Instant Zezop reached into his coat and pulled out a magic wand. Overjoyed Henry grasped It. "Oh, thank you! You are very klndl" And bursting with happiness he left the cave and ran towards Santa Land. If only he had known! The wicked Zezop had kept Santa wand and given Henry the Wiggle Waggles' wand which could work only evil magic. Next: a present for Henr Stores Extend Hours Portland, Ore., Dec. i; (P) A six-man businessmen's com mittee announced today that be ginning Friday about 60 down town Portland stores will ex tend their hours until 8:30 p. m. for the convenience of Christ mas shoppers. The city's larger department stores, however, in dicated they would continue to close at 6 p. m. as usual. SIZES 10 40 Blouse Beauty A blouse with the new rolled collar, the new brief pep- lum Jutting perkily; your cnoice oi cap-sleeves or push-up ... a trickle of buttons or snugflt zipper closing. The perfect complement for your dress-up skirt. No. 2059 Is cut In sizes 10. 13. 14, 16 18. 20. 36. 33. 40. Size 16 cap sleeve, 3 yds. 35-in.; three quarter sleeve, 3!4 yds. 39-ln. Patterns readr to fill orders im mediately. For special handling of order via first class mall Include an extra 5c per pattern. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that Includes designs for all members of the family-from tiny tots and growing girls to Juniors and misses, mature and large-size women? Just include the FALL WINTEB FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 30c. Send 25c for pattern witn Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. R260 Madonna and Child The beauty and serenity of this panel will bring many hours oi pleasure ana M ad mired dv lamny and menas ante Embroider in soft shades of blue, rose and 'yellow on cream linen background. The panel measures approximately 10 by 14 Inches. Pattern Envelope No. R3604 con tains hot-Iron transfer for design, color cnart, stucn illustrations, ma terlal requirements and finishing dl rectiona. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. J?" 00 IS :.?0 :45fV J !r ' r- oo' s-i I r 9 i ) 1 I 1 1: nii 1 io ZZj'aMaiaillMZlZr!! PhtoTtHEIt" f LEAPtVT EUWHeFr&HT I CAN YOO BAKE A1 1 ft If WHOr? YOU'RE OUR FRIEND, THE O. A XS I TIME M SO VERY LCNQ II LIZARDS J A ARE WE WAmN1 CAKE, ANNIE? A WEDOINQ II MARRIED-? 1 S-TOOO UP WITH US- I I'M TRULV HAPPV- If ' 7 FOR? LET'S I CAKE TjyAT BJS? THERE'LL K ft m ryE jjoqe TIED THE mZ ... . 1 BLESS YOU, HAVE A BE A REAL PARTY HERE l, ' EVERYONE'S GC4NGTOTHE. I T"WELL-MRS. GLOSSOP TOLL) "P jU IMWS ITi I'LL GOTO TUETFjST I N0CK6RS TOMORROW I WUV?) SYLVIA APPLEBY "THAT YOURE JEALOUS ) NOCKERS AND SMOW TUEM "' nIGMT. RUDY AMD IF 1 I fm OP HARRY KIOCVCER BECAUSE HE'S WhOS VJHO IU THIS TOWlJ J T t WERE YOU ID SMOW MY J THE. KIND OF A MAN YOU TRY TO fA-OF WAGGIMS TONGUES! jl H "f J FACESPITE t VmAPEOPUBIEVEWAR 1 ' THETMUSTBE FABULOUS 7h GOT SOMEONE fXCXMr-LOOKIN- VERY WEXL.'T-AH'LL PUFFAWM A WCrr QUTTE SAMT FABUlUS JONH,HfnULr.'.' f rSPEND TH'REST 0'Mt NATCHEFtAL J ONE 96-CENT MASS MARRIAGE OONES.MERSEU. IS A-ZOOMIN SSTH'oIS ONE LEFT 1VLIFE WIF-NOT NO APt- ' fS -AN' ANY COUPLE WITHIN K IN fT WONDER WHUT LUCKY S I S? A BJmZamriJ l ke somc us 7Ze&&E8&&C avwHorr is AoroMATicALLYj V bachelor isgonna spend th' L AV-T7 LEGS.' ( GOT CAUGHT BY T ySE& MAWRIEP UPff- IS ALL YO' fS , REST O' HIS NATCHERAL I UZ7?f5AiA,Ai' N . , tG&&&i&ge65&fi& CHEAPSKATES t 'X p.twt, LIFE DEEP IN TH ARMS I r$Ts- V SB&i READY? y'n,,tiW Y.'l O'TH'MCSTTANTALIZIN'LY L &&J'l i Ti iSSSSSBSmfJ ,AL''(lh! ?lAs maddenin'ly bcotiful , i. -- m. vs rr,- ARE YWlN'TrTrKNOWIT.l I'LL SET THE ALARM FOR gj j OH. BOV' TH AT AH GOOD -X. 0RNIN&P VgU POOR )Ss, M BED ALRADy?I GONNA 6K3HT O'CLOCK TOMORROW Btsb-'k' WASAGOOD V W0RNING,MUTTy) , J. r" , . llil-SCjl U ITS ONLY SVEN I CATCH UP MORNING i THATLL GIVE HR Sl5) I NIGHTS SLEEP WHAT GOT !'rV? T MLOIY GN SOME , me THIRTEEN HOURS .fel 1 kl I I sgg VOU UP SO O UK at woouy'SMmss me.u Y I tfc f mocucl r!!l ' V OH, SHE'S OUr IN IF SHE ISNT 8ACKT IN A FEW "iu-ruAV S5' HELLO, PES. THE PASrUPE SCV-IEWHERE. MINUTES, YOU'D BETTER HOLD SUPPER 60UY, PATTY. YOU SHOULD 1 loniJcopiE WHERE'S THE S2s. ONE OF THOSE LAMBS YOU WHILE I 60 FOR HEB. ITS 6ETTIN' R SEE THAT ARTISTS PLACE ! V Cruf viSSf KIP ? 6AVE HER STRAYEO, AND A PARI, AND WITH THEM SHEEP BEIN' ,. ITS A RE6ULAR 200! HES 60T ANr3 uonc ISI -TsT'TT" K SHES "-OOKIN6 FOR IT M ATTACKED, SHE OU6HTA BE IN ... yY7'pyry , I (vou're a eooo wd.'ve'll Imy name's 1 JL-A EZZT ' t -Jx- ; . GET AL.OMG FIME VOU J OEVVEy.' , iSTv' i-l C (?)' HEM VDU RE THE NEW KID CAM JOIN OUKL CLUB) T- rvvHAT'S f --UL-e J- $Ji itrt-CHOO YOU'RE 5HIVERIN.' Ml I BYTTIN'A BIT CLOSER, WE )FYOUARE AHHH'--1 8ESIN TO TTPTi '- JQO Vaar Lift eat Lift pA Powell Dick Powell Storr 8torr InrtAin Tlmt pnrlAin Tlm Th 1 ( Us iewi on t ot Tlmei Imet Pclcnon Cnoz Manning LitlU Show 'News New iGroache M IGroucbo Marl plof Croiby (Bin Crosby 15 Pi If :0fl ;4X Burnt A Allen Burne A Allen Slolljwood Hollywood Nlnitrft-Klrtten Vewi of World kllldersleeT Klllderaleevo BrCEk the Btnk Break the Bank Dill. Atlorney biit Attorney lam Hayea 3pta. Final Dick Haymea Tex ffllltama News Wax Hnaean IWax Mttieora 'ax Muenn OQ Sign Oft krhallenia f Yukon Sky Klnr. Sky Kina- Flrerixhten taoma Edition Mod. Roman re Mod. Romance (Lona Ranger D,on Ranger I. Dr. I. Q. Lowell Thomai laek Smith Christian Br. Christian Frank Race Frank Baoa iBenlah Club IS 6 Star Final lYon, tha World Htr-rio Orchestra nerenade lOrcan Masla rreaa. Band Newa Bllent (Santa's Hall (Santa's Mall Tom Mil Tom Mix Gabriel Heater In W Newa Tello Tnl Serenade pinner Conceit pinner Concert o Kid Cisco Kid Hher. nolmea Bher. Holmes Boris Karl off Boris Karloff Bail Adlam Bun Adlam Think Fast Think Fast pBchfld. Reported Intermesxo Kan art Hoar Concert Hour Concert Hoar Concert Hoar Memos Tomor. (Memos Tomor. Band of Day V iBand of Dav v ping Crosby Business News Candle Light and HllTcr News Twilight Song Name of That Hon Lean Bck., List. frrlo News David Bos Varieties Varieties Fulton Lewis Local Newa Newa -Eddla Howard Love Mystery Musle Carmen Cavaliers Pat O'Brien Musical Jack pel Evelyn Knight Sports k I4B6 Track 1490 Track 14B0 hrrack 14 Mayor Speaks Alan Ladd News Count Baala Frontier Town Frontier Towa Musle f ovj Want pfasls Toa Want Noctnrn Noctarno Moctnrna Noeturno THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hod go Podge Newa Farm News Pfei 6-15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper fiflFnrm Tlma KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tlmt KOCO Rloek 645 Farm Tlma KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Hews KOCO Klock 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex RHter 1:15 Old Songs News Agronsky Rrkfut. Gang KOCO Kloek "7:30 News News Rob Hal en Hrkfst. Gang News 7:45 3am Hayea Fred Beek Zeka Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bart'n Counter Ch. In ltdw'4 S; 15 Fddlt Albert N'ewa Breakfast Club Family Alter Organ Moods :30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Hareo ol Uet West's) Helodlaa 8:45 Saga Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Haven oi Rtt Fiesta Tlma 9:00 The SeconoTCup Wendy Warren Newa N. W News Melody Tlma 9:15 The Second Cupunt Jenny Stars of Today Mus. Memories Melody Tlma 9:30 flometowners Helen Trent rt Llnkletter Pastor's Call stars wins 9:45 News Gal Bunday &rt Llnkletter 3age Riders J. Ch. Thomas 0:00 Marrlase for Big Sister Sasebrush Ser. News N W News 0:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake KHcbm Musle 0:30 Car. Cavallero Dr. Malone My True Story Wiles Tana TlnM 0;45 Beryl Richards Guiding Light My True Story Morgan's Music S8 Kcy 1:00 Double or M Mrs. Burton Betty Crocker Ladles First Musle Marl 1:15 Nothing Perry Mason Moneymakers Ladles First Muslo Hart 1:30 Children Norah Drake Northwest- Queen for Day Jan Garbar 1 :45 Light of World Brighter Day erners Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Baukhaga Top Trades Ilollyw'd Musis 12:15 Road of Lira Come A Get It News News Ilollyw'd Masla 12:30 Pepper Foong Bright A Light Jack Norman N. W. News Headline Newa 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Meet Mcnjoua Hob Bbcrly Days Dennis 1:00 Backstage "Wire Barnyard Fol. Breakfast In Tell Y'r Neigh, Mae's Melodies :15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor Hollywood Harvey Harding Mao's Melodies l:30Lorenxo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mac's Melodies 1:45 Wldder Brown Kirkham News. Kay West BJf6jnga Mac's Melodies 2:00 A Girl Marries Kirkham News. lay Stewart Bob Pools Mae's Melodies ?: 15 Port. Faces Life Steve Allen lay Stewart Bob Pools Mac'a Melodies :30 last Plain BUI Steve Allen Brlda 4k Groom Music for That Mac'a Melodies 2:45 FrL Pg. Farrell Tune, Yours Brlda A Groom Musle for Thur. Mac'a Melodies 3:00 Welcome Travel. Art Kirkham Top Tones lloedown Party Mae's Melodies 3:15 Welcome Travel Arthur Godfrey Music Hoedown Party Mac's Melodies 5:30 lunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Ladies Be Seat. News Mae's Melodies 3:45 Love and Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Dave Rosa Mac'a Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel C.ce Hem In sway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. I-iii' Curt Massey Squirrel Cac Behind Story Brers Can Be 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. R. Mnrr'wCinnamon Bear Car. Cavallcro Beaotlful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAf Wednesday P.M. 6:00, Chll IWM dren's Theateri S'AS. On the Dpbeati 5:80, 850 Sports Clobi 8:00. News i 0:15, Eugenet 8:45, Invitation to Readt 7:00. Farmer's Union i 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 8:00, Radio Shorthand; 8:80, Guest Start 8:43, Newa and Weather, 9:00. Musle That Endures: 4:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. JAAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, Newt IV"V and Weathert 10:115, Especially for Women; 11:00, Orexon School of the Air i 11:15, Concert Halli 12:00, Nswai 12:15, Noon Farm Hour) 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:15, Orexon School of the Alrt 1:45. Melody Lane; 3:00, Home Garden Hourt 2:30, Memory Book of Muslo ( 2:5, Orexon School of tha Air, 8:00, Newsi 3:13, Musle of the Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter. Officers of Circle Named at Silverfon Silverton The annual Christ mas party lor the members of the Immanuel Zion circle of the Womans Missionary Federation was observed in an afternoon affair during the past week with secret pals of the past year re vealed during the social hour. Mrs. Ed Overlund, Box Work chairman, aranged for the money gift donation to be sent to the Parkland, Washington, Lutheran Children's Home, and explained the functions of tha Box Work project. Mrs. Tom Anderson presented the educa tional missionary topic for dis cussion. Christmas carols wer sung about the lighted tree with Mrs. P. A. Loar and Mrs. Charles Denham social hostesses. Elected to serve as circlt chairman for the coming yeai was Mrs. Oscar Overlund, to b assisted by Mrs. P. A. Loar ai secretary-treasurer, the retiring officers, Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson, chairman, and Miss Hilda J. Ol sen, secretary-treasurer. ACROSS 1. Star 7. Mint again 13. Manifest 14. Continent 15. Midwestern atate: abbr. IS. African native 18. At home 19. Gumbo 21. Boy 22. Agreement 24. Beverage 25. Concise 27. Rubber tre. 23. Stately building 30. Contests of speed 31. Seasoning 33. Cause to float gently 34. Petty malic. 36. Foreordain 39. Vandal . 40. Neckpiec. 43. Rowing implement 43. Heroine of "Lohengrln, 45. In disagree ment 46. To a position OI 47. Kind of red dy. 43. Casks fil. Small fish 52. Become lesa severe 54. Experience again 56. Condition 67. Shops ABBgiPeerigPl6lNTB B. . a i l sIIm b R T 8 1 k kH T H NSl l KB. V P O X H e T C A L H A SB !H EW2 o N E TYRANT BSENAffg h3LI fi ltE N Bi 3 1 H A H 1 N R YJ e T Is RJm N A T 0 B k IB 1 Ba TBn A M S k. 1 eMe n t wn b Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 3 DOWN 1. Distant 3. Called forth 7 13 5 M s 16 Wj a pf io i z '', 13 Wfr - W1 jP "I 1111 w 1 1 1 AP Newai'eerfurev Note of th scale 4. East Indian moner 6. Concealed water DisreRard 7. Foraya 8. Salamander 9. Ridlns whip 10. Grandchild; o Scotch 1 11. Mass f hana;- 5 Down 12. French cfty 17. Infrequent 20. Dried crapes 23. Sale 25. Binds to secrecy 36. Obliterate 29. Energy food 31. Astern 33. Wallows 34. Cuttlns: Implement 35. Young hen, 36. Sullen 37. Indigenous 38. Wears away 41. Civil injuries 44. Encouraxo 46. Capital of Norway 48. Babylonian deity SO. Lease 63. Old exclamation 65. NeratlT prefix 'ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern AW GREAT IDEA FOR. A NOrVWD!N3 WRIST WATCH IS THIS USING THS FORCE OP THE MAGNETIC NORTH ' POLE. A COvXBVSS NEEDLE INSIDE THE WATCH IS GEARED TO A SMALL. MAINSPRING AND WHEN A PERSON) TAKES A LEFT TURN, THE NEEDLE SWINGING NORTH WILL TIGHTEN THE SPRING AND KEEP IT CONSTANTLY WOUND UP UA IS THAT lLfcAK.f tVA I'M A KhMDA 1i TEKNERKLc I"" I STILL CANT FIGGER OUT WHY SO MUCH CHEWIM DOESN'T CHEW UP GUMTUH NOTHINY " - " IT I MTatl h Til WaTI sjajsji UP GUM TUH rl a I.. . i .i x nr mm TO YOURSELF, JUDGE I;