2 Capital Journal, Salem, Evergreen Chapter Elects i New Woodburn Star Heads Woodburn Mrj. Mabel Harper was named worthy matron of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, at the annyial election of officers at the Masonic Temple, and Earl VC. Houseweart was elected worthy patron. (iVbther officers elected were: Mrs. Mabel Dixon, associate rNiBcrpta'rv (re-elected for the I !39th year); Mrs. Estella Andcr- son, treasurer (re-eiectea;; mis. Freda Burt, conductress; Mrs. JiOis Wengenroth, associate con iriiiptreas! and Mrs. Florence But- fterfield, re-elected member of rthe board of trustees. '. Mrs. Harper will announce Apr anDointive officers later. t An invitation was read and accepted to hold joint installa tion of officers with Woodburn lodge No. 106, A.G.&A.M. on next Monday evening, Decem ber 19 at 8 p.m. Invitations have also been extended to Woodburn chapter No. 29, Royal Arcn ivia sons and St. Elmo Command ery, No. 20, Knights Templar, to Join In the installation. Mrs. Ev 'elyn Morris, the retiring worthy matron and Ora F. Morris, re tiring worthy patron, will install ,'Jor the Eastern Star. They will tan assisted bv Mrs. Grace Cra mer, marshal; Mrs. Gertrude Beach, chaplain and Miss Gladys Adams, musician. Practice for installation will Be nem iriauy l ivening, Dec. 16 at 7:30 o'clock. i Four petitions lor memoer 'ship were received and one pe titioner for affiliation was el "ected. 1 TTnder "eood of the order" a ' wishing well addenda was given ,'ln honor of Mr. and Mrs. Morris, ithe retiring worthy matron and worthy patron and they were presented with a gift from the 'officers. Mrs. Mabel Harper, 'worthy-matron-elect, was also "presented with a gift from the .officers in honor ot ner Dirmuajr anniversary in a pleasing cere i'mony. t, Members having birthday an niversaries from July to Janu ary were presented with birth day cards and each officer re ceived a gift from the worthy matron and worthy patron, i Mrs. Etta Hall, 85, the oldest "member of the chapter in years, i'.who now resides in Salem, was present and was also presemeu ! with a birthday gift, and the "chapter also voted to send a gift "to, Mrs. Maude Mochel, who is now in a Portland rest home. J No meeting of the chapter will tie held December 26 on account of the Christmas holiday. The next meeting will be January 9 and will be "Charter night," .'when the two charter members will be honored. Mrs. Harper announced Mrs. Maude Scott, Miss Laura Bonney, Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. Minnie Bissell, Mrs. Lalah Loney and Earl Lo jiey as the refreshments com mittee for that evening. J A meeting of the advisory board of Rainbow was announc ed at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14, preceding the regular meeting 'of Rainbow. . it-- rttlolmnc u Alter uie mccwi's ....v "carols were sung by the entire igroup, led by Mrs. N. r . lyier and a "cake walk" by the So cial club followed, j Refreshments were served by !the past matrons. The tables were beautiful with Christmas decorations. Between 80 and 90 'members and visitors were in attendance. Mrs. Rowe Hostess for Sfayton Club Stayton The Stayton Garden club will hold its Christmas meeting Friday at the home of, Mrs. Henry Rowe when each member is requested to bring a Christmas gift which they have grown. Recommendations for officers for the coming year have been made by the nominating com mittee which has suggested Mrs. (Reba Inglis for president; Mrs. Louie Stagner for vice presi dent; and Mrs. Marcille Ware, secretary-treasurer, The com mittee is composed of Mrs. Louise Bcrger, chairman, and Mrs. Barbara Avey, Mrs, Mary Reynolds, Mrs. Lucy Pcabody and Mrs. Nettie Downing. In charge of the garden cen ter in the Stayton branch of the First National bank of Port land, during the month of No vember were Mrs. Nettie Down ing and Mrs. Bertha McDaniel. Mrs. Inglis will be in charge of the center in December. Lodge Head Expected Hubbard R. O. Kaser, Grand Chancellor of the Knlchts of Pv- I thias of Oregon, will be a visi- tor in Arion lodge No. 57 Thurs day evening. Visitors are expect ed from Aurora, Oregon City, Silverton, Salem and Portland. Mr. Kaser is from Milton, Ore gon. NOW OPEN CHINA CAFE (JUST BEFORE YOU CiET TO THE HOLLYWOOD STOrLIORTS) We Serve Chinese and American Dishes "ORDERS TO TAKE OUT" Open 4:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Saturday 'Til 3 A.M. WE CLOSE MONDAYS 2055 Fairground! Road Phone 2-6596 Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 New Cemetery Board Formed Hubbard The annual meet ing of Hubbard Cemetery asso ciation was held in the Legion hall. The only director present was George Leffler, who presid ed. Mrs. A. F. dcLcspinasse was appointed secretary - treasurer, pro-tem. A new board of directors was elected consisting of Dr. A. F deLespinasse, Garfield Voget, Miss Frances Weaver, Mrs. A. J Smith and Leland Kocher. An amendment to the by-laws was made to allow the directors to elect the secretary-treasurer. The new board will meet Friday evening, December 16 at the home of Dr, deLespinasse, at which time a secretary-treasur er will be elected. All records from the date of organization, June 1882 to 1946 were at hand. Records from 1946 to date are in possession of the caretaker, George Zeek, to be turned over at the board meeting Friday. Manton Carl will retain power of attorney for the association if and when ne cessary. The members decided to have a general clean-up day as soon as weather permits when all able-bodied men and women of all workable ages will be called upon to give the first clean-up. dcLcspinasse will place the call as soon as work can be done on the grounds. Work toward the clean-up and improvement was started with impetus last spring when the newly-elected president of the Hubbard Woman s club, Mrs. A. J. Smith appointed Mrs. deLespinasse on the civic com mittee, and together they de cided upon this project in re sponse to the need. Silverton Lutheran Women Will Elect Silverton The Woman's Missionary Federation of Im- manuel Lutheran church, a com bination organization of all wo men's groups in the congrega tion, will meet for election of officers Thursday evening o'clock. The missionary topic to be discussed will be presented by Mrs. Stanley Swanson, subject, Nineld, Black Man of God." Mrs. Justin Dyrud will appear as program vocal soloist, assist ed by Mrs. Arthur Dahl, accom panist. With Mrs. Luther Hatteberg having served for the year as chairman of box work, many articles are finished and sent to the Parkland Children's home with the Christmas donations from the federation members. Mrs. John Overlund, WMF librarian, will tell of the liter ature used in the WMF pro grams. Social hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Elmer Peter son, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Max Holland and Mrs. bfl Ust- gaard. Junior Church Guild Plans Holiday Affair Silverton Plans were com pleted for the Thursday evening Christmas party for the mem bers of the families of the Junior Woman's Guild of the First Christian church, at their regu lar session at the parsonage home of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates. The affair is to be at the social rooms of the church. Mrs. Lester Hagen of Salem presented the study topic: "Im migrants." Mrs. Clifford direct ed the worship hour in a re counting of Bible Christmas stories. Serving during the so cial hour were Mrs. Tom Myers and Mrs. Emanuel Kellerhals jr. Inint Incrnllnrinn JIUICU IUI VJCITUI9 Gcrvals Robin A. White was elected worshipful master of fi delity lodge No. 54, AF & AM and will succeed Oscar Evans. Other officers elected were El mer McClaughry, senior warden; Clyde Phillips, junior warden; Arthur Kcene, treasurer, and J. P. Aspinwall, secretary (re elected). Joint Installation with Gervais chapter No. 118, Order ot the Eastern Star, has been set for Thursday night, preceded by a 6:30 o clock dinner. - THE NEW Canadian Ballet Members of the Winnipeg Ballet offer a tableau of "Visages," their presentation in the Canadian Ballet Festival at Toronto given by dance groups from six cities. Forum Seeking Wider Scope Silverton At the breakfast program and business meeting of the Silverton Chamber of Com merce, the forum voted to ac cept the presented changes and additions to the by-laws making more consistent and flexible the dates and occasions Including places of meeting. Cooperation of granges is to be asked in wiring the Soil Con servation rooms in the Washing ton Irving building. Errol Ross presented an at tractive baseball trophy to. the forum members signifying state championship of the McGinnis managed team for the past sea son. Plans were begun for the coming season's play. The local chamber of com merce is anxious to bring the state corn show here. But as was announced, next year's place for the show is already planned, the forum hopes to be able to have the 1951 show in Silver ton. On the much discussed Silver- ton-Salem proposed highway routing, Dr. P. A. Loar told of 701 petitioners signed and filed with county and state officials. Harold Bartsch is forum presi dent and Walter Geren secre tary. Amity Mrs. Anna Patty entered Gen eral hospital, McMinnville, re cently, for treatment of a heart ailment. Her sister, Mrs. Mark Blodgett of Cutler City, came out Saturday and is managing the home while Mrs. Patty is in the hospital. Howard Owsley of La Grande is a guest of Glenn Patty for sev eral days. He will return soon with a new truck purchased re cently. The Amity grade school girls held a play night. The fifth sixth, seevnth and eighth grade girls participated. Refreshments were served to the students, par ents and friends, numbering about 100. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gibbs were hosts for a dinner honoring his sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Christu Harnsbarger (Alice Gibbs) of Saranac, Mich last Sunday. Other guests were Miss Helen Gibbs, Portland, Christopher Dudley, Redmond Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibbs, Mr. Jay Wade of Amity. Grand Island The Grand Island community club December meeting was held with fair attendance. E. W. Budke of Dayton gave two reels of moving pictures of his moose hunting in British Columbia. Re freshments were served by Mrs, Raymond Palmer and Mrs. Frank Finnicum. The annual election of oficers will be held at the January meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Rich ards have left for their home near San Francisco, Cal., after two weeks spent with his broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum and fam ily here. They were enroute from the fruit harvest spent at a large orchard at Wenatchee, Wash. When You DANCE CRYSTAL GARDENS You get two floors and two bands for one price. You dance on a floating floor, specially constructed to make your dancing more enjoyable. Heated and air conditioned. Prop erly supervised to assure your happiness. 2 Floors Dance either mod ern or old time or mix It up If you wish. 2 Bands BILL DeSOUZA Modern Music POP EDWARDS Old Timers & Silverton The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Suel Shepherd are inter ested to know of the satisfactory convalescence of Mrs. Shepherd from recent neuro surgery under direction of Dr. John Raaf of Portland at the Good Samaritan hospital. Attending Mrs. Shep herd was her sister-in-law, well known here, Mrs. Mary Ives Shepherd, R.N. Mrs. Harry Ragon of Broad way avenue has her knee in a cast for a few weeks to insure the healing of a slight fracture of the knee cap. The accident was the result of a fall at the Salem ice rink in a week-end recreational skating jaunt. Mrs. Ragon is an expert ice skater. Staff Sgt. Owen H. Flatberg, air corps, with base location at Fairfield-Suisun, California, ar rived Monday for a few days' visit at the Broadway avenue home of his aunt, Mrs. Ed Hold en. Sgt. Flatberg has recently returned from a two-years' stay in Japan. He is planning to re turn to his base for release from the service. State Work Starts Soon at Lebanon Lebanon Work is slated to start soon on the Lebanon build ing to house Linn county's de partment of state registration for automobiles. The local structure will also be headquar ters offfering complete informa tion to all county tourists. A similar smaller office is also slated for erection in Albany. Secretary of State Earl New bry was quoted as saying the reason for two such offices in Linn county is the large number of automobiles numbering about 30,000 in the county, and pros pects for 35,000 in the near fu ture. The Lebanon office was the original one sanctioned by New- bry. He made the announcement during a visit to this city several months ago when he and a group from the Salem office viewed several sites and lunched with local business men and city offi cials. t: TODAY Roast Prime Rib OF BEEF Au Jus Dance to the Music of FRANCIS CONGER In the Burgundy Room hattucJ Chateau Open 5:30 'til 2:30 1 Price T M Includes 1C Tax And Admits to Both Floors Charity Gun Shoot For Lebanon Elks Lebanon The local Elks lodge will stage their annual turkey shoot at the Lebanon Gun club grounds Sunday, announces John Smith, exalted ruler. All pro ceeds from the day's shooting will be used for charity, he said, Prizes being offered during the day include turkeys, chick ens, hams and bacons. Shooting will commence at 9:30 a.m. and will last through out the day. Lunch and shells will be available at the club house located on the grounds. The gun club is one mile west of the city on Oak street. Ample parking space is pro vided for cars on the grounds parking lot. Spectators are wel come, Smith said. Jefferson Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Bashfbrd have as their guest Harry, Bash- ford of North Platte, Neb. The two men are brothers. Larry Wells and Duane Tilly are graduating from the begin ners course in Hiawaiian guitar. The graduation will take place at Mill City. The other pupils will be from Mill City and Brownsville. Mrs. Nellie Cornell and Mrs, C. W. Pogue attended the ser vices at the Methodist church on Sunday morning and in the af ternoon called on friends. The fourth "singspiration" of the Jefferson area will be held at the Jefferson Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday night at 9:30 o'clock. Hopewell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow (Shirley Farmer), formerly of Hopewell, now living near Sil verton, are the parents of a baby boy, born December 8 at the Salem General hospital. Mrs. Montgomery Farmer visited her son, Leroy Farmer and his wife over the week-end, She has been in very poor health for a year. Mrs. Beulah Reed has gone to Washington state to visit rel atives in Tacoma and Seattle and will be gone a week. Pall heatre Oregon WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IIQlUrCIDZIB STARTS TODAY OPEN 6:45 , imfaf hitaw"Boe1iw"! riBDKfilRIP ALEXIS SMITH I In M-O-M'i rANYKUMBER CANNOT' WtmMI Atrfrtr COREY ' TOTTER FRANK MORGAN MARY AST0R ItWIt ST0NC BARRY tUlUVAK EDGAR tOCNANAn SECOND FEATURE "SAVAGE SPLENDOR" African Thrills In Technicolor Court Marion Holds Party Mt. Angel The annual Christ mas party was held following the regular meeting of Court Marion, Catholic Daughter of America, when 150 members were present for the exchange of gifts, a late supper, and a program at the lighted Christ mas tree, with Christmas carol singing by the membership at the close of the entertainment. A comical pantomime, 'Meller Dramer," was presented by the hostess committee. Mrs. George Antoine gave the reading, assisted by the Mes- dames Clarence Ebner, Andy Wachter, Victor Hoffer, Louise Vachter, Mathilda Simon, Dean Huff stutter, James Erwert, Nor bert Butsch, Maurice Sauser, Clement Butsch, Dorothy Etzel, Francis Schmidt, Tony Bigler, Ivo Bauman, Derald Zollner, Leona Kleinschmidt and W. J. Kloft and Miss Theresa Dehler. Santa Claus for the evening was Mrs. Alice Kroll, Miss Pat Con- nell was accompanist at the pi ano, and the co-chairmen were Miss Henrietta Saalfeld and Mrs. Victor Hassing. Rev. Father Da- mian Jentges, pastor, and Rev. Father Hildebrand Melchior, chaplain, were special guests. At the business session Mrs. Al Lulay, grand regent, an nounced that Mrs. J. A. Kaiser wil compile data on the number of converts in Court Marion and other information requested by Mrs. Jean Sander of Tillamook Share the Faith chairman. Mrs Alois Keber, war relief chair man, reported 16 packages were sent to Europe in the past month Eight of these were "Toys for Joys," sponsored by both the Mt Angel Council, Knights of Co lumbus, and Court Marion, CDA. The other eight packages includ ed old good clothing for grown ups and children, food and soaps. Letters of Christmas greetings, thanks and apprecia tion were already received by Mrs. Keber from three institu tions overseas, telling of the great joy at receiving that warm clothing and food. Mrs. Fred Baumgartner has volunteered to drive her car or name a driver during January for the Benedictine nuns, teach ing Christian Doctine at Che- mawa on Sunday mornings. Mrs. Ed Hoffer and Mrs. J. J. Penner are co-chairmen for the banquet which the Mt. An gel Council Knights of Columbus are sponsoring for Sunday eve ning, December 18, after their initiation here that day. They wil be assisted by the Mesdames Mark Purdy, Richard Foltz, Ot to Wellman, Victor Hoffer, Gene Hoffer, Val Eberle, Alois Keber, Albert Diehl, Joseph Walker Sr., OPENS 6:45 P.M. NOW! DRAMA! COMEDY! Unda Darnell Rex Harrison NOWTOPENS 6:45 P.M. CLIFTON WEBB "SITTING PRETTY" o REX HARRISON "ESCAPE" NEW TODAY! 2 ACE PARAMOUNT HITS DURYEA HAYDEN M IRENE HERVEV PHILIP IEU m ' '; v'AKAMOUNT H)'l ! - roramoum WIIUAM EYTHE in croKE REEVES iym CU10T ii VALENTINE COLOR CARTOON Is'EWS DOROTHY tO I LAMOUR Wf DAN STERIINO Fred Baumgartner, Tony Ter haar, Leo Schwab, C 1 e t u s Butsch, Emil Bochsler, Robert Fronk, Charles Bochsler, Joseph Wagner and the Misses Eustelle Bauman, Anne Erwert and Lou ise Butsch. Mrs. Ben Ackerman, with her husband's assistance, has offered, to renew the wallpaper on the bedroom walls of an elderly bed ridden lady as a Christmas gift. Miss Anne Erwert, lecturer, has arranged for the cinema showing of Father Hubbard's travels in Alaska, scheduled for some unannounced date in March. Mrs. Raymond Rothen fluch received the special prize. Dayton Miss Sharolyn Wolfe of Mc Minnville was an overnight guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich. Lloyd Goodrich has left for Fortuna, Calif., to visit his daughter and husband, Mr.' and Mrs. Norman (Joyce) Quigley. He expects to be gone about six weeks. Mrs. Goodrich and Laura Mae will join him at the home of the Quigleys to spend Xmas. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Palmer had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Ripley and sons of Tilla mook, Nancy Dey, McMinnville, James McFee and daughter Ro salie of Albany, and Lanada Mc Fee of Dayton. With the Ripleys came Mrs. L. McFee, mother of Mrs. Palmer, who will be here for a while. Mrs. Will Leckband of Mc Minnville spent the day with Mrs. Bill Wright. When Mrs. Leckband was a resident of Day ton they were close neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. John Reu had as house guests his brother in law, W. H. Haberman, Welling ton, Colo. He left Monday for I NEW TODAY! A MOVIE "MUST"! ffMA1 111 FIRE and FIDELITY III Km 0F THE N0VEL! X 'jZZ0 Sensational! Ml) flP davIdbIian f T""i CLAUDE JARMAN Jr. 1 AJUANO HERNANDEZ f A I -WiOtl PORTER HALL I 1 aJV ELIZABETH PATTERSON I I .' CHARLES KEMPER I I JT WILL GEER. II W EXTRA! If IV Tl COLOR WARNER VIIGHll CARTOON NEWS J PH. 3-3467 t. MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. ADVENTURE CO-FEATURE! BILL (HOPALONG) CASSIDY BOYD "BORROWED TROUBLE" COLOR CARTOON - AIRMAIL FOX NEWS Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather and Mrs. Ada Harmon were guests for dinner at the Emil Gobat home in Sweet Home. Mrs. Pearl Hale of Portland has returned to her home after v spending a week with her sister, ' Mrs. Gail Prathpr hprp. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Owens in Salem and all drove to Detroit Dam in the af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather drove to Eugene to attend "The Messiah." Evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells were Mrs. C. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Det ering, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Paulus when Mr. Paulus showed slide pictures during the eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman attended "The Messiah" given by the Oratorio Society in Sa lem. Their daughter, Miss De- Lores Hultman, took part. Fritz Heider Is Host Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Clare Heider entertained a group of boys, honoring their son Fritz, on his 12th birthday. During the dinner, a request number was played over the radio. Those at tending were his brother Steve; a cousin, Stan Willert, and friends, Robert Mosgrove, Sam- i my SweeneV, David Powell and Johnny Goodwin. The boys also attended the local theater. Grants Pass to visit with other relatives before returning to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Borgan and family had as din ner guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reu, and Mr. Haberman. II A I aii Tur rinor III NEW TODAY! HEADIN' FOR TROUBLE With the Signal Against Him! w,wit y its- Js