Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 14, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Decv 14, 1949
Henry Schmidt Starts to Pay
Debt to Jap Prison Guard
Greybull, Wyo., Dec 14 (U.R) Henry Schmidt today began pay
ment on a wartime debt to a Japanese who risked his own life to
smuggle food to starving American prisoners at the Osaka ship
yards. Schmidt, an American construction worker taken prisoner at
Wake Island, promised the smp-
yard worker that he would bring
the man's son to the united
States for an education in re
turn for aid that spelled the
difference between survival and
The son, 16-year-old Haruo
Kasai, will arrive Friday in San
Francisco aboard the S.S. Pres
ident Cleveland and will fly to
Billings, Mont., to be met Sat
urday by Schmidt and his wife.
The 38-year-old construction
engineer said the boy would be
enrolled in the Greybull high
school and sent to an American
college for science studies "if
everything goes according to
Willamette Coach
Mill City Speaker
Mill City Chester Stackhouse
athletic director at Willamette
university in Salem, was the
speaker at the Lions club ban
quet which was given in honor
of the high school football team
and coach and yell queens. The
speaker told the boys that going
to a small school gave them ma
ny more advantages for taking
part in activities than a larger
school. He also advised the boys
on their future vocation.
Coach Burton Burroughs in
troduced his boys as follows:
Thad Roberts, Lawrence Thorn-
ley, George Neil, Harlan Gibson,
Bob Baltimore, Pete and Gary
Peterson, Lawrence and Leo
Poole, Norman and Dennis Mar-
tella, Bob Shelton, Bill Dean,
Ernest and Leroy Podrabsky,
Richard Kanoff, Lyle Fleetwood,
Phillip Goble.
Also introduced were the four
yell leaders: Lela Kelly, Alona
Daly, Dolores Poole and Arlone
Kuhlman. All football boys were
present with the exception of
John Nelson, Jr., who was ill.
Juvenile Grangers
Name New Officers
Sidney The officers of An
keny Juvenile grange were in
stalled by Wayne Johnston as
the installing officer and Ida Jo
Henderson as marshal, regalia
and emblem bearer.
The following 4-H clubs have
been organized at Sidney school.
Cooking I club, the Busy Cook
ers, Louise Johnston, leader
with six members enrolled.
President, Eugene Strausbaugh;
vice-president, Frieda Stepper,
secretary, Josephine Park; news
reporter, Jerry Hutchinson; song
leader, Mamie Lea Bostrack,
Tommy Park.
Cooking II club, Helen Nel
son, leader; The Salt and Pepper
Experts club, president, Gary
aid Zehner; secretary, La Donna
Baffle for Life
Of Boy Futile
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 14 (U.R)
A battle for the life of a six-
year-old-boy ended here early to
day, nine and one half hours
after he was struck by a car.
Johnny McLinn suffered se
vere head injuries and a broken
leg when he darted in front of
a car being driven by Roy E.
Pool last night. He was taken
to a local hospital where five
doctors joined in a fight for life.
But Johnny died at 2:30 a.m.,
despite emergency brain surg
Police said Pool was not at
fault. It was the 15th traffic
fatality here this year.
Problems Discussed
By Roberts Local
Roberts At the Farmer's
Union meeting the chairman, H.
G. Stevens read a recent letter
from the National president of
the Farmer's Union.
From the agriculture report it
was brought out from a recent
survey that through the 2-4 D
spray on weeds the protein con
tent was increased 15 and
plans are being made to experi
ment with the farm crops to see
if the protein content could
be increased with the use of
2-4 D.
J. W. Isloy, educational chair
man, talked on "What the Farm
er's Union Stands For" emphas
ing soil conservation.
Miss Lois Stevens presented
the following program: Trio by
Mrs. Frances Keller, Miss Jean
Brown and Miss Lois Stevens;
contest, with Miss Jean Brown
at the piano, in which the men
came out ahead. The program
ended with violin rmisic by G.
a. tiiggins witn .f rank aoen
ringer rattling the bones and
piano accompaniment by Miss
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Frank Boehringer.
Parents Responsible
Eugene, Ore., Dec. 14 W)
Parents who let their children
become delinquents will face
fines or a jail sentence here. The
city council has approved an or
dinance patterned after one at
Baker making the parents or
guardians of children under 18
responsible for their misdeeds.
Hershey; treasurer, Donald
Park; sergeant-at-arms, Dee
Hershey; reporter, David Hunt.
See These and
Dozens More!
Oven and Table Set
with Package
Thli colorful tat of on 2'i ql. bowt and 4 matching 1 2 oi. dlihai In red
or ytllow giftboKd $2.95; 2'i qt. Covered Caiierole $2.50; Open
Bowl $1.39, Individual 12 02. Oiihti $.39 each.
4 Cee Percetater end Double loiter
Sparkling PYflEX Flameware lefi
you tee whar'i cooking! Ptreolo
cn from $2.45 to $3.45t
Oven and Refrlgeroter Set
Colorful, uieful, Oven and Re
frloeralor Set $2.95 alio tet of
4 colored Mixing Bowli $2.95.
4 qt. Keek Cevtred Ceutrel
t qt. Covered Ceiterole $.98.
Alto available In sizes from 1 to
3 qtk
3 qt. Utility Dlih
3 ql. Utility Diih $.98. See the
pofkling Pi Plate i. Cake Oiihit
ona loaf rani, too.
Work Proceeds
The work of fire-proofing the
Tillamook burn under the forest
rehabilitation act is proceeding
on schedule, according to
George Spaur, state forester.
Spaur stated that the third
area in the fire corridors was to
be cleared of all snags and that
bids for this work would be re
ceived by the board of forestry
not later than December 30,
According to the forester, ap
proximately 2,718 snags are in
eluded in the open bid which is
being extended to all interested
persons. The snags have been
marked with yellow paint and
have an average diameter of
38.5 inches. The area is locat
ed in the vicinity of Owl Camp,
on the Wilson river highway, in
sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, Town
ship 1 North, Range 8 West.
Spaur urged that all prospec
tive bidders visit the snag block
so that they may thoroughly
familiarize themselves with the
conditions on the ground and the
type of snag that has to be cut.
Guides and information may be
obtained at the forestry head
quarters at Forest Grove or at
the Owl Camp.
Bid forms may be obtained at
the Forest Grove headquarters
or at the state forester's office
in Salem.
Jefferson Diking
Proves Successful
Jefferson A meeting of the
farmers living along the north
and south forks of the Santiam
river met in the city hall to dis
cuss the dykes which were re
cently completed. They were
pleased with the work which
had been done and are satisfied
that flooding of the land has
been checked, judging by the
recent high water. The state and
county officers will inspect it in
the near future.
ei uses to Discuss
Row Holding Up Promotions
Washington, Dec. 14 (U.R) Rep. W. Sterling Cole (R., N.Y.) has
information, not yet confirmed, that the navy's latest list of
Admiral promotions has been held up because of the recent uni
fication row.
Navy sources refused to discuss the report.
Cole, a member of the houses-
armed services committee, said
he heard the list has been delay
ed so the name of Capt. Arleigh
A. Burke, Pacific war hero, can
be removed.
Burke was director of "Oper
ation 23," a special navy unit
which reportedly was the nerve
center of a propaganda drive be
fore it was dissolved by Adm.
Forrest Sherman who took over
as chief of naval operations in
the unification shakeup.
The navy board which selects
nominees recently completed
list of 23 captains for promotion
to rear admiral. The list was
sent to the White House about
five days ago. President Tru
man is vacationing at Key West,
Navy sources refused to con
firm or deny that Burke was up
for promotion to rear admiral.
The navy traditionally refuses
to reveal what names are on the
list prior to approval by the
President who then sends it to
the senate for confirmation.
ndependence Youth
Places With Turks
Dallas Eugene Garrett,
young son of Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Garrett of Independence has
achieved honors on his 4-H tur
key project this fall. This is his
first year in 4-H club work in
Polk county.
Eugene entered a young tur
key torn in the Pacific coast tur
key show held in McMinnville
and his bird won a third placing.
Next he entered his turkeys in
the northwest turkey show at
Roseburg. His young turkey torn
won a second placing and his
young turkey hen placed third.
Fire District
Gets Approval
By a 167 to 140 vote residents
of the Liberty-Salem Heights
district approved a fire pro
tective district at the special
election Tuesday.
Fire directors were also nam
ed, all unopposed on the ballot
These are Harold Rosebraugh,
Mervin Seeger, William Berndt,
Carl Armpriest and Ralph Brent.
Organizational plans and also
plans for future action will be
taken up by the board of direc
tors at an early meeting.
The area in the district is ap
proximately eight miles square
and is south and southeast of
Plans Funeral;
Then Ends Life
Roseburg, Ore., Dec. 14 (U.R)
John Francis Renfro, SO, Suth-
erlin, Ore., made arrangements
for his own funeral and four
days later shot himself, police
said today.
Refro s body was found yes
terday north of Winchester
bridge, dead from a bullet
wound, besides his parked car.
He was a member of the Suth
erlin Eagles lodge and is sur
vived by his widow, mother,
brother and sister.
The National Geographic soci
ety says an Alaskan sealskin is
so pliable it can be passed
through a napkin ring.
Wards Will Be Open 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dec. 16th Through 23rd
155 North
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While Our Supply Lasts
Two Gifts for the Price of One
A grand famous name pen
and a mechanical pencil.
PORTABLES of All Types
All G-E radios are famous
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Famous Fineline 3
Sheaffer Pen & Pencil Set
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Lulls you to sleep. Shuts itself off
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Not a midget model over 12 In.
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Luxe features: dial light
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Famous G.E. Dynapower
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It's portable! No installation no extra cost of any
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Phone 3-3191
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Salem, Oregon