Linda Darnell Wants No Part Of Boyish Look in Styles By BOB THOMAS J Hollywood, Dec. 14 W) If fashion designers are serious about "promoting the "boyish look,"'they can include Linda Darnell out. "I'll have no part of it," says the busty glamor girl about the proposed return of the slim silhouette of the '20s. "I think it looks terrible. "Besides, it's unhealthful.S- Many girls really ruined their figures for life when they had to bind their chests to get the flat effect. "Why can't women look like women and men look like men? That's what makes life more interesting." Walter Huston keeps sighing that he's gotten to the age where he wants to do only one picture a year. But at 65, he plays ten nis almost every day. "I'm not much good," he admits. "You might say I play a casual game." Joan Crawford knows the val ue of clothes to a glamour girl. When her studio said it couldn't Valley Farm Timber Wanted Farm timber throughout the Willamette valley and vicinity is in large demand, according to Charles H. Ladd, senior farm forester of the state forestry de partment. Ladd states that a recent sur vey of the valley shows an im proved market condition, with sawlogs, pulpwood, poles and numerous other products in good demand. The forester points out that Willamette valley woodland owners enjoy the definite advan tages of easy logging and nearby markets which are reflected in greater stumpage returns. Under the present market, a forest own er can realize a good income from his tract and yet keep it productive by practicing good forestry. All owners of small tracts of timber in Oregon are eligible to receive forestry advice, accord ing to Ladd. The state forestry department is prepared to give on the ground assistance on all forestry matters. The state ex tension service will provide for est products market information and forest educational material. afford a vast new wardrobe for The Victim," she came up with the solution. She is wearing some of her own models. Greater faith hath no wife. Jessica Tandy is investing some of her own money in the play of her husband, Hume Cronyn. It's called "Now J Lay Me Down to Sleep" and the Fredric Marches are starring in it. Betty Grable's leg measure ments are the same as when she arrived at zutn-iox in years ago. The vital statistics: ankle TA, calf 12, thigh 18. Asked if she ever gets tired of answer ing questions about her legs, she said: "They've been doing it for years; I have no objections." . Shirley Temple says she would now like to leave the past behind and devote her thoughts to the future. She has no com ment on how the recent divorce might affect her career. As for work, a picture is being prepar el for her at Warners under. the Selznick loan-out deal. But she's not eager to return to work. "I'd just like to sit at home, " she sighs. "Shadows of the Manger" is a different kind of Hollywood production. It will be present ed in the week preceding Christ mas right on Hollywood Boule vard in front of the Congrega tional church. Among those taking part in the religious pag eant are Barbara Britton, Don Defore, Wendell Corey, Harry Carey, Jr., and Lee Bonnell. John Wayne is glowing over his latest box-office rating and over his new film, "Sands of Iwo Jima." I see the picture will be shown here at advanced prices. Ho hum . . . Fancy sign on a Christmas tree lot near Beverly Hills: Xmas Tree Salon. Evelyn Keys excused herself from an interview on the set when she received a call from Kirk Douglas. "You couldn't ask me to give that up, could you?" was her explanation. ',..,,- -1.. . 1 rv. ; V Ft nir IrinH nf pv nffpnsp against may Smuts Obliges Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts of South Africa passes cakes to Lady Samuel, wife of Britain's Liberal party leader, at a reception in Smuts' honor in London. Extortion Case Reveals Charge Of 'Ride' Threats, Recordings Los Angeles, Dec. 14 (U.R) Ben Klekner, middle-aged head of a Hollywood talent school, testified Tuesday he met Helen Keller, amused of working a "sex-extortion" plot against him, when he tried to line up party girls to entertain salesmen. Miss Keller and her former roommate, Toni Hughes, both 26, are being tried on charges of ex-' torting money from Klekner on threats he would be taken for a ride by mobster Mickey Cohen's aides. Cohen denied he was a party to the alleged plot. Under questioning by Dep. Dist. Atty. Al Lucas, the school head testified a friend had given him a telephone number of girls available for dates. Klekner said he contacted Miss Keller to ar range for her and a friend to en tertain some visiting salesmen but the party fell through. Instead, he said, he contacted Miss Keller himself several weeks later and they went to a motel together. "I saw her several times aft erwards until March of 1947 when I suffered a heart attack and was laid up for five months," Klekner testified. "Af ter I went back to work, I saw her eight or ten times more." Klekner was the first witness after opening arguments in which opposing attorneys pic- "party girl he What Causes Man to Commit Sex Offense Against a Child? By JAMES MARLOW Washington, Dec. 14 VP) Rape and murder are the extreme and most violent forms of sex offenses against children. They've made headlines lately. But sexual offenses against children also take other forms less violent. There are more of them. What causes a man to commits tured Miss Keller as a girl" and an innocent had betrayed. "We will prove that these women used force and fear and threatened to expose their vic tim unless he paid and paid and paid," Lucas told the jury. But defense attorney Glenn Lane said he would show Klek ner won Miss Keller's love with promises to marry her and then "brushed her off." The state contends the two girls made a recording of an in timate moment in Klekner's ro mance with Miss Keller and threatened to expose him to his wife unless he paid them $10,-000. Washington psychiatrists. They said there are a number of causes. Here are some: 1. Feeble-mindedness. A man of 40 may have the mind of a child. 2. Senility. An old man's brain may have deteriorated so that he's in his second child hood. 3. Disease of the brain. Syph ilis, for example. Disease de stroyed that part of the brain which previously kept a man from such an offense. 4, Bad early family and so cial training. It may have left a man socially immature so that he never fitted into grown-up society. 5. Or, for one reason or an other, he has become a sadist who can find emotional com fort only in inflicting suffering or death upon a child. Can such a man be cured by medical or psychiatric treat ment? Some can, some can't. Almost nothing can be done for the feeble-minded (No. 1) or the old and senile (No. 2). If the man with brain syphilis (No. 3) isn't too far gone, the disease can be stopped and in time may he may resume a nor mal life. Some of those in No. 4 and 5 be cured by psychiatry, Sheridan Sheridan "Quarter back" club went on record this week as favoring the installation of lights on the high school ath letic field or on the property acquired for the new grade school building on the southwest side of town. WARDS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday, Dec. 16, through Friday, Dec. 23. MAIN STORE AND TIRE STORE ft f li fl; '1 Moctl. Drffl Wtt o-inen wing tain y . . NB m HJB m m waras convenient Mommy fay- &,( V J J ment Plan! Pay 10 downl As fii mpjw X vm , arm pmm ""n. iefci5fci OrilU IS Orel w: -. 'i . X I' These doctors think the de finitely incurable ones should be put away for life in a hospital or, if they've committed a crime, in jail. Why? Because, if let loose, they'rer a menace. And they think the curable ones should be kept in custody for treatment until the doctors feel it's safe to let them loose again. All sex offenders against chil dren, these doctors think should be given medical care as soon first detected to get them out of circulation until they can be cured or, it incurable, per manently isolated. w Does a person progress (or retrogress) from one stage of sexual offense against a child to another until finally he rapes or kills? Some do, some don't. An exhibitionist, for example may never go beyond that stage although he needs medical treat ment and should be isolated un til cured, if that's possible. Some may start with exhib itionism and go beyond rape and murder. Others may start with rape and murder. Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have recently acted more or less to crack down on sexual abnormals. But what they've done or plan to do varies widely: from hospital treatment Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949 11 L. A. Cops Freed Of All Cheraes Los Angeles, Dec. 14 W) In quiry of Hollywood police vice tieups has concluded with the clearing of the last of five po lice officers of all charges. The fifth to be freed was Po lice Sgt. Elmer V. Jackson yes terday. Superior Judge Stanley Barnes dismissed the case, re lieving a jury of seven men and five women of the chore. Brenda Allen, former Holly wood vice queen, flatly refused to testify against Jackson, al though she told the grand jury that she paid him $50 per girl to stiffer jail sentences. There seems to be no agree ment among tne 4b states on how to handle sexual offenders against children. Rep Chelf, Kentucky Democrat, wants sexual offense against a child made a federal crime, with psy chiatric treatment for those not sentenced to death. Fearing publicity, some par ents don't report to police a sexual offense against their child. This leaves the offender free to approach, attack or may be kill some other child. The psychiatrists and J. Ed gar Hoover, head of the FBI, think sex offenses against chil dren would be cut down if po lice were called in on every case. This would help, no doubt. But at this point in America's social development, there are many instances where sex of fenders against children are ar rested and then released with hardly more than a brief deten tion, if any. per week for protection. Hei refusal was on constitutional grounds that she might incrimi nate herself. Whereupon, the district attor ney s office recommended dis missal of perjury and bribery charges against Jackson. Others previously indicted in the vice investigation but later cleared were former Police Chief C. B. Horrall, former As sistant Chief Joseph Reed, Capt. Cecil Wisdom and Lt. Rudy Well pot. Hoy! Gives Message Of Faith in Future Los Angeles, Dec. 14 (U.R) A message of faith in the future of America was left today with the Los Angeles stock exchange on its 50th anniversary by Palmer Hoyt, publisher and editor of the Denver Post. Speaking at a dinner Monday night honoring the exchange's birthday, Hoyt lashed out at fears of depression and a guilt complex brought on by prosper ity. The Denver publisher also urged persons in the financial world to take the public into their confidence if free enter prise is to continue. "Today we are beset by a lot of problems which include tax ation, labor-management strife, lack of understanding of tha American system of business and many other things," he said. "All these difficulties could be par tially resolved if we could but broaden the base of ownership in American business." Leghorn hats take their name from that of the Italian port through which they are shipped. See Demonstra tion in Wards Basement, Friday Night, 6 to 9, and All Day Saturday. With M H. P. Motor Buy your gift Shopsmith on Wards convenient Monthly Pay ment Plan! Pay 10 downl As little as $1 1 a month! Without Motor $169.50 YOU SAVE OVER THE COST OF COMPARABLE INDIVIDUAL TOOLSI Here's a gift he'll welcome with the enthusiasm of a child . ; ; a gift that will offer him a lifetime of year 'round enjoyment! Yes, you'll find Shopsmith tops on his want list whether he's a "dyed in the wool" hobbyist or just a fellow who enjoys making things around the house! Shopsmith is a smart buyl Owners throughout America acclaim It the besf power tool buy; boost savings of $85 to $195. Buy your man a Shopsmith at Wards today! MORE WORKSHOP. IN LESS SPACE... FOR LESS MONEY! OFive Major Power Tools In One Compact 59" Unit! OA Complete Power Workshop That Does Over 100 Jobs! O Takes Only The Space Re quired By Individual Tools! O Ruggedly Built For The Big Jobs, Weighs Over 200 Lbs.l O Precision Built Throughout For Close-Tolerance Work, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Beginning Friday, December 16th, through Friday, December 23rd. MAIN STORE AND TIRE STORE NOW JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! 1 REG. 37.75 MEN'S BRENT WOOL WORSTEDS One group, sizes 37 to 44. Blues, greys, browns . ". . not all sizes in every color. Come early for best selection. REG. 49.75 AND 59.75 WARDS FINEST SUITS Varick House and Newton Downs, two names that assure you finer clothing quality! Sizes 36 to 46. Regulars, longs, shorts, stouts. 32 . ONE GROUP REG. 11.95 MEN'S RAINCOATS Tan cotton gabardine in raglan sleeve style for smartness and comfort. Warm cotton lining. 34 to 44. While they last One Group Reg. 14.95 Men's Tackle Twill Raincoats. . . 10.77 7.77 Pre-Christmas Sale of ORIGINALLY 25.98! Big selection . . . sizes 33 to 38! Greys, browns, blues in single and double breasted styles. All wool fabrics, tailored to a young man's exacting tastes. Come early , . . get best choice! JUST 7 REG. 12.98 BOYS' SUITS, REDUCED TO 6.77 JUST 7 REG. 15.98 BOYS' SUITS REDUCED TO 9.77 JUST 9 REG. 27.98 BOYS' SUITS REDUCED TO 19.77 JUST 5 REG. 27.98 AND 34.98 SUITS REDUCED TO 24.77 BRING THE KIDDIES TO SEE SANTA ... AT WARDS FRIDAY 4:30 to 5:30 AND 7:00 TO 8:30, ALSO SATURDAY 2:30 TO 4:30 FREE FLEER'S BUBBLE GUM