8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949 for Christmas Time ..... ' ' ,- li''v, , i v. ; . V Mriirnim-nrnn mr--"'-'ei'''IM"'Wr- i'liiiniuM Tea Dance Crisp plaid taffeta makes a light-hearted date dress with flattering neckline and wide black velvet belt, designed for fun in California. Hostess on Wednesday A hostess of the mid-week will be Mrs. Stephen Tabacchi, who has invited a group for luncheon and bridge Wednesday, the party to be at her home. In the group will be Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. Thomas Holman, Mrs. John J. Griffith, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mrs. James Lugen beel, Mrs. D. R. Dunlop, and the hostess. Mrs. Elklns Hostess Monmouth The First Wed nesday club met at the country home of Mrs. Melvin Elkins for a 2:30 o'clock salad luncheon. A business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Van Crider, and the remaining time was spent in sewing. Those pros ent were Mrs. Claude Winegar, Mrs. Ralph Winegar, Mrs. Van Crider, Mrs. John Sparks, Mrs. Cookie Hints .Refrigerator cookies come off the roll in trim, even slices if you cut them with your butter cutter or cheese sliccr. Colored coconut makes fine decorations for your Christmas cookies. Just add a drop of color to a few drops of water and let the coconut shreds absorb the color. Don't forget to Include your favorite rolled oatmeal cookie with holiday baking plans. Cut them in a variety of shapes anc decorate with sugar or nuts be fore baking.. Rolled cookies cut into star shapes can twinkle. Highlight each star point with a peanut half before baking. It's an easy trick to roll out oatmeal cookies when the dough has been chilled a few minutes before rolling. Raymond Yung, Mrs, Arthur Stump and Mrs. Joe Smiley. .- Try Homemade Fruit Bread New York (u.R) Anybody who accuses American housewives of turning into shortcut cooks should take a look at holiday preparations in the kitchens. The frozen foods and ready mixes may save hours in meal preparing, but for many women there is still no substitute for the fancy homemade Christmas cookies, dipped candies and rich fruit cakes and puddings. And it's still hard to duplicate the personal gift of fruit cake or fancy bread or candy baked and decorated at home. One sugges- Hon for a homemade gift is : new version of a fruit bread. It's filled with fruits and nuts, with combination of rolled oats and brown sugar to give an unusual texture and flavor. OATMEAL FRUIT BREAD Ingredients: V cup fat: cup firmly-packed brown sugar; 1 egg, well beaten; 'A cup chopped Brazil nuts, pecans or walnuts; A cup cooked diced prunes; 14 cup cooked diced apricots; 1 tablespoon grated orange rind; 1 cup rolled oats; 2 cups sifted all- purpose flour; 2 teasps. baking powder; ,i teasp. soda; l'A teasps. salt; 1 Vt cups buttermilk or sour milk. Method: Cream fat; add sugar gradually. Add egg to creamed mixture. Stir in nuts, prunes, ap ricots, orange rind and rolled oats. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add dry ingredients alternately with but termilk to creamed mixture. (To make sweet milk sour, add 1 tablespoon vinegar to 1 'A cups sweet milk). Turn into two small greased loaf pans or one loaf pari' about 9 by 5 by 3 inches. Bake in a moderate oven (350-370 de grees F.) about IV hours, or un til done. Cool on rack. If desired, decorate top of the loaves before baking with whole pitted prun- apricots, nuts, or candied fruit. The recipe makes 1 large or 2 small loaves. One of these loaves, wrapned in cellophane and tied with red ribbon with a sprig of greens tucked in the bow, makes a very attractive gift package. For something simpler in the way of a holiday treat, especially in a family where the youngsters ex pect a handy supply of cookies and candy to serve young visi tors, there's a new recipe for crunchy pecan, brown sugar and puffed rice or puffed wheat balls. PRALINE BALLS Ingredients: 8 cups puffed rice or puffed wheat; Vt cup chopped pecan meats: I cup brown sugar, V cup light corn syrup; M cup water; 'A teasp. salt, 2 tbsps. butter or margarine. fo Bank by mail You'll find banking by mail at The United States National the safe, convenient way to do your banking in any kind of weather... at any hour of the night or day ... from anywhere. Vou simply mail your check deposits for either savings or checking accounts. We furnish bank-by-mail envelopes without charge. Next time you're in the bank, ask about this time saving way to do your banking. ..or phone for ft upply of envelopes. IADD ft BUSH-SAIEM BRANCH Stot and CtmiMinlil P. W. IYII.,,, VI Pri. IOY NILION...A11I. VI t Prat, k. C. SMITH. ...A11I. Vl Pri. JACOB FUHI,,,.Ail. Caihiar UK) 0. PAQI Aid. Caihlir I. P. lOlTRACIT Attt. Mflft, IAWRINCI I. PtlHIR.Anl. Mar. OIVAL C. KINNIH. . Ant, MfN WALTIR M(CUNI...,Atl. Mar. LAWRINCI MOROAM.AmI. Mk WEST SALEM BRANCH 1117 ldwtr StrMt MX 01 BIO H, MftmffM 40 BRANCHES IN ORIOON mini iiiiiAi DirosiT 1 n s u 1 a m 1 coirotATioN Method: Measure puffed rice into a shallow pan. Heat in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 10 minutes. Pour into large greased bowl and mix with pe can meats. Combine sugar, syr up, water and salt in a sauce pan; cook until a few drops in I cold water form a hard ball. Re move from heat; add butter, stir ring only enough to mix. Mixing quickly, gradually pour cooked syrup over the puffed rice and pecan meats. With greased hands shape into balls. If desired, dec orate immediately with addi tional pecan nuts or shredded coconut. Recipe makes 12 balls. PAINT BY RECIPE Amateur home decorators now can look up the recipe for mixing a new color for the liv ing room walls, just as they would consult the cookbook for a cake recipe. A new 200-page volume entitled ' The Keystone Cavalcade of Color" has full page reproductions of every col or that could be dreamed up by a decorator. The pages are coat ed with the paint itself, and on the back of each is a recipe giv ing exact proportions of the dif ferent pigments required to pro duce the color. The book is available at paint supply stores throughout the country. IT'S IN THE BAG A soap-saver bag made of a rubber-like coating on paper cord, can hold small scraps of soap and use them to the last keep scraps from sliding out, chip. The sudser has a flap to can be hung on the faucet to let water flow through for conven ient suds-making. It has a net construction that is easy to grasp when in the shower, dish washing or for scrubbing pots and pans. It also can be used as a hand scrub brush to remove stubborn grime. OPEN December 14 The Fern Beautyl Shop 455 FISHER RD. (Formerly Located at . 121 S. 12th St.) PHONE 2-1302 the gift that never misses with Miss or Mrs. 4&L. by Stockings MOJUD Here's the SURE way to win her approval our flattering Mojuds. She always needs stockings . . and Mojuds give her sheer beauty, good wear, and smart Fashion Harmony Colors. 1,35 . 1.65 Also many other EXQUISITE GIFTS ROBES LINGERIE GOWNS PAJAMAS SLIPS SWEATERS Free Gift Wrapping Service Kay's s4tt0e m 11.111 Id Tli Jit ' The Perfect Gift for the Home Smooth Float-ln-EZ i '.y.u. wra.v Christmas SWING PLATFORM ROCKER 5 195 Here's soothing comfort . . . long lasting wear . . . beautifully styled to suit both taste and purse at Seors low price. Famous Float-ln-Ez construction with soft padded seat and back sturdy hardwood frame. Choose yours in smart covers and colors 'today. Free Bus Service to Sears Leaves the corner of Court and Commercial every half hour from 10:15 to 3:45 P.M. Harmony House Plastic Club Chair and Ottoman 10950 The gift any man would love. All hardwood frame construc tion. Hand tied coil springs resting on steel supports. Cush ion contains coil spring unit covered with felted cotton ond sisal padding. Heavily padded cushion' back over No-Sag springs. Ottoman has cotton filled pillow top over No-Sag. Your choice of colors. Harmony House Plastic Platform Rockers 69.95 Picture this comfortable rocker in a den or play room. All hardwood frame construc tion. Resilient coil spring unit in cushion over flexible No-Sag spring base, n Softly padded and tufted back for extra comfort. Available in walnut, mahogany and blonde finishes. Come in, see this rocker today. Id JO v - frUihJHb V . V 1 i Mill im 1 ftl 11 M I III I 9 43, i jpp! ISLS 'J U til iU Modern Midriff Occasional Chair 9.38 Here is a perfect extra chair that fits in any room. All hardwood frame . . . flexible . . . "No Sag" spring seat. Softly padded seat and back. Seat sire is 20"xl9". Your choice of color and covers. Harmony House Platform Rockers 39.95 All hardwood frame construction. Resilient coil spring cushion unit over flexible No-Sag spring base. Softly padded and tufted with layers of felted cotton for added comfort. Floater type construction. Visit Santa in Happi-Time Toy Town from 3 to 9 p.m. Monday & Friday and all day Sat. SHOP TIL 9:00 P.M. MONDAY AND FRIDAY ... - in i i