Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Club Parties
On Calendar
Several club meetings are on
the calendar this week, hostesses
making Christmas parties of the
Mrs. Homer H. Smith is to en
tertain Thursday afternoon for
the Town and Country club, the
group being invited for luncheon
and holiday party. Additional
guests will include Mrs. Homer
Smith, Jr. and her mother, Mrs.
George Swafford of Oregon
City; Mrs. Hugh DeArmond, Mrs.
Robert E. Shinn, Mrs. D. C. Rob
erts, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, and
Mrs. A. J. Tourtellotte, the lat
ter of Portland.
Mrs. Gardner Knapp is to be
hostess to her bridge group, Wed
nesday, inviting the members for
a salad luncheon and bridge.
Mrs. Ward R. Davis will en
tertain her bridge club for lun
cheon and cards on Thursday afternoon.
Hostess on Friday to her club
will be Mrs. William R. Shinn,
the group being asked for lunch
eon, a gift exchange and bridge
to follow.
On Wednesday evening, Mrs.
Virgil Sexton will entertain for
her bridge club, Mrs. Arthur
Erickson to be an additional
Mrs. Duane Gibson was host
ess today for her club, entertain
ing the group for a luncheon.
MONMOUTH The Monmouth
Civic club met in the city hall
for the December meeting. The
business meeting was presided
by Mrs. Kent Farley. The club
rooms were beautifully decorat
ed. The club voted to donate $5
to the Comunity chest, $10 to
the Community Christmas party
that is to be held December 17,
and $10 to the Heart Disease
association. An invitation was
received to visit the Dallas club,
January 3.
On the program was the play
presented by George Harding
and his class of the Oregon Col
lege of Education.
Mrs. Kent Farley poured at
the tea table and refreshments
were served by the following
committee: Mrs. Harold Corn-
stock, Mrs. E. H. Van Maanen
Mrs. J. E. Winegar, Miss Clara
Trotter and Mrs. Craiger. The
next meeting will be held Janu
ary 12, with Mrs. Van Crider,
Mrs. E. Chapin, Mrs. E. A. Hilde-
brand and Mrs. G. L. Russell as
AURORA Christmas gift
items of copper and other
materials will be shown and
their making demonstrated at a
meeting of the Aurora Woman's
olub, Wednesday afternoon, De
cember 14, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Eilers.
Mrs. Paul Bringman, a Port
land art instructor and Mrs. Nel-
lis Moore, also of Portland, will
speak and demonstrate the mak
ing of Christmas art items.
Mrs. J. E. Langdon Jr., will
direct a Christmas pantomine as
another feature of the program,
and club members, as has been
customary in the past, will ex
change gifts. '
Hostesses with Mrs. Vernon
Eilers will be Mrs. John Eilers,
Mrs. George Eilers, Mrs. Law
rence Johnson, Mrs. Philip Good
and Mrs. J. J. Emrich.
Today's Menu
037 the AuocUt4 Preu)
Creole Chicken Livers
over Steamed Rice
Crunchy Salad Bowl Hot Rolls
Almond Fluff Pudding
Almond Fluff Pudding
Ingredients: H4 cups evapor
ated milk, 1 envelope (1 table
spoon) unflavored gelatin,
cup cold water, cup sugar,
dash of salt, 2 teaspoons vanilla,
Yi cup chopped unblanched almonds.
Method: Chill evaporated milk
in freezing tray of refrigerator
to ice-crystal stage. Sprinkle
gelatin over Vi cup of the cold
water and allow to soften. Mix
remaining Vi cup of the water
with the sugar and salt and cook,
stirring constantly, until sugar
is dissolved; now boil 5 minutes.
Four over softened gelatin and
beat with rotary beater until
light and frothy. Add vanilla
and mix well. Cool thoroughly.
Whip chilled evaporated milk
until light and fluffy. Whip gela
tin mixture again. Fold milk in
to gelatin mixture. Allow to
stand in refrigerator a few min
utes until partially thickened.
Fold in almonds and turn into
mold. Chill until firm. Makes 6
to 8 servings.
Maccabees Event
Maccabees, Capital Hive, 84-
will meet Thursday evening
a turkev dinner and Christ
mas program in Beaver hall, thp
dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock for
members and families. Thp
program will follow.
Miss Mildred Disbrow, Mrs. P.
Thomas, Edgar Reay and Iv
t Martin are on the Droeram
committee. On the kitchen
committee are Mrs. Evelyn
Bremmer, Mrs. Edith Strang,
Mrs. Charles McElrov and Ivan
Each one attending is to take
small gift, not to exceed 25
cents in cost.
Mrs. Beutler
Heads OES
Mrs. Russell Beutler is the
worthy matron for Salem chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star, elec
tions having been held at the
meeting of the group, Saturday
evening. Serving with her will
be J. C. Darby, worthy patron;
Mrs. A. L. Wallace, associate
matron, Russell Beutler, associate
patron; Mrs. Ancil Danielson,
secretary; Mrs. Elmo McMillan,
treasurer; Mrs. Harry Lucas,
conductress; Mrs. Otho Eckers-
ley, associate conductress.
Saturday evening was past
matrons and past patrons night
and those honored included Mrs.
William Merriott, Mrs. William
Newmyer, Mrs. Mona Yoder and
Charles Boyer. Also given spe
cial honors were Mrs. James
Manning, grand royal matron
for the Order of Amaranth and a
charter member of Salem chap
ter; Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy ma
tron of Chadwick chapter,
O.E.S)., and Jason Frizzell, wor
thy patron of Chadwick chapter.
Initiated into the order were
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harrelson,
Mrs. Maxine Bradfield, Mrs.
Carl Burkland, Mrs. Geraldine
Wilson was received as an affil
Out-of-town guests at the
meeting were Mrs. Birdie Tyler
of Seattle, Mrs. J. F. Spooner of
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mit
chell, Mr. and Mrs. John Peter
son, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mitchell,
Mrs. Don Burkland, all of Tur
On the decorations committee
for the evening were Mrs. Lloyd
Hughes, Mrs. Eric Petrie, Mrs.
Charles Boyer, Mrs. Jack Ken
nedy, and on the refreshments
committe, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Dodge, Mrs. Arthur Messing,
Mrs. Beulah McCain, Mrs. Don
ald Crenshaw, Mrs. Clarence
Shrock and Jack Cutler.
GATES The annual Christ
mas party of the Gates Woman's
club was held in the recreation
rooms of the high school. The
business meeting was called by
the president, Mrs. Elmer Stew
art. Reports of the .commit
tees who served at the recent
bazaar were made. Following
the business session the follow
ing program was presented: Pi
ano solo, Miss Eileen Eccleston:
demonstration of making Christ
mas tree decorations, Mrs. Har
old Wilson; reading, Mrs. Ed
mund Davis; talk "Christmas In
Alabama," Mrs. Paul Davis
monologue, "Exchange of Greet
ings over the Telephone with
her Mother in Danish," by Mrs,
Tneodore Burton. Gifts were
exchanged by the members, Mrs.
Burton acting as Santa. Refresh
ments were served by the host
esses, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs
Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Ed
mund Davis to the 18 members
present and a guest, Mrs. George
Cut out the core, wash lettuce
in cold water and drain on
plate for about 30 minutes be
fore storing. If water accumu
lates in the vegetable drawer,
lettuce may turn brown.
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At Homes for
Holiday Time
Each day brings news of addi
tional at homes and other enter
taining being planned for the
holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lewis
have invited friends for an open
house for this coming Friday
evening at their North 16th
street home, guests being invited
after 9 o'clock. Mrs. Lewis' mo
ther, Mrs. Ella Durkee, will as
sist the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dev-
ers, Jr. will be at home next
Sunday between 3 and 7 o'clock
to some 75 couples for an infor
mal event. Asked to assist the
hosts are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Quistad, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cannon, Miss Esther Baird arid
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArmond.
Family Affair
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spauld-
ing and their daughters, Doris
Helen and Jean, also are enter
taining next Sunday evening, at
their Fairmount Hill home be
tween the hours of S and 8
flower club is to meet for its
Christmas party Thursday at 1
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank
Laws, 571 Union.
Miss Richter
Wed, Monmouth
Monmouth The wedding of
Miss Nola Richter, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richter of
Monmouth, to Clare R. Mill-
houser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z.
E. Millhouscr of Independence,
was performed at the First Bap
tist church in Monmouth, Friday
evening, December 9, with Rev.
H. D. Wiebe, pastor of the
church, officiating. .
Two rows of tapers with large
bouquets of chrysanthemums
and pink snapdragons were used
to decorate the altar. Soloist
was Ilia Schunk who sang, with
Ruth Schultz accompaning.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white sat
in gown with veil. The bride
carried E white Bible topped by
white orchid and white
The maid of honor was Miss
Georgia Richter, sister of the
bride, and she wore a gown of
pink satin and carried gardenias.
Keith Moore was best man
and ushers were Milo Graber
and Harold Enyblom of Inde
pendence. A reception was held follow
ing the wedding in the church
basement which was beautiful
ly decorated. Mrs. Rose Mary
Moore cut the wedding cake.
The bridegroom is a graduate
Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec, 13, 1949 7
of Oregon College of Education
and the bride is now attending
that school. Following the school
term the couple will leave for
honeymoon trip to California.
club's Christmas meeting on De
cember 15 will have for speak
ers Miss Ada Ross, Mrs. Mabel
Hayles, Miss Amanda Anderson,
Miss Maxine Heringer and Miss
Alma Schroeder. Mrs. Lyle
Baynes is to be hostesss and Miss
Alberta Shoemake will act as
toastmistress. Mrs. Howard Hun
saker is in charge of the Christ
mas party program.
The Gift Only You
Can Give ...
Only a few days left to
have portraits taken
for Christmas giving.
Make your appointment tomorrow ... be assured
that your portrait will be ready for Christmas giving.
Evenings and Sundays by Appointment
Artist Photographers
g 420 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 3-7830
Engagement Announced The engagement of Miss Don
elda Joanne Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harvey,
to Robert Herman Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scott of
St; Louis, Mo., has been announced. The wedding will' be
next June. The bride-elect is a senior at Salem high school.
Mr. Scott served in the navy.
the gift supreme
for any man
I ft
For the first time at$
We are proud to present the world
...fabulous grooming essentials for
The Man who Commands Life's
Finest. Smaller than the $5.00 Gold
and $2.50 Crystal containers, yes...
but tht samt txquisitt dtsign. Spar
kling crystal flagons crowned with the
matching KingsMen Knightshead.The
same virile fragrances responsible lor
Kings Men being heralded "America's
finest line of men's toiletries" . . . now .
available in this beautiful new con
tainer at the lowest price in history.
It is your opportunity to pay the highest
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Phone orders accepted.
SToiMu'oi in riyia
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Lotion tnd oihpr essential
now from $1.00. Matched KU
Crom H.85 to 57.50.
Toiletrm id Gold" frota $5.00
ml stj
hh bhm mirr nm hut
lhat operate as out
Shoe Repair
of our stock of
Used Steel
1-2-3-4 or 5-drawer
Steel Filing Cabinets
And Some New, but Slightly Damaged
AHo a few used desks and swivel-type
office chairs at these same ridiculous
low prices! See them today . . . and save!
it) -50
taiaaaa 0 Now!
177 north liberty
Open Friday and Saturday
Nights until 9 P. M.
Not often do you find values like these!
Rayon Crepe Gowns
special m I
. vat " t) rtf
lit 'V. 3 nfL i
redeem S. & H. ,fif 2Wtjl jit l '7.j S
A?r a
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We scoope3 up every one of these gowns the minute we
saw them, for they were exceptional. We knew we had a
"winner"! They're of fine, delicate-looking, first-quality
multi-filament that wears and wears; deep, luxurious lace
trim with dainty dabs of sentimental ribbon; long, full
sweeping skirts. And such colors pale blue, soft green,
buttercup, muted pink, and of course, white. Sizes from
32 to 40; extra sizes also from 42 to 48.
Linjeeh, maia floor
t A
Leather or Composition
French or Cuban
Commercial Book Store
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Dial 3-4534
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