Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women t
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949
Wedding Set
For Dec. 23
Date for the wedding of Miss
Shirley Arlene Nave, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arlie L. wave
of Scio, to Walter Virgil Beall,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beall,
Salem, has been set for Friday,
December 23. The double ring
ceremony will be a candlelight
one at 8:00 in the fireplace room
of the First Presbyterian church
with Dr. Chester W. Hamblin
Lighting the tapers will be
Miss Charlene Churchill and
Mrs. Holland Van Cleave. Solo
ist for the service will be Miss
Glenda Thurston.
Miss Phylis Bennett of Port
land is to be maid of honor for
Miss Nave and attending Mr.
Beall as best man will be Ross
A reception will follow in the
church parlors.
DAV Auxiliary
Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary is giving its Christmas
party at the Woman's clubhouse,
460 North Cottage, Thursday
evening, December 15 at 7:30
The children will have a tree,
program and treats. "Mr. and
Mrs. Santa Claus" will give out
the stockings with gifts, candy,
oranges and popcorn balls. The
program will include numbers
by the Sacred Heart academy,
by Paul Armstrong's pupils and
by Delores Gottfreid, singer.
There will be a gift exchange
for the adults and refreshments.
DAV auxiliary took over a
ward at Camp White hospital
and the members have been
busy wrapping gifts and prepar
ing for the ward party. Several
members have been assisting in
Portland with the gift wrap
ping. On December 16 the auxiliary
will hold open house at the Mo
del home, displaying the articles
they have for sale.
WOODBURN The annual
Christmas party and dinner
meeting of the Woodburn Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club will be held Thursday, De
cember 15 at 7 p. m. at the Laurel
cafe. A turkey dinner will be
served followed by a special pro
gram of musical numbers, group
singing and gift exchange. The
hospitality committee, of which
Mrs. Molly Hunt is chairman,
will be in charge. Members are
to invite husbands and other
guests. Gifts should be wrapped
and not over 50 cents in value.
Other members of the commit
tee in charge besides Mrs. Hunt
are Miss Hildegarde Dierkhising,
Mrs. Ray Glatt, and Mrs. B. N.
MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Wilson entertained at a
dinner recently In their home
in Airlie. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Patterson and Patty
of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs.
Don Koutnik and Gary of Holly
wood, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Har
lan Wilson, Myra and Joyce of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horn
ing, Jimmy, Tommy and James
Vllson of Independence, Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Davis, Sally and Carolyn,
Miss Mary Davis and George
Patterson all of Airlie.
To Attend Luncheon
Mrs. D. J. McLellan and Miss
Susan Faherty are to be in Port
land Thursday to attend the lun
cheon meeting at the Multnomah
hotel in conjunction with the ses
sion for Catholic Charities.
The Rt. Rev. John O'Grady,
secretary of the National Confer
ence of Catholic Charities, is to
be the speaker at the luncheon.
Monsignor O'Brady is a member
of the fact finding committee
that is preparing for the White
House conference, his topic on
Thursday to be: "Some Implica
tions of the Mid-Century White
House Conference on Children
and Youth."
Mr., Mrs. Wesely
Wed 50 Years
Mr. and Mrs. John Wesely ob
served their 50th wedding anni
versary with an informal at
home at their residence, Sun
day afternoon, relatives and
friends calling between 2 and
5 o'clock. The anniversary was
The serving table was featur
ed by a three-tiered wedding
cake trimed in gold, yellow
tapers and chrysanthemums and
bronze leaves.
The couple's three daughters-in-law,
Mrs. Gordon Wesely,
Mrs. John Wesely, Jr and Mrs.
Harry Wesely, served the cake
and poured. Kay Wesely,
granddaughter, pased the guest
Mr. and Mrs. Wesely have liv
ed in Salem 20 years. They were
married In Hollyrood, Kansas,
December 12, 1899. Besides the
three sons, Gordon, John, Jr.,
and Harry Wesley, all of whom
live in Salem, there are two
grandsons John Wesely III and
David Wesely.
Relatives attending the Sunday
open house included Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Cain and son, Cle
ment, of Scio, Mrs. Cain being
a sister of Mr. Wesely; Mrs. Joe
Wesely of Scio, a sister-in-law;
Mrs. Lucy Pletka and son, Rob
ert, of Portland, Mrs. Pletka be
ing a sister of Mr. Wesely; and
two nieces and their husbands,
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Harra and
Mr. and Mrs. Deryl Myers, of
Others calling during the aft
ernoon included Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bartu, Jr., George Brock,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brock and
Billy and Marge, and E. D.
Myers, all of Scio; Mrs. Patty
DeSart Stroumfjord of Astoria,
Mr. and Mrs. Del DeSart and
Pebble, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc
Ewan, Mr. and Mrs. William Fat-
ton, Mrs. Anna Hagy, Mrs. Rosa
lie Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ol
son and Margie, G. O. Chrlstof-
ferson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jud
son and Julie, Mr. and Mrs. John
Marr, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Esch
and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Orcutt, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Or
cutt, Tony and Carol Nunn, Mrs.
E. S. Worden, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Garllck, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Houser, Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. John, Mr. and Mrs. E. D,
SOCIAL club, Ladies' aux
iliary, Fraternal Order of Eagles,
is to meet Wednesday at 1:15
p.m. in the FOE hall.
Dorothy Gray
Ni gin Drums
Wonderful, throbbing fra.
granoo exoticnlly presented.
J'he bottle is ringed with brass
and tho packages are in gay ") 5 0
Itomany stripes. One of the
most coloriul, exciting gifts
of the season I Cologne, Dust
ing Powder. (Plus tan.)
v. trust porotbj-
: t
Capital Drug Store
State and Liberty "On the Corner"
f " X
f ;f I
Is Bride-elect The engagement of Miss Joann Greene,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Greene, to Duane Ertsgaard,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ertsgaard, was announced recently.
No date is set for the wedding as yet. (Bishop-Moderne studio
Feted Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bor-
chardt were honored Sunday at
a dinner at the Senator hotel by
their children in observance of
their golden wedding anniversary.
They were married Dec. 12
1899 in Minneapolis, Minn, and
have made their home in Salem
since 1910, having lived all that
time on Saginaw street.
They have four daughters,
Mrs. Alice Smith, Mrs. Melvin
Trindle, Mrs. Kenneth T. Wech-
ter, all of Salem and Mrs. W.
Herbert Wechter of Eugene. All
of their daughters and their fa
milies attended the dinner.
Later in the day a few friends
and some relatives from Port
land and Eugene called.
LAUREL guild of Knight
Memorial church is to hold its
annual Christmas party Wednes
day evening at 8 o clock at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Fiske, 4290
Monroe avenue.
Hostesses for the meeting will
be Mrs. George Sundlie, Mrs.
Paul Nieswander, Mrs. D. H.
Hilborn, Mrs. M. Heater.
St. Mark Guild
St. Mark Lutheran guild is
meeting Wednesday at 2 p.m. for
a tea and Christmas program at
the church. There will be a can
dlelight service and a play, "Co
operative Christianity." Mrs. C.
A. Mollet is to lead the devo
tions. On the committee of hostesses
are Mrs. Roy Larson, Mrs. Rex
Ohmart, Mrs. George Hanson.
Mrs. Max Gehlar, Mrs. Karen
Johnson, Mrs. Walter Mosher,
Mrs. A. B. Meyer, Mrs. George
MRS. JOE E. WOOD is to en
tertain for the Past Presidents
club of Hal Hibbard auxiliary,
United Spanish war Veterans
Friday at her home, 1089 South
High. There will be a no-host
luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, fol
lowed by a Christmas party and
exchange of gifts.
McKINLEY School Mothers'
club is meeting this evening at
8 o clock in the school building.
James Bishop from the 4-H club
office is to be guest speaker. All
mothers of the school are invited.
THE REGULAR card party for
the Fraternal Order of Eagles
and auxiliary will be Friday at
8 p.m. in the FOE hall.
Guests at "
Club Party
Thirty-four guests attended
the Christmas party sponsored
by the Junior Woman's club last
evening in the Salem Woman's
club building. Games were
played and a general fun time
enjoyed. Refreshments were
served. The rooms were deco
rated for Christmas, including a
Christmas tree. A Santa Claus
skit was put on by the follow
ing: Mrs. Robert Copley, Mrs.
Clinton Ault, Mrs. Raymond
Randall, Mrs. Fred Gast, Mrs.
Ted Jenny, Mrs. Richard Klover.
Mrs. John Muller, Miss Marilyn
Guests for the event included
Mrs. George Schroeder, Mrs.
John Graham, Mrs. Smith
French, Miss Pauline Craven,
Mrs. Charles E. Gray, Mrs. Clar
ence Rickard, Mrs. J. K. Coom
ler, Mrs. Ewald Franz, Mrs. L. R.
Smiht, Miss Barbara Garrett,
Mrs. Dall Sullivan, Mrs. Glenn
Hamilton, Mrs. Lewis Scott, Mrs.
Ken Vaughan, Mrs. Lyle Cave,
Mrs. Edward Dietz, Mrs. Frank
S. Carnathan, Mrs. Gordon L.
Steward, Mrs. Vern Livingsten,
Mrs. James B. May, Mrs. George
Arnold, Mrs. Arthur Larson,
Miss Evalyn Fredrickson, Mrs.
Gordon Hickser, Mrs. Wallace R.
Cowan, Mrs. Merle Brown, Mrs.
Dale K. Pence, Miss Juanita
Frey, Mrs. R. O. Criswell, Mrs.
Norman Sholseth, Mrs. Glenn
Fischer, Mrs. Homer Stiffler,
Mrs. Palmer Williams, Mrs. Du
ane Janicek.
Rotana Club
Rotana club met last evening
at the home of Mrs. Wilmer
Plans were made for the
group's Christmas party to be
staged next Saturday evening,
December 17, as a dinner event
in the Four Corners Community
hall at 7 o'clock. Members are
inviting their husbands and
friends for the event. Mrs. Jack
Auman is chairman for the din.
auxiliary held its regular meet
ing Monday afternoon. The re
cent bazaar was reported a suc
cess. Mrs. Frank R. Kellogg was
in charge of the program for the
afternoon, featuring music
Christmas decorations were used.
Mrs. Jacob Foos poured at the
tea hour. Hostesses were Mrs,
M. B. Rudd, Mrs. Lee Thomas,
Mrs. H. E. Gilbert and Mrs,
Frank R. Kellogg.
PLANS for the annual Christ
mas party for the Capital post
No. 9, American Legion, and
Capital unit of the auxiliary
were made at the meeting of the
board for the unit last evening
at the home of Mrs. Allan Car
son. The joint party is next Mon
day evening in the American
Legion club. Mrs. Lloyd Demar-
est is chairman from the unit
for the event.
Mrs. Gonser Feted
Honoring Mrs. Donald Gonser
a party and shower were given
last evening by her sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Ashcraft, the affair
being at the home of their moth
er, Mrs. Marion Vickers.
. Feting Mrs. Gonser were Mrs.
Dale Dorn, Mrs. Osborn Allison.
Mrs. Mabel Schultz, Mrs. Dean
Morris, Miss Reaha Hoffman,
Mrs. Don Hoveiler, Miss Polly
Lane, Mrs. Nona White, Mrs.
Ronald Blischke, Mrs. Homer
Lyons, Mrs. Lee Clark, Mrs. Jo
seph Schneider, Miss Lois Nel
son, Mrs. William Ferguson, Mrs.
Vickers, Mrs. Phillis Crowell,
Mrs. Margaret Davis, and the
Church Group
Members of the Women's
Council of the First Christian
church will show their wares
for the "Double Your Dollar"
campaign in a bazaar during the
regular monthly meeting of the
council Thursday, December 15.
Christmas presents gift wrap
ped for 8 to 14 year old boys
and girls at the Yakima Indian
Christian Mission scho.ol will be
brought by the members.
The program is of a Christmas
theme and will be entitled "He
Is Your Peacemaker." Christ
mas carols will be furnished.
The business meeting will be
at 11. A sack lunch and des
sert at 12, and the program at 1
Whether you spend $25 or 250000 -remember. . .
VRC Meetings I
Officers and members of the
Woman's Relief corps are meet
ing at the home of the president,
Mrs. W. G. Walker, 1045 North
Summer, Thursday evening for
a Christmas party at 7:30
On Friday afternoon the
group will hold its regular meet
ing at 2 o'clock In the Veterans
of Foreign Wars hall.
DAKOTA club is to meet Wed
nesday at the Salvation Army
residence hall, 241 State street.
There will be a no-host supper
of n'nlnpW and nn pvchanpp V
" y
of Christmas gifts not to exceed '
25 cents in value. All former
Dakota residents are Invited.
Give Gifts That Grow
Nursery goods are permanent, living gifts that never
wear out. A large assortment of fine planti for
$1.00 up-
Rose Bushes, 90 c
Tree Roses, $3.00
Heather, $1.00
Pink Dogwood
$3.00 up
Fruit Trees.
$1.00 up
Visit our salesyard and look over our large assortment.
Make a small deposit and we will hold for Christmas.
The easy way of shopping. Send us a check for the amount
you wish to spend and we will mail you a Gift certificate
enabling the recipient to select his own gift.
375 South Liberty (3 Blocks South of State)
Open Weekdays 9 'til 5 - Sundays 12 'til 4
Phone 33212
5.00 Down
5.00 o Month
AT ANY PRICE-your money
will buy more style, more
dependability if you Insist on o
BULOVA . . . America's
Greatest Watch Valuel Here
are 4 popular models, all .
available on easy terms.
tii-ii'' si. via
terr Traill
Vt or , Mirr0t.
0ti the waft
The gift that reflects and doubles
the size and the beauty of a room.
Choose it from our wide variety of
styles: Colonial frames, Federal
styles with fine eagles, sunburst
styles, graceful Sheraton types with
beautifully proportioned wood
frames, traditional French types
'with gilt frames, and flawless mod
ern squares, ovals and circles! Buy
on our budget plan.