22 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949 Larger Veteran Checks to Be Delivered After Jan. 1st Washington, Dec. 13 P) Some 2,000,000 war veterani and their dependents are due shortly for that congress-voted raise in the amount of benefit money they received from the gov ernment. The veterans administration announced yesterday that checks to be issued late this month for- delivery after January 1 . will show increases voted by the 81st congress. These cover service connected disability and death t compensations. Veterans with service connect ed disabilities ranging from 10 to 100 percent in degree will re ceive 8.7 percent more money than they have in the past. The old rates range from $13.80 to $138.00 a month for war service and $11.04 to $110.40 for peacetime service, depending on the degree of dis ability. The new scale raises these rates to $15 minimum and $150 maximum for war service dis abilities; $12 minimum and $120 maximum for peacetime service The VA says 1,882,000 veter ans will receive these increases About 58,000 widows receiv ing compensation because of the service connected death of a veteran, and who have one or more children, also will get in creases. The monthly payment for a widow with one child is increased from $100 to $105, and the allowance for each addition al child from $15 to $20, where the veteran's death was due to war service. For death in peace time service, the widow receives 80 percent of the war rates. The new law also grants an increase in disability compensa tion payable to 20,000 World War 1 veterans whose disabili ties are classified as "presumed to be due to military service." Previously entitled to only 75 percent of the rates payable for direct service connected disabili ties, veterans in this group now will receive the full rate. '7 TTJ Jailed George Gollum 23, who faced trial with his fi ancee Beulah Overell and was acquitted of planning to mur der her parents on their yacht 'n California two years ago, was jailed in Greenville, S. C, on an auto theft charge. Authorities said he was pick ed up when he tried to sell a stolen car he had driven from Savannah, Ga.. (Acme Tele-photo) Cross-Country Stump Tour May Back Up Truman Talk Key West, Fla., Dec. 13 (U.B President Truman probably will back up his state of the union message to the next session of con gress with a cross-country stump tour to help build democratic majorities in the by-electi'.ns of 1950. The President proved in 1948 to his own satisfaction that the way to help the Democratic par-- ty is to run like a candidate for county sheriff. According to present and ten tative plans, that is what he will do next year in behalf of Dem ocratic cadidates for the house and senate. The exact itinerary will be worked out later. But Mr. Tru man, according to current plans, definitely will cross the nation in behalf of his party next year. He was in conference Satur day with Frank Pace, the di rector of the budget bureau. Both the President and Pace felt that deficit financing was in evitable next year without a substantially higher new tax program. The weather here was sunny and warm. The President has not missed a day of swimming since he got down here Nov. 28. He will re turn to Washington Dec. 20. Mr. Truman is heavily tanned and says he's never had a better vacation. Missing Transport Plane Lands Safely Hong Kong, Doc. 13 P -The civil air transport office here an nounced today one of its C-47 i transport planes missing since Nov. 4 had landed in Vietnam. The pilot, James McGovern of Elizabeth, N. J., the co-pilot and two passengers were being held by the Vietnamese, the airline office said. The report of the landing of the plane in Vietnam was receiv ed from the CAT agent in Hai pong who said he obtained his information from American Con sul William M. Gibson at Hanoi. The plane was flying from Hong Kong to Kunming and be came lost in bad weather. , California Hit By Cold Wave (By the Associated Preaa) A mid-December cold snap chilled most of the western half of the country today. For the second consecutive day temperatures dipped below freezing in parts of California. The mercury plunged below zero in some areas of Arizona. It hit -3 at Flagstaff, Ariz. Fresno, Calif., reported 27 above and it was 30 at Sacramento. Phoenix, Ariz., shivered in 26 above. It was biting cold in eastern Montana, the Dakotas, Minneso ta and in some parts of the cen- $$ MONEY $$ FHA mi 1o Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 193 S. High St. Lie. S-216 1 222 1 FI tral Rocky Mountain region. Readings were as low as -15 at Bozeman, Mont., and Dickinson, N. D. There were sub-zero marks in other parts of the frigid belt. The cold line extended from the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi valley westward to the Pacific coast. The east and south had comparatively mild temperatures but there were some wet spots. Rain fell from the extreme lower Mississippi valley northeastward to Ten nessee and the upper Ohio val ley to New York and the south ern New England states. Not much relief from the cold over the midwest area was in prospect immediately, weather forecasters said. Babies Safest in Oregon at Childbirth Portland, Dec. 13 W Oregon was the safest state in the na tion for women at childbirth i 1948, the state health office re ported today. Dr. Harold M. Erickson, head of the office, said that the ma ternal mortality rate was four tenths of a percent in 1,000 births. Only 15 mothers died in 34,937 births, he said. SUCH DEPENDABLE DUALITY 7 8iy7:l.H:HTfg.Wraff n iCin ) NEW, STREAMLINED WINFIELD VOURj DAiik rwim rsn1 WITH A 10 YEAR WRITTEN SERVICE POLICY WRITES TO 3 YEARS WITHOUT REFILLING Tnls coupon .ltd only W entitles bearer to the famous nationally-advertised WINFIELD now ball point pen (formerly Mid .t $5.00). Preeisiondeigned In beautiful gold-color met! cap nnd body. Truly rem.rk.ble value I Com pare, with expensive pent. No leak, no skip. Instant drying. Makee 8 carbon copiei. Inexpensive refills available. 10 year written service agreement. Hail orders filled lot extra. Hurry I Supply limited. Ask for WINFIELD pen at PERRY'S DRUG STORE I'.'fl S. Commercial, Salem rui IfU Super Value At New Low Prices You don't need a big bank roll to delight her with a new gleaming white porcelain Frigidaire range on Christmas. Take your pick of these 2 great ranges ... at the new low price, and pay for them just a few. dollars a month. Besides Frigidaire quality and the new lower-than-ever prices, she gets the advantages of Hogg Bros, dependable service. Drop into the store and talk it over with one of our friendly salesmen ... or phone 3-9148. Double Quick Meals With The Double-Oven Here is the ideal electric range for large families. You can bake, broil or roast and bake at once, electrically. Two complete, all porcelain Even Heat Ovens and two smokeless type high-speed broilers. Each has its own controls and signal lights. Heavy insulation keeps heat in the oven and out of the kitchen. It is Frigidaire's finest! Best of all, this new low price that is the sensation in ranges this year. See all these other features too Cook Master Oven Clock Control 5 Speed Radiantube Surface Unit Triple-Duty Thermizer Cooker. Full-width Storage Drawers Acid Proof porcelain cooking top. Fluorescent cooking top lamp. Make this Christmas Her Best Christmas. - y. WJva- Lyj Ai U Lfu Lb A Completely Automatic FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range For Just $19975 ! Now, a completely automatic Frigidaire Electric Range at a sensationally low price. Has all the basic features that has made Frigidaire Electric Ranges famous for care-free cooking, better, easier meals. It has the amazing Cook-Master Oven Clock that actually cooks meals while you are away. Turns oven on, cooks the meal and turns it off all automatically. Simpli-Matic Oven Control. Preheats oven in 5'i minutes then automatically maintains heat at desired temperature. Full sized, Twin Unit Even Heat Oven that Will easily roast a 25 lb. turkey or bake 4 big pies. Exclu sive Radiantube Cooking Unit that gives fast, clean heat at any one of five speeds from simmer to high. These and many more features make this the buy of the season. Call 3-9148 for more details. AND .'. . YOUR OLD RANGE CAN BE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT! NOW- Yours for just $199.75 Free Delivery EASY TERMS WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE J HOME FURNISHERS SALEM OREGON CITY Open Friday ni y r.ivi. 115 South Commercial Street Phone 3-9148 X'