A. AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BtTT BELL TRAP1 TERMS 1 LOTS 1835 Fairground Rd. Ph. 2-043 MO Hood 8L Pb 1-7714 Eisner Motors to Sell CHELROLET SPECIALS 1948 Chevrolet Flcelline Sportmaater Sedan. Low mileage. Very clean. Motor A-l. Two tone Job. 1D47 Fleetline Aero Sedan An exceptionally fine car. Two tone paint Job. Car runs and look like new. 1947 Chevrolet 4 Door adan. A number one car. Looks good. Buna perfect. New Urea. 1942 Chevrolet Aero Sedan The cleanest '42 we have aeen for a Ions time. Come In and look these cars over. They have been thoroughly checked through our shop and all carry our 12 montlu guarantee. They are priced to sell. SEE JOE 8PURLOCIC TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial - Ph: 2-4173 q209 4I PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan. RAH. 1400. Ph. Stayton 708B. qans SKO CASH takes 1S32 Ford. Ph. 2-3544 or 2350 Broadway. 0.298 FREE 1947 DODGE motor, wheels and tires. All you buy la the body. If you don't believe It Ph. 3-3581. o208 '49 CHEV. 3 dr. sed. Deluxe, Heater & de froster. 7,000 ml. Woman owner and driver. Reasonable price buys It. Phone 30481, eve. 0 to 9. q208 FARM EQUIPMENT ONE JOHN DEERE Lindeman BO Crawler Tractor, nice new. a goou ouy at Poole-Krleger Implement Co., Redmond. Oregon, Phone 81. qb296 FINANCIAL DECEMBER CASH Extra cash for shopping might make all h HlffnrpTine 150.00 for 2 weeka costs only 70. Other amounts in proportion. Pay only lor the time you use the cash, no o-slgnera neces aary . . . You choose the monthly pay 1 menta . . . You choose the payment date. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan la the beat solution remember we say "Yes" to 4 out or o wno appty. iume m or phone first for faster service. Open Saturday 9 to 1 p. m. Nov. 19 thru Dec. 17 Personal Finance Co. of Salem IIS State Rm. 125 Ph. 33401 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Ue. S.-133-M-166 r398 7,000 PRIVATE money to loan. Will di " vide. 3-0794. r2W FARM AND CITY bOANS 4Vi and 67. IOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7163 WANTED to sell 1st mortgage on Rood nortn uaiem rcaiuciiuui. Will give sizeable discount. Pays 5r Reply Capital Journal, box 205. r296 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS Ufl South Commercial St Phone 3-9101 AUTO LOANS ' WXLXiAMETTB CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Falrgiounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17032 Lie N M369-8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr r SE& OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4!V OR 4Mi INTEREST 2 to 40 Yeara and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 144 State St Phone 1-3683 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lla. 6-133 and M-338 ' and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 198 8 Commercial St. Tel. 3-B1G1 INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 20 to 30 on Auto Insurance Complete Line of Insurance VAN M. GREER AGENCY 965 Highland Ave. Ph. 3-2451 ra305 TRAILERS 12 FT. ALUMINUM trailer house St car. Al so portable house. 352 Fairview Ave. Ph. 2.2363. t296 1918, 25-FT. Pacific Liner. Butane cook ing, rorcea on neaung, rei., emu. nui water heater, carpeted living room and K.Hrnnm Excellent condition. 11250. Sec Ray Curtis, Howard's Trailer Court, 3560 portiana ko. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented repaired ROen mo uourt. rnone APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair tertli. new appllanei Vlsce'a Bieetrlc Phoru Free estimates Tiade-ins accepted on 1-923H 157 8 Libertj St o AT-UR DOOR SnARPENINO Lawn mowers scLvors knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-6833. o' AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day pbooe I-9IB6 Nun: 2-1804 33' Center ! in. teeth 'for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairview Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. jtriLPINQ CARPENTRY RemodeL 'rpalr that home now Terms No down payment Phom 2 43H0 CARPENTERING AND PLASTERING Plumbing, fixture installing, cement fln- Lining. KeasonaDie. m. i, uu o9 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of oev RCi easl regutei AJ make sold rented, pa ed Roen 458 Court PH 3-6773 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction ne or repair oi tounoawon. aiaewsiu dnvewavg patios, eurba. valla ate Cat. 2-4850 O' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. EXCAVATING - Ben Otlen A Son excavating A grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3081L o' EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service MARKET Completed from report! mt Salens dealers lor ins guidance ei vapitai Journal Rcade.s. (Revised dallv). Retail Feed Prices: Ekk Mash 14.60. , Rabbit Pellet I 14.20. Dairy Feed 13.65. Poultry: During prleea--Oradt A eolor 1 hena. 23c; trade A Lei horn hena and up, 17c: trade A old rooaterj, 14ot Qrade A colored fryera three lba. 30c. Eel iluylnr Prices Large AA, afloi lane 36-37c: medium AA. 32ci medium A. 30c; pullets, 35-27c. Wholesale rricea Ebb wholesale Drlcea b.7o above there prices; above grade A generally quoted at 43o. medium lie. Butterfat Premium flBcj Ho. L l4ot Ho. I, M-We, (buying prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, Mai ro- iall 73c DIRECTORY Breithaupt'f for flowers Dig) 1-9179- o PURXACE & CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed it repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24903 03 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-857. 0311 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Oo products Pre de. tvery 1717 Center. Pb 3-5334. o 1N.-ULATION Johns-Man villa. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning , Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT. OO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 LAND SC APF NURSERY f t Doerller ft Sons, OrnamentaU. 1B0 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1333. o' DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 243 Jef ferson St Phone 23453. O LAWNMOWER3 Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. Q311 MATTRESSES Capita) Bedding. Phone 2-4088. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. o7 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and filing aupplles, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c , Pierce Wire Recordera. Roen. 456 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-8002, Eve. 4-3424. "Jlfstrom's are equipped to do toui painting Phone 2-2493 o" PAINTING PAPERHANGING to painting. Est. free. Ph. Patntin and paperhanging. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 07' PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhanging and palntlnk. H. J. Woodswortb. Ph. 3-9807. Free est. 0305 Paperhanging to your satisfaction. 9 years exp. Also painting, ra. z-uviu. o303' PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-i: RuDftlr A Contract. Qlen Moody. Ph, 34426. PICTURE PRAMINO Picture framing Butcheoo Faint Store Phone 1-0687 - ROAD GRADING Large & Small Jobs. New grader. Joy Strlckfaden, phone 3-5410. SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7071. O307 SAND GRAVEL Garden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel ad dragline excavating Walling Sand & Oravel Co. Phone 3-9249 Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Silt, sand 1 11 din Excavating iob anovei m oau Tractor soood A trucks for dirt BOVlni Ph office 24003, res. 37146 O SEPTIO TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers, 1079 Elm St.. w. Salem. Ph. s-8a. 3-Q327, Oi' E. P. Hamel. Scptlo tanks, sewer and U43-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 1-7404 O301' Vacuum Pumolnz. no mileage charge Call ur collect Todd's Septta Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. U:WE!tH AND SEPTIC- TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Rator Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Bewers, Drains, Tanka. Ph. 3-8337. SEWING MACHINES All repairs guaranteed. Free pickup A delivery, used mac nines oougnt a soia. Ph. 3-5569, 1091 Edgewater. 0397 All makes repaired, free estimates Sinter Sewlnv Machine Oo- 110 No Commercial Pb 3-3512. O rRANSFEF A STORAGE ' oeal & Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks U Portland dally Agent tor Begins House hold goods moved to anywhere in Oil oi Canada Lannar Transfer j Storage Ph 3-3131 O' TRUCK & TRANSFER TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal. Under wood portables Ah make used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 450 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blind made to order vt refinlshed Relnboldt m Lewis 2-3619 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37338. WEATHERSTRIPPINO Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-50SS. oau1 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 3, Box 817. Ph. 3-5135. 00 WINDOW CLEANING Acme indow Cleanera Wlndowa, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 Court Lanadoc Culbertaon and Mather .VINDOW SHADES Wasbtle. Roller Made to order. 1 Day Dei Relnholdt & Lewis Ph 33639 WOOD & SAWDUST West Saipm Fuel Co Pb 2-4031 LODGES A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F, A & A.M. Tues., Dec. 13th. Elec tion, 7:30 p.m. 206' A Salem Lodge No. 4, A.P. & &.AM. Wed., Dec. 14, E. A. de gree, 7:30 p.m. 297 LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING As executor of the estate of BELLI GOLDEN STEINER, deceased, the under' signed has filed in Circuit Court of Ore eon for Marlon County. In Probate, bli final account In estate of said decedent, and December 31. 194S. at 9:19 O'clock. a.m., and courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for bearing 01 objections to saia account ana seme ment tnereoi. DANIEL J. FRT Executor aforesaid Nov. 23. 29; Dec. 6, 13. In the Middle Ages pointed shoes came into fashion and the pointed toes became so long they were fastened at the knee, mm mm. . t nmPhr ii - ''-Wm w Falling Rock Kills Picnickers Rescuers work with huge jacks and railroad timbers to remove the bodies of four picnickers who were killed when a 70-ton slab of rock broke off from Dead Man's Point near Victorville, Calif., and crashed into a picnic party of 18 persons, killing four and seriously injuring two others. (AP Wirephoto) East Salem Club Member Receives More Swine Cash East Salem, Dec. 13 Special recognition has again been award ed to a Middle Grove 4-H member. Marvin Cage entered the contest sponsored by the Safeway Stores, Inc., in which each contestant was to write a report on his special swine projects, and as an award for his first scholarship to the 4-H summer school at Oregon State college in the summer. This award also en titles his paper to be entered in the state contest which offers a $100 college scholarship. He has been active in his 4-ti swine club for five years. He, under the leadership of Mrs. Em ery Goode, has entered the county 4-H shows, the state fair and Pacific International, just recently receiving the George Eyre trophy for his 1949 proj ect. He raises registered Hamp shire hogs and has a valuable project for a 14 year old ninth grade junior high boy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cage living on the Silverton road east of the school house. The 4-H cooking clubs of Mid dle Grove community met in the school house with Mrs. John Cage and her assistant, Miss Joyce Kuenzi, conducting the meeting. Only two members of the clubs, Joan Fabry and Phyl lis Howe were absent. A new member registered was Jessie Wyatt. Demonstrations on the making of milk toast were given by Rosemary Slimak and Eleanor Sudtell; and on the making of a cereal, Sandra and Deanna Dick ey. For the social hour gifts were exchanged and carols were sung by the girls, their leaders and guests, Mrs. Dan Scharf and Mrs. Harvey Page. Refreshments were served by two mothers, Mrs. William Kleen and Mrs. C. L. Reynolds. The members of the clubs and their parents will meet in the Mayflower hall the night of Tuesday, December 20, for a Christmas party, Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scorgie have returned to their Thorndale avenue home from a vacation trip into Idaho and Montana. In Couer d'Alene, Ida ho, they were guests of her fath er, William Bathman and her two sisters and their families, Mrs. Ted Miller and Mrs. Harry Sundler. At Missoula, Mont. they visited in the homes of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs Otto B. Bathman and her aunt, Mrs. W. M. Baier. Guests the past week in the home of Mrs. Helen Enloe on route five were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mears and Mrs. Mary Babben of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs, Edward Chilcote of Klamath Falls. Swegle Women of the dis trict who assisted in the clinics which were held two mornings -A if . " m.Bl . a Three-Legged Pet This if probably the only wild rabbit in the world with an amputation. Adopted by the Webster family of Arlington, Va., the bunny suffered an Injury to its leg which necessitated an amputation. It has become a tame household pet, as evidenced by this picture of Mark (left) and David Webster feeding the rabbit. (Acme Telephoto) ki.1i.ij, place paper will receive a $20 of the past week at the school re Mrs. Howard Lee, Mrs. Melvin La Due, Mrs. Ray Ber nardy, Mrs. L. K. Jordan, Mrs. Ralph Alsman, Mrs. Boyd Wil kinson, Mrs. John Jansen, Mrs. Clifford Yost, and Mrs. William Hartey. Children from all grades who had one parent present were examined by Dr. Margaret Dowell and Dr. Milton Kamsler Two new pupils in the school are Jacqueline Smalley in the fourth grade and Roberta Smal ley in the second. At the weekly meeting of the new Gra-Y club Garry Wright was elected president and Clif ford Yost secretary as officers by the boys. Basketball was enjoyed by the boys for the recreational hour. Mrs. Oscar Wigle is spending several days in Brownsville vis iting her father who is ill. Mrs. Daniel Lynn has as her guest in the home during Mrs. Wigle's absence, Mrs. Charlotte Morri son of Silverton. STOCKS 'By th Associated Pr-tat American Can 9874 Am Pow A LI ,,... 14 i,i Am Tel A Tel Ml& Anaconda 28 Btndlx Aviation 37 Beth Steel 32 Soalng Airplane 24 unit f acxing Canadian Paclfio . 1474 39 ',i ..35A Case J I ,, Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth A Sou Cons Vuttea Continental Can 'Jrown Zellerbach Curtlsa Wright ... Douglas Aircraft , Dupont de Nem General Eleetrle General Food , Jeneral Motors , Joodyear Tire , int Harvester , Int Paper ICennecott , Llbby McN A L , Long Bel' 'A" . , .. , Montgomery Ward , Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy NY Central , Northern Paclfio , Pao Am Fish Pa Oas A Elee , Pa Tel A Tel , Penney J C , 6816 , 50 .103 4 , 54H Radio Corp 131; uyunier 371 Rayonlei Pid 3074 Reynolds Metal 20 3i Richfield 38i Safeway Stores 3374 Sears Roebuck 43 i Southern Paciflo 49 Standard Oil Co. 65 ',4 Studebaker Corp 3514 Sunshine Mining 10 '4 Tranaamertca 1534 Union Oil Cat 27 "4 Union Pacltte 83 si United Airliner 13'i 0 S Steel 27 I J;;";," frarner aroe rie , 16 , 47H 2, fvf www -iftnl&v Plans Made for Census Taking Names of five recommended workers to staff the district con sus office here after January 1 have been forwarded to Luis Martine-Lally, chairman of the Marion county democratic cen tral committee, for confirmation in Washington, D.C. The applicants, one each from the five counties in the district, were recommended by the vari ous county groups and inter viewed by a census bureau offi cial. Applications for census work will not be taken until March but questions regarding the work will be answered at headquarters, 180 N. Commer cial. Census taking in the district will require between 60 and 70 enumerators with supervision by a crew of ten or 12 other per sons. The personnel in the office here will be an assistant super visor, personnel clerk, payroll clerk and statistical clerk. Beginning April 1 the census is to take two weeks inside the cities and another three weeks outside in Marion, Polk, Lincoln, Benton and Clackamas counties. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Dec. 13 (U.PJ Livestock mar ket: Hogg salable 18.000: mostly 25 cents lower on all weights and sows: closing slow at decline; some bids around 50 cents lower; most good and choice 180-220 lbs. 15.35-15.75: around one load 15.90: most 230-260 lbs. 14.75-15.15; 200-310 lbs. 14.40- 14.85: bulk good and clioice sows under 450 lbs. 12.50-13.00: 475-000 lbs, 11.25' 12.25, Shoep salable 3,300; not enough done on slaughter lambs to mnke a market bidding weak to 25 conts or moro low- yearlings absent; sheen steady: deck led western ewes 9.00 , for common end, with good top end at 11.00. cattle salable 7.000 : calves 600: steers and heifers slow: steers urn dins average gooa ana Better, steady to ao cents lower: high choice kinds absent: common to low good steers 50 cents to 1.00 lower: heifers steady to 50 cents lower; cows steady to strong; duiis wraK; veniers strong to mostly 50 cents hlxhcr; mo.U good to low choice steers and yearlings 37.00-35.00; load 1131 lb. weights 36.50: bulk medium to low good steers 20.00-26.50; common down to 18.00; most medium and good heifers 30.00-27.50; few good cows 16.50 18.00; common and medium beef cows 14.00-16.35; canncrs and cutters 11.50 14.25; medium and good snusage bulls 18.50-20.00: medium to choice vealcrA 34.00-38.00; good 425 lb, Montana stock steer calves 24.00, same brand 550 lb. yearlings 23.00. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., Dec. 13 fUB Livestock : Cattle salable 350: market active, steady with Monday's advance; steers scarce: commons 18; top Won tiny 25.65 for short load average good 1032 lbs.; medium heif ers 18-31; good heifers Monday 22.50; few head to 23; cutter dairy type steers and heifers 11.50; canner-cuttcr cows 11-12; odd head 12.50; common-medium cows 13- 15, including fat Holsteinn to 14: cood bulls 17.60; common-medium saunace bulls H-16.00, Calves salable SO: market about stead v: no good or choice vealers offered early; good 400-425 lb. calves to 24-24.50; common-medium calves and vealers 14-30. Hogs salable 400: scattered sales about steady with Monday's close; bulk supply wunout Dias: selected lots 130-210 lbs. 17 17.25; buyers talking" below 17 on few carloads and bulk trucklnss; medium 95 lb. feeders 16; good-choice quotable 17-18.50; Odd good 350-450 lb. SOW 13.50-14.25. Sheep salable 300: scattered sales stendv: good-choice lambs lacking early; salable around 20.50-21.50; few mcdium-coo:! 20: commons down to 17; odd common ewes 6; good light ewes salable to 7. Portland Grain Portland, Dec. 13 Wheat: Cash grain: Oats No. 2. 3H lb. white. 57.00; barley No, 2, 45 lb. BW, 56.00; No. 1 flax 3.95. Cash Wheat ibid): Soft white 2.21: soft white (excluding Rexi 2.21 ; white club 2.21. Hard red winter. Ordinary 2.21 ; 12 per cent 3.22. . Today's car receipts: Wheat 146; barley 16; flour 5; corn 7; ml life cd 14. Little Berry and Big N.Y. Short of Water Berry, Ala., Deo. 13 fP) Little Berry and giant New York have a common problem water. Two wells that furnish Berry's supply have :un dry, Mayor Fred J. Johnson said yesterday. The town was left without an adequate supply of drinking "wa ter. All residents were cautioned against waste. Water was being hauled into Berry in tanks from nearby streams. Johnson also cautioned resi dents to guard against fires, as the city was without adequate water to fight them. "Only the winter rains can help us," the mayor said. Berry, with a population of 639, is in northwest Alabama. Berles to Part New York, Dec. 13 VP) A "dc- finite rift" is reported between comedian Milton Berie and his actress wife, who were remar- ried last June after a divorce. Cosgrave. But Molly was un- The rift was confirmed last'dorstanding. night by lawyer Samuel I. Hart-I "It's okay for a gag," she said. man, hired by Berle's wife, the lormer Joyce Matthews. SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Marke tBv viiey backing Com o any 1 Wooled lambs 119.00 to 130.00 Feeder lamb 113.00 to $17.00 Cutter cows 38.00 to (11.00 Dairy Heifers $13.00 to 114.00 Fat dairy cows 311.00 to 113.00 Bulls 13 00 to 117.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 118.00 to ;20 M Veal 150-300 lbs.) top ....120.00 to 133.00 Portland Easlalde ftiMne Local lettuce sold lor $3.50 a crate on the Portland Easlalde Farmers Whole sale Produce market today. California ana Arizona leuuce orousni $4.25 to S4.90 a crate. Cabbage was 11.35 to fl.50 for round head medium sizes in 85-lb. crates. Green onions were 60 to 70 cents a doren bunches. Siilnach sold for $1.50 to $1.75 an or anse box, Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative. Siroiect to imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Port and 67c lb.; 91 score, esc 10. .tcore. 63c; 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country oolnta So less than first Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c A 92 wore 62c: B 80 score 60c lb.. O 89 score, 57c. Above prices are strlcMy nominal Cheese Si !l In a once to Portland whole' sale Oregon singles 39-43c, Oregon 8 small loaf. 44l-45c; triplets m less than ulngies Em (to wholesaler!) A trade lane. 42'.a-44'ic: A medium, 38-39',ic; grade B larttc, 41-41 ',4c: small A grade, 37HC. Portland Dairy Market nutter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints, eaci AA cartons. 69o; A prints. 68c; A cartons 69c i B prints, 65o. Eggi Price to retailers Grade AA large, 49c doa.; certified A large, 51c; A large 46c: AA medium. 42c; cer tified A medium, 41c; B medium, 37c: imn1l 39c: cartons 3o additional. Chceao Price to retailers Portland orecon singles 3B-42c Oregon loaf. lb loafs 44li-45c lb . triplets. IMi cents less than singles premium oranaa, aingies 1 Me Ib.i loat. 630 Pnultrv Live Chickens - No 1 quality FOB olants. No 1 broilers under 2 ids su--jc lb. fryers 2-3 lb?,. 33-2Sc: 3-4 lbs.. 37c; roa.iterA 4 lb and over 37-2Bc: fowl Log horns, 4 lb, and under, 15-16c; over 4 im., IQc: colored lowi, an weinnu, m 22c; rooster.1;, all wcUhts, 23-23c. Turkey Net to growers, toms, 30',i-31c .hens. 44-45c. Rabbits tverage to growers, live wnites. 5 lbs.. 17-18c lb.: ft- lbs.. 15-170 b colored 3 cents lower, old or heavy does. and bucks. B-13c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers. 40c; locaL 48-530. Country-Killed Meat Veal Top quality, 31-33C lb.; otner grade according to weight and quality witn ngmer or Heavier. ao-3uc. Hogs Llstit biocKers, 22-zie: sows 1B-21C. ,ambs Top quality, springers, 33-36c; mutton, 10-llc. Deer oood cows. 23-zac 10.: oanners- ctitters, 20-22C. csh urcsscd meats (Wholesalers to tollers per ewt.lt Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs., $39-41; commercial. $33-39; utility. (25-37. Cows commercial J37-30; utility, I; canners-c utters, (33-36. Beef Cuts "Good Steers 1 Hind quarters. $50-52: rounds, (44-48: full loins, trimmed, $70-72; trlanele.s, (32-34; square chucks. (38-40: ribs, ioo-58: lorequartera. 134-30. Veal and calf: Good, $39-43: commercial. $34-37; utility, $28-30. Lambs: Good-ctioice spring tamos, 42; commercial. $35-38: utility. $33-34. Mutton uood, 70 ids aown, no-ao Pork cuts: Loin No. 1. 8-13 lbs., I3B-43; shoulders, 16 lbs dawn. $30-33; spare ribs, $41-44; carcasses, $34-25; mixed rveuhts $2 ner cwt lower Portland Misrellsineous Cascara nark Dry 13M1O lb., green 4o lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb Mohair 25e lb on 13-montn growth nominally. Hi ilea calves, 370 id., accoramg 10 weight: pins. 22c lb.; beef. ll-12o lb.; bulls. 8-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Fro n queues, first quality junv . 34 7c: larac. 33.7c: medium. 27 2c: second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.3c: AT PROM WITH ELIZABETH TAYLOR Bob 'Great Lover' Precht Didn't Kiss' Date Good Night By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Hollywood. Calif., Dec. 13 (U.R) Bob "Great Lover" Precht set tled down to classes at UCLA Monday after a hectic week-end so full of dates with glamorous movie star Elizabeth Taylor he couldn't do "a lick of homework." He didn't live up to the title 15,000 students wished on him, cither. "Great lover" admitted he didn't once get romantic with the 17-year-old movie queen. "Oh, golly, no!" he gasped. "I couldn't. I was so bashful!" The 19-year-old sophomore squired Liz to the Junior prom Saturday night and to a round of fraternity and sorority "open houses" the night before. In between he gave out with radio and press interviews and consistently denied he had any 'special technique with girls." ... The husky blond Romeo said he was "tuckered out" after the week-end festivities, but ready and willing to date the luscious Liz again this time without so many people around. 'I hardly got to dance with her at the prom," he said. "We sat at a table with three other couples. Her parents were just a few feet away. And every time we got up to dance some body pulled us off to have our picture taken." Not much privacy, grumbled the "Great Lover." And Liz looked gorgeous in clouds of green taffeta and white tulle. He'd like to take her out again "when we don't have work to do." "She's swell," he said. "Tak ing her out isn't like dating a a co-ed. She's from a different world. She has glamour." ... After the dance held in a drafty sound stage at Paramount studios they went back to her home for a midnight snack of spaghetti and milk and every body sat around the fireplace and listened to romantic music. But that didn't give Precht any extra courage. "Did I kiss her good night? Oh, gosh, no!" Lix, who's dated millionaires, world-famous football stars, and movie actors and who's been engaged twice said the prom with Precht was more fun than the Mocambo. "He has a lot of poise," she said. "College parties are fun." ... The only co-ed who got loft with the short end of the thing was Precht's steady girl, a pink cheeked beauty named Molly "Just so he doesn't use any of jhis technique on Liz, that all. Capital Journal, Salem; Oregon, medium, 36. 2o; baby. 13. 3c; soft shell, first quality large. 29.7c; medium. 36.3c; sec ond quality large. 37-3ei medium. 34 7c: baby 33.2o. tiioerts jumoo, aoe u.i large, lBc, medium, 16c; small. 13c. Month's Wheal At Season High Chicago, Dec. 13 (P) Decem ber wheat and March corn reached new seasonal highs at the board of trade today. The buying wave that swept through the futures market was the re sult of purchases credited to ex port Interests. After fairly steady buying in wheat and corn developed early in today's session, short cover ing aided the November and ab sorbed profit cashing on the scale up. At the close wheat was to l?s higher than yesterday's close, December Vt. Corn was to 2 cents higher, December $1.31 7s-32. Oats were to Vt higher, December 77. Rye was 'A higher to Vt lower, December $1.42. Soybeans were Vi to Vz lower, December $2.30 to 30 Lard was IS to 23 cents a hundredweight higher, December $10.15. DEATHS Newton D, Ferguson Newton D. Ferguson, late resident of Klamath Falls, at a local hospital Decem ber 10, at the age of 53 years. Survived by three sisters, Mrs. J. I. Moore and Mrs. L. Faith oi Atlanta, ui ana Airs, llelon Warner In Pennsylvania: and a brother. Walter Ferguson. Atlanta, Ga. An nouncement of services later by the How- ell-Ed wards cnapei. Miu Orllla Horning Miss Orllla Horning, at tne residence ai 1760 John street, December 13. at the age of 62 years. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Harold Lattln of Salem and Mrs. George A. Dabler of Great Falls, Mont.: and A brother, Alonzo Homing of Pasco, Wash. Services will be held at the Clouph Barrlck chapel Wednesday, December 14, at 2 p.m. Bernard R. McFarland Bernard R. McFarland, late resident of 960 Evans st near Salem, December 9 at the age of 33 years. Survived by Barents. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. McFarland. Salem; brothers. Paul McFarland, Onewa, Iowa. Durward Mct-anana. cimonte, uaiu.. and F. C. McFarland. Salem; sisters, Mrs. Roy Whitney. Sallx, Iowa, Mrs. John Lew on. Omaha, Neb.. Mrs. Clifford Ward. Lan caster, Calif., and Mrs. Pat Burke, El monte. Member of American Legion post 9 and VFW post 661. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards' cnapei weanesaay, December 14. at 2:30 p.m. witn Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating. Chester narrlnirton Fisher Chester Harrington Fisher, at the real Amncn at route 8. box 550. December 13. Survived by wife, Hazel B. Fisher of 8a- icm; lour sons, jonn a. risner, uwsiur C. Fisher and Thomas C. Fisher, all of Sa lem, and William H. Fisher of Redmond; a brother, Louis Fisher of Ogmulgee, Okla.; & sister. Mrs. Low Cuthbert of Los An geles: and seven grandchildren. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Wednesday, December 14, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Louis C. White officiating. Inter ment In Belcrest Memorial park. 'Great Lover' Elizabeth Taylor was belle of the ball qnd her date, Bob Precht, the envy of other students at the UCLA junior prom. As winner of the student sponsored "Great Lover" contest, 19-year-old Bob, as the univer sity's greatest romancer, es corted 17-year-old Liz to the ball. More than 3,000 students crowded Paramount studio's largest sound stage, in Holly wood, Calif., where the prom was held. (AP Wirephoto) Advertisement SIIU1TS CATARRH SUFFERERS FIND CURI FOR Ml SHY OUR TO NASAL CONOISTIOH. SUPPLY RUSHED HEREI Relief ml laat from tortute of slnua, eaLarrh. and hay fever due to null conges tion Is senn today in reiwtrU of iiiccesa with e formula which has tit power to reduce nMal congestion. Men and women with sun lif ng aim headache, clogged nostrils, eararhe, hawking and aneetlng misery tell ef blHied relief after using it KI.OIHlNOL eonU 13.00, but considering results, this (a not expensive, amounts to only pennies per eV KI.OKONOI. (rautfon. us only ss dtnetad) sold with money-hark anis.rantee by Sebaefer Orus, No Commercial A Perry Drus, 129 8e. CommerclaL alall Order ruled. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949 21 Laura Bell Fox Laura Bell Fox. at the residence at 890 Cascade drive, December 11. Survived by a son. Sidney Wayne Fox of Salem; two grandchildren, Harold B. Fox of Salem and Margaret naraman or Newport; ana four great grandchildren. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Wednes day, December 14, at 3 p.m. with con eluding services In Belcrest Memorial park. Rev, James Osbourne of McMlnnvllie will officiate. Mrs. Rose Magdalene Robertson Mr os Rose Magdalene Robertson, lata resident of 365 Columbia street, at a local hospital, December ll. Survived by her husband, A. E. Robertson of Salem: three daughters, Mrs. Grace V. Barnes and Mrs. Helen V. Willwert of Salem, and Mary E. Woods of Everett, Wash.; three sons, Clifford L. E. RoberLion, Fred O. Robert son and Ralph K. Robertson, all of Sa lem; a sister, Mrs. Charles Rush of Gates, Oregon; and a brother, Charles Lapschle of Salem; 11 grandchildren and one great urandchlld. Services will be held at the Virsll T. Golden chapel Wednesday, De cember 14, at 3 p.m. with Rev. Louis S. White officiating. Interment In the City View cemetery. Apphta Jane Ridge way Apphia Jane Ririgeway, at the reiidene at 1625 Center street, December 13. Surviv ing are a step-daughter, tea. Sadie Retd of Seaside, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. E. P. Jackson of Corvallls. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Grace 51 arc ho In this city December 13. Grace March. late resident of 835 Rhubets road. Serv ices will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon cha pel Wednesday, December 14, at 10:39 a.m. witn concluding services in tiee Mis sion cemetery. Carl M. Ham re Carl M. Hamre. late resldont or 64 South Capitol street, near MIU City, De cember 13, at the age of 47 years. Sur viving are the widow. Mrs. Mary Hamre of Salem: and two children, David and Karen Hamre, both of Salem. Announce ment of services later by the HoweU Ed wards chapel. Parke Collins Pratt Parke Collins Pratt, late resident of 1319 Elm street, at a local hospital, December survived oy wne, Mrs. Lillian m. Pratt or Salem; two daughters. Mrs. Will iam L. Wright of Salem and Mrs. Mildred M. Beard of The Dalles: and two grand children, Marilyn and Donald Beard, both of The Dalles, Announcement of service later by Clough-Barrlck company. OBITUARY rs. Mattle Troudt Woodburn Mrs. Mattle Troudt. 8T. died Monday evening at the home of a daugh- Mra. Wayne Ltvesay. at woodBurn. She was a life resident of Hubbard where she was born August 19, 1883. Survivors include four sons, Wayne Bevens of The Dalles. Wilbur Bevens of Aurora, Orvllle Troudt of Hubbard and Eld red Troudt In the Hawaiian Islands; two daughters, Mrs. Vola KUewer of Hubbard and Mrs. Veont, Llvesay of Woodburn: 14 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral announcements later by Rlngo pending word from the son In Hawaii. Daisy E. Boyd stayton Funeral services for Mrs. Dai sy E. Boyd, 55, of Turner, who died Mon- aay at an Aioany nospuai, win do neia from the Stayton Baptist church at S o'clock Wednesday, Rev. Wlllard Buckner oiiiciating and burial in Lone oax ceme tery under the direction of the Waddle funeral home. She was born at BUlham Ark. Sept. 33, 1BD4 and had been mem ber of the Baptist church 41 years. Sur viving are her husband, . Benjamin P. Boyd, Turner; four sons, Frank Boyd, Lakeland, Fla.; John K. Boyd, West Stay ton; O. C. Boyd, Aumsville and Otto R Boyd, at home; three daughters Mattle Lee Thurman, Aumsville; Margaret Cook, Turner and BUlle Jean Doan, West Stay ton; four brothers, Roy and Isham Stin nett, both of Turner; Henry and Moad Stinnett, both of West Stayton; two sis ters, Irene liaxter, smithvuie, Okla. and Marjorle Neal, Turner; step-mother, Mrs. Van Stinnett, West Stayton and 31 grand children. Ltnda L. Elliott Silverton Graveside services were- held Monday forenoon for the Infant daughter, Linda L. Elliott, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott (Enid Spencer) of 314 Cowing street, Silverton. Surviving be sides the parents are a Vh year old Uls ter, Judith Lee Elliott, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Elliott. The Ekman Funeral Horn was In charge of services. Laura McBride Albany Miss Laura McBride, 70, 1510 Ferry street, died Sunday at the Albany General hospital. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the Fisher Funeral home. Burial will be In the Oak vllle cemetery. Miss McBride was born near Halsey. She had spent her entire life In Linn county with the exception of four years spent In Iowa, Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Fred Harris and Mrs. Ralph Miller, both of Albany. Matthew Edgar Hayes A JDany Funeral services were held Mon day at Fisher Funeral home for Matthew Edgar Hayes, 03, retired lumberman and a resident oi Albany since 1923, who died Friday at the Willamette Osteopathia hos pital. He was born at Hew Ireland, New Brunswick. Canada and came to the Unit. cd States with his parents at the age of uirco years, una spent nis eany me in Wisconsin. He moved to Dallas In 1002 and later to Albany. He married Jennie M. aiase at Crawfordsvllle, December 7, 1904, wno survives, utner survivors are tws half-brothers. Jack Hayes, Dallas, and Ar thur Hayes, Eugene, and a half-sister, Do ra Hayes, Honolulu . Mary E. Springer Lebanon Mrs. Mary E. Springer, W, died Bunday, Dec. 11, at the Mary Ellen nursing home In Lebanon. Born April 34, 1850, in Munkctine, la., she crossed the plains in 1887, living since that time In Le banon and Sweet Home. She was a mem ber of the Christian church and the Re brkuh lodge. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the Howo-Huston chapel In Sweet Home with Elder Sam Kimble officiating. Interment will be In the Ollllland cemetery. Survivors are her brother, John Onlbralth, Sweet Home; ii tep-d mi Kilter. Mrs. Leo Oohman. Clarlhs- di, and a number of nieces and nephews. Oakley Kerr Portland Funeral services for Oakley Kerr, AO. who died Friday In Portland, were held at the Rlvervlew cemetery cha pel Monday. Rev. Clay Pomeroy of the First Christian church of Portland offi ciating. He was born in Pennsylvania April 0, 1889 and had lived In Oregon 31 years. He Is survived by his wife. Nettle, two step-sous, Harold T. and Noel O. Llv eiigood or Portland; mother, Mrs. a. M. Kerr: brother of Mrs. Gus Erikson, Hubert Kerr of Salem, Mrs. Homer Williams, Palo Alto, Calif.; two nephews, John O. and Robert Erikaon of Salem .Ore. (Advt.ii-cmcnt) ' 20-YEAR LAXATIVE ' HABIT BROKEN! "Considering I was constipated for over 20 years and laxatives gave me no relief it was amazing to find "I'llfi IVUUUUUU o ALL-BKAN daily helped me so much! Mrs. II. Ilutlcdge, 120 Corry Ave., Aero Vista. Warrington. Florida. Just one of many unsolicited let ters praising ALL MIAN. If troubled by constipation due to lack of bulk in the dint, try this: eat an ounce of i crisp ALL-BRAN every day, drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 days, return empty box to Kollocg's, Battle Creek, Mich. DOUBLE YOUK MONEY BACKI (Advertisement! Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitona Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment ll also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sate Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone J-3118