18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec!. 13,' 1949 I ' f ITS VOURS-TW5 BIT OF y"CHOKER"BIBBS? I F I GOTTA GO BELOW FOR A FRESH CASE 1 1 1 " i , . 'i gSgMi RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. - LOVELV FEDERAL. LETTUCE.I "NEVER HEARD O' O' SNAKE SWEAT AN' IF I FIND VA HERE "5k,SST SSSBISI S "MOCTOP: IF VOL) TELL ME VTHE MUG, ROPER WHEN I COME BACK, THEY'LL HAVE TO SCRAPE , t?vJS -7 I'lfi&tXS&Ti J ET- VA OFFA TH' BULKHEAD ' N P" (Chapter 8) HENRY MEETS A WIGGLE WAGGLE Poor Henry. Poor Mr. Dilly. Never were two people so uunappy. "It's all. my fault," wept Henry. "I must go away. Santa will nevei want to see me again." "No," said Mr. Dilly, almost In tears himself. "It Is all my fault lor taking the wand. I will tell Santa and give him all my own magic tricks. I'll never try to be a. magician again." Sadly they returned to Santa's cottage. There they found great ex citement. Santa sat before his fire surrounded by Patrick Tweedle knees and a host of other little folk. Everyone seemed to be talk ing at once. Everyone except Santa who was quietly reading a letter. "Mercy, dercy!" said Serena cheer- luily. "Has the party started?" The little folk swarmed around the newcomers. "Did you see any of them?" they cried. "Anyone of who?" asked Mr. Dil ly In surprise. Santa looked up from his letter. "Ah," he said with a sigh. "The Wiggle Waggles, have sent me a letter. They are angry that we did not Invite them to the party. They say they will come anyway and beware for none of us will be left alive." Every worker shuddered. "Oh my. oh my, what will become of usl" At this moment Mrs. Claus burst into the room carrying a tray load ed with hot fresh doughnuts. "Nothing is to become of us," said Mrs. Claus cheerily. "Have you for gotten Santa's magic wand? One wave of it and he can turn all those creatures Into gum drops I" Instantly the workers were cheered but Mr. Dilly said in a quivering voice, "Don't the Wiggle Waggles have magic, too?" "Oh, yes," said Santa. "But their magic Is for wickedness. My magic is much stronger than theirs." He tossed the Wiggle Waggles' letter Into the fire and yawned. "Come to bed now. We have a busy day tomorrow." The workers departed carrying fistfuls of Mrs. Claus' most deli cious doughnuts. The cottage was suddenly quiet. Now was the time for Henry and Mr. Dilly to confess the awful thing that had happened to santa's wand. But they could not brlna them selves to begin. Mrs. Claus bustled around them. "Sakes, you look like sad ones! My goodness, cheer up. We can't have the glooms in Santa Land. You would break Santa's spirit and what would Christmas be then?" She hustled them off to the kitchen where she set out a turkey dinner with no vegetables and six kinds of dessert. But poor Henry and Mr. Dilly could not swallow a bite. "We cannot tell him tonight," whispered Mr. Dilly when Santa and Mrs. Claus went Into the pantry. "We'll go out in the morning and find the wand. It's bound to be there somewhere. If we told Santa now It's true what Mrs. Clause said we might break Santa's spirit." After dinner Mrs. Claus put Hen ry to bed on a couch near the fire. Mr. Dilly stretched out on the rug and Serena squatted under a chair. But Henry never slept that night. At daybreak he got softly from the couch and crept out of the cot tage. He went to the little wood where he and Mr. Dilly had prac ticed their magic the day before. But now all seemed more hopeless than ever for a frosh snow had fallen and covered all tracks. He got down on his hands and knees and explored the ground turning up the 6now with his bare hands. Time and again his fingers fastened on a stick but when he drew it out it was only a twig, never the wand. Suddenly he heard a snorting and a honking and a clattering in the trees. Ho sprang to his feet and wondered whether he should not run away. But It was too late, for coming through the woods was a queer creature no taller than Henry. His nose was blue and honked when he blew it. His ears were as large as coffee saucers. He walked straight up to Henry. honked his nose and said, "Are you 'ooklng for Santa's magic wand?" Henry was so surprised and so ovful he could hardly speak. "Ha- have found it?" he finally exclaim ed. "I have." "Oh, please let me have it I" "Follow me," said the creature. But Just as Henry, filled with relief, was about to obey he stopped In horror. For the cars on the blue nosed one were moving strangely: they were wiggling and waggling on the creatures neaa. tie was, in xact. a Wiggle Waggle. Next: The wiggle waggle Cave. PTA Meeting Slated Hubbard All officers and committee chairmen of the lo cal Parent-Teachers association are urged to attend the County Council meeting at the Keizer school auditorium Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. R. B. Sipprell, County Council pre sldent, will be in charge. Local members may contact Mrs. Ben Miller, president. Clever Bean Bags Did you ever see anything cuter than this set of bean baKS? Just the thine to stick In the Christmas stocking, Fish, bird and beast, you'll want to maice tnem all, and give some away to the neighbor's children. No. 216 Is a transfer pattern, easy to follow. No one of the bean bags takes more than two 8-ln. squares of fabric, plus scraps for bills, wings, etc. twiivery Is guaranteed In ample time for Christmas sewing. Pat terns ready to fill orders same dav received. If you include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent by FIRST CLASS MAIL would you like to see a collec tcrn styles? Just include the FALL- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number scale size desired. Address Canital Journal. 214 Mis. ston St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. L MA 1 m. ids teetn Babv niintlntr TliL ihhrtntrlm I mea crocheting bunting win keep hnhV "DC smitr a. a hnir In n .hit" Nlniblc fingers will be delighted to ftnrt hnw nnlnVU, nn.1 .,!. V,1 cover-up may bo turned out. Pattern Envelope No. R2fl(W ron- tains complete crocheting instruc tions, material requirements, stitch Illustrations and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving nnttem number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. W I " 'i II WONDER HOW I'LL LOOK ) I (D I I D ( OH DEAR! Jt IN THIS DRESS ' 4 ' jC sk ' ,A 1 I fr' i.,..K.,t.Mwnl..l.IJrtf-. I AmBBjOH n M"liii" ' MM 1 I tuJlfa I NO DOUBT H8 STORY T WELL. IT'S 1 Ij BY TH1 VV- EH? OH-I SAW THEM 1 v GEE! BUT WHEN THAT TOUGH WITNESS ffc f CARRIED THE RING OF TRUTH- SURE WORKED I W WHERE figg I C50U-K3 ASHORE N HOUR I R TALKED TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY- KSjjj I AFTER ALL, HE KrW THfiT OUTO.K. FOR I H LENA AND I OR SO PlGO "SHOULD I p B I WAS SCARED TH' D. A. WOULDTlT f t I MRS. MAC BOND'S BOYS ROCKY AND l ROCKY? I BE BACK SOON J I VER-SOON'S r I'M IM A BA.DMOODTODAVAI I IP MARRV NOCKER 1MTEWOS YTMI6hTBEAHARD1 Um I J FINISH TWIS J PANNV ACCEPTED AM INVITE SETTING PLACES ON THE SOCIAL PULL.BOT 1 THINK , -,1 T 'AM 1 NEXT "h I ili TO THE NOCERS THURSDAY LADDER HE'S SOIMSTODOITrlxWE CAN MAKE A I H Ao wrrrog ;'fy - S-SOMETHIN' WENT WRONG.'.' ) ( SOMEONE ROBBED H I -BECUZ SHE'S X81 OJC MAN HOSE'S J-BUT- HIIBONt.y 3T If MUST BC WEARIN' A BAG " M5l3TOW3k 7 WERE f&OB.-:'? I f W inijrc rr t PRETTY ) rM03rwQrV?fifi 'though yo' , la GUS GEEVUM GAVE ME a H Stk KjES RSHING IMA BARREL LIKE " ( uuAT ) M COUPLE OF LIVE FISH AND l LOVE OF m) A SIMPLE SIMON I KNEW HE j- f". UV. I U puttheminthisbarrelofV T( wtuetLM':BUT,Kol' ' C T WATER I'LL FISH ONE OUT AND v ' ? iJAT BALMVys cy Si'STZ T 1 FRV IT FOR PINNER JS KZ Jj' 55. cATK Ba3PJIaUi(M SS'SIi?;NS0Sl;y' I WELL, HE'S NOT EXACTLY A I UIE WHAT, F" WELL THAT BIS 0 TRY TO HOLD HIM f&Sffft , KtSS TRAINER S?i euSoLS uSu! ltakdCA OTHER NI6HT,ANC u 'tSX roOTirMfll REDUCING MACHINE. POR t-AirTfiffi iS-J , , f CTTT 1 M- iiSFr Tf-Sral J JJJ) 1 ..u.y...,.,., I I N- , CT I 1 1..VI H - j s I I 4TEPPED OFF THE ROAD .H, l...umum,J fRTlNNlYOLII! FINfif OS ) N cciiuarc 1 I 1 '. I An6F0UNDU5A5HELTERj MARTY! lv'n rAl i rv riit I ARt TURNHW BLUE.! YJZVS' J . .T."?TH5: NUT DATC . ; r S KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 120 NBC 70 CBS 1190 ABO 13 B0 MBO 1490 Ko. 5:00 The I Vt Featort Slorr Gimb Hsrait Slraiiht Arrow Bind of Dy S:lSNew Llttli Show Greta Harncl Stralcbt Arrow Bind of Dsy 5-3(1 rnny Brie Newt Jtek Arnttroni Capl. Mldnlcht Blng Crotbr 5:45 rnny Brie Newt lick Armttrong Cpt. Mldolttat Bnilnett Newt "6:00 Bop Hop Uf With LnUi rirellfhiiri Gabriel Beater Candid 811. 6:15 Bop Bop Lit With Lslcl Horn Edition Nortbw'tt Newa Cindlel'l 8IL 6:30 HcGe Ji Hollv Meditation Mod, Bomaneti Tell Teal Newt 6:45 McGe M Molly ' Mr Belief Mod. Bomaneti Serenad Twilight gone "7:Q0 Hollyw'd Thea. Hit the Jaekpot Counteripy Dram, of Med. Pat O'Brien " 7:15 Hollywood The. Hit lb Jaekpot Counteripy Soma of Timet Mmleal J'ekpol ?:30 Peo. ara Finny Eteap Bol A Bolll. Rider In Sky Evelyn Knight ;45 Pe. r Fanny Eicap Bol A Bolll. Blden In Bky Mldcoart -00 Sinatra. Klrtt. Low. Thomaa Defent Tim Connl H. Crlito 8HS - Tltlam'k 15 Newt or World faek Smith Defent Tin Count M Carlo 8HS - Tlllam'k S:30 "ayalead Mr.. Mra. North Town Meeting Lean Back SHS - Tlllam'k :45 Cayalcada Mr., Mrt. North TownMeellpg and Lliten SHS - Tlllam'k 9:00 Bonald Colem'n Mriterr Tbea. Town Meeting Mail SHS - Tlllam'k 9:15 tonal d Colem'n Myttery Tbea. Town Meeting N'ewt SHS - Tlllam'k 9:3(1 Big Town Benlah Newt FaTorit Story New 9:45 Bit Town ClnbJS We Car Fayorlt Story Bit Stevent 10:00 Sam Bay 3-SUr Final Richfield Roptr Folton Lewla Night Sons " 10:15 Mort. Downer Von A World Interroeiio Set Loo. Newt Night Bong 10:30 -Sport Tag Alrlo Concert Hour Newt Mm. 70u Want 10:45 Dano Orch. Orchettra Concert Honr Muito Mm, yon Want 1:00 Newt Serenade Concert Hoar I Lov Myttery Nootorn 1:15 Wai Mmenm Organ Muile Connort Houi Here' To Vett Noctnrn ;3fl Wai Matenm Treamry Band Mtb,o Car Cavallero Noetnrn 1 ;45 Wai Maaeom Vewa Memot Car. Cavallero Noctnrn 12:00 Sign Off PHent Ixtra Hoar feltn Off Isign Off " WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodg Podge Newt Farm Newt Morn. Newt 6:15 Newt KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Mutlo. Tlmk'pr. 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Kloek 6:45 Farm Tim KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Newt KOCO Kleck ?'00 Brly Bird KOIN Kloek Newt Newt Tex Bitter ;15 Old Song Newt Agrontky Hr'kfatt Gang KOCO Kloek ?3ft Newt Newt Bob Uaien Rlt A Shin Newt :45 5am Hayot Fred Beck Zek Manner Top Tradet KOCO Kloek -00 Eddla Atbert Conanmer Newt Breakfatt Club Barg Counter King' Croaadra ;15 Eddie Albert Newa Breakfatt Clnb Family Alter Klng'a Croaadra 8:30 lack Berth Grand Slam Breakfatt Club Bible Institute Weit. Melodies 8 ;45 Sag Bldert Roiemary Breakfatt Club Bible Institute Fleita Tim Q-OO Second Cap Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'it Newt Tim for Melod 9:15 Second Cap Aunt Jenny Today's Start Music Memories Time for MtJ'dy 9:30 Hometown ere Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor't Call Start Sing 9;45 Newa Our Gal Snnd'y Art Llnkletter Walt Tim 1. Ch. Thomaa ioVofl Marriage for fl Big Sister Sag Bldert Newa N. W. Newa 10:15 Lora Lawtoa Ma Perklna Galen Drake Gospel Singer Mem'rable Hu, 10:30 Hotteta Houto Yg. Dr. Malone Mr Trn Story Muslo Tun Tim 10:45 Hostess Bout Guiding Light Mr Trn Story Music B Kert 11:00 Doubl or. Noth. Jnd Mra. Burl'n Betty Crocker Ladles Flnt Mutlo Mart 1;15 Doubl r Noth. Perry Maton Vletor LlndUhr Ladlet First Muile Mart l:30T'day' Chlldon Norah Drak N' western ere Queen for Day lan Garber 1:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westemen Queen for Day Vocal Varletlea 12:00 Kneast Newa Newa Baukbag Top Trade Hollyw'd Mail 12:15 Road of Llf Come A Get It Newt Newa Hollyw'd Mutlo 12:30 Pepper . ung Bright A Light Jack Norman Northw'it Newt Newt 12:45 Happlnett Art Baker Meet Menjoua B. Eberly Show Pay Dennla !:00 Backttag Wife Barny'd Follies Breakfatt In Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodlea :15 Stella Dallaa Garry Moor? Hollywood Harvey Harding Mae'a Melodlea :30 Lorente Jonea Garry Moor Ksy West Orran Reverlaa Mae'a Melodlea ;45 VTIdder Brown Newspaper Kay Weal Blng Slngg Mae'a Melodlea 2:00 A Girl Marrlea Newspaper Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mae'a Melodic 2:15 Por. Faces Life itere Allen Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mao'a Melodlea 2:30 Juat Plain Blllfitev Allen Bride A Groom Muile for Wed. Mae'a Melodlea 2:45 fr. Pag Farrell Tunefully To'rs Bride A Groom Mutlo for Wed Mae'a Melodlea 3:00 Welcome Trav. Newt Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mae'a Melodlea 3:15 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey Quick at Flash wn Party Mac's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated Vewt Mae's Melodies 3 ;45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malan I Sana Mae'a Melodlea 1:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Movletlm ;15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey inulrrel Cat F, Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Hr. Paul Curt Matsey squirrel Cage Behind Story B can be Beaut, 4:45 Paula Ston Ed B. Mnrrow Cinnamon Bear Newt B can b Beaut. IffSkC Tuetday A.M.-lLMV- Theatrci S:15, beat i 5:80. MO Sporta Clnbi 6:00, Newtt 6:18, Organ t 8:80, 'Round th Campflrtl 7:15, Evenlnf Farm Bonn S:00, OSO Mutlei 8:30, Research .Report: 8:45, Newt and Weather! 8:00. Muslo That Enduresi 9:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAG 550 5:00. Cbldren's On th Up- Espeo lally for Woment 11:00. Oregon School of Alri 11:15, Concert Hallt 12:00, Newat 12:15. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Rid 'em Cowboyi 1:15, School of Air; 1:45, This , Dart 2:00, Freedom to Growt 2:30, Mem ory Book of Music; 2:45, Oregon School of Alrt 3:00, Newt; 3:15, Muslo of the Mas ters) 4:00, Oregon Reporter! 4:15, Kern A Sloopi 4:30, Hornet on the Land) 4:49, De fent Report. Friendly Neighbors Hold Annual Party Webfoot There were 26 mem bers of the Friendly Neighbors club attended the December meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Curfman Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. George Doud was assistant hostess. Mrs. Frank Armentrout and Mrs. Charles C a r r were in charge of guessing games. Christmas gifts were exchanged. Donations for Christmas gifts were collected for some chil dren's home and refreshments were served. Dayton Coffee Bar Management Changes Dayton The Dayton Coffee Bar and Recreation is now un der new management this past week. Howard Paris, well known business man In this vi cinity, purchased the new busi ness from E. L. Dixon. Paris will operate his Chevrolet salesman business at the Coffee Bar. Mrs. Warren Dundas will handle the duties of manager and Jean Paris will work there after school and week-ends. 28. Despot SO. Legislative; assembly 33. Desert region 34. Male children 35. Type of rail way: colloq. 36. Slam 38. Egyptian deity 39. Shout 40. Famous raco nor 43. Island south of Connecti cut: abbr. 44. Location 45. Titles 47. Unattached 49. Wreathe tOE-etner One who cannot L Lay In sur ACROSS 1. Poorest part of a fleece 4. American author 7. Blissful abodei 12. Throws off the track 14. Excellence 15. Stable com- fartmnt ute 18. Note of th scale 19. Assumed 22. Posse Bees 23. Muscle 24. Region 25. Article 36. be believed ST. Former fenclnaT dummy EEaEflS Nit I PA U C OAT I a r11a pJd r e sTlUI P Y t RH SET AH TIP ITIt g p i dHr a i s e A f r A I BBS INGE R 5. p. a 9 xBLbi 0 jtilCS M E UBT R E YHa R T 3 jCSjB a a i n B si C e e p SjT E R N P O S Ty E A f0 L l Cf j 1e T C Solution of Yotterday's Puizl rounding mailer 51. DIatreu call E3. English letter DOWN L Business Kettera 5 25 Be 23 m 3B 30 ;0 il LJ pi m AP NtwtttatviM t. Village near Jerusalem t. Harsh sound 4. Steerlne; 6. Oil: suffix 6. Book of the Bible T. Send out 5. Inhabitants 9. Comparative ending; 10. Jewish month 11. Steps for cross I fur a fence 13. Hifrh mountain 17. Chop 20. Pronoun 21. Kind of nut 22. Headpiece 26. Liberal glvlnE 27. Small flan 29. Let 30. Before long 31. Karthly 32. City in Kn eland 34. Strikes 86. Reigning beauty 37. Self-evident truth 38. Ancient wine receptacle 39. Funny 41. Bamboolike prrass 42. Make Into leather 48. Perceive 48. Siberian river 50. Not any ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern W-TOO BAD NOW, YUH llfggg? fOOSH-TD COIN A PHRASE, DIDNT SELLYER, )-gg7 THATS WATER OVER, THE DAAA f CONTRACT ON J ... 'ONWARD AND UPWARD' IS f AJ:fX IVi'.SS S ' THE PUFFLE MOTTO'"I AM FIGHT AAANASER ) V NOW ABSORBED WTTrl AN IDEA V FR.200C L fOR A SENSATIONAL NON- V I WINDING WRIST WATCH T TSS-SP -v V USING THE FORCE OP THE t . MAGNETIC NORTH POLE 1 A Ss-P I TO KEEp ITSELF A ffiCl-- V CONSTANTLY WOUND J