16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949 6!tf, Borek 521, Qrimblot (31, Mode 141. Salem won by ua pint. (Men) Salem (Olson Florists) Tom Wood 890, Huskies Ask if Cage Pack Can Bite in '50 By JACK HEWINS Seattle, Dec. 1 (IP) They marl, but do they bite? It's a question everybody, in cluding Coach Art McLarney, is asking about his University of Washington Huskies as the pack sneaks up on the basketball season. It remains to be seen wheth er they'll be nifty in '50 or merely howling at the heels of Washington State, Oregon State, Idaho and Oregon in the northern division of the Pa cific coast conference. That was their role last season, when they dropped to the cellar in the north after cop ping the conference flag in 1948. Briefly, the men of McLarney will be tall but skinny, fast but Inexperienced, scrappy but light ly muscled for a free-for-all. This is the first team that is truly McLarney's own. In his first two seasons he inherited stars from the regime of Wash - ington's grand old man of bas ketball, Hec Edmundson. Gone are such brilliants as the mam moth adding machine. Jack Nichols; the thrill-maker with the 21-jewel movement, Sammy White, and the awkward genius of the backboards, Bill Vanden burgh. Three lettermen juniors and two sophomores have made up the varsity in early games. The three vets are Capt. La don Henson, 6 feet 4, Russ Parthemer, 6 feet 3, and Louie Soriano, 5-10. Sopho more Center Duane Enochs stretches 6 feet 5. The other rookie, a budding replica of the unbelievable White, is Frank Guisncss, 6-3. "They're high, but they're narrow, worries McLarney, who holds the division record for worrying from a sitting or stand ing start. "They're the slat type, rather than the big beams which rule the game today. They'll have to outspeed, outthink and outscrap the enemy to win." The enemy looms larger with each passing week. Art's Hus kies have run a string of five victories against regional oppo sition. They hit the heavy going Dec. 20-21 in a home series with Minnesota, entertain Stanford Dec. 23 and battle Columbia in Seattle Dec. 30-31. The rest of the slate is dedi cated to winning the northern division flag, but a home ses sion with Wyoming is sand wiched in for Feb. 10-11. Backing up the first five in SPORTS ROUNDUP this rough jaunt through the winter will be more of the same more of the high, the young and the slender. Understudying Enochs at center, and pushing him for the job, are Don Stew art, 6 feet 4-inch junior, and a 6-6 sophomore, Lee Wade. One senior may crack the starting five. He's Hal Arnason, who has been pushing Parthe mer for the call at forward. Two deadeyes, Junior Jack Yard and Soph George Cahlich, are hot after front court assignments. Junior Keith Jefferson, fastest man on the squad but short and slightly built, and another sen ior, Marc Metgzer, will keep Soriano and Henson at top per formance in the guard spots. That pressure for positions will guarantee 100 per cent effort and the fans can't be asking more. -McLarney isn't. BASKETBALL COLLEGE SCORES (By the Associated Press) OomaRft 51, San Jose State 43. Montana 81, Whitman 30, Whltworth 69. St. Martin's 49. Pasadena (Calif.) 65. Lewis At Clark 57. Linfleld 59, Chlco State 57 (overtime), Church League Naiarrne (44) Gwynn 10 ..... Klruuen 12 .... Outlier IS Vnlecii 3 Reynolds 3 1,1 unci I 1 HUB CHI Shaft 10 Beach 1 Hllflker 4 Pease 9 StetFter 6 niBKH 5 Presbyterian (A3) Hedrlck 2 My era 8 VanOfidal 7 .... Cnley 6 Boatman 10 .... 1st Baptist (33) ' DIVISION (40) lit Methodist ...P 8 Reynolds , 1 Pearlman ... 0 Hamer .... 15 Shaw 10 Nelaon ...P., ,.P ,.c , .a... , ..p... ..c... ..a ... (38) Cat. Bap. S Qraber .. 8 Morrison 9 White Klekel 9 Stuart (26) lilt Christian . ,. . 8 M. Da ten 6 K. Haiwh 1 Tanner 3 H. Eatis 6 Noonchetr i 2 Conder (38) Free Methodist Cal. Baptist (58) Ha nek 18 Hurchnm , Slcfarth 20 Orenz 10 Martin 6 Oeboul 4 Presbyterian (58) Myers 36 Annie 5 Knapp 11 Mont all 4 J. Knapp 2 , . I,. T. Salnta (tl) Brown 13 Stock Hill 5 Murphy 1 John.! on . Walker 3 DIVISION (33) Church or God ...P 2 Knight ,..F 15 Sundln ...C 11 Salisbury ..0 4 Nyatotn ..O Allen ...S 1 Knox (50) St. Mark ,..F Rex ,..P 6 Brown ,..C 12 Zciuke ..a 13 Stewart ..a 16 Bailment S 2 Holmqulat (S3) Liberty ,.F 6 Largent ..P 12 By pen ,.C 4 Wlrth ..a Johnxon ..a Lyona 'C DIVISION- Cal. Baptist (IB) Bishop 13 1 Thompson 2 1 WrlU 3 C Bennett C Wolf C (87) lit Meth. , 15 O. F. Hall . 10 a. L. Hall ... 2 Ourston 2 Kimball 3 Burnze 5 Demta Jerry DavU 775, Emery Alderman 756, Bill Oauthler 734, Emll Scholz 727. Aber deen (Arlanda Fountain) Steve Holder man 730, Warlord 127, N. spunier no, v. Splinter 749, Phil PUele 868. Baiem won or 10 pioj. (Men) Salem (BAB Bowline) Royal Pawley 14. Art Herachback 6B3, Milbert Jacober 759. Lea Dolge 767, Vernon Still 753. Aberdeen (BAR Fountain) Erickson 676, Huff 680, Crowley 760, VlgaUky 730, Rey nolds 764. Salem won by 1&1 pins. Ladles' hlfh came, Barbara Huff 188. Ladles' high series, Barbara Huff 765. r Men's Msh lame. Tom Wood 319. Men'i hlfh series, Tom Wood 890. LADIES' LEAGUE Handle OU (3) Gladys Ancel 373. Helen Handle 309. Jo Hill 348, Gladys Wood 400, Dee Oauthler 424. Dick Merer Lumber (1) ta Hanneaan 384, Helen Nolan xai. Evelyn Thompson 340. Margaret Holmes 309, Oladya Acuff 330. Habbi Beat Estate (U Velma White 411, Jordlth Harrison 361, LuclUe Allen 335, Marr Pollnskl 343, Wllma Llnhart 299. H inland Market (3) June Moore 305. Marge Zeeb 403, Ruth Hanson 314, Oleona Dehui 318. Gertie Carr 403. Master Bread -) Vlda -Flood 425. Bon nie Melum 311, Shirley Studebaker 287, Gertie Cox 408. Charlotte Hughes 408. Memorial Hospital (Will bowl later.) Serr Ur Self Laundry (4) Lorene Han sen 357. Ella Scharf 397, Martha Feles Ruth Powell 354. Alma Penny 537. Ladd Bush Bank (0) Peggy Short 346, Jo Anne Voves 190, Theresa Agullar 276, Donna Greene 377, Pauline Osborne 387. High team ser es and same. Surv ur Self 2121 and 721. High Individual series and same, Alma Fenny (fierv Ur Self) 557 and ins. 49pr I np In RrnwrK Dante !. cuveund 47Cli LUjC IU UlUnilJ Browns enti makea a leap ln vain for one of Otto Graham's passes in the Browns-San Francisco 49ers game played at Cleveland, O. Len Eshmont of the 49ers attempts to break up the play. The Browns won, 21-7, giving them the AAC title. (Acme Telephoto) SCORES in the ALLEYS tCemalete Semite) University Alleys LADIES' OFFICE LEAGUE Capital City Laundry 3)-Tajiklnen 262, Kufner 439. Hopftnger 331, Settlemler 382, Mlchnud 383. Chuck's Steak House (0) Snyder 390. Curtis 349. Lewis 336, Ben nett 410, Roadermel 318. Mayflower Milk (21 Settlemler 356. A. Scharff 325. Craven 416, Plautu 354, Gard ner 392. Metropolitan Stores (1) Slick 385, Gregory 283, Jones 255, Ray 263, Dow 4 ID. Brown's Jewelers (2) Purrer 344, Hau gen 307. Relnke 309, Smith 383, Hougham 343. Curly'a Dairy (D Owens 386, Rath 426. Vlbbcrt 340. Carper 350. Oregon Statesman a Talmage 369. Kitzmlllor 330, Cordler 420. White 407, Bower 338. Western Paper (0) Purvis 308, Fleck 393, Sea mater 288, Anderson 300. Otto 312. Stop-Lite Coffee Shop (2 Locken 421. Marks 385. McWaln 432, Fredrlckson 326, Kunke 425. Top Hat (l Welch 365. Oould 380, Delaney 316, Hamilton 348, Cheney 413. High Individual game: Ken Dow, Met ropolitan Stores. 198. High Individual se ries: Leon ft Kufner, Capital City Laundry, 439. Hitch team game: Stop-Lite Coffee Shop 698. High team series: Stop-Lite Coffee Shop 1969. MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. 1 South Salem Pharmacy 3 R Jordan 473, Merrltt 434, Holt 479, Keckter 481, Hvatt S4. Htt .Street Market 0 Thompson 407. Prlmbs 338, Erler 345, Klelnke 43?. Hauser 528. Brown's Jewelers (2) Parker 395, E. Ha tin en 440, Nystrom 347, II. Hausen 419, V. Hfliwen 435. Are'i Barbers A Basin k er'i Market (I) Fish 407, Ashby 464, He- mann 332. Kemmell 371, cunning 4eo. Montgomery Ward ) Fleet 378, Gra ham 475, Causey 430, Cllne 432, Morris 520. Teamsters Union (1) B. Graham 4B0, B. Thles 500, Godklna 425, R. Thles 434, Pohl 3fi5. Doollttle's Service ) Dutoit 437, And Now They Have Soccer Bowl New York, Dec. 12 (IP) Did you know there's even going to be a "Soccer Bowl" game New Year's Day? ... It will be Penn State, representing the cast, and San Francisco from the west meeting in St. Louis . . . And Just to show the difference be tween this kind of football and the more popular "throwball," Billy Jeffrey, Penn Slate coach, plans to take only 14 players to St. Louis . . . "Why take a big squad?" Bill asks. "Only eleven men can play and barring an Injury, there'll be no substitu tions." . . . Further report on the proposal to shift the PourIi keepsie regetta is "there's noth ing wrong at Poiighkeepsie that an observation train can't over come." . . . For the absent mind ed championship of 194!) we nominate the guy in Louisiana who counlcrfeited a batch of Sugar Bowl tickets but left out two sections in the bowl dia gram on his pasteboards. Conference football title seven years in a row (war years don't count) . . . Southern football followers are getting a quiet chuckle about Wyoming emis saries combing the cancbrakes in Tennessee for talent . . . That's Wyoming Coach Bowden Wy alt's home state, you know . . . Yankee scout Tom Greenwade re calls tiiat when he was working for the Dodgers he signed Bob Morgan for $500 undor protest. He wasn't interested in the lad who became the International league's most valuable player but his good' prospects, Cal Mc lish and Al Jarvis, insisted on a package deal. Cuff Notes The Cotton Bowl folks arc accepting mail orders for pro- By HUGH FULLERTON, Jr. .grams from radio and televi sion fans . . . Pro golfers fig ure the recent realignment of prize lists for open tourna ments, adding as many as 15 winning places in $15,000 events, will encourage more young players to hit the tour nament trail . . . Happiest guy after the recent minor league draft was Keith Williams of the Vicksburg, Miss., club . . . When Rochester drafted Pitch er Joe Montalvo for $4,000, Keith exulted: "I just bought the fellow yesterday for $100." . . . Norm Shepard, Harvard basketball coach, handled the Chinese entry In the Far Eastern Olympics a few years ago. Likely he'll find things tougher down East than in the Far East. Quote, Unquote Clair Bee, Long Island V. basketball coach: "1 keep trying to persuade Herb Seller er (his tallest player) to try more shots, but be won't do It.. I think he must be saving them for the pros." Sportspourrl Freddie Hutchinson, who hails from Seattle, and Hoot Evcrs of Collinsvillc, 111., have taken up winter residence at Bradenton, Fla., where they'll have to drive only 70 miles to start spring training with the Detroit Tigers. . . . Coach Buck Starbcck's Iowa State Teachers think they have a record of some sort In winning or sharing the North Central There's Garden Gifts for Everyone WHITE'S TULIPS Special Price Ten Varieties 70c Doi. ROSE BUSHES I Are You 1950 AWARD WINNERS CL:: lI.ll 1 cai-istkano $o cr snipping nollyr Rich Rose Pink.. A.3U r r MISSION BELLS $0 CA Trea' ."i W,"h A0""01? ' Clear Shrimp Pink 2.50 vnvtnl leaf and bcrrv ai0'- oVaVgeRGSo,GdLD$2.50 2 cr,"ChBrigM$2.00 Bird Feeders tl p AND HOUSES T lOWer VUrrer For the Feathered Friends Holder $..50to$5.00 Makes an Ideal $ ft c ,-, we.M too, 2.95 Camellias Gladiolus Bulbs Heavy Budded Plants GIFT WRAPPED Fifteen Varieties Dieppe - Salmon Red 25 Leading Lady - Cream White UP Miss Wisconsin Lavender , , , , , Pandora . Senium Pink Poddy-O-Hdr Valeria - Light Scarlet A Gift for the Young Spotlight . Yellow or Old $111 60c to $1.00 doien for only I.UU D. A. White & Sons 265 Stat. W Deliver Phone 2-2478 Keene 436, Burton 411, Wllken 434, Poole 453. State 14th (1) Colfman 406. Croasler 424, Cox 413, Wwtphal 364, Mey ers 377. Hlzh individual same, Morris of Mont gomery Ward 200. High Individual aerlea. Morris of Montgomery Ward 529. High team same, Teamsters union 2340, Capital Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Master Bread 2) Mattson 499, Prlem 507, coomier 477, m, roweii 4B7. Farmer 574. Senator Radio A Photo (1) Cady 508, Dunua 499, wnuoy Sao, Brant 472, Henaerson ohs. Nicholson's Insurance (2) Gannon 449, Wilton 480. Gardner 570. Brown 512, Mc Cluskey S92. Starr Foods (1) Scales 539. Lenvren 495, B. Powell 528, Arehart 487, Allen 472. Stettler Supply (8 Kitzmiller 551, P. Htetticr 522. C. stettler 464. Hendrle 469. W. Valdez 536. Walton Brown (0) Perry 504, singer 511, AKlerln 418, Sllke 473, Riches 431. Knlihts of Columbus (t) Link 484, Al- brlch 531. BickJer 447. M. Miller 404. Miller 560. Goldle'a or Sllverton (I) Frank 429, Howell 494, Spencer 469, Herr ieri u on djv. Orval's Used Cars (3 Lama 508. Mc Clary 563. Oabel 618, Ross 538, Boyce 628, Marlon Creamery (0) Oarbarlno 571. Pe- kar 536, Davenport 414, Kenyon 501, Kins 517. High Individual tame, Chet Boyce of Orval's 256. High individual series, Chet Hoyce or orval's B2B. High team came, Senator Radio 4c Photo 1058. High team series, orvarj used Cars 2976, Duckpin Bowling SALEM VS. ABERDEEN (Played at Aberdeen.) (Ladles) - Salem Scr Ur Self Laundry EUa Mae Scharf 662, Lorene Hansen 508, Martha FeJes 741, Lucy Allen 504, Alma Penny 759. Aberdeen The Mint) Barbara Huff 7oe. Vinson 037, Richards 538, Holland 560, VUlasky 602. Salem won by 111 pins. (Ladles). Salem (Ran die Oil) Gladys Ansel 616, Mary Ansel 621, Oladys Wood 715, Pat Davis 579, Dee Oauthler 754. Aberdeen (Central Drut) Sanders 619, Manners Pasadena Defeats Pioneers, 65-57 Portland, Ore., Dec. 13 U.R Pasadena college closed with a basket rush last night to defeat Lewis and Clark college, 65 to 57 in their basketball encoun ter. Pacadena was In front 37 27 at halftime but was forced to come from behind in the last six minutes after trailing by a single point. VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE At Your Service! FOR YOUR . . . & Storage v0 Hauling f Fuel . . . NEEDS DIAL 3 3131 OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N. Liberty "OCR REPUTATION IS YOUR SEOURITT" J Give a LIVING Gift This Christmas 1 Give a Gift Certificate 1 1 F. A. Doerfler Cr Sons Nursery I DIAL 2-1322 150 N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners. t':!:-;-: ! ii.n.n-i ;n ii.:n i';n: ii'i'.'ii :Hi.:i!i.ii.:n.Li.;:i :.u : ii-iii: :!!i;:'ii.r!i;-!ii'in n;;,:;:1!:::;: ; imi MiMi:!;;-:: 1 M Pl&SEHM 9 with a REMINGTON -tie Shsver more menprqfe. 1 . .Kt to t"i kl' 1 i iso,"ri9.5ov- i I Here's a Christmas Gift to end all his shaving troubles! He'll know what HappyJ Shaving really means when; he finds how comfortable... i how convenient it is to get' clean, smooth, fast shaves with no nicks or cuts, no fuss ' or bother. Come in today and let us' show you the new Rem ington Contour 6 Electric Shaver ... the world's finest for shaving comfort and efficiency. When you see the Con tour 6 you'll know why it's the Shaver more men prefer . . ; why this gift will make him happy on Christmas morning . . . and every morning all year long. Capital Drug Store Stat, and Liberty "On the Corner" Featured at the Peak of the Overcoat Season At this New Low Price- in Natural Brown, Powder Blue Shades. Sizes 35 to 44 Regulars, Shorts Longs ' . I ""J", ." . t t J . . E N E T I A N C O E R T S. YOU'LL SEARCH HIGH AND LOW TO COME ANY WHERE NEAR THESE NEW PENNEY TOPCOATS! It sounds like Penney's Is boasting, but frankly here's why we're to enthusiastic over this Topcoat. THE VENETIAN COVERT IS CLOSELY WOVEN 100 VIRGIN WOOL, with erav enetted finish (long-life wa ter repellant treatment) to resist showers. You'll prefer the full - chested, broad shoudlered cut of this simple breasted style. See it at Penney's and remember, THE NEW, LOW PRICE FOR THIS IS JUST $25.00. ft vt i J 7 VALUE t f MAIN FLOOR at Penney's tic