MMMBMMKflBMMIMHMIHiailllllllHIII & New School Completed Here is the new Mari-Linn school at Lyons, erected at a cost of $75,000 and which is being given the finishing touches. It will be available when school re sumes after the holiday period. (Courtesy Stayton Mail) New School Nearly Ready for Lyons Area Children Final touches are being given the Mari-Linn consolidated grade school at the north city limits of Lyons and on highway No. 222. Cost of the new building is $75,000 with classes to be offered children from Lyons, Jordan, Fox Valley, Twin Cedars, McCully Mountain and Oakdale. The building is "L-shaped"" and 169 by 142 feet, of fireproof pumice blocks with a concrete floor covered with asphalt tile. Non-glaring fluorescent light fixtures have been installed with prismatic glass used in the top of all classroom windows. Each classroom is painted a different color with air condi tioning provided for summer. An automatic forced air heating plant is installed with sound proof accoustic tile on the ceil ings. The school board plans to make use of the gymnasium from the present school and will be moved to a site at the rear of the new school grounds. Members of the school board for district 29J are Vernon James, George Nydigger and Paul Johnston with Alice Huber clerk. Mrs. Leora Stevens, eighth grade teacher, will be the prin cipal with Mrs. Hazel Wirth, seventh grade; Thomas Putnam, sixth grade; Mrs. Elsie Lafky, fifth grade; Mrs. Roscoe Poole, fourth grade; Mrs. Elva Kuiken, third grade; Mrs. Kay Shillings, second grade and Mrs. Smith, first grade. during the past week. The Browns are by no .means new to the Willamette valley. Both were born and raised in Salem. Mrs. Brown is a daugh ter of the locally appreciated columnist of the Capital Jour nal, Don Upjohn, and Mrs. Up john. Attorney Brown's parents came to the Oregon countryl more than 50 years ago, settling near Salem, .operating a prune orchard for many years, later moving into Salem proper, where the father was in the au tomobile business. , An older brother of Attorney Brown, Lawrence N. Brown, a lawyer, began practice here 12 years ago, later moving to Sa lem and is still in the legal pro-' fession there. Old Neighbors Visit Silverton Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay McCall and Mrs. Ed Holden drove to Independence to visit with former neighbors in the middle west who have made In dependence their residence for many years, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wade, an) Mrs. Wade's sister, Miss Juliet Floody of Long Beach, Calif. Census Bureau Yields to Blast Washington, Dec. 13 W) If you don't want to tell the cen sus taker who may be your neighbor how much you earn, the census bureau probably will arrange for you to mail the in formation directly to Washing ton. Bureau officials said so after 23 Republican house members banded together to loose a blast at the bureau's 1950 question- nairie. Along with such ques tions as those on age and resi dence, etc., it would ask every fifth person over 14 yeara old questions about his income. "The bureau says the answers! would be confidential, not even open to the tax collector or the FBI. But the congressmen opposing the questions issued a joint statement in which they said: "The Tuman administration is perpetrating an outrageous dis crimination against small - in come people in the 1950 census, "If a person earns more than $10,000, all he has to do is say so, without giving the amount, and the census taker is to be satisfied. "But for all people earning under $10,000, the questionnaire stands as written, , . . This is raw injustice." A bureau spokesman told reporter that a similar question Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 194913 was asked in 1940 of wage earn ers making less than $5,000 a year. Only a very few refused to answer, he said. And they were permitted to mail their answers to the bureau. Rep. Brown (R., Ohio) has charged that the income in quiries are unlawful. He has demanded of Philip M. Hauser, director of the census, that he cite "legal authority" for the questions. Hauser has not answered. Other bureau officials said that a census law passed in 1929 by a Republican congress leaves the form of the questionnaire up to the secretary of commerce. Sewing Club Meets Monmouth The 4-H club sewing group of Suver met at the home of Mrs. Andrew Falk for their regular meeting. Those in the group include Geraldine Allen, Marie, Flora Ann and Ethel Mae Bates, Joan and Jean ette Foster and Wilma Falk. CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE JORY PACKING CO. 945 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4590 Salem, On. The U.S. bureau of reclama tion estimates western American rivers could generate as much electricity in a year as 800,000, 000 barrels of petroleum burned in steam plants. Browns Greeted At Silverton Silverton Among the young er folk being received profes sionally and socially in Silver- ton are Attorney Kenneth Brown and Mrs. Brown, the former Donna Upjohn of Salem, now having taken up their resi dence at 504 West Main street. Attorney Brown has his offices in the Olsen Pharmacy building corner of Water and Main streets. Attorney Brown was born in Salem. Attended the Salem pub lic schools, entering Willamette university before the last world war and going into military ser vice in July, 1943, serving in the European theater of activities from September, 1944, through March, 1946, in the 55th Ar mored Infantry Battallion, 11th Armored Division, attached to Fatton's Third Army. After leaving the military ser vice, Attorney Brown re-entered Willamette university, receiving his degree in law, passing the state bar examination in June, 1949, and decided to .begin his practicing in Silverton during October, this year. The family located here as soon as a suitable home could be found, arriving UNPAINTED FURNITURE for a Practical and Merry Christmas Built Like Regular Furniture Modern Designs Easy to Finish Large Selection CHESTS WARDROBES DESKS CHAIRS TABLES BOOKCASES MR. AND MRS. CHESTS , STOOLS GUN CABINETS CHILD'S TABLES CHILD'S CHAIRS NITE STANDS MAGAZINE RACKS VANITIES CORNER CUPBOARDS R.P.W00DR0W CO. GL WARD, prop. enrol ctkect 0RBG0N 247M'lMl Safeway's coffee service is tailored to fit your individual taste . . . and budget Whether you like your coffee, rich and full-bodied, or mild and mellow, or in between, you'll find a blend to" suit your taste. There's vacuum-packed coffee if you prefer it, or coffee ground to order when you buy. Prices are low on each blend and kind, with a wide range of prices to choose from. In this selection at Safeway you are sure to find coffee as you like it. Nob Hill Coffee Rich Whole-Bean 2-LB. PKG. 62' - I23 Airway Coffee Mild, Mellow Whole-Bean 2-LB. PKG. 59' -1" Edwards Coffee A Luxury Blend 1 it, Vacuum Packed X LU. lclll 67c Other Famous Brand Vacuum Packed -COFFEES- Hills - Folgers M.J.B. - Maxwell Chase & Sanborn !-ib. 69c i n 49 WHATEVER kind of coffee you select at Safeway you can be sure it's at peak flavor. Fre quent deliveries, rapid sales, mean it's fresh when you buy.1 Check These Money Savers! NUCOA Margarine nb.Pkg PREM Swift Canned Meat 12oz.can 3 3 Jell-Well Gelatins or Puddings 5c Pink SALMON Prince TALL Leo CANS 39 White Star Tuna H 35 Shredded Wheat 2T 29 Choice Raisins Seedless 4-LB. PKG. 39. Glazed Fruit Mix 45 Dromedary Dates 25 Shortening CRISCO, SPRY or SNOWDRIFT 75 .1.1 R m mm. m CANS M IL Beet Sugar 1 0 lb. tack 87. Candies ULTRA FINE HARD CANDY M f lit v jRwrj or ui. jl mmm mmmmmw 25 Powdered Sugar 1 10 Brown Sugar 1 LB. PKG. 10 Pooch Dog Food 3 -19 ORAM asm Selected by experts in the growing areas, rushed to Safeway to reach you at peak of goodness Florida Thin Skinned Juicers lb. g Lettuce Si'S 12c Local reen. .lb. 3C Cabbage & Cauliflower ib. 8c Potatoes tJot .55c Squash Variety Ib. 3c Squash Hubbard Ib. JC Dry Onions 2ib,.15c Celery iSS .b. 8c These prices effective Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Dec. 13-14-15 Salem, Silverton, Dallas Safeway Stores 1 A . 1 1 - More tender meat . . . pound lor pouna . . . Decaum Safeway meats are trimmed to save you money JST GROUND BEEF SSL , 29c BACON JOWLS ;ru , 25c WIENERS 39c BOLOGNA 55- , 39c Veal Shoulder ROAST PICNICS Medium weights, short shanks, sugar-cured. Nationally advertised brands. 35c Pound 33c Ib.