Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Packets on Parade Four twin-engined, 64,000-pound Fair
child C-119 Packets fly over the plant at Hagerstown, Md.,
before moving to Air Force bases for cargo-transport use.
'Teen-Age Driver Education
Rated Remedy for Auto Toll
Washington, Dec. IS W) Safety experts rate 'teen-age driver
education as the No. 1 remedy for the nation's appalling toll
of auto accidents some 32,000 persons killed and 1,200,000 in
jured annually.
Norman Damon, vice president of the automotive safety founda
tion, regards the high school
driver training program as "the
most Important single hope for
better driver performance."
Damon says "there has been
more postwar progress in school
driver training than in any oth
er field of traffic accident prevention."
Lou E. Holland, president of
the American Automobile as
sociation, says "extension of
driver training to every high
school in America would go far
toward solving the automobile
safety problem."
Holland cites a survey in Del
aware showing that untrained
drivers were involved in about
five times as many accidents as
school-trained drivers.
Some 400,000 students in
- s 8,000 public high schools partl
" tx "' ted in driver education dur
ing Vh 1948-49 school year, ac
cording to reports to the Nation
al Education association. A num
ber of parochial high schools al
so have driver instruction cours-
Driver Instruction started In
the public schools in the early
1930's and has been expanding
steadily.,; However," it reaches
only about i0 to 15 per cent of
the boys and girls of an age for
such training.
There are about 26,000 high
schools in this country. The
number of high schools offering
complete driver education cour
ses recently ranged from IS in
Maine to 600 in Illinois. Prac
tice automobiles used in high
schools throughout the country
numbered more than 3,100, most
of them lent to the schools by
automobile dealers.
Systematic instruction of
young people is rated the most
promising attack on the auto ac
cident problem for two reasons:
1. The very large percentage
of young drivers who are involv
ed in fatal accidents.
2. Education of the annual
crop of would be auto operators
promises widespread increase in
accident avoidance in the years
to come.
Accident reports from 28
states in 1B4B showed that 31
per eent, or nearly one In every
How To
was in despair when I began to
lose my hearing. Then one day in
just 30 seconds 1 discovered how
to hear again. Thanks to the new
Beltone Phantomold, there's NO
how you, too, can hear again. Come
In, phone or write for FREE booklet
that tells aU the facts.
James N. Taft
228 Oregon Bldr.
Salem, Oregon
three, of the drivers involved in
all fatal accidents were under 25
years of age. One-fourth of all
auto injuries occur in the driver
age bracket of 15 to 24 years.
Educators recommend that the
minimum total time for a com
plete program in driver educa
tion should be from 45 to 60
hours. This would include a min
imum of 30 hours of classroom
instruction and an average min
imum time 8f six hours per stu
dent behind the wheel.
Illinois Gov's. Wife
Gets Reno Divorce
Las Vegas, Nev., Dec. 13 U.
The wife of Gov. Adlai Steven
son of Illinois went into court
Monday with a weary expression
and a charge of mental cruelty
and came out 10 minutes later
with a divorce.
Mrs. Ellen Borden Stevenson,
Chicago socialite, did not detail
her charge the usual one In Ne
vada against the governor she
married 21 years ago. i
An agreement providing for a
property settlement and custody
of three children was entered in
the record, but its terms were
kept secret.
Nevada, Michigan
Top Expense States
Lansing, Mich., Dec. 13 (U.R)
The state governments of Ne -
vada and Michigan are the na
tion's most expensive on a per
capita basis, the Detroit bureau
of governmental research re
ported today.
A study of census bureau stat
istics, the Detroit agency said,
fixed Nevada's cost at $113.92
per person per year and Michi
gan's at $108.47 during 1948.
New Jersey's was only $14.18.
New Mexico ranked third
highest with $105.11 and Wash
ington fourth at $101.45.
yS C a w If:
mrm ' J"P fl I -Tfc 1 M-W SUPREME 40-IN. 1
Wow fJ- electric range i
Xffa $1) ill 8 ? AO95 I
One of SALEM'S
LARGEST Gift Displays
Driver Courses
Not Taught Here
Although Salem high school
does not conduct a course in
automobile driver instruction as
a complete unit, pupils do learn
the importance of safety from
various angles.
Boys who are taking shop
courses in which the repair of
motor vehicles is a part of the
instruction, are kept informed
as to the necessity of keeping
automobiles and trucks in the
best of mechanical condition.
Machines that have good
brakes, clear windshields and in
other ways are in good shape
are less likely to become in
volved in accidents, the pupils
are told.
Then in the course of "Ameri
can Problems" as taught by Mrs.
Pauline Cohen, the subject of in
surance is brought up. In this
connection the state department
of insurance has shown films
dealing with the advisability of
carrying insurance on motor ve
hicles. Classes in first aid deal with
the care to be given persons who
have been injured as the result
of automobile accidents.
A few years ago the high
school joined in a program of
1983 No. Capitol St.
fTl ALodge Ring fSggl J H vS I 1 If 1
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I fyisl i '1 ' I M"W DELUXE 40-IN. 1
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W c, , .... ,,,, I S ' ' H ' isSS - All the above extra features ... plus M-W's famous .',
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fi ; 1 I V'" ' an wP II 3 to (SO min. Fluorescent lamp, signal lights to show fcj
I i 1 f rtffl, i JL1 when heat is "on." Above Coupon Book' included.
U-Y ear-Old Wolf Had so Many
Girls Can't Recall Their Names
(United Prtw Hollywood Correspond nt)
Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 13 (U.R) Movie colony romeos could
take a few lessons from Bobby Driscol, a 12-year-old wolf who's
just discovered girls. The way he
sissies out of the big boys.
This Driscoll guy is a fast worker. He has, he 11 tell you without
blush, had so many girls
the past few months he can't re
member "half their names."
Errol Flynns not the only
Errol Flynn's not ' the only
finds romance. Bobby went to
England to make "Treaure Is
land" for Walt Disney and cut
pretty wide swath with the
lollipop-set himself.
'I had lots of girls here when
I left," he said. "But one was
my favorite. She wrote me too
many letters, though.
'It takes me a long time to
write a letter. About an hour
and a half I guess, The minute
she got it she'd answer right
'And there I was owing an
other letter right away. So I
just dropped her. There was a
pretty girl there in London,
anyway. Besides, she was
driver instruction but it was
abandoned because the one car
that was available was not nearly
sufficient to meet the demand.
1 n ii n iip
provides big hrft output at low cast I
for residences, schooll, giMgn, hills, . .,'-',, WW. " ' fSy2 V ''
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H. C Little oil burner ... lutonuric '.,',.. ' mJ 1
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w2rmm VSJjr L Y
tZ,A9A r 1 1 "uACEOFOtE , ,o yoo. " I
9 PLUMBING-HEATING f . jfr jfr If ,. .,e(J ,ime 1 9 ur chos 0 .fU in 0,.f'
loves 'em and leaves 'em make
Bobby came home from Lon
don a week or so ago. And is
he being true to his English
sweetie? He is like fun. He's
ilready found a new cutie for
this month. And it isn't one of
the girls he left behind, either.
She's 11-year-old Kathy Beau
mont, also under contract to
Walt Disney. And that makes
things real cozy.
I'd never met her," Bobby
said. "But I heard about her
And when I got home I had some
of the boys introduce me. She's
a blonde. She came over here
from London a few years ago
and she has a British accent-.
Romeo" Driscoll brought her
around ar.d, for the record, there
is nothing wrong with his 12
year-old eyesight. This Kathy
is a oeauty with honey-colored
curls and big blue eyes.
n i mm. u
R j--i) Lliajl m 'in )(
iv.v, : UVWlt WN'.KAN0t3.QyfeK OU UP
Beginning Fri., Dec.
For fun, they said, they play
Canasta. And if you think that's
too grown-up for the younger
generation that just shows how
much you know. This is the age
of the "jet set."
"I've even smoked," Bobby
says. "Cornsilk cigarettes. They
made me sicker'n a dog. Never
He sneaked a little beer and
gin, too. With the same results.
Now he's sticking to ice cream
"Smoking!' says Kathy with a
lady-like sneer. "I think it's
silly. All you do is breathe in
and breathe out. What fun is
Typhoon Lashes at
Northern Luzon
Manila, Dec. 13 (U.R) A ty
phoon .with 75 mile an hour
winds at the center lashed north
ern Luzon In the Philippines
Monday and It was feared more
than a half a dozen provinces
would suffer extensive damage.
The weather bureau reported
that the typhoon was 55 miles
south of Tuguegarao in north
eastern Luzon at 8 a.m. Monday
local time (3 p.m. Sunday PST).
The typhoon is expected to
.bring floods to low areas
'northern and' central Luzon.
flT biflftlfllPf ,N TERMS DELIVERS ANT M-W
D iiUUUlVl RANGE UP TO $200! JUST $10
16 through Fri., Dec.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oreenn, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 194911
Most Eligible
Bachelors Picked
Hollywood, Dec. 13 (U.R)
Crooner Vic Damone's "boyish
quality that makes you want to
mother him" today made him
America's most eligible bachelor
in the eyes of 1,716 models.
Other eligible single men on
the American models congress'
list were movie producer How
ard Hughes "because he has un
told millions;" baseball star Joe
DiMaggio "Because he seldom
strikes out;" actor Howard Duff
"because he's ruggedly mascu
(Colored Concrete Flagstone)
Practical, economical and really different combines the
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For stepping stones, single or double walks and patios.
Your choice of colors. Saves installation cost, no building
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pare costs!
Oregon Concrete Flagstone Co.
Route 3, Salem
Clear-view Oven Window
Electric Oven Light
Chromium Lamp and trim
You'll find all the features of the Deluxe model In
the Supreme, In addition to the obove specialties.
There's also a large warming compartment, Individual
signal lights, and extra Deep-Well Cooker accessories,
consisting of twin aluminum pons and wire basket for
deep fat frying. Buy now to gel Coupon Book tool
23rd, Wards will
line;" and FBI chief J. Edgar
Hoover "because if he can pro
tect a country, he can protect
a woman."
The models also picked actor
Montgomery Clift "because he's
hard-to-get;" Cary Grant "be
cause he's so handsome;" author
John Steinbeck "because his in
tellect is an inspiration;" steam
ship magnate Ed Luckenbaeh
"because he has only a few less
million than Hughes," and foot
ball star Glenn Davis "because
he's the Ail-American boy."
A raindrop an eighth of an
inch in diameter contains as
much water as several millions
of the droplets that form the
average cloud.
Phone 3-1398
be Open 'till 9 P.M.