Former Salem Resident Wed Announcement has been made ol the marriage of Mrs. Dorothy Jf. Armstrong of San Francisco 'l George E. Manning, Jr., Port- land, formerly of Salem. ine couple are ai jiume in Portland, Mr.. Manning being the assistant manager of the Mor rison street Fred Meyer store He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George . Manning of Salem. The bride is the daughter of Dirk Konig of San Francisco. Clayton-Magarrell Lebanon At a candlelight ceremony Friday night, Decem ber 2, Miss Donna Magarrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Magarrell of the Shellburn com munity, was wed to Eldon L. Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Clayton of West Scio. Rev. Glenn Harmon of Albany of ficiated. The wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Glenn O. Clayton of West Scio, the bride groom's uncle and aunt. Given in marriage by her brother, George Magarrell, .the bride wore a white satin dress with fingertip veil and carried a white Bible topped with white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid, Miss Patricia Parker of Jordan, wore a pink taffeta gown and carried pale pink chrysanthemums. Best man was Walter Fetter of Lacomb. The newlyweds received guests in the dining room, deco rated for the occasion with banks of pink chrysanthemums. After their wedding trip Mr, and Mrs. Clayton will live at Shellburn. WILLAMINA Mrs. Jim Rey nolds, who was married Novem ber 25, was honored with a bri dal shower given by Mrs. James D. Monaco. Attending were Miss Bonnie Severson, Mrs. Bennie Severson, Mrs. Don Drill, Mrs. Paul Mullins, Mrs. Cliff Duval, Mrs. Jim Shipley, Mrs. Bernice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Delicious Rice Salmon Loaf Ewell, Miss Ailine Holstad, Miss Bonnie Myers, Miss Joyce Thom ason, Miss Irene Heirman, Mrs. Gordon Mendenhall, Mrs. James Monaco, Sr., Mrs.. Bob Boundy the honored guest and the hos tess. Refreshments were served and games were played. Christmas Party Stayton The annual Christ mas party of the Stayton's Wom an's club will be held Wednes day, December 14, at 2 p.m. in the club house for the benefit of the Children's Farm home at Corvallis. Everyone is invited to attend and bring a gift suit able for a child between the ages of five and 17 years. It is hoped the affair will be well attended. Colored motion pictures will be shown of the children and their activities at the farm home by William B. Schnebly, super intendent. Mr. Schnebly will take the gifts back to Corvallis with him. . Holiday decorations was the subject of a district meeting at the club house Friday when Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion county home demonstration agent, and Miss Betty Ann Boetticher, home demonstration agent at large from Oregon State college, dem onstrated the making of wreaths, door swags and table decora tions. WOODBURN Mrs. Gene veive McCutcheon of Portland, delegate to the supreme conven tion of the PEO Sisterhood in Chicago in September, was a guest of Chapter J of Woodburn at the December meeting, held at the home of Mrs. H. F. But terfield. Mrs. McCutcheon gave an interesting report of the con vention. Mrs. Clair Nibler read the Christmas story. Plans were made for the an nual Christmas party and BIL dinner to be held Friday, De cember 16, at the Episcopal par ish hall. Mrs. Jess Fikan is chairman of the BIL committee and Mrs. N. F. Taylor heads the entertainment committee. Mrs. E. J. Allen 'assisted the hostess in serving refreshments after the meeting. Fish Dish Supreme Delicious rice salmon loaf. Here's a delicious main-dish that's sure to be one of the fam ily favorites. It combines popu lar salmon, rice and tasty sea sonings into a luscious baked loaf that's quick and easy to make. It's a real budget-saver, too! Ingredients: 1 cup cooked rice Vt cup buttered bread crumbs 2 eggs, beaten Vz teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon celery salt Vs teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento 4 cups flaked canned salmon Combine ingredients in the order listed and place in a but tered loaf pan or ring mold Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for 30 or 40 minutes. Turn onto a serving platter. Serve loaf with buttered peas 'Voice's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLS GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Yule Gifts From the Kitchen Yule Cookies Easy-to-make Christmas gilts. and carrots, or, if ring mold Is used, fill the center with this complementary vegetable mix ture. Garnish with radishes, pickles and lemon slices. Serve with cream sauce or lemon sauce. AP Newafeature. ' Nothing's sweeter to tuck into Christmas packages than a little jar of homemade jelly or a box of cookies. Make a batch early, wrap the containers attractively. You'll be mighty glad to have these holiday packages . ready well in advance. Orange Spearmint Jelly Ingredient 2'k cups orange juice, 6 cups sugar, green color ing, 14 bottle fruit pectin, Vi to l'k teaspoons spearmint extract. Method To prepare the orange juice, grate rina ana squeeze the juice from 6 medium sized oranges. Add the juice to the rind and let stand about 10 minutes. Press juice through small cloth. Measure 2 cups into a very large saucepan. To make the jelly, add the sugar to the juice in the saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and, while mixture is coming to a boil, add green coloring to give desired shade. As soon as mix ture boils, stir in bottle fruit pec tin. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim. Add flavor ing and pour quickly into glass es. Paraffin at once. Makes about 8 .six-ounce glasses. For some of your other gifts, how about cookbooks? I find there's always one that's "jusl right" for a particular friend. Cookbook formats are so attrac tive these days they're most ap propriate for Christmas. If there are men on your list who like to cook you might consider one oi the following books all by men! Gay as can be in its magenta black and silver binding, "Rec tor's Naughty '90s Cook Book" by Alexander Kirkland (Double day and Company, New York) might be just the right choice for a friend who's particularly in terested in the Victorian era. Here are recipes culled from Mr. Rector's files as well as amusing Victorian memorabilia, "The Unprejudiced Palate," by Angelo Pellegrini (Macmil lan, New York) is a recent book about cookery from which a lot off men will get a great lift. Written by an English literature teacher at the University of Washington it's interesting, has an original point of view, and some fine recipes. On Cookbooks "Food Is a Four Letter Word". by Eliot Elisofon (Rinehart, New York) is a new cook book by a well known photographer who writes beguilingly about food. As Gypsy Rose Lee says in her foreword, Mr. Elisofon is a strictly "meat-and-potatoes guy1 who got switched over to the gourmet side. What I particular ly like about this book is that the author makes good cooking seem so easy. It's partly the casual way he writes, but maybe more his excellent taste in choos ing dishes that do not take too much preparation but are fine in flavor. Then, for a cookbook collector, there's the recently published Delights for Ladies by Sir Hugh Plat, reprinted from the original 1609 text with an introduction by G. E. and K. R Fussell (Transatlantic Arts, New York). This is one of the earliest cookery and household recipe books. SUBLIMITY Mrs. Martha Glover was hostess for the Sub limity Women's club Thursday afternoon. Following the busi ness meeting, 500 was played and refreshments were served Mrs. Emma Doerfler held high score, and Mrs. Gertrude Kintz low score. Members preseit were Mrs. Aurelia Podrabsky, Mrs. Katherine Toepfer. Mrs. Ida Steffes, Mrs. Emma Doer fler, Mrs. Rose Becker, Mrs. Hannah Hetschel, Mrs. Grace Ditter, Mrs. Catherine Butler, Mrs. Margaret Halfman, Mrs. Rose Susbauer, Mrs. Frances Hartman and the hostess, Mrs. Miss Moen Wed Recently at Monitor Woodburn A bride of No vember 6 was Miss Elsie Pauline Moen, whose marriage to Homer Daniel Walters of Salem was solemnized at the Nidaros Lu theran church at Monitor at 2 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moen of Salem, formerly of Monitor; and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters of Salem. The bride wore a wedding gown of white slipper satin with lace yoke and sleeves and full length train and veil. She car ried a bouquet of red roses with white satin background. Maid of honor was Miss Ruth- ann Morgan of Salem who was gowned in blue organdy and car ried pink roses with matching background of satin. Brides maids were the twin sisters of the bride. Misses Jean and Janet Moen. They wore identical frocks of yellow and white dot- led swiss and carried yellow roses with a background ot green. Best man for Mr. Wal ters was Eddie Wittenberg of Salem. Trainbearers were Vick ie Gentry of Dallas and Nancy Simmons of Monitor. Garry Gentry of Dallas carried the ring. A reception in the church hall followed the ceremony. Aunts of the bride, Mrs. Herman Moen of Portland, cut the wedding cake, Mrs. Henry Moen of Moni tor served punch and Mrs. Ray mond Simmons of Monitor pre sided at the coffee urn. The couple are at home in Salem. i"'""""" i Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 19499 A Hearty Dish "Tuna Olive Macaroni" is a glorified version of that old time favorite macaroni and cheese. Flaked tuna gives it a hearty robust quality. Pimiento- stuffed green olives add a bright color note and piquant touch that only olives have. Tuna Olive Macaroni 1 cup macaroni h cup minced celery 1 tablespoon minced onion Vi cup butter or margarine cup flour 2 cups milk 1 bay leaf M teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper Vi cup pimicnto-stuffed green olives 1 (6-ounce) can tuna i cup grated cheese Cook macaroni in boiling salt ed water until tender. Drain. Cook celery and onion in but ter slowly for 5 minutes. Blend in flour and stir in milk, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Cook and stir until mixture boils. Remove bay leaf. Blend sliced olives, macaroni and flaked tuna. Pour into 1V4 -quart casserole and top with cheese. Bake in moderate over (350 degrees F.) 15 to 20 minutes until cheese is melted. Serves 5 to 6. CHAPMAN HOME FREEZERS Made in Portland At Oregon's Lowest Prices Installed tn Your Home 5 Years' Guarantee Against Defects 14 CU. Freezer Rinse starchy foods such as rice off dish surfaces while foods are still soft and moist, to save dishwashing time. Martha Glover. The next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Catherine Butler. $$ MONEY $$ FHA 114 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 M 222 . J 1 ROOFING Now is the time to order that new root before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obtigatlon. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 1 Gutters . . . Downspouts '. Installation Service Available v FREE ESTIMATES J PLUMBING-HEATING A $1000 Can Be Yours! If you'll make up your mind to save a fixed amount regularly with us, you'll have $1000 sooner than you'd expect! Our liberal earnings add substantially to your account twice yearly. Earnings are figured on the entire balance not just part Stop wishing . . . start savins for $1000 today. MAXIMUM SAFETY SAVE ANY AMOUNT STEADY PROFITS jSAlEM FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN .0 State Stf t.. Sal.m, Of gon M4t'lt,24 i.'' 45c com w NALLEY'S Spaghetti meat 2 NALLEY'S 44 with Tomato O Mm M V Spaghetti t uce, Cheese Jm cans . Serve the above two fine Nalley products for a quick lunch during your busy shopping days. Also get your beautiful ivy planter! NALLEY'S DELICIOUS HOME FLAVORED CHILI CON CARNE Z "l GET YOUII AT BERGS by STANDARD No need to go "around in circles"! Discover where fine cleaning is done the most inexpensive way! Bring your clothes to Standard Cleaners for tovings, smart ness and special personal ized servicesl Pick up and delivery. We Give S & H Green Stamps Standard Cleaners and Dyers 'For Better Appearance' 362 North Commercial r U i8cU II . I'im Freeze II 9 I t Jl 27 cu. II Freeze Ph. r$290 ,$345 J $390 r$495 S'-J cu. ft. Polaris Re frigerator $219, in stalled in your home. Sold Exclusively in Salem by Elmer's Venetian Blinds and Shades 3-7328 1453 Ruge St. WHILE A' -m&r s, LIMITED FEW SFJ J i j Capitol Office Equipment Co. r ' 531 COURT DIAL 3-5584 ) pi STARTS MONDAY! mm BUS m vice. TO SIAIftS Leaves the corner of Court and Commercial every half hour from 10:15 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. Pickups will be made at all regular Bus Stops on the following route The bus route will be north on Commercial to Chemeketa then east on Chemeketa to Church, north on Church to Center then east on Center to Capitol and north on Capitol to SE ARS -FREE RETURN BUS- SHOP 'TIL 9 P.M. MONDAY AND FRIDAY PAY CHECKS GLADLY CASHED Visit. Santa and Happy Time Toy Town Monday 3 to 9 - Friday 3 to 9 Saturday All Day 550 N. Capitol Phone 3-9191