Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 1949 7 s I There' A "irt I win J stag- w Coming! msi; I A If I 7 p' '. I pp" if tpIH I.. fl if w - A Four Floors Of Fine Gifls! Santa himself couldn't have done better! For smart ac cessory gifts are the gifts she wants (and needs) to find be neath the tree! Glittering bracelets, pins and earrings . . . fashion-exciting chock ers. Handsome handbags to blend-to-perfection with her every ensemble. Chic um brellas to add gayety to a cloud-filled day. Belts . . . kerchiefs . . . gloves and many more necessities! Come in early be assured of the right accessory gift for the girl of your choice. Priced to please a strained Christmas giving budget! THE GREATEST SHOWER IN TOWN Every year Miller's have a great handkerchief thower! International showers we should say, because hankies from all over the world are here in profusion! Handmade dainty ones from France, Belgium and Switzerland, Ireland, China and Portugal. Extra fine sheers from our own America. You'll enjoy shopping for these . . . and whether it be a lacy, sheer linen or a tailored with hand rolled hem, you will find it at Miller's. All smartly Christmas gift wrapped! GLOVES, BAGS, SCARFS UMBRELLAS, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, ETC. There are a number of reasons why you should shop Miller's accessories for gifts. The quality is beyond comparison . . . so is the price. You will find well known brands that are familiar to her ... and that spells success in gift giving, whether it's a car or a pair of nylons. sax 11 it 111 $ W iiiiiiiiiiifcMiMaajrti'' WW j