1 .T. Kk;- 1 pi Cave-in Victim Rescue workers pull the body of John Cipriani, 30, Monterey, Calif., laborer, to the surface from cave-in where he was killed while working on a sewer construction job at Carmel, Calif. A second man, Carl D. Simon, 25, of Monterey, was also in the cave-in but rescue workers reached him in time to save his life. (AP Wirephoto) Death Caused By Drowning Bernard R. McFarland, 36, of 960 Evans, died from drowning after he had been thrown from his automobile and an inquest will not be held, according to investigation over the week-end by Leston W. Howell, county coroner. ., McFarland, found by L. C. Mason, Route 4, on his property a mile west of the Witzel school Saturday afternoon, is believed to have died Thursday night or early Friday morning. He was last seen at Aumsville where he had been visiting friends and left lor home. Apparently he had fallen asleep as he drove towards Sa lem and tracks led across a plowed field into some brush by the creek where he was found, the body half out of the wrecked automobile and face down in the water. No alarm was felt over his absence Friday as his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. McFarland, are on a trip to the midwest, and he had recently been given a leave of absence from the Mont gomery Ward store here because of ill health. He was on a navy hospital ship during the war and was a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He had made his home here the last four years. McFarland is also survived by three brothers and four sisters, Arrangements are in charge of the Howell - Edwards funeral home. Traveling Men Safest Drivers Traveling salesmen proved to be the safest drivers In Oregon in the first half of this year, the state traffic safety division1 reported today. The division has completed a comparison of "accident sever ity" records of all drivers by occupational groups. And it found the salesmen leading in safety with no fatalities in 1,'984 reported accidents. Clerical and retail sales work ers were next with three fatal accidents in a total of 5,576 re ported. Worst record from the point of severity was made by farmers and farm laborers, with 10 fa talities in 2,720 accidents. Students and professional drivers were only slightly better than the farm group. Students recorded 13 fatalities in 3,737 mishaps and professional drivers recorded 24 in 6,907 accidents. Housewives, who enjoyed the best record in 1948, slipped to the middle of the rating, al though their actual fatality rate was nearly the same as last year and far better than the next low est group. Six of their 3,546 ac cidents resulted in death. Laborers had the greatest number of accidents but were well below average in rate of fa talities with 30 deaths in 21,034 mishaps. Frozen Body Found Klamath Falls, Ore., Dec. 12 u.R The frozen body of a Seat tle man was found in a ditch yesterday after he apparently blew off his head with a charge of dynamite. Authorities said Ernest Smith had been dead about two days. Several burnt matches around his body Taylor Wants Office Of CVA in His State Boise, Idaho, Dec. 12 (IP) If the proposed Columbia Valley Administration bill is enacted into law, an effort will be made to get its headquarters in Idaho, Sen. Glen H. Taylor (D., Idaho) said. Taylor spoke at a labor meet ing sponsored by the Boise and Nampa trades and labor council. He said he believed CVA headquarters would be located at Portland, but that an effort will be made to get the head of fice at Boise or Lewislon. Taylor said he thought senti ment in Idaho is shifting toward support of CVA. He added It would provide the Northwest "with an integrated economy." P ""Wl t A yh-f T. H. Banfield Portland Bachelor Fails To Find Bride in Europe London, Dec. 12 (U.R) Fred Stoeckcr, $120-a-week engineer from Portland, Ore., who came to Europe to find a bride, was on his way home today still a carefree bachelor. Stoecker, 31, said Friday night just before he took off from London airport that he had come to Europe to find a wife with the following specifications: 'Blonde, brunette or redhead, but she must be pretty, she must not talk too much and she must not be fat. She must work hard and stay at home and look after the children. "She can be as dumb as any thing so long as she brings up the children right." Stoecker thought he had found his ideal in Germany in a telephone girl. "But she would- T. H. Banfield First Citizen Portland, Ore., Dec. 12 U.R Thomas Harry Banfield, chair man of the Oregon Highway Commission, was named Port land's first citizen of 1949 by the Portland Realty Board Sat urday. Banfield, who is president of Iron Fireman Company, will be presented with a plaque at a January dinner. He served 17 years as a member of the Port land Dock Commission and was chairman when he resigned in 1947 because of the pressure of highway commission work, Children Shown Movies Sheridan A free movie at the American Legion hall was given Saturday afternoon for local children. A film specially pro duced for children was shown. TAKE MY MONEY 4 OUT OF 5 WHO APPLY TAKE IT C. R. Allen Manager To most folks who get a loan it's dollars and cents, it's the where-with-all to do something with. To me it's something different yes it's money all right . . . it's my only mer chandise . . . but wrapped up in every loan is a lot of sat isfaction. Doctor bills paid . . . cash for the new baby . , , the old car repaired . . . that dream house a reality ... a business trip it's all done with cash my merchandise, and a sincere desire to be of service. So, if a loan is to your advantage take my money, use it where it will do the most good, and if you haven't the time to come in and chat about it, pick up the phone and call me. I'm known as the "Yes Man" because I like to say "Yes" to loan requests in fact I say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 and I'd like to say "Yes" to you and I'll try and arrange a loan the same day. The name is C. R. Allen, Mgr., the Phone No. is 22464, and I'm at Personal Finance Company, 518 State St. n't have me." As for British girls, Stoecker said: "They are not settled enough. I don't like them." The customs men may not have cared for Stoecker's remarks about British women. They told him he could take only one of his two five-pound sterling notes out of the country with him. Stoecker got the last word however.- Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 1949 3 "I'll rip it up," he said, "then I'll know what happened to it." He did. The note was worth $2.80. Christmas Project Undertaken at Gates Gates The second regular meeting of the newly organized Gates Chamber of Commerce was held at the Gate; Furniture store. Plans for future projects to be undertaken by the organ ization were discusred. It was decided to have a community Christmas tree, a committee was' appointed erect . d decorate the tree, which will be placed in a prominent spot c the high way. Delake Claims Shortest Tree Delake, Ore., Dec. 12 VP) Los Angeles or Bellingham, Wash., can match boasts on having the tallest Christmas tree. This coastal town claims the shortest. Right beside the shortest river, the D, only the highway's width on its course from Devil's Lake to the ocean, a platform is to be built and atop it will be a seed ling yule tree measured in inches, not feet. The tree raising ceremony the date isn't set will be com plete with band, Santa and free candy for the kids. Perfuly y jj (yjj j y holiday! turn THE BIG MOOT i CLOSING OUT SALE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK BECAUSE OF POOR HEALTH I AM FORCED TO SELL OUT. MY ENTIRE BUSINESS LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL. YOU GET THE SAVINGS! EVERYTHING LEFT IN OUR STORE NOW GOING AT COST or IE10W HURRY- HURRY ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT CITY HARDWARE 265 N. HIGH ST. OPEN FRIDAY SITE (2 Doors South of City Hall) Many Nationally Advertised Lines When You See Our DRASTIC REDUCTIONS You, too, Will Say . . . With only 11 more Christmas Shopping Days . . . Metropolitan brings you another POWER FUL SALE of SALES! Backed with TERRIFIC HOLIDAY SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPT. . . . Huge Shipments of Value Packed, Dazzling Gift Surprises for Every Member of Your Family are arriving daily ... to simplify your Shopping problems. Amazingly Low Priced to help you S-T-R-E-T-C-H your XMAS Budget. SHOP TOMORROW and EVERY DAY for these SPARKLING SAVINGS. 20-Piece "Laurel" STARTER SET $1)97 Reg. $3.95 Value Servicecfor 4 atractively boxed Including Dinner Plates, Salad Plates, Fruit Dishes, Cups and Saucers Choice of Yellow, Sand Pink, Tur quoise and Lake Blue Life-Like Baby-Skin Doll $ J98 XMAS SPECIAL Large 23-inch Lovable Doll . Fully dressed, including rubber pants shoes and stockings Dress and Bonnet in pink or blue CHENILLE THICK, FLUFFY BATH MAT SETS SHEET BLANKETS Buy several at this .aving " wofm fanne, Assortment of colon Jf l 11 It Jill II Gift i.m yt w,,em' i,,m fr C REGULAR $1.39 MW eoid winr ignf LADIES' RAYON LADIES' LADIES RAYON SILK PANTIES GS SLIPS SCARFS 23c 89c 98c 99c All clastic top Assorted pastel colors, Lace trimmed, 34" squares, assorted pastel shades tailored or lace trim. sties 32 to 40. hand screen prints. OLD-FASHIONED PRICED TO SELL CHOCOLATE DROPS CHOC. COVERED CHERRIES 7 jC B,och' ramout Assorted flavor lb. Mmt0 Chocolates 1 lb. box MECHANICAL GENERAL ALARM MECHANICAL Roller SPEED FIRE FREIGHT cAT:c RACER STATION TRAIN irvA,t: 69c speciaiSg R$T,$2.98 Mt$2.98 Turn alarm lever and 16-pe. track, stream- L'9,lt wei9"t, 13 Inches long engine shoots out. lined engine and 4 cars roller bearing. SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT FOR GREATER VALUES! SHOP EARLY FOR BETTER SELECTIONS THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon