IS Capital Journal, Salem, CLAItTFttTD ADVERTISING! e " Lint 15e ' Per Lin t timet 40e Per Lint 6 timet 60c 1 Pei Lint 1 month 12 00 I, Outside of Salem tfle per lint per day liln. IOci 1 timet mln. 80e 4 timet mln 11.20 No Refunds sUAOERS In Local News CoL Onlyi lOo per lint To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 9 BDRM. BOUSE. 100 Roberta Ave. 296 FIRST CLASS Out of the finest most attractive homes for tht price we have ever Hated, lo cated In Englewood 8ch. Dlst. Corner lot. 100 dry basmt., oil furnace, 3 Lg. Bdrma., plui upatalra finished into one Lc. Rm., bis living rm. St dlninit rm.. fireplace, entrance hall, nice kitchen & nook, reasonably priced at $16,800. For Appointment Ph. 36680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North High Bt. e205 FURNISHED Home for sale. Call at 21fi 8. Jama ave., 8ILVERT0N. a295 sVYESVILLE MODEL HOME. This extra well conatructed 2 BR home ON HALF ACRE featurea LAD rms., fireplace, all hdwd. lira., ven. blinds, laundry rm., elee, heat, attached garafce. More quality here for your money than anything we hlVt tver listed. PRICE AND TERMS WILL PLEASE. TOUR GROWING FAMILY will appreciate thU WELL STYLED KEIZEft HOME. Of fer! LAD rma., spacious kitchen, 3 BR dn. apace for 2 more up (.stairs Int. hdwd. flrt., coved colling, ven bllnda, ntll. rm., 3 car garawe, well landscap ed lawn, on lire, lot, lew blocks to school, stores and bus, all add to a BIO VALUE for 10500. Easy term. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 A. Oom'l St. Ph. 2-8389. Eve. 3-9089. 8295 BE ALL ELECTRIC HOME N. Salem, featurea LR ft OR, coved cell inns, hdwd. flrt., Ven. blinds. A kitchen that will pleatt the wife. Attached garage, Lite, well landscaped lot. Only 19250. Terma. Larsen Home & Loan Co. ; Bxeluaive Listlnts Personal Service i 164 a. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-90B9. a395 TRADE FOR IT!! S-btdroom home with all hardwood floors. Very desirable location, fireplace, auto-heat. Wiiat do you have for a down payment? No. 283 $9UU DUWJN !I 140 per month Incl. taxes and Ina. 1-bedroom home. All hardwood floora. Auto-oil heat. Nice view. Bua by door. No. 202 SELL OR TRADE!!! .-bedroom ahake English style home with basement, auto-oll furnace, fire place, double garage. Close to school. 8 blockt to Parochial school. Will take 2 bedroom homt up to $6,000 In trade aorth No. 303 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Ml BOUth Hlh St. Ph. 3-0203 Sun. b Even. J-1327. 1-3138. 4-2874, 3-5905 a205 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Out bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Elect, cooking. Mi blk. to but, paving and sidewalks In, attach ed garage. This Is a bargain at 15,000. Buburban, largt lot, 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, bath, double gar age. On bug line and paved street, 88,500. Xngltwoed Dlst. 3 -bedrooms, large liv ing room, fireplace, oil heat. House la In tubated, Attached garage, lawn and ahnib. Back yard fenced. blk. to bua. 110,500. View property. Approx. one acre. 3-bed-rooma, large living room, fireplace, largt kitchen, double plumbing, finished room with fireplace In basement, oil furnace, attached garage, ill, 000. Daytime 3-5131 Eves. 3-5514 3-8406 McKillop Real Estate 193 Center at Kith Satem, Oregon . We Make Real Estate Loans a398 GOOD OLDER HOME Located close-in on So. Liberty In No. S Business none. Double plumbing. Apt. rental upstairs. This la a fine corner lot for Doctor's Clinic. POSSIBLY $500 DOWN Arm oat new 2 B. R. HOME H. W. fir. paved ttr. Total monthly paym't only 844 which Includes taxes. Ins., etc. Prlc only 18950. This beats paying rent. FAIRMOUNT HILL There's a real value In this 3 B. R. homt. fireplace, full bsm't, auto oil ht, arpated L. R. Just 19250. F.H.A. terms take smaller house In swap. BURT PICHA, Realtors Iff N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve: 2-8390 or 3-7431 a398 $500 Down $50 Month 4 room home with unf. upstairs, elec. heat, deep well, LR. din., kit., utll., bath, Hret lot located south of Keller school, lfova right In, Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS MS M. High at. Ph. 3-4129 $500 DOWN Mew, Urge 3 bdrm., fireplace, unfinish ed upatalra, Immed. pom. Bal. like rent. North. Phone eve. 3-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building. Ph. 3-9317 ' Real Estate Insurance - Mlae. Loans a297 3 BDRM. HOME Year old. paved street. This very attrac tive Place will plenae you. Large lot. Highland school St bus close by. 31000 down. MANBRIN GARDENS f bdrma. ntw homt. Fireplace. Low down payment. ENGLEWOOD Reasonable terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4 H. Church Ph. 3-7143 Eve. & sun. 3-0I2A. .raft- Immediate Possession 1 bedroom, good warm basement, nit furnact. Larte sunny living room with fireplace. House 5 years old. Located on hill among native fir trees. Secluded location hard to find. Try It for one oi tht beat bartalna In Salem. 18950. Con sider tome trade. Phone 3-5996. Locat ed at 3260 8. Commercial St. a297 A ROME FOR CHRISTMAS - $6500 . Vtrj mod. 3 bdrm., Cape Cod style. T.n.A. approved, reasonable an. pay ment, bal. easy terms. See at 1363 Frank Hn St., W. Salem. orPhone 3-6189. a300 Wew t-BEDROOM house. Living room. Kitchen, lots oi mim-ins, nook, utility room, oouDi itunary trays, -iai. eirr, water heater, attached garage. Large ltrtl lot Just outside city llmta. Never bttn lived In. 1A600. Inquire at 1507 Pint St., Sllverton. Ore. a 300 rOR SALE LOTS . FAIRMOUNT HILL lv1 lot 60x100 with two-car garage, north tide of Washington St. between . Fir and Falrmount at. Will take late modtl Pickup or Panel Del. Truck as art payment. Asking 12.000 Make offer. Dial 3-4016. Eve. 3-13: ai?" "vOirN, $15 MONTI! with water . tltetrktlty. Close to school St but. Beau tiful location. General Real Estate MS Otntr pn 3-3289. aa298 brOODED LOT en paved itreet. 633 Rat tflff Dr. Cleared and laveled. FHA. City bM Wat, Ph. 1-4384. M Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 1949 FOR SALE FARMS 30 ACRES UNDER IRRIGATION, Rich . CHEHALIA SILT on pvmt., 1 mile from ge. nearby town. Excellent Improve ments constat of attractive 3 BR home, plaat., full bamt. Oood 3 story barn bldg., 3 car garage. Moat of farm Is under wire trellis. 13 inch cased well for Irrlg. IDEALLY SUITED for beans or truck crops, possibly dairy. IMMED. POS8. Specially priced to sell at 117.850. Terms. 575 ACRES MISSION BOTTOM. This Is an EXTRA-EXTXRA xood buy for any one who knows the PRODUCTIVITY St VALUE of this land. Approx. 35 A In ear ly fuggle hops, 80 A more cult., bal. In easily cleared brush and a lge. amount of marketable timber. Borders river, abso lutely no Only few miles out. NEVER BEFORE NEVER AOAIN at this low price of approx. $150 per acre. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Liatlnas Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989. b295 SMALL CREEK, with running water, lota or trees. J acres, witn over zd a oi h fine garden ft farming bottom land, plus an ALFALFA patch and pasture. 8 rfn. mod. HOME, with small base ment, alr.o another 5 rm. house, which needs some repairs. Old barn but usable, hoe houses, chicken house, garaze. Beau tiful view. Family fruit St nuts. TRAC TOR St Epuipment. $12,000 16 A. cnoiCE soli, l'i A cane berries, lots oi mitt St nuts. 9 A all grain. Good mod BUNGALOW, barn, poultry home, paved at. adjoining city. $10,500 DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn, Oregon 984 Pacific Hlway North. Ph. 136. D205' 38 ACRES off Sllverton highway, & rm house. 19000. Inquire Rt. 7. box 149 on Portland highway. b296 GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. IDEAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE 14 acres of filberts, 1000 trees, l'i acres garden around. Small house, electricity. telephone and running water. All river loam soli. Located 12 miles south of Eugene. Write or call for more Informa tion. Howard Harpole. Tel. 1030. 100 N 25th St., Corvallla, Ore. b295 FOR SALE ACREAGE NEW A BDKM. HOME, oil heat, LR with coved ceilings, lge. windows, ndwd. lira. thruout, tub Ac shower bath, kit. with lots or oum-ins si noox, wired lor elec. range. Att, gar,, located on lge, lot near school St store, 17900. Poslble G. I. loan. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. B989 bb295 FOR SALE LOTS 4 BUILDING lots joining Bush Park. Would make good Individual court site or exclusive home site. Total price, 11500. AI Isaak & Co., Realtor VIEW. Chance of lifetime. Beautiful city view, near bus, large, level, trees, se cluded, close to downtown, water, elec., 13500. Ph. 3-5051. aa299 REAL ESTATfc LOTS 73x184, Kelzcr Dlst. 1750. Terma. 80x125, Just off 8. 12th St. $1000. $4950 3 bedroom home, furnlihed, furniture includes Electric Range, Rcf., etc. Will take car at part down payment. $4500 3 acres, 2 bedroom home. Northeast. Priced to sell or will consider trade. G. A. Vicary - Real Estate BEST BUYS Leslie School District Very xood older type home with base ment. Choice location. Hardwood Moors. Paved street. Beautiful back yard. Well worth $9500, Liberal terms. See this one. Eve. ph. 2-7074 or 3-3558, $3750 Full Price New 4-rm. modern home, Electric heat. Located North. We believe this Is a very good buy. Well built St clean. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558, West Salem Very well tiullt 3 bdrm. home. Very clean. Good location. Paved street. Close to school, bus Si stores. Well worth 16950 Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558, 3 Acres 6 room modern home. Built In 1940. Barn, chicken house. Willamette soil. 10 miles from Salem. Total Price 15500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 418 Acres 270 acres under cultivation. 100 acres bottom land. Modern older type home. Large out bulldtnas. 9 miles from Sa lem. If you are Interested In n larae farm this Is It. Total price 170,000. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Business Opportunities -Service Station Rent only He per gal. Adv, products. 4c a as margin. Owner very anxious to sell. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Self ' Service Laundry If you are Interested In going Into your own business At want lo make aood money this Is It. Very well equipped with good equipment. Building ft property. Choice location. Very little overhead. Everything toes for 117,500. Some terms. See this one. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3556. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor FOR YOUR SAVTvuh investment buy a first mortaaae on real estate Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We maka all col lections fur you If desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 8. High e WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Listings on city and farm prop erties. H. II. Bolmeler with H. P. Grant, 437 Court St. c395 Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit listings of self supporting farmf. For PERSONAL atten tion call ERIC R. NELTE with . Joe Hutchison Realtor SMALL acreage, good Improv., north or east. Salrm. Pay cash. Wm. Scnuiti, R. 1, Box 243, Aiimsvllle, Ore. ca395 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near Salem if you wish to list your property for sale see GRADKMIORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ea WE NEFD LISTINGS on lots for F.H.A. houses. Also ILsttnis on acreages St farms. What have you? Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7830, or 3-4596 ea29S NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE my equity In new 1 bd. rm. home at Independence for home St acre sue around Siilem. I. I. Hams. 977 Monmouth St. Ph. 133-J. rb296 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MM per" M O" Income for 6s!obo Invest ment. Leaving state, will sacrifice my Income property If taken at once. Call owner after 4 p.m., 2-5363. cd300 BUILDING to'rentor Tease Jan." aothTun lon St Liberty. Also good 6rm. house at rear. Ph.S-4S36. cd396 I OR SALE OR TRADE7duplex" located ner Slate Bldg. ft Shopping Center, will accept aub. acreage or smaller home In trade. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings . Personal Service 164 B. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389; Ive. 3-9969 Journal Want Ads Pay Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOU5ES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS TOP LOCATION FAIRMOU NT HILL " 1 bedroom home located on rear of lot plenty of room on front for new home lot Is 50150 top grade location Be sure to see this at only 15850. 11500 down. a BEDROOM HOME ON SAGINAW Extra larae lot. 63158, part basement, 3 bedrooms down, 1 up about 11500 down full price just 16500. NEARLY NEW 17000 Neat 2 bedroom home, oil floor furnact heat, attached garage, fenced In yard, WILL CONSIDER LOT AS PART PAYMENT On this clean and modern 3 bedroom home with floored attic, 1 acre ground small chicken house priced at 17300. Onwner will take In lot. HOW ABOUT A NEW HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? Here's a Christmas special brand new and very attractive 2 bedroom home for Just 18500. top FHA financing Don't miss seeing this home. HERE'S A BUY ON A OOOD FAMILY HOME A well located 4 bedroom home, 3 down, 2 up, basement with new oil furnace, fireplace, full dining-room, roomy throughout location on E. Wilson ONLY 110,500. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON WORTH 2th 2 years old. no upstairs, fireplace, oil heat $10,500. Will consider suburban home on trade. 2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Front has 2 bedrooms, full basement, fireplace small house on rear of lot renting for HO.oo a month Inc. range and refrlg. In each good rental Investment for 110,800. complete. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2415524116 Eve. Dan 35620 Warren 25996 Bob 36770 Henry 33632 GRABENHORST SPECIALS COUNTRY HOME Located amid 7 rolling acres, lovely home, carpeted wall-to-wall. In liv. St din. rm. 1 bdrm, down, 3 up, full basmt, auto-oll heat, dble. plbg., kit chen, nook, carane, summer huse, pump house, chicken house, barn, corral, sprinkler system, loads of shrubbery, located close In South. CALL PETER OEISER THIS IS THE ONE 3 bdrma. ranch type, located on Candalarla Blvd. L-shaped liv. rm, St din. rm, hall, bath, hdwd. firs, fireplace, auto-oll heat, inside utility, dble. garaae, The price Is rUht on this one CALL ROY FERRIS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenlnas and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-9968 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN As LUNCH on Pacific hlway. 195 ft. frontage, business building, with ap artment for owner. Business Is OOOD. Health reason for selling, too much work. $23,750. LUNCH ICE CREAM place, now equip., and building, with single apt. An out standing opportunity for couple. All for 111,000, or trade for SALEM home. GROCERY, equip., like new. STORE bldg. Mod. 5-rm. home pui ps 3-rm. comse rented. 160 ft. on Pacific hiway. $15,000. DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn, Oregon 984 N. Pacific Hlway. Ph. Main 316. cd395 GARAGE and Service Station. New Tile stucco bldg. Busy corner nu it. ironi aite on Pacific Hlway. Owner has other business. $17,500 DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn, Oregon 984 N. Pacific Hlway. Ph. Main 136. cd395 RESTAURANT equipment: gas range, reach In refrigerator, ainic, nooa Ana steam table and dishes. Call at The Ma ples, Gates, Ore. cd396 UNIT court, 3 garages. Income 1370. 123.000. 1583 Market. Ph.J-9409. cd5 nAYESVILLE store. Rt. 7. box 14S. Ph. 2-4319 cqj INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY In city limits on main highway. Whole block of frontage. 1.6 acres, mile from center of town. Ideal location for gro cery, oil station, Implement or industrial business. 3 bldRs. on property. Full price 120.000. Call Walt Musarave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 13U Edacwater Phone 3-8108. cflaBB NEW BEACH home, new utilities, motel site, ocean view. Sncrllice caan. trade, Salem prop. Ph. 2-7071. Cd206 3 STORY BRICK APT. BLDG., furnished, excellent location, construction, condi tion As investment. 182.000. 10 UNIT COURT close to Capital St Shop ping Center. 155,000. NEW BUSINESS building leased for 10 years. 142.000. BUSINESS BLDG. North, 3 good rentals, i.i r son ft DUri.EXES with 10 rentala, West Salem. NEW APT. ni.nG. West Salem, excellent const. 132.500. CLOSE IN business bldg. with lease. 125,- 000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Oom'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989 cd304 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p. m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. COMPLETE HOM EFURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERM - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. PhJl-3797. 295 BEAUTIFUL almost new Duncan Phyfe table and 6 chairs. Ph. 2-8667. d396" f ROLLAWAY "bed and matt.," ichest of drawers, I vanity, bench St mirror, 1 nlte ntand, 150.00. Call at 100 Roberta Avp. d!296 AUCTIONS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS AUCTION Tues., Dec. 13. 7:30 p.m. Glen wood Ball Room. 4'j mllrs N. of Salem on 99E. Furniture, appliances, tin., lamps, aims. larite list. See Tues. cla.uif led. Glrnn Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. dd395 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 5 YR. OLD MORGAN Arabian gelding and saddle. Rt. 5. box 483. 1 mile past Rick ey sch. on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-7331. e296 LIVESTOCK WANTED BON DEDAND LICENSED livestock-buyer E. C. McCandllsh 1127 8 25th. Ph 38147 ea.309 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E Snt then. 1550 Lancaster Dr Ph. 31345 ea399 PETS MOORE'S tropical fish and supplies. White St micro worms. Beautiful live Xmas presents. Rt. 5, box 483. t mile past Rickey school on Macleay Rd. Ph. 2-7321. ec296 puppies, small Chihuahua, males. Ph. 2-5673.30B0 N, 19th. f0398 CHOICE canary" "birds r260N. 18th. fc FUEL - WOOD St SAWDUST. Order now. mills close soon. R. w. Maker. Ph. 3-7868. ee299 OLnFIR,2"fto1d-tlr, IH'ot cord. Christmas trees. 35c a ft. Orders taken b? phone or mail and delivered. Arnold Phillips, Ph. 1X3, Turner. Ore. Box 361. ec295 16 1Nr?ND" GROWTH MR "ill per COfd. Oak cord wood 113 per cord. Delivered. Ph. 2-0177. ee297 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Blab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Or ten Fxicin 15.50 load Double 110 0 Also 16' Green Slab or 4' Phone 33333 DRT 16- tlab is tdctnu. Ph. 3-1 448. m IFOR SALE HOUSES FUEL ASHCRAFT'S-wooda. Ph. 3-3380. 844 Mill. ee310 Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER ec301 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfein Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edae water West Salem f PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. V fir. 16 alab and edgings. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edglnna Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mil Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY YOUNG ROASTING hens. Oven ready. Ll- oerty rouitry farms, rn. a873. 1303" LIVE YOUNG roaatlng hena and fryers. jtuu aunnyview Ave. rn. Jem. 129$' NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or Tuture delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3630 State St. Ph. 8-49G9. t PRODUCE LARGE BROWN ranch esKt 4flc doz. Fan cy apples, Jonathans, Spltzcnbcrfft, Kin ps, 11.00 box up. Green Appla Mkt., 2 miles N.on 99E: ff295 FRANQUETT WALNUTS, 20c lb, 10 lb 11.95. Mayettes 15c lb., 10 lbs. 11.45. PURITAN CIDER WORKS, W. Salem. !f296 !SOA BOXE8 Jonathan apples from our own orchard 50c box, 3 boxes 11.40. while quantity lasts. PURITAN CIDER WORKS, W. Salem. ff296 CHRISTMAS GIFTS of walnuts St filberts available now at Salem Nut Growers, 2838 Cherry Ave. Ph. 3-3568. fI299 HELP WANTED PART-TIME Secretary In real estate office after Jan. 1. For details send state ment of training, experience, etc, to Box 297 Capital Journal. g395 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN. 8nes 25 to 40 yrs. Hourly wane. Old reliable firm. 248 N. Commercial, Rm. 23. Apply 9 to 11 a. m. gbSOO WANTED for office reorganization at Hoxg Bros. Salem Store, 1 bookkeeper, 1 sten ographer, 1 sales file girl. Please call at local store. gb298 WANTEP women nut sner.era. All .rlnter work. 460 N Front Klorfein Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 Sthte Street Phone 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN LONG" NEEDED" INVENTION Efltabll-iliod Company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outtlt. No deposit. Information sent airmail. Write: Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 31, Littleton, Colo. an 395 WANTED POSITIONS" """ TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne. 348 8. Church. Ph. J-6014. h300 ATTENTION Kelrer Ma pie ton mothers! Here Is a good place to leave your child while you work or shop. 25874. h397 ROOM OR board for children by day, weex. or montn, pn. JSfioo. n-JSV LADY wants housework. ave. . CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. CHILD CARE or baby sitting. Your home or mine. Anytime. 2-1945. h397 HOME OWNERS attention, for repair work of all kinds, complete roof jobs, large or small. Immed. service by expert rooters. Call 4-2917. h399 GENERAL cleaning and painting and odd jobs, call after 6 p.m.. 3-9509. H39B CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 TYPING Rates reasonable. WU1 call for and deliver. Ph. 3-1396. h3 BABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580. h3 TELEPHONE CALLS T A KEN. 34 hr. serv ice. Former Phone opr. Ph 3-50721 h313 DRESSMAKING. Phone 2-7492 h395 TREK WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. wort guar. w. u. mcaiiis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. M Mimeographing-Typing POr. Mt North llth. Phone 1-3643 h3U FOR SALE HOUSES LIVE IN THE COUNTRY AND WORK IN TOWN Here's the place you've been dreamlnr of. Close enouah so you can driyt to town to work. Best of all you won't have to spend a lot of money equipping it as the price includes farm equipment, some livestock, poultry and household furnishings Including electric range and refrigerator. Good orchard and berry field. How- big is It? Twenty acres just enough to keep you busy, price 110,000. MAGNIFICENT HILLTOP HOME Without a doubt this la one of the finest homes In Salem, brand new and in an exclusive district. Built by one of Salem's master builders, this homt has everything you would expect large spacious rooms, a kitchen that ex ceeds your fondest dreams, a large party room, view windows, 3 bedrooms and a double garage. Price 135,000. HERE'S .A GOOD BUY FOR THE FELLOW WHO IS HANDY WITH CAR PENTER TOOLS. IT HAS 3 ROOMS BUT YOU CAN EASILY MAKE TT FOUR. HAS ONE-HALP ACRE OF GOOD GARDEN GROUND, WITH WELL AND ELECTRIC PUMP. JUST OFF WALLACE ROAD AND CLOSE TO STORE. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG AT THIS PRICE 13,200. DENTON & DENTON FORMERLY LEO N. CHILDS, INC. ji aiaie ai, Evenings call Mr. Voorhees 2 WANTED POSITIONS HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. INTERIOR PAINTING. El P. Ph. IRONING in my home. 3-7496. h306' h303- BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6823. BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 23741. h297 CEMEN1 WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h EDUCATION YOUNG MEN 17-45 ARE NEEDED BY RAILROADS THROUGHOUT AMERICA TRAIN NOW AT PORTLAND, ORE. FOR: STATION AGENTS TELEGRAPHERS Positions Open Throughout the United States. Starting salary 1277.50 plus ben efits, rapid advancement. GI approved. For info, contact representative at Mar lon Hotel December 12th and 13th only. hh295 FOR RENT ROOMS WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. H&C water. For gentleman. 737 Center. jk297 GRAND HOTEL SALEM CLEAN WARM CONVENIENT WEEKLY RATES HICH & COURT STS. PH. 33751 jk295 WARM RMS. Ph. 3-5539. 796 N. Winter. Jk298' SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen prlv. H&C wtr. 754 Ferry. Ph. 3-6317. JK399- LOVELY WARM rm. for employed gentle man. Reasonably priced, near snopping Center. Ph. 34248. Jk208 LARGE ROOM with home privileges In new home. Convenient to state Bidgs.. Shopping Center and State and General Hospitals. Ph. 38280. Jk295 BELVIEW Hotel, 148 N. Com'l., under new manaxement. Clean, comfortable sleep ing roo. .s for employed men. Reason able weekly rates. jk29B SLEEPING rm., private home. 694 N. Church. SLP. St LIGHT hskpg. rm. 3-4335. Jk307 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW FURN. 3 rms., den. Private. 330 Mis sion St. jpua- FURN. S RM. duplex. Elec. stove, refrlg.. elec. heat. Ph. 3-7170. jpasc CLEAN 2 RM. furn. basement apt. Show er. Adults. 575 D St. JP30U' COURT APT. 3 rms Si bath. Elec. heat. Range St refrls. Clean. 1348 S. I2th. JP297 APT FOR 1 OR 2. Nicely furn. Modern, at tractive. Hot water heat, very close in. 468 N. Winter. Jp297" 3 RM. APT. Some furnishings. Bus by door. N. 5th. 0 mo. Ph. 2-6502. JP39T MODERN 2 BDRM. duplex apt., furn. with electric range or retrls. 2 bixs irom Hollywood shopping center. 175. Ph. 2-8813. Jp297 NICE large apt. Utilities furn, 368 8. 16th. JP3U0" 3 RMS St BATH, unfurn. except range. Near High St Jr high schools. 135 per mo. Ph. 3-4342. JP297' 3 RM. FURN. APT. Adults. 670 Union. JP297" 2 ROOM turn. apt. 132.50. Vaant. 664 6. Com'l. JPila i CLEAN 8 rm. furn. apt. Ground floor. Private entrance, on bua line. 2600 Front JP295 FURNISHED APT., prlv. entrance, main lioor, 40 montn. ibm no. commercial. jp296 3 RM. FURN APT. Prlv. bath and ent. El derly gentleman. No smoking or drink ing. 1250 N. Winter. Jp295 ii I "state ST. Furn. small apt., prlv. bath. Jp296 3 ROOM DRY basement apt. Everything furnished. Children permitted. Call af ternoon br evening. 325 s. Winter. Jp205 CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt. 1664 S.13th. JP396 APT. CLOSE IN Beautifully furn. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. JP ROOM 2 bed apt. Close In. 1 room apt. St sleeping room. 1 week free. 160 Union. Ph. 39835. Jp295 S RM. APT. $30. Ph. 34335. 837 N. Liberty. JP295- 2 RM. FURN, upstairs apt. Close in. Ph. 2-0745. JP2SB DOWNTOWN 2 rm. apt., 130. Inquire 243 Chemekcta. Jp295 3 RM. FURN. apt. Private bath and en trance. Garage. For employed person. 643 Union. Jp29a NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apLs. (62.50 and 165. Ambassador Apt., 530 N. Summer, Jp298 CLEAN 'i rm. all furn. ground floor. Pri vate front ent, blk. to bua. No drink ing. Ph. 26346. Jp297 3RMrMODERNfurnfchedrH&0-waterfe bus line. 960 N. 19th. J?29! NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. 3-5838 or eve. 3-4814. Jp FURN. APT. Private bath," Refrlg. Gar age. Adults only. 245.' State. Jp396 FOR RENT HOUSES PARTLY FURN. modern 2 bdrm. subur ban home. 340 Division. Call for Oliver. Jm3S7 LOVELY new 3 rm. mod. furn. Elec. heat. Laundry. 2 adults. No pets. 3845 Port land Rd. jmJ97 RM. Fl'RN. El. range, oil heat, H&C water, redecorated at 365 Taylor or 328 Oregon Bldg. Jm397 3 BR, unfurn. house, auto, oil furnace, 175. 2i6 N. aOthPh 3-7683. Jm297 2 RM. FURN. El. range! "oil heat, H&C wa ter, redecorated, at 365 Taylor or 325 Oregon Bldg. jm 395 rBD R M. House. El7c7Heat. insl." &wea ther stripped. 955 Morntngslde Drive. Ph. 32986. jm295 YEAR OLD Duplex. Beautifully furn. Hardwood floors. Electric thruout. S65 per month. One block south of Colonial House. Ph. 35765. jm295 IT's'neW! It's clean, lfa elect, hea t7Itra suburban. It's only 3 blocks to new Lin coln school. It's a 2-bdrm. house for 170 a mo. 4545 tate. Ph. 3-1123. Jm296 3 RM. HOUSE partly furn. Adults. Inquire 694 N. Church. Jm29! FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS DOWN TOWN basement warehouse. 140. Ph. 3-8389. J295 GARAGE FOR rent. Call at 1332 A II en Court. J395 OFFICE rORREOTPhT3"K6iT J295" FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Stora. Also 3 story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 1SJ 8 Kl,h St. Tel. J-4U1. ' FLOOR ,pae, on St.u 81. Dwk ihm oo uinoa st. ph. t-tta. r IFOR SALE HOUSES - 4007 - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR PROPERTY la for tale H will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. This Information It obtainable with but very little trouble. ! DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 8. High St. Tel. 3-4131. j BIG DAM for rent or lease for duck St geese hunting. George Pfelfer, Rt. 1, box 347, Dallas. jjee U DRIVE Trucks. Rolilnaon Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. f BUSINESS BM. for rent. B. U Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. j POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3640. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros 14 11, 6 Uth, West Salem EQUIPPED body, fender St paint thop. A. r. uienn, Kt. i, box ea. t mile north of Brooka on 99. Ph. Salem 2-4213. 1395 l DO a good lob 'em a Rood tloot Sand er. Wt sell everything to complete tht HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 8-3848 "J 'OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. SINGER ELECTBio portable tewing ma- enmes. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l Ph 33513 I ROOM & BOARD ROOM St BOARD. 629 N. Winter. JJ296 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Unfurn. rooms or house. Close in. fn. 3-UP37. Ja295 WANTED: By Jan. 1, 3 bedroom furn. nouse. aouits. mo pets. Good care. Refs. Phone 2-8838. Ja299 LOST & FOUND COCKER Spaniel pup red St white. Name ferity under vets care and It sick. Phone 2-0658. fc297 LOST! Brown suede purse. Ph. 3-5675 or a-aao7. Clara wolf. k296 FOUND! A really good place to eat. Food selling is the art or providing foods that won't come back to customers who will. AUMSVILLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllte, Oregon Truck Parking k3lo MISCELLANEOUS CABINET making, carpenter work; Build new Kitcn. cabinets lor Christ mas, FHA Terms, Ph. 37746. m297 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court we close Saturdays 12:30. m296 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldtc. State A OommmlaJ Sta SALEM Phone 1-3311 an BUILDING MATERIAL DOORS Bedroom, bathroom Sz closet doors, stan dard sizes, sinnle panel. The quantity la limited at 17.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem mi rtAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete m STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free Mtlmatt Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON ma SHEET ROCK WALL BOARD Carload supply K inch 4ic; lh Inch 54c. Insulation board 5?c or 11.84 sheet. C. G. LONG. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma297 WATER PROOF WALL BOARD A hard smooth wall board for bath room, kitchen. 2 different thicknesses. Cheaper than plywood. Use as flooring over cement or shiplap floors, C, G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of Kefeer. ma297 SHAKES - SIDING Cedar shakes in cartons, under course Included. 112 sq. Asbestos siding 810 tq. O. G. LONG, Ph. 2-3B21. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma 397 DOORS -- WINDOWS New 1 panel doors $7.50. New glaaa doors 110.25. Used windows complete 17.50. Window sashes, 32"x34". 13.35. Hew windows frames at lowest prices. O. O. LONG, Ph. 2-5831. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma297 SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR SIDING "x8". Choice and limited lot. Regularly 160 M, now 140 M H" SHEETROCK tile board. Regularly 185 M, now ISO M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem ma DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using tnt iineai old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 28 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939 Free parking ma WINDOWS As much as ,c off regular prices on taree a.uortment of single At multipane standard and-offsize windows St frames. KEITH BROWN Front. A Court Salem ma- RED CEDAR shingles No 1 3x3'a any amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No 1 carton packed eedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 3-1193 Salem ma COMPOSITION ROOFING 45 lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll ,.1.88 90 lb. Slate granule aurfaced roll ..3.11 15 lb. Asphalt saturated felt build ing paper 334 Sq. ft. per roll ... .3.58 168 lb. Hex shinties. Slate surfaced Sq. 5 91 320 lb. Square butt shingles. The finest. Sq T.IS WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Salem, Oregon ma311 HERE'S A PLAN TO IMPROVE YOUR HOME "NO RED TAPE" Build that extra room or tarts. Re model your kitchen, bsmt.. or attic BORROW UP TO 13300 NO MONEY DOWN Payments arranged for 13 mo. St up. EPPING LUMBER CO. 4140 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 ma39f FLOORING l"x4" dear, end-matched fir flooring. Limited quantity. Regularly 1100 U. now 178 M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem Journal Want Ads Pay I AUTOMOBILES The "ROCKET" is Easy On Your POCKET AND SO ARE THESE Hydramatic Futuramic OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" Trade-ins 1948 Nash "600" Super Sedan $1440 1948 Oldsmobile "78" Sedan $1895 1948 Packard Sedan $1795 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan .... $1165 1949 Hillman Sedan $1185 1947 Oldsmobile "78" Sedan $1465 1947 Buick Roadmaster Club $1485 : 1947 Buick Super Sedan $1445 1946 Oldsmobile "78" Sedan ....... $1290 1946 Pontiac "6" Sedan $1195 ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF PRE-WAR MODELS, 1942 & OLDER. LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 465 CETER PHONE3-7973J2Jj0 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE I-14I0. sjMB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LIONEL ELECTRIC Trains with acc. Will aell reasonable. Ph. 3-6018. eve. nsoo- MATTRESS AND springs, Good cond., $10. 258 S. 14th. nw 6 STURDY fibre barrels, 60c ea. Also love- seat, good cond, 850. Ph. 3-8035. n297' A DIFFERENT Xmas gift. Disposing of my collection antique ana unusual ciocks. French 400-day clock, glass case. 190S Beth Thomas Sonora chime. 100-year-old 8-day weight clock. Seth Thomas up right Rosewood 8-day clock. Ph. 3-9751. 1690 N. 5th. n300 TRANSATHERM Boiler 96.000 B.T.U. Com plete with controls. One only (249.95. Plumbing dept. Sears Roebuck St Co. 550 N. Capitol St., Ph. 3-9191. n297 MEN'S World bicycle. Excel, cond. See at 1116 Madison. After 2 or ph. 38052. n297 CALIFORNIA silver for Xmas trees. 13th St state. hjuu MOTOR bike. Ph. 33418. HOLLY bulk only 50e per lb. 6"-8"-10" tips. Phone 31330. n300 LG. WHITE sacks nicely bleached. Ph. 23376, Rt. 9 Box 460. n397 FUEL OIL burning range. Exc. cond. 4155 Macleay kcl naa GIRL'S BIKE $20. Ph. 21626. UPRIGHT PIANO In good condition. Ersel aubier, Dgyton, ure. k. i. rnone uny ton 8x4. n295 UPRIGHT PIANO, very good cond. Looks like new, must see to appreciate. Bar gain at $195. 2265 Lee St. n295 PIECE bedrm. suite. Light oak. 8 mos. Cost 1400 new. Will sacrifice. Ph. 3-90R3, 1445 Court. n295 HAVTLAND bouillon cups and saucers. coo-coo clock, demi-tasse spoons, linens. Ph. 3-3060. 11295 OIL BASEMENT FURNACE, auto., 160 719 N, Cottage. Pn. nao- GOOD USED OIL FURNACE, complete. Misc. lumber for sale at 1109 Union. n295 HANDMADE TEA TOWELS 50c, doll bootleg 25c, pot holders 50c to 7sc, many other gifts. Siesta Gift Shop, Hiway 99E, 3Vi miles N. of underpass. n295 ND HAND boiler, 33 h.p. 100 lb. pressure. For sale cheap. Call 3-9203. 201 South High Street. n2B6 COUNTER SCALES, 34 lb. capacity. 5 to 60c a lb. Used 3 mo. Ph. 2-2355, sun. or after I p. m. n299 BOY'S ICE SKATES, size 9. Excellent con dition. Ph. 3-4838. nZ9G REMINGTON pump, 12 ga. shot gun. Fair eond. Sell reasonable. 1097 Fir. naae- GAS RANGES, apt. size, 2 only, reduced 150. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa n8 HOLLY wreaths and sprays. Hormone treated, wreaths ti.25. Loose noiiy soc lb. Phone 3-9314, 1860 No. Summer St. n299 '29 H-TON pickup, cheap. Lionel elec. train, cheap. 844 a. Com'l. n399 Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinet St Grands. GUITARS Standard St Electric. ACCORDIANS All Sizes St Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal New Crated. 179. Ph. 3-4384. n HEAT your home electrlcalry with West Inghoust or wealn automatic electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. n" GENERAL ELECTRIC CToalej. Gibson and Uontag AppHance3ataevum r STEEL CLOTHESLINE post-, railings In stock St made to order. u n, Lioer ty. D3 PHILLIPS BROS rertnirera well rotted or fresh any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts telephone and elec. poles Any length Shingles Yew posts Ph 3-1458 Rt 6 Boy 118 n WANTED BARKIE Douglas fir poles or stum page. Phone 1267 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co., Inc. na5 USED OIL burners, blowers St sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8662. ns FOR SALE S000 watt AO light plant one year old. Reconditioned. Inquire at Montgomery Ward ft Co., Salem, or The Maples cafe. Oatea. Ore. n296 DISH GARDEN plants .i.d planters Beau- tltul norai worg. pemoenon riower Shop, 1980 8. 12th. Ph. 2-9946. n307 SALEM SARD e OftATRL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Oltchlne Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B W yda 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer Set tu about ditching by tht ft. Phont Days 1-9408 Eves 3-83d or 2-4400 Salem Ores on a WALLING SANXJ ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED BOCK for roads and driveways cement ready mix concrete garden and Bulldozing drainage and ditching 4 -yd hovtl and drag line Ph 3-9249 o 1 H.P. ELEC. motor. 118 ft 330. I"x5' shaft. f pulleys. Ph. 3-9409. na- ALL cast aluminum trl-blke, -mlscellan- eoua windows and frames. Ph. 3-59.1. n296 RUMMAGE sale, 360 State upstairs. n311 WANTEP MISCELLANEOUS FIR STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted Shipment can bt made by truck or rati. Independence Lumber ft Manufac turing Company. Inc.. Independence. Oreton. Phone 43. na BOOKS, picture, dishes. tulU. shoes. et. ra. 3i. nun' IAUTOMOBILES I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture o glut ft repair. Lot Bros. Furn Reflnlabing Co Ph. t-tOOl. PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer coraetler. Let a spencer aoive your figure problem. All calls given special attention. Ph. 35072; P306 AVON COSRI.ETICS.Ph. 3-4886. p309 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Let Mindt, ilea w. mn. rn. z-mui. psos" MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solve your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. 173 S. Com'l. Under new man a cement. With thin ad and 11,00 get a special rending. Ph. 39285. p30S ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 734 Ph. 3-5334. pSSI AUTOMOBILES 1941 Nash Club Coupe AMBASSADOR "V. RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE, 3 TONE BLUE FINISH, FAIR TIRES. BOOK PRICE 1655. OUR PRICE $425. SEE THIS TODAY AT ( Orvals LOT NO. 2 7B5 S. 12th. Ph. 2-2502. TO YOU FROM PACKARD IF SOLD BY WED., DEC. 14 WILL SELL TO YOU AT COST 1950 Packard Station Sedan, brand new with overdrive & heater. New car guarantee and new car terms. Will trade.- STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD 340 NO. HIGH ' q306 I AM IN THE MARKET for some clean usco cars, 4i models and later. Herd man Bros. Ph. 2-6367. q39l 150 USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. 'q9 PRIV. PARTY will sell '30 Chryj. dn. of 38 Chris, cpe.. both in good cond. 648 Ferry. 39t '8 DURANT roadster with good motor. rn. a-isio. q296" '47 PLYMOUTH club coupe. RftH. Sea covers. Fog lltes, windshield washerm, 19,000 miles. Excellent condition, 11191. Ph. 2-0320. Q29I WHITE TRUCK 1948-WB20A. 18 ft. (rain tlsht racks. 3i-4 ton air conditioned cab. Actual miles 4582. 4 wheel trailer. 87500.00. Phone 2668R Wen a tehee. Wash. J. C. Koeppen. q398 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tubes at cost price First coma first served at this U a close-out sale Dealers welcomed PL D Woodrow Co.. 450 Center 1D49 STUDFBAKER S-ton pickup. 2800 miles. 81500. Ph. 2-4479. q298 Eisner Motors Fine Cars SPECIALS FULL PRICES 1935 CHEV. SEDAN 135.60 1931 MODEL A 135.00 19.14 CHEV. SEDAN 335.00 1938 BUICK SEDAN 8100.00 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem, Oregon 299 GOOD '38 Chrysler Coupe. Had good care. rtu wrecs. oio rerry si. q a OB- MODEL A, excellent condition. Ph. S-7838. OWNER going east. Will aacrtflc for 11500. 1947 Chrysler New Yorker, black 4-door sedan. Excel, cond. May bt teen at South Salem Motel, Apt. Mo. I 09S 1950 Pontiacs Are Here '46 Pontiac Sedan 1119ft '39 Pontiac Sedan 498 '46 Olds Sedan Coup 114 '43 Chevrolet Sedan t t98 '40 Chrysler Sedan 49$ '37 Dodge Sedan 193 '37 Chevrolet Sedan 345 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 198 '40 Plymouth Sedan . 841 '36 Oldsmobile Coupe 145 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. LIBERTY PHONE 2-4111. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY BELL . TRADB TERMS t LOTS 3335 Fairground Rd Ph S-I4S6 530 Hood St. Ph 1-TT14 Eisner Motors to Sell heater. Above average. Will finance. Ph. 3-3253690 Waldo Ave. 0.396 FARM EQUIPMENT ONE JOHN DEERE Llndeman BO Crawler Tractor, like new. A tood buy at 11200. Poole -K richer Implement Co., Redmond. Orcion. Phone 91. qb39 (Continued on Pogt 19)