Cms if) inn nr'iiif'T limn. I, Ai'iiii'iiiffiri'nt ii C'f :. 1 rf ... X $ Dr. James F. Price, professor or mathematics at Oregon State college (standing) prepares his class of highway de partment employes lor the final examination in "elementary college mathematics," sponsored jointly by the adult educa tion department and the highway personnel department. Di visions of highway represented include accounting, right of way, and junior engineers in the traffic and construction di vision. A class in college trigonometry will begin December 12. (Photo by Robert Lyman, Travel and Information depart ment at Salem high school). Parents Pray for a Miracle To Save Eyesight of Son, 2 Seattle, Dec. 12 (P) The parents of little Dean Ault, 2, prayed hopefully today "for some miracle" that could save the sight of their cancer stricken son. Meanwhile . a friendly black Cocker Spaniel puppy was due from Montreal by air this morning, sent by a woman who had -read the story of Dean's plight. "When I heard that little Dean has lost one eye and was soon to lose the other, my heart went out to his parents," said Mrs. May Alleston in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ault, the parents, are awaiting the ver dict of three doctors who exam ined the boy last week. Dean s right eye was removed about two months ago and an eye specialist warned the Aults recently that removal of the oth er was the only means of saving his life. Boy By 16 Killed Policeman San Francisco, Dec. 12 VP) A 18-year-old high school boy was shot to death by police Fri day night after he led them in a high speed chase in a car they said was stolen. The boy was identified from papers in his wallet as Dennis L. Chene. He was shot by Officer Stewart Spencer, who was near tears as ha- reported the boy's death. Spencer was with Officer Rob ert Davis as, they said, they spotted the youth in a stolen sedan. Chene sped away and the officers followed. The officers fired three warn ing shots but the boy failed to stop and turned into a dead-end street. He left his car, Spencer said, and dodged between rail road cars on nearby tracks. Spencer said he called for the boy to halt and then "fired a shot to warn him." The shot caught Chene In the back and killed him almost in stantly. The car was stolen last De cember 6 in a combination burglary-car theft, police reported. The boy's mother, Mrs. Doro thy M. Chene viewed his body later at an emergency hospital. Tearful and near hysteria, Mrs. Chene could not believe the account of her son's death. "I just can't believe it," she said over and over. "He was a good boy." Hedge Without Legal as Father Los Angeles, Dec. 12 ) Le Toy Hedge, 21, who claims pa ternity of the son born October 15 to unwed Loretta Miller, 17, has no legal rights as a parent, says Superior Judge Arnold Praeger. Hedge Is trying to keep the girl from offering the infant for adoption. His attorney told the judge "mothers should not have the right to say whether a father mould be a father or not." Judge Praeger replied, "the legislature has given her that right. Under the law, the moth er is the only parent of an il legitimate child." Rights Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Give little red ant lots of ' time to answer. For him, It's at least 1 500 stops across tho room." . . . Please give the per son you're calling a full minute to answer, ..Pacific Telephone. Four Soldiers Die in Smoke-Filled Cabin Tacoma, Dec. 12 A soldier awaiting the arrival of his wife from Texas died yesterday with three friends in a smoke-filled tourist cabin. Army officials said the four suffocated in the smoke from a smoldering couch. A dropped cigarette was believed to have been the cause. Dead were Cpls. Bill Bond, 31 and James R. Elliott, 28; Sgt. Bill Pendleton, 32, and Pfc. Den nis Phelps, 22. They were mem bers of the 11th anti-aircraft di vision, recently shifted . from Texas to Fort Lewis. The army report said the four had been preparing the cabin for the arrival of Bond's wife, who learned of their deaths when she reached here later in the day. Back from Montana Pleasantdale Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger of Pleasantdale have returned home from Butte, Mon tana, after four days spent there with their son in law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross. and their daughter Oranne, born uctoeer 8. Mrs. Gross will be re membered as Miss Phyllis Wing er and her home was here before her marriage. Sweden Awards Nobel Prizes . Stockholm, Dec. 12 W In the presence of seven members of royalty, three 1949 Nobel prize winners have received their awards for outstanding scientific achievement. From a flower-adorned po dium in the Stockholm concert house, Dr. Hideki Yukawa, Jap anese member of the Columbia university faculty; William Francis Giauque, Canadian-born member of the University of California faculty; and Dr. Wal ter Rudolf Hess of Switzerland stepped down to receive their prizes approximately $30,000 each from the hand of Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf. Dr. Antonio Egaz Moniz, 75, who shared the medical prize with Dr. Hess, was unable to come to Stockholm for the cer emonies because of poor health. Lord Boyd Orr, a Scotsman, was given the Nobel peace prize in Oslo earlier today. Dr. Yukawa was awarded the physics- prize for his postula- tion of the meson, the matter which holds electrons and pro tons together in' the atom. Dr. Giauque won the chemistry prize for his studies of the ac tions of atoms at'temperatures of extreme cold, near absolute ze ro. The medical prize went to Drs. Hess and Egas Moniz for their development of the pre frontal lobotomy, a brain opera tion intended to help some of those who are mentally ill. No prize in literature was awarded this year. More Blood Donors Needed With about 170 pints of Red Cross collected blood being used monthly in Marion county now, it is essential that more persons sign up as donors for the visita tions of the bloodmobile from the Portland regional blood cen ter reports the Red Cross office. December visitation of the mobile unit will be tomorrow (Tuesday) at the First Metho dist church, 2 to 6 p.m. Less than 100 persons so far have signed up to donate for the Tuesday visitation. The unit is set up to accommodate a good ly number of "drop ins," those who may not have made ap pointments, and it is hoped there will be a large number of these Tuesday. Families who have benefitted from Red Cross collected blood also are being invited to ask relatives or friends to make vol-, unteer replacements, although such act is not mandatory. The Red Cross blood is given free of charge to all in need of it with no strings attached, but it is very helpful when those who have received such blood in time of emergency seek to have it re placed, the Red Cross office states. No Jokers Just a Good Deal for YOU at DODGE STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemeketa Rita's Baby Expected Sometime This Week Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 12 UP) Prince Aly Khan's spokesman says he thinks Rita Hayworth may have her baby this week. The spokesman, Claude Payot of the Lausanne tourist office, said he hadn't been taken into the complete confidence of the Clifford K. Berryman Clifford K. Berryman, Cartoonist, Dies Washington, Dec. 12 VP) Clif ford K. Berryman, whose gent ly effective cartoons adorned Washington front pages for 53 years, died peacefully yesterday at the age of 80. The Evening Star cartoonist dean of his profession in Ameri ca, Pulitzer prize winner and friend of presidents since this century began also won a niche in American history as origina tor of the "teddy bear." Fugitives May Be Far South State police believed today that two Oregon criminal in sane patients are in California, perhaps again in Los Angeles. A car stolen from the hospital two nights after the December 2 break by four patients - was found near the Oregon-Califor nia border south of Klamath Falls. A farmer near Eugene told Saturday of swapping 10 gallons of gasoline for a spare tire and wheel from the car and identified the occupants as the escapees. The two men, Robert M. Burr, 21, Oregon City, and Marion E Watson, 21, Manteca, Calif., fled to Los Angeles last year after an escape. They assaulted motorist near Oregon City and fled southward in the car. State police headquarters said the car, which belonged to W. J. Willard, an attendant at the insane hospital, was found last Wednesday south of Klamath Falls. A spare tire and wheel were missing and police began a check along the route to Salem on the possibility the accessory had been swapped for gasoline. Sgt. Vern Hill, Eugene, re ported Saturday night he had traced the tire and wheel to Auber Carter of near Goshen. Sgt. Hill quoted Carter as iden tifying the men in the car as Burr and Watson. He said they stopped him about 3 a.m., De cember 5, and made the swap. Robber Outwitted By Cashier at Show Spokane, Dec. 12 W) "Give Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 1949 17 Meese All Your Cash," said a note pushed at a theatre cashier, "Who is Meese?" asked Cash ier Rosemary Perkins. "It is me," said the note push er. Miss Perkins told police there were no theatre patrons in sight when the man with the note first appeared. By the time she got the misspelled word straighten ed out, several persons entered the lobby and the man fled. Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical . . . o$e "Pres-to-logs" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 expectant couple. But, said he, he thinks the birth is imminent. Rita, who married the prince May 27, has been awaiting the baby in Lausanne since Novem ber 5. She has been living quiet ly and left her hotel suite yes terday for the first time in five days, to visit Prince Aly's half brother. Prince Sadruddin, on the outskirts of Lausanne. Dorothy Gray Christmas Colognes EH L Bin I t plus tax Bigeight-ounce bottles decorated with festive Christmas seals. Three ex citing fragrances to chooBe from (or be a carefree Santa and give all three): Christmas Magic, Christmas Fantasy, Christmas Spice. ' V (TRUST POQ3 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty "On the Corner" I MAKE OUR STORE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADQUARTERS -gm Everything for the Photographer I J (Q)(8KJ ' M0VIES STILL CAMERAS SLIDE PRO J EC- II aBaaJu- " con Bell & Howell Anseo Spencer I'll and Vlwf, $1.H " - Ampro Graf lex , Bell & Howell f "Realist uman EBueh ! Revere Eastman Viewlex If TBS CAMERA THAT Sttl TBI f I same as row Keystone Eastman j Lighting Equipment for Your Christmas Pictures I 469 STATE STREET PHONE 2-4505 THE WINNER! OF 1950 CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR CONTEST J KfM': w I Pictured above is George Maurer, Manager of the local Gevurtz Furniture Co., presenting the New 1950 Crosley Shelvador Refrig erator to Mrs.. Ruby Hughes. She is the winner of the local Crosley Contest and lives at the Glendora Apts. 585 N. Summer St. ' THE FINEST FEATURES are in the 1950 CROSLEY SHE! ir Larger Freezing Compartment ir Lots of Front Row Food Space ic Lots of Extra Bottle Space . ic Everything at Your Fingertips Come in and See It Today at cfr little aown on a big bill ' FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Dial 3-4615