16 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 12, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. 1WE PDIGUTENED PARBIT UnDDCD AWAV WITH FfcNRY CHASING WILDLY A TERRIBLE LOBS "Mackerel in a sackerel!" exclaim' d Serena impatiently. "Go ahead and peep in the box. Didn't Santa av make yourself at home?" Now Mr. Dilly always carried his magic in nis pocjcei. ne naa a wand and a rope and cards and carves and Koodness knows what else stuffed Into his pockets. There wasn't any room leit xor even a Handkerchief, But Santa kept his magic in a little black box. Mr. Dilly thought Xit would oe tne nappiesc man in the world if he could just see what Santa's magic looked like. He tip toed into the corner and got down on his knees and carefully unhooked the box. Instantly the top sprang open. What do you suppose was there? A wand. A simple black wand that looked exactly like the wand Mr. Dilly and every other magician car ries. "Doesn't he have any tricks?' , asked Henry In surprise. "He doesn't need tricks," said Mr. Dilly admiringly, "I guess he does all his magic with this. What a wonderful wand it must be!" He picked up the wand and waved it In the air. "If I knew the maic words," he said wistfully. "I could get a rabbit out of my hat all by myself I guess." "What about your book?" remind d Henry. "Of course!" cried Mr. Dilly. He Dulled out of his coat Docket a little book which was marked For Magicians Only. It explained magic wncKs ana naa vi pages 01 magic words and rhymes which magicians use when they do their magic. ' Mr. Dilly opened the book to these pages and tried a few while he waved Santa's wand over his hat. "Jumbo Mum bo and a heap big umbo.' "Hilly Billy, swing you silly." Nothing happened at all. But by now Mr. Dilly was determined find the words which would make Santa's wand work. He slip ped the wand in his pocket and hut the black box. 'TJoot of these magic words have to be said outdoors," he explained. TBI going out in the woods and try lt" Mr. Dilly didn't mean a bit of harm. He was sure Santa wouldn't mind If he tried the wand and learned how to do the rabbit trick by himself. But he Just couldn't wait for Santa to come back. He slipped out the door. Henry and Serena went with him. Twee dleknees had lust finished hang ing the Inst Christmas light and vas feeline more cheerful. 'Where are you off to?" he asked. "Just into the woods for a bit," said Mr. Dilly. "Mind you don't run into the Wiggle Waggles," said Tweedle knees. "I hear they are all about the place." "Who are the Wiggle Waggles?" "Very nasty elves. And they are very, very annoyed because Santa did not send them an invitation to the party." "Oh, yes, I remember," said Mr. Dilly. "Well, we'll be careful. Oh, but he wasn't careful at all. He just couldn't think of anything except Santa's own wand in his hands and what a really splendid thing It would be if he could learn to work It all by himself. He settled down in a little clump of trees with Serena and Henry be side him. He put his hat and his tittle book In front of him and held the wand lovingly In his hand. For over an hour he worked, read Ins the made formulas In the book and waving the wand. Still his hat remained empty. Finally Henry said. "Please, could I hold the wand just one time?" Mr. Dilly was ouite worn out now. He gave the wand to Henry. Se rena said, "I'll try some of my rhymes." So Henry waved the wand and Serena said, "A root, toot, toot, who gives a hoot?" And suddenly tnere was a rao bltl But lb wasn't a white rabbit and it wasn't in Mr. Dilly 's hat. As a matter or fact, it was a plain old jack rabbit that had come hop ping through the woods. But Henry thought surely it was a magic rab bit at last. He whooped and snatch ed Mr. Dilly's hat and leaped at the little creature. The frightened rabbit eamboled awny with Henry chasing wildly and not even hearing Mr. Dilly call- ins mm oacK. In a few seconds It was over. The rabbit darted In a hole where seven brother rabbits were waiting tor mm. Henry took one good look and saw there was nothing maalc about any of them. Just then Mr. Dillv caught ud with him. "Where's the wand? Horrified, Henry looked at his hands. They were empty. "I I must have dropped it," he stam mered. "Quickly, start looking!" cried Mr. Dilly. "You, too, Serena. We -lust find HI" But, alas! thought they searched until dark they could not find the wand. Next: Henry Meets a Wiggle Wnggle. Jaunty Coveralls If your tot Is "busy as a bee." this Is Just the overall he or she needs. Easy to make ana sporting a convenient leg opening, the overall Is an Im portant part of the toddler's ward robe. Decorative kitten faces hid sturdy knee-pads. Pattern Envelope No. R2761 con tains tissue pattern for overall, (sua 0 to ih mos. included), material re quirements, embroidery Illustrations. not iron transfer lor applique and complete making and finishing di rections. To obtain this pattern, lend 30c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and eone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. Ir MapUpUlgsifSr HERE'S A SHIIXINO FOR THEannlf f FOR WHAT YOU ONCE DONE 1 W I WANT TO BET VOL) 10 BUCKS TO A SS2S 'Bmgtltm'.Stevt CUSTOMERS 6ROG;M0PT0P7 PUT TO ME, STEVE ROPER, I SHOULD BEER BOTTLE CAP VOU CANT ANSWER E3. finds the temtle r AWAY THAT CHIN-CHOPPER LETS FIX YOUR FACE 50 IT'LL OPEN A CERTAIN QUESTION snastSaV!? hoodlum othtrA TALK OVER THE JOLLY TIMES - LIKE A BOOK.' YA GOT ME A 7, ' 0 f ii ir f) s eAnt- ("iz-i; I L 11- .-.,...., t I I ; AHDBI&OM- S1 ''" ';asspKy-l'&'" 'tsBjlil ijf HM-M-SWu!( A MOST ADMIRABLE flNO THEY SB ftH, YES BUT THOSE TVkT J ROCKV!0H, VES-PREE? feS , M WE TAKE A SUGGESTION, MY CHILD" Hi NOT EVEN TH" COPS HANDY MEN OC MRS. WC BONDS MY ROCKY- h LENA! jplifip B3 WALK, DOC? 1 A LONG WALK" M CAN MAKE A TOUGH ARENT COPSAND THAT 1 THE DAYS ABEN'Tl r THAT WAS MRS. W I HOPE J r OF COURSEf BECAUSE 1 I BUT THEY'RE NICE PEOPLE, LtSEJI tONS ENOUGH.. NOCKER-SHE N.Y0UDIONT I DIO.WWY OOWT LIKETHOSEX DAO-WHV TAkETHATr-' , Aooft MOTHER MAS INVITED US OvERACCEPT , SHOULDM'fV MOCKERS AMP 1 I ATTITUDE?Y . i I TOVISTOUTHE THURSDAY NIGHT.. Z , S i 1 "? r WONT HAVE ANY-1 Tnf7-'V0U STAVOUTOF 1T, v , I PHONE AT EIGHT ' 1 V rT"e THINS TO DO ( ( -JUNIOR'. THIS IS A J jj jhTHE MOEEjlNG i '''' ' jW I WW DID W ITHAR" ACHANClHtl -EF HE OOES STRAIGHT DOWN 1 BUT-EF TH' IMPOStlOl-C HAPPENS 1 f-l T f OMt,TWH' V "N I TOSSTHET A HOKT.r ( -i -BUT; Ef HE GOES ON I INCH TTH' A 1-EF THINGS C30 CXACKLV r- tl WENT WRONfl ) I LOVEi-Y LI'L Y THAT rOi I UKFT. HIS SKULL WILL GIT X I PACCORDIN' T' WIDDELB HOOK'S ) II& I ABNEB WTO S.IS- J,if'vL'J . 6T0VB IN - AN' EFHE GOES ) PLAN - HE'LL E4E SAFB.- WV' f 1 UAOaiD AOCK h ri, L, A HALF INCH T'TH' BIOHT. I HKLPLRSS-AN' MIN,1 ) If l) VAU-fr'Xr'Sj;f!.W V7 BOTH HIS LAiaS AN' HIS 7 S -AVl.jN V HE'LL V 'SSWft X BACK WILL SNAR LIKE J X A"?Tu I, If rlfc v I'M GOING IJftSA)SttSr ' I ONLV V 1 rT( NEW JERSEVPr : KNOvV there I ? TOEYTHECATB THEMlSjAH-VWTT TT. J Ma'lvK TioicWWV YOU PONT EAT. SORRy TO KEEP CU VvAlTINS, THAT EAT SO MENZEL IS WORBIED ABOUT I STALL IlS VDU WANT SOME EXERCISE LIKE ROSTY. MENZEL WAS WORKEO MDCH FROZEN HIM, BUT I THINK HE JUST Strut I SAVE YOU BEFORE IM . ABOUT ONE OF THE CATS. HE MEAT? ISN'T HUN5Ry. NOW LETS V THAT DOS RUN. X FIXED IT SO PJESTH p, VOU WONT 6ET j KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO MQ NBC 970 CBS 11W ABO 13t0 MBC MM Ko. "SIM Th. of Ol Ktiai Maimliv Ch.llenn f n''" "'!"!' SnJ ' S:15 Newi tiUU Show Snl' MiloU Bnd of Dar S in vJkt ! nton. N." Skj Klnt To- Mil Bin, Cto.b, AlOflMoilcal Solr.. lUdl. Th..ler Flrell.hl.ri O.brl.l H..U, C.nai.ll.ht a 6:15 Muloal 8olr. Iladla Thealel Homa Edltlan Nwa . ' 6:.10Candr Halloa Hadlo Thealar Mod. Romaooti Tailor- !2JS,ht 8:45 CandF Matiop aadlo Tbaalei Mod. Bomaptai 8ronad TwIlltM Bona 7:00 Maril 4 Lowla M, Frland lrna Lona R.oa.f "J" I'l"1' 1:15 Martin Uwla Mr rrt.nd Irma Lodo Baniar ","f".,a,P"" S J"?!, 7;.1(n.,. Carrowar Bob Hawk Shan P'.altb "'.a KM Enlra Kalibl 745 D.t. Oarrowar Bob Hawa Sbara Wraith "' " . R;00 Sinatra. Klrat.' Lowell Thonaa Kata Smith gao. Oo II Track I4JJ 8 15 Nowa J. Smllb Show Rata Smltb t!' "- ,D " Tr " 1:30 Railroad Boar Talant Stool. H. J. Tajlor JJ Traok H 8:45 Ballroad Hour Taloat Scoot! Baaakln. gonta r B' Traok I4W 9,00 Talephoaa Br. Inner San.tnm trthnr Oaelb J"J . SfflSII.il "ti 9:15Trlephont Hr. Innar Sanotom Wm. Tniber '.V.? WUlamatla D. g.oADanea Orch. 3ealab Roller Darbr 5 ff D?w" . 9:45 Danea Oreb; Jlgb III Boiler Perbr Bar Blo.k rlra Flih ra 10:00 Sam Harea l-Star rlnal Rloblleld Bap. llV m" KlS 10 15 Wt' final Voa and World Interneue ' J " . (I 30 Dlok Harmaa Itlrllo Conaerl n.or . New. MM. Joa Waal 10:45 Orohoalra Orcbeilra Coneert Boor "J1!; " """ lnOOewa Serenade coneerl Hoar ' J J!"!"" i-ieWai Maaeaae Chlcaaoaaa loaeorlBoar ' x H:30Waa Ma.oaa, Prelude Mnaoa S"!-?! 11:45 Waa Moaeam flda Merooa M""' Woataiot jaToQSlin OH Isiaa Oil Ktra Hoar islra Ott bleu Oil TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. S:00 "odea Fodae Newa rarm Nowa Newa :?5 Newa KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllnf Mai. Tlmek'per , 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Bmlllni J.reh Tlma 5S2 5 "! 6:45 Farm lima KOIN Kloek Keep Bmlllni Newa KOCO Block 7:00 Earlj Bird KOIN Kloek Nowa Newa Je" Rltt.r 7 15 0ldSonaa Ncwi .ronikr Br'klaal Oaai KOCO Kloek 7.31I Newi CB8 Newa Bob Haiaa Br'klaet Oaai Newa lill 9am Hayaa Fred Beck Zcka Mannera Top Tradaa KOCO Kloek 8:00 Eddie 'Albert Conanmer Newi Breaklait Olab Ban Coanter S";0!f..'' 8 15 Eddie Albert ' Newa Breaklait Clab ramllr Alter '' 35 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breaklait Clab Haren ol Reel W",'"L 8i45 Sate Bldera Ro.emarr Breaklait Olab Haren ol Boat fleita Tlma 9:0Q iond Cop WeadrW.rrea Now. N W Newi J ! ' MePd, 8:15 Second Cap Aanl Jennr Todar't Ilara Maa. Memorlea T! MM 9:30 Hometownera Helen Trent Art LlnVlelter Pajlor'a uall Stare Slnj 9:45 Newe Oar Oal Sandal Art Unklelter Bldera Farp. . 1- Cn. Tbomaa 10:00 Marrlate lor S III! Slater Serenade Ne" . . I,""",...!. 10:15 Lora L.wton MaFerklaa Galen Drake Woman ol Wk. "" ' 10:30 Car. Cavall.ro Dr. Malono Mr True Blorr 2,'","" " 10:45 Beryl Blchardc aaidinc Liibt Mr True Story Melodlea K 11 :00 Doable or Noth. Mra. Bnrtoa Betty Croekar J"J! K"!; "! 11:15 Double or Noth. Perry Maion Club Time Ladlee Flnt Mnile Marl 11:30 Today'a Cbldrn Sorah Drake N'weiterncre aeeD '' "'..., 11:45 Lliht ol World Brlibter Pay N'weaternera Qneon lor Day Vocal Varlltlea 12:00 K" " New. Bankhaie Top Trade. H"'"!i 5J" :i2 15Paal Stono Come Gel It New. New. Hollyw'd Moil. 12:30 l'ePPer Voona Brlrht A Llabt Jack Norman N W Newa )2:45 llapplncia Art Baker Meet Menjoo. Bob Eberly Pare pennla 1:00 3.ck.t..o Wile Barny'd Follle. Breaklait In TellNelahbor "J "!! 1:15 itclla Pallaa Oarry Moore Hollywood Harrey Hardlni "" ; 1:30 Loren.o Jonea Garry Moor. Kar Weal Oraan Rererloa ac,B " ,2 1 :45 bidder Brown Newipaper Kar Weat Blm Blnaa M" Melodic. 2:00 Girl Marrlea Newipaper j.y Stewart Bob Poole "'a Melodies 2:15 por. Faeea Llle Store Allen J.y Stewart Bob Pool. Mac a Melodlea 2:30 Inst Plain Bill Store Allen Bride Oroom Mmio lor Mae e Mo od lee 2:45 Frt. P. Farrrell Tunclnlly Yoara Bride a Groom Tueiday Mao a Melodlea 8:00 Welcome Tray. Newa Top Tunea Hoedown Party Mae'e Melodlea 3:15 Welcome Trar. Arthur Oodlrey Vera Varaa Hoedown Party Mae'e Melodlea 3:30 nnt Mary Arthar Godlrey Be Seated New MM'f Melodlea 3:45 Lore Learn Arthar Godlroy Ted Malono Darld Boa. Mae'e Melodlea 4:00 Road ol Lllo Arthar Godlrey Santa'e Letere Fulton Lewla Moylo Tlma 4:15 Woman'. Scoret Arthur Godlrey Squirrel 'aac Hemincway Phlloiopber 4:30 Lllo Beautllal Cart Masacy Sqalrrrl Care Behind Story B can be Beaal, 4:45 Dr. Paul Edw. Murrow Cinnamon DearlCarm. Carallera B C'n ba Beaat. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lrjAl Mond.r P.M.-:M, Chlldren'a IWMV Theater! 5!lB, On the Upbeati i, 650 Bporta Clubi H:w, newa: o.iu. Dinner Melodlea) 0:30. Maile ol Caeoho iloraklai 1:15, Brenlna Farm Bonn 8:00, The Menlahl S:4B, Erenlni Medllatlonll m. Stan Oil nini Medltatlonai 10:00, 8ltn Oil. ton Oddfellow ie Uares Dinner Stayt Lodg Stayton The Odd Fellows are planning a dinner Wednesday ev ening from 5:30 until 7 o'clock when a choice of turkey or sal mon will be offered, In the lodge dining room. The high school boys' quartet will entertain and there will be carol singing and other features. Bob Woods is in charge of the UfAf (ueidar A.M. 10:00, Tba r. UMV Newat 10:111, Especially lar Women! 11:00, Sehool ol Alrt U:15, Con cert Hall: 19, Newai S:1B, Nooa Farm noun 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:15, School ol Alrt 1:30, Melody Lane: 2:00, World la Our Allalri 2:30, Memory Book ol Muiict a:45, School ol Alri 8:00. Newa: 8:15, Muilc ol the Maatera. entertainment; Mrs. Tomlni Shower, the decorations; and Mr. and Mrs. D. George Cole are the reception committee. Morgan Has Birthday Pleasantdale Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Morgan at LaFayette, helping Morgan celebrate his 84th birthday. It fell on Pearl Harbor day. ACROSS Sprite Small cup ujed In cutting diamonds Small herring New: comb, form Feminine name Tropical Amer ican animal Oriental dwelling One to whom matter ta directed Potential Stalner Bristle Inside Infor mation Lukewarm Lift Matter Vocalist Bellow: Scoto. River in Switzerland and France Pharmaceutical name for honey Three-spot Branches of learning Profit Slumbet Bar supporting the rudder of a ship Affirmative Pertaining to an ancient country in Asia Minor Tiny And no forth: abbr. Indite Solution of Saturday' PuziU 61. Short sleep 63. Thatfflrl DOWN 1. Done I. Susplclouit slang 61. at f2 Hp 35l M34 WWM mHRT-. KL "II AF Ntwftafurta I. Raving a poor memory 4. Clock face 6. Peculiar 6. Lined with a soft sub stance 7. Outline of a motion picture 8. Sit for an artist t. Oriental com mander 10, Devoured II, Form Into a knot 17, Wagon track 19. Open courts 22. Title of a knight 23. Gems 24. Danish fiord 25. By 27. Meager salary 29. Record of a single event 30. Limb 31. Enemy 32. Bashful Z4. Fame 37. Tear apart 39. Cutting mem bers of a saw 40. Room 41. Sand 42. Stair 4S. Make needle work 44. High pointed hill 45. Biblical prUrt 46. Ocean ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem W I WENT TUH D. DRIVE-IN Pfp SHE'S ONLY 5- FOOT-2, 3 WHERE ALFY5 WIFE IS tf( BUT SHE CAN GET 1 CASHIER AN,' BOX DID T. MADDER THAN A WET V SHE FRENCH-FRY MUH f PANTHER7-" SHE SAID S EARS WHEN I TRIED 1 1 IF ANYBODY ELSE COMES TUH TALK HER' INTO LETTIN') TUH TALK ABOUT ALFY ALFY BE A BOXSR S f AN' DA FlSHT SAMS, ) V WHOOPi I SHE'LL RING UP A J - X V NO-SALE ON HIS HEAD LiS fell iwp HAVIN6 10$T THEIR fiW SUHhN'UHlM. FSA BUNNY. 'J rT&SSL Hl( MARTY ! ! JU6T TOOK 'NJ XK WITH THE jkoj ARE. YE' tk A I iT.SwftsJx OVER THAT CHARACTER'S LEA5E ifSfc' lL?pyD