Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 12, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, Dec. 12, 1949
Housewives Likely to Wait Long
Time for Lower Coffee Prices
Washington, Dec. 12 U. American housewives are likely to
wait a long time for any general return of coffee prices to
September levels.
The reason for this was outlined for congress yesterday by
an American diplomatic official: Brazilian reserves here vir
tually disappeared and unfavor-S
able growing conditions nave
wrecked an chances for a bum
per crop next year.
"I don't think Brazil ever
again will be as big a coffee pro
ducer as she was," Robert B. El
wood second secretary of the
U. S. Embassy at Rio de Ja
neiro, told a senate agriculture
subcommittee investigating high
coffee prices.
Elwood was ordered home to
testify before the committee. He
took a somewhat different ap
proach to the coffee problem
from that of Chairman Gillette
(D.-Iowa). Gillette declared:
"It is just as apparent to this
committee as daylight that some
where along the line in October
and November there were spe
culative interests that had such
an effect on the coffee market
as to practically double the price
of coffee to the American con
sumer." He added there has been "a
rigging of the market and we
are trying to find out where it
Elwood told the committee
there has been an "unexpectedly
heavy rate" of coffee exports
from Brazil since July 1, 1949.
"Continuation of this rate of
exports," he continued, "would
have resulted in the complete
exhaustion of coffee supplies in
Brazil before the 1950 crop
would begin to become available
for export in July of that year,
Also, he said, a drought in
south-central Brazil "destroyed
all hopes of a bumper harvest
in 1950."
Finally, Elwood testified, Bra
zllian government-owned coffee
supplies were liquidated last
August, with a "strong psycho!
ogical effect on the market."
In Dio de Janeiro, President
Ruy Almedia of the Brazilian
coffee exchange denied that spe
culation was involved in the
coffee price rise, at least as far
as Brazil is concerned.
"The advance came about nat
urally from lower production
and higher consumption at the
same time," Almedia said.
Rio dispatches told of retail
coffee prices there of 59 to 62
cents a pound, as compared with
a little over 22 cents two months
Like Elwood, Albert M. Pros
terman, a commerce department
Warren Aims
At Lobbyists
Sacramento, Calif., Dec. 12 W)
Governer Earl Warren today
said he would ask the state leg
mature for a law outlawing the
'use of money" by lobbyists to
influence legislation.
The lobbyists formally
known as legislative advocates
now only have to register with
the clerks of the state assembly
and state senate.
California's legislature, meet
ing in special session Monday
will be asked, the governor said
for a law thata would require
lobbyists to:
Register with the secretary of
File financial statements on
money they spend lobbying.
Name his employers, salary
and legislation he is interested
The governor also wants each
employer of a lobbyist to file
financial statement on what he
paid out.
Violators under the governor's
plan would be subject to banish
ment as lobbyists and to crimin
al prosecution.
Past legislatures, including
the 1949 session earlier this year
have considered lobby control
measures. None has passed.
commodity specialist, said the
main factor in rising prices is
the ebb of Brazilian reserve cof
fee stocks.
"The day of huge coffee sur
pluses is over, at least for the
present," he told a reporter.
"Now the demand is just about
equivalent to the supply."
In Boca Raton, Fla., the Na
tional Coffee association heard
that the United States is be
coming a greater tea-drinking
nation than ever before.
And the little nation of Sal
vador reported that its coffee
crop this year was cut to 12 per
cent below last year's supply by
heavy October rains and No
vember winds which stripped the
trees of coffee berries.
3 $2
taste !
National Distillers Product! Corporation, New York, N. Y;
Blended Whiskey. 86 Proof. 6j Grain Neutral Spirits.
mmnim , i nlltf i
Thomas Sentenced Flanked by Deputy U. S. marshals,
Rep. J. Parnell Thomas (center) leaves the U. S. marshal's
office in Washington for removal to the federal prison at
Danbury, Conn., after being sentenced to six to 18 months
in jail and fined $10,000 for accepting salary kick-backs
from his office force. (Acme Telephoto)
Salem Heights
School Notes
Mrs. Boyer's fourth grade gave
the assembly program Friday
about Christmas in other lands.
The same room had charge of the
bulletin board this week, dis
playing pictures of Christmas in
other lands.
Salem Heights beat Liberty
8 to 2 in a practice basketball
game at Liberty last Monday.
In the magazine subscription
contest, the sixth grade is ahead
by selling $246.65 worth. The
fifth grade has sold $177.25. The
total goal is $400, and the drive
lasts until next Thursday.
Paul Paris has been absent
from the fourth grade with ill
ness all week. The school Moth
ers club will meet Tuesday at
the Community hall. The fourth
grade will give its assembly program.
Mrs. Green's first grade has
their Christmas tree up and has
decorated their room. They made
Christmas wrapping paper and
are block printing.
Julia Rich, sixth grade, won
first prize for sixth graders
last week on KOAC's "Land of
Make Believe." Donna Whitacre
won honorable mention. In the
fourth grade competition, Sally
Jo Riewald won honorable men
tion. Jeanette Harrison won first
and Mickey Keuscher got hon
orable mention in the fifth grade
The school is selling Santa
Claus pins for the tuberculosis
The fifth grade is working on
Christmas gifts. Mrs. Denhem:
the teacher, brought to school
two 1899 newspapers from Sa
lem and McMinnville.
Schoodic Point, Me., juts far
ther into the Atlantic than any
other point of rock on the east
ern coast.
Air Fare to
Europe Cheaper
Round-trip flights from Sa
lem to Europe will cost as little
as $676.60 between January 1
and March 15, according to offi
cials of United Air Lines, whose!
schedules interlock with those of
nternational air carriers.
Beginning January 1, subject
to approval of the civil aero
nautics board, all trans-Atlantic
airlines will sell round-trip tick
ets from major east coast cities
to the gateway cities of Europe
for only 110 per cent of the one
way fare, providing the return
flight is started within 15 days
of departure from North Amer
ica. For those who wish to stay
in Europe longer, there still are
reduced 60-day excursion fares
Interline ticketing agreements
which United has with each of
the trans-Atlantic airlines will
enable travelers here to take
advantage of the new reduced
fares, the lowest ever offered
abroad, the officials said.
Approximate 15-day round-
trip rates from Salem to Europe
will be: to London, $676.60; to
Paris, $698.60: to Rome $777
tor, charging himself with as
sault and battery, pleading
guilty, and paying a $10 fine.
Chief Setser hung one on Carl
Crabb, Sr., editor of the Mc
Donough County Times, late
Saturday afternoon. They had
met on the street. The chief
was in mufti,
Before Justice of the Peace
Floyd Keough a few minutes
later Setser charged himself,
pleaded guilty, paid the fine,
plus the costs and said that he
"blew his top."
Setser said he was aggravated
because of recent articles in the
Times about the police depart
ment. The chief described the
articles as false.
Crabb said yesterday he
would save any comment he had
on the affair for an extra he
Gore Given Sweater
Sheridan Floyd Gore, Sher
idan high school Spartan full
back, was awarded a white let
ter sweater at a special assembly.
The sweater was presented to
him by members of the football
team after they had voted him
their most valuable player of
the year.
Cops End Boy's
Spending Soree
Sacramento, Dec. 12 (li.R) A
10-year-old boy was having the
time of his life here last Friday
until the long arm of the law
reached out and said "stop".
The youth was on a pre
Christmas shopping spree in a
local department store and was
paying for his purchases with
$100 bills. Clerks became sus
picious and called the cops.
Patrolmen Martin Relies and
Otis McAlexander said they
found a total of $427 in the
boy's pocket. They also found
a wallet carrying papers of J. A,
Morris, Carleton, Ore.
They believed his story, how
ever, that he found the wallet
in a bus depot where he had
gone to meet his father. The
wallet and the $427 is being held
at the police station.
Cop Punches Editor
And Pays $10 Fine
Macomb, 111., Dec. 12 W) Po
lice Chief Eddie Setser is back in
uniform after punching an edi-
For dTimmess,
Coughs of Colds
You know like millions of others how
wonderfully effective Vicks VapoRub is
when you rub it on.
Now...heres amazing, special reiiei wnen
there's much coughing or stuffiness, that
"choked-up" feeling. It's VapoRub in Steam
. . . and it brings relief almost instantly I
Put 1 or 2 spoonfuls of VapoRub in a
vaporizer or bowl of boiling water. Then
breathe In the soothing, medicated vapors.
Every breath eases coughing spasms, makes
breathing easier. And to prolong relief rub
VapoRub on throat, chest and back.
Use it in steam. . . Rub it on, tool
Sold Two Cars in East
for Holidays
Also Walnuts in the Shell
460 North Front St. Phone 3-7633
Open Every Day, Except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
.', ".Wis
Soap Set
A snowy bath ball of Jas
min soap atop tall, shiny,
scarlet box of Snowdrift
Dusting Powder (5 oz.).
Fun to have and to give.
Single Snowball Soap, 1.50
3 cakes Snowball Soap, 3.75
Soip not lubject to 20 Fed. T
Leaves the corner of Court and Commercial
every half hour from 10:15 A.M. to 3:45 P.M.
Pickups will be made at all regular Bus Stops on the following route
The bus route will be north on Commercial to Chemeketa then east
on Chemeketa to Church, north on Church to Center then east on
Center to Capitol and north on Capitol to
shop 'TIL 9 P.M. MONDAY
Visit Santa and
Happy Time Toy Town
Monday 3 to 9 Friday 3 to 9
Saturday All Day
&aty&faaaCUM 550 N.Capitol
etjfoutnKtyjaGi" JlHIlJ Phone 3-9191
!I!!zZjC l Ms &
Lemon Fork 2' jT ;'
Pickle Fork 350 jL
Cream Ladle '500 1
,1" H 7 2-pieceSteakSetSI500
jMj J Colo Meat Fork 7.S0 telgi -f
Jelly Seiver 4S9
Sugar Tongs 5
Gravy ledle7'8
' Prices Inchidt Federal Tii
Pie Knife $7.50 twao-mawk or ONEIDA km.
!!T"M Bill
DIAL 4-2223