0 f-r'HE CHRISTMAS program for u I Salem Lions club auxiliary is -I1- scheduled for next Thursday eve ning, the event to be at the country home home of Mrs. Saul Janz at 8 o'clock. There will be a special musical program, Mrs. Bruce VanWyngarden in charge. Mrs. E. Burr Miller is chairman of the committee of hostesses for the evening and assisting are Mrs. Leslie Beard, Mrs. Joseph Tompkins, Mrs. R. W. PicKell and Mrs. Lillian Ramage. Members are to take food and cloth ing for the family to be assisted at Christmas lime, also clothing to be giv en students at Chcmawa school. The philanthropic committee is work ing out plans for the Christmas work, Mrs. Harry L. Miller as chairman. By Marian Lowry Fischer THE YULETIDE is always occa sion for numerous open houses, teas and other informal enter taining, and certainly the coming holi days will be no exception. As usual, much of the entertaining will center around the young people home from school. At Home Saturday Among pre-holiday at home affairs will be the one for which Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herrall are to entertain for a large group of friends at their Fairmount Hill home next Saturday evening. The affair honors Mr. and Mrs. W. F. (Robert) Scverin. Guests have been invited between 5 and 7 o'clock. Assisting the hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stadtor, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown and Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Joseph. Hosts Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet have invitations out for a pre-holiday at home next Sunday, December 18, the affair to be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr. Guests are invited between 4 and 7 o'clock. Christmas Eve Tea Invitations were in the mail today for a Christmas tea for which Miss Barbara Zumwalt will be hostess the afternoon of Saturday, December 24, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Zumwalt. Miss Zumwalt will be among Oregon Stale college students return ing home for the holiday vacation. Some 125 school friends have been bidden to call between 2 and 5 o'clock at the Hood street residence of the Zum walts. Mrs. Pearl Speer is leaving Wednes day to spend the Christmas holidays at Lake Mahopac, New York, with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson. She will be gone two weeks and is making the trip via the Great Northern. AT-HOME DAY ON TUESDAY Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon' governor, will be at home for her usual afternoon, Tuesday, local and out-of-town friends being invited to call at that time. The at-home afternoons will then be discontinued for a month, Mrs. McKay planning to resume them Tuesday, Jan uary 17, Next Thursday the McKays will be in Roseburg and in Bend on Friday. On Saturday evening next they will be among guest at the dinner at the Waverly club in Portland honoring Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Frey. During the holiday week, Governor and Mrs. McKay will be going south for a vacation of two and one-half weeks. They will be among those taking in the Tournament of Roses event at Pasadena and the Rose Bowl game, New Year's day. They also will spend a little time at Palm Springs and in Arizona at the Lee Eyerly ranch. Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod has invited members of her bridge club for dessert and afternoon of cards at her country home, Wednesday. Among affairs honoring Miss Betty Lou Edwards, preceding her marriage on December 21 to David Getzendaner, will be the shower and party for which Mrs. Oscar Liudahl, Mrs. Albert J. Tor gcrson, Mrs. Oscar Sederstrom, Mrs. L. J. Slcwart and Mrs. Everett Holmes will entertain on Tuesday evening at the Liudahl home. Thirty-five have been Invited and the group will honor Miss Edwards with a miscellaneous shower of gifts. A lale Slipper will be served. Pi Beta Phi Mothers' club is to meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the chapter house on Willamette university campus. The group will take fruit and jam for a shower for the chapter house. The ac tive girls will sing carols for the mothers, Miss Martha Bonnet accompanying. Mrs. David Cameron is lo sing solos, Mrs. Ted Gordon accompanying, and there will be a dramatic reading. Mrs. Carl Schnei der and Mrs. Dolph Craig are to be host esses for the meeting. Christmas party for Chapter G, PEO Sisterhood, will be an event of next Thursday afternoon, dessert to be serv ed at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Co-hostesscs with Mrs. Schramm are Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. C. K. Logan and Mrs. Amanda Wash burn. The social committee is in charge for the parly, Mrs. Frank Voigl as chair man. Mrs. J. M. Glass and Mrs. J. P. Duke will be hostesses at the home of th . former, Monday evening, for the meet ing of Chapter BQ, P. E. O. Sisterhood, this event to be the Christmas party for the chapter. Among holiday visitors expected in the capital are Raymond Walsh of Los Angeles and his sister, Miss Jane Walsh of San Francisco, who will arrive Christ mas eve to spend the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Raymond Walsh. .r m . . i l i ' m an .unr. mm mi m .T mmnu nr i In ii 7 o Qj J n ''.'V;T -til ALWAYS AN IMPORTANT accessory when It comes lo follt dancing is the accordiun, and the one plnying the instrument is the spark D.ujr for the dash and color featuring these dances. Above, Mrs. Ncls Tonnins and her accordion lead off the granl entrance for the dancers. Miss Carson Announces Betrothal Spotlighted in- the romantic news this week-end is Miss Jane Carson, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Car son, who announced her engagement Inst night to James Brice Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brice Shaw of Aber deen, Wash. The announcement was made at a Christmas fireside party last midnight at the Gamma Phi Beta sorority house at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Miss Ann Carson, sister of the bride-to-be, appeared at the party in a Santa Claus costume and distributed candy canes on which were written the names of the couple. The traditional box of candy was passed and a late supper served. No date is set for the wedding but it is planned for some time next summer. Miss Carson is a senior at Oregon, majoring in psychology. She is serving her sorority as chapter secretary this year and she is an active member of the Salem Spinsters club. Mr. Shaw also is a senior at the uni versity and will receive his degree in business administration. He attended Aberdeen schools and was in the navy two years as an electrician's mate, first class, stationed in the Hawaiian islands. He is a member of Pi Kappa Phi frater nity at Oregon and of Scabbard and Blade, military honorary. In addition to members of the sorority, additional guests at the announcement party were Miss Barbara Sundct, Miss Gloria McClintock, Miss Barbara Mc Clintock and Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice, all of Salem and all attending the uni versity; Mrs. George C. Alexander and Mrs. James Love, both Gamma Phis, living in Eugene. " - . . '-it - .1 Kmnrll-EUfe fttiidlo PIctur. THK ENGAGEMENT of Miss Jane Carson, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson, to Jamrs Brlre Shaw of Aberdeen, Huh, was announced tut nijht at th. brida-elcet's sororitf Iniwiitr W Oragoo, . -r .f ify - ',' e.r H Jeftcn-Mlllcr studio picture Sally Herron, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Herron, will observe her third birthday on Monday and Mrs. Herron has planned a party during the afternoon hours for a group of mothers and children. Mrs. Pearl Speer, grand mother of the little girl, will assist at the party. Invited to fete Sally are Mrs. Ed Lewis and Johnny; Mrs. James Harris and Charles; Mrs. Max Clark and Stuart; Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer and Billy; Mrs. Morris Wamberg and Margaret Ann; Mrs. James Vittone, Nancy and Danny; Mrs. Louis Bean and Gary and Linda; Mrs. Jean Watson and daughter, Melba Jean Sears; Mrs. Mel Bowcut and Jo Mae; Miss Imogene Vittone, Miss Mar garet Mag'ee and her little niece, Kath ryn Ann Vagt of Albany, and the latter's mother, Mrs. Robert Vagt. An informal after-game dance is plan ned for the high school student body next Friday evening, the event to fol low the Salem-Eugene basketball game. Music for the occasion is donated by local 315, musicians' union. Delta Gamma Mothers club is to meet at the sorority chapter house Monday at 2 p.m. Following a short business ses sion there will be a social hour. Mrs. James Lucas and Mrs. Frank Farmer are hostesses for the afternoon. Executive board of Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, is to meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Allan Carson. " -' s r-n-V-S3 1 V 6 y. Folk Dancing's Fun Say In Salem as elsewhere throughout the country, folk dancing continues to be a big interest and hobby for a large number of people. On nf the active local organizations for folk dancing is the Lcikarring group A TRICKY NUMBER in the repertoire of the dancers is the "weaving dance." Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Arneson are shown above just as they completed their round in weaving down the line of dancers, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Amundson standing at either side. Holiday Time Weddings Planned Two weddings of interest just pre cede Christmas Miss Betty Lou Ed wards and David Getzendaner to be wed the evening of Wednesday, December 21; Miss Charlotte Best and Charles R. Johnson of Cottage Grove to be married the afternoon of Friday, December 23. The two brides-elect are announcing plans for their nuptials this week-end. Getzendaner-Edwards Miss Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Edwards, and Mr. Get zendaner, the son, of the Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Getzendaner, will be married in the St. Mark Lutheran church Decem ber 21, the father of Mr. Getzendaner to officiate at the 8 o'clock rites.. Miss Beverley Kenney is to be maid of honor for Miss Edwards. Young Miss Martha Louise Lucas, cousin of the bride-to-be, is to be the junior attendant. La Vern Fowler will be best man and the ushers include Kay Huntington, Rich ard Taw, Dean Thomas of Tillamook, James Seiffert of Portland, the Rev. John Baglicn of Chchalis and Roy Houck. The reception following also will be at the church. Johnson-Best Miss Best, daughter of Mrs. H. C. Walling of Salem, and Mr. Johnson, son of Mrs. Mary K. Johnson of Cottage Grove, will repeal their vows at a ceremony arranged for 4 o'clock the aClcrnoon of December 23 in the West minster House at Orcson State college, Corvallis, the Rev. Mr. Bulklcy offi ciating. Miss Beverly Mott is to light the ta pers. Soloist for the service will be Victor Wolfe of Salem. Miss Ecrnice Crwig of Portland is to be maid of honor and attending Mr. Johnson as best man will be Lee Collier of Coltaj-;e Grove. George Vincent and George Asbury,, both of Corvallis, will be the L'.rr.crs. The reception will also be at West minster House. Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Utter were hosts Wednesday evening at a buffet supper and Christmas party at their home, guests including the past presidents of the local lodge of Fraternal Order of Eagles and their wives. The guests were Mr. aiid Mrs. John Golden, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. James Sim, Mr. and Mrs. Al Fricsen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore who came from Portland for the party, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Guttman. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Emery P. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mrs. L. T. Wallace. Job's Daughters Mothers' club mem bers are meeting Wednesday for their monthly luncheon in the Masonic tem ple at 12 o'clock. On the committee are Mrs. E. T. llartwell, Mrs. Wayne Shrunk, Mrs. L. R. BurdctVc, Mrs. James Pride, Mrs. J. N. Van Loll, Mrs. Elaine Settle meier. Theatre Arts group is meeting Tues day at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. N. F. Anderson. Mrs. Gertrude Ayres is to give a reading of "Journey of Three Kings" by Henri Gheon. of the Sons of Norway lodge who have made quite a reputation for them selves. Almost weekly this group meets for practice and appears frequently before other organizations to give special en r "'XJ "' r'" " "' ' if' Julie Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, was honored at a des sert party given last evening by her mother at their home. Julie will ob serve her 14th birthday, Sunday. A group of 14 school friends was invited, and ping pong and record playing fol lowed the dessert. The afternoon book study group of the American Association of University Women is to meet this week at the home of Mrs. Custer Ross, 787 Cross, at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs. Ross will talk to the group informally on her recent travels. '-V ': M I V 5-1 i . v vi i ' I i - ' U ii ! I I T'l ' tit bilk. I j c, JkJk-- McEwan "SNAPPED" JUST AS SHE was nrenarinr In Ann hr ,.n i..,. u Mli John Owen Petty. Jr., the former Mavis Arlene Egjcns, married last Saturday eveninr ui the First Methodist church. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H Eggens, Mr. relty,, th son of Mrs. Maud. Petty of Gladstone the Members tertainment, all for the fun of it. The Lcikarring group is a colorful one, the members wearing bi-ighk. red: caps and jackets. The women always don black skirts and the ttionul white aprons. Jestt-n-MUler studio pictura EMBERS of the Marion - Polk Medical society are sponsoring a dinner for the medical socioty members next Thursday evening De- cember 15 in the First Congregational church at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad, "H J.'ts.Wil- liam Lidbeck and Mrs. Brace' Kpp :e' Kpp are on the entertainment committal, '' Mrs. John Ramage, Mrs. Horace1 Me- Among dances next week is the semi Gee and Mrs. Roscoe Wilson are in formal buffet dinner and dance to be charge of decorations. sponsored by the Salem Women's Army The auxiliary is not holding its reg- anti Navy League next Friday evening, ular second Tuesday evening meeting, December 16, a.t the American Legion the dinner to take the place of: this ciu, starting at 8 o'clock, month's meeting. , IT ,. . Mrs. T. W. Hardisty is chairman of Mrs. Willard Marshall Is to be lost ess to her bridge club, Wednesday, in viting the group for luncheon and cards. of the Norwegian Leikarring Group With their costumes, the women, too, wear the solje really a national pin in Norway a type of brooch, and their jackets, have the Colorful braid trim. J The costumes arc all hand made by (lie women and arc of hand-woven mate PRESENTING THE "file, file, bom, bom, bci" Is this group above, including Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, O. 11. Lunda, Mrs. Stanley Quamme being glimpsed in the background. Pre-holiday Dance The pre-holiday weeks are . crowded . seyeral bfii Qn the caiendar6 fr net week-end. And with holiday decorations featured, they I are gala events. League Dance Friday the committee and working with her are Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, Mrs. Con rad Paulson, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs. Robert N. Phillips. Reservations are to be in by Monday. Those taking reservations are Mrs. Hardisty, Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Robert S. Gentzkow and Mrs. George Spaur. Bonheur Party Bonheur club's Christmas time dance is scheduled also for next Friday even ing, the event to be in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, dancing to be be tween 9 and 12 o'clock. A dessert supper Holiday Month Calendar December 10 Panhellenic dance, Labor temple. Town club dance. Sojourners Club Christmas dance. December 1 1 Annual presentation of "The Messiah" by Salem Oratorio society, at Salem high school, 3 p.m. December 12 ' Junior Woman's Club Christmas party, Woman's club house. December 13 Christmas musicale of AAUW First Presbyterian church , December 16 , Oregon State College Mothers' club bazaar, Portland Gas and Coke company. Salem Women's Army and Navy League dance, American Legion club. Cama Club dance, Crystal Gardens. Bonheur Club dance, Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. December 17 Monday Night Dance Club party, Marion hotel. Christmas greens show. Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. Christmas party for Rotana club. December 18 Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. December 19 Jaycec-Ettes Christmas party. Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. December 22 Christmas formal of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens. December 25 Spinsters club Christmas dance, No-Name ballroom. December 27 Christmas formal dance of Junior Catholic Daughters of America, -No-Name ballroom. . December 29 Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae Christmas tea, home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis. December 31 New Year's dance of Subscription club. New Year's dance of Carousel club. New Year's dance of Tillicum club. rials. Each of the white aprons would be a story in itself with .its traditional lace inscrations. Any big smorgasbord would not be complete without the Leikarring group there to give the special entertain Parties Listed will follow the dancing. Holiday decor ations will be featured. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown as chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Milan Basinger, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meola, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo C. Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Olvis. Wayne Strach an's orchestra is to play. Cama Party Cama club has arranged its December dance for next Friday evening, Decem ber 16, in Crystal Gardens, dancing to be between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. A snack bar is to be set up through the evening. Bill DeSouza's band is to play. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Olsen are on the com mittee for the dance. x Preceding the dance, 10 couples are entertaining the club membership at a social hour between 8:30 and 9:30 o'clock. The hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard, Mr and Mrs. Milo Van Houten, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geer, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jarvls, Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Burres, Mr. ment as illustration, the recent fes tival of nations smorgasbord sponsored by the Salem YMCA and YWCA. The group has two divisions of danc . ers, some being able to go at one time, the others on another occasion. - y , ! " . 'v " 'n f Jestcn-Miller studio picturt Mrs. H. G. Gann, at left, and and Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Charles Emerson, Miss Trudy Schiess. Saturday Event Monday Night Dance club has planned its pre-holiday dance for next Saturday evening, December 17, in the Marion hotel, dinner to be at 7:30 o'clock, danc ing at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan, Mrs. Donald Madison and Mrs. Denver Young are the committee for the evening. Chadwick assembly, Order of Rain bow for Girls, .is meeting next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic temple. There will be initiation for "seven new members, Miss Marilyn Power presiding. Later, degrees will be conferred upon retiring members of the Rainbow board, Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. D. G. DcSart, Mrs. Carl Anthony, Mrs. Clarence Webber, Gail H. Jones and H R. Robinson. Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy matron of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, and Jason Frizzell, the worthy patroil, will be given special honors. This being the final meeting preceding the big annual Christmas dance of the group on December 22 Drograms and tickets will be handed out. to I he com mittee for the ticket sale at. this meeting. HIGHLIGHTING THE pre-holiday social activities for Willamette university students Is the annual Christmas ball of Panhellenic, the event to be this evening in the Labor temple downtown as a formal party. "Holly Daze" is the theme, featuring, as its .lame Implies, holly and other Christmas decorations. Working on plans for the event are these five above, Including, left to right: Miss Midge Newton as delegate from Chi Omega on the Panhellenic coun cil; PI Beta Phi's, Miss Carol Ann Snarr; Miss Roberta Batey, Alpha Chi Omega, president of Panhellenic) Mrs. C. R. Nelson, campus Fanhellenlo adviser; and M1h Folly Pollock, delegate from Delta Gamma. THERE'S PLENTY of whirl in the fast Norwcffian polka being danced by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Quamme, above. When the whole group of dancers present this number there is really some action on the floor. NNUAL Christmas party and fun event for the Junior Woman's club -is announced for Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club. For special entertainment there will be a skit, presenting Santa Claus and his reindeer. Games will be played and prizes will be given. Refreshments are to be served. Each member is to take a gift, the presents then to be collected and given to the Chemawa school. The party is very informal with sports atlire or jealis all in order. The youth conservation committee, headed by Mrs. Ralph Atwood, and the , membership committee, of which Mrs. Charles Leroy Mink is chairman, are in charge for the evening. On Mrs. Mink's committee are Mrs. Peery Buren, Mrs. Thomas Gabriel, Mrs. Fred Gast, Mrs. Marvin Holland, Mrs. Harold Heiserman, Mrs. Ted Jenny, Mrs. William Judson, Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mrs. George Sernio, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Don Cannon. On the committee with Mrs. Atwood are Mrs. C. M. Collins, Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. Gast, Mrs. Helland, Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Mink, and Mrs. Arthur Roethlin. Rotana club's meeting is arranged for Monday evening at the home of Mr. Wil mer Wells, 851 North Winter, Mrs. Her bert Miller as co-hostess. Plans will be outlined for the group's Christmas party to be held December 17 as a dinner event in Four Corners Community hall. Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meeting at the Roberts studio, Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock, for its Christ mas party, the event to follow the regu lar chapter meeting. Soroptimist club members will hear Mrs. Mable Hayles, librarian and recrea tion supervisor at the state hospital, in a talk for their program luncheon Wednes day at the Golden Pheasant. Jcs ten -Miller .studio picture UO Groups Dine Parents, of all University of Oregon students and alumni are invited to at tend the no-host dinner to be sponsor ed by the UO Dads and Mothers clubs, Monday evening, the affair to be in Mayflower hall at 6:30 o'clock. Each family attending is to take its own hot dish for the dinner and its own table service. Mrs. Walter Kirk is chairman of the committee in charge. On the committee with Mrs. Kirk are Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs'. John R. Caughcll, Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs. J. L. Mahula, Mrs. Douglas Yeater, Mrs. William Paulus,. Mrs. C. W. Paulus. Faculty members from the university who will be guests at the gathering in clude Don Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lillie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Robert Mc Clure and Howard Lemon.' Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary has planned its Christmas entertainment . meeting for Monday afternoon at 1:30 . o'clock in the hospital chapel. v There will be a musical program, Mrs. Frank R. Kellogg as chairman. On the hostesses committee are Mrs. M. B. Rudd as chairman, Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mrs. H. E. Gilbert and Mrs. Kellogg. Zonta club's business meeting will be in conjuction with the group's luncheon next Thursday noon at the Golden Pheasant. The luncheon is called a week early because of the holidays. The board is lo meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at Ihe homo of Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For eign Wars, is meeting Monday in the VFW hall at 8 o'clock. Plans will be completed for the Christmas project. Jcstm-MUler Aludlo picture IN v setting of Christmas greens at the First Congregational church this afternoon was solemnized the mar riage of Miss Stella Jean Carrico, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Carrico of Phoenix, Arizona, to William Roy Bar ber, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bar ber of Salem, the Rev. John Schroeder, director of religion at Linfield college, officiating at the 4 o'clock rites. Lighting the tapers preceding the ser vice were Misses Diana Arpke and Nickie Haynes, both wearing gold faille gowns made with bateau necklines and full skirts. For the music, Mrs. Howard Carrico and Miss Joy Bushnell sang, Miss Patty Jo Hammond being at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a wedding gown of white faille. It was designed with bateau neck line, fitted bodice, the slim skirt front and full panel train. The veil of Chan tilly lace was brought from France re cently. For her flowers the bride car ried a round formal bouquet of white camellias. The Christmas colors also featured the attendants' gowns. Mrs. Donald E. Clark of Seattle, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a Christmas red gown that was . made similarly to the bride's dress and she carried a wreath of holly tied with red ribbons. Mrs. E. McCargar, Jr., sister of the bridegroom, Miss Joanne Blaxall, a cou sin of the bride, Miss Norma Lu Faaborg of Honolulu and Miss Margaret Atwood of Corvallis were the bridesmaids. All were attired in forest green gowns and carried wreaths of holly tied with the red ribbons. Martin Barber of Eugene was best man for his brother. Ushering were Bur rail Birch Dick Johns, Stanley Jobe and Charles Johiwm. Reception at Sorority For the wedding the bride's mother wore a gown in gray with corsage of pink roses and the bridegroom's mother was attired in a royal blue gown and wore a corsage of red roses. The reception following was at the Delta Gamma sorority house on the Wil lamette university campus. The Christ mas greens and bouquets of white blooms decorated the reception rooms. Mrs. Howard Carrico and Miss Joy Bushnell cut the bride's cake. Miss Ruth Barber, aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Grace Marquam poured. Miss Eleanora Love less served the ices. Assisting at the re ception were Miss Kay Stark, who pass ed the dream cakes, and Miss Joan Klindworth, who had charge of the guest book. Members of the sorority assisted in serving. For traveling' the bride wore a brown wool suit with matching coat, winter white accessories and poinsettia corsage. Following a trip to the coast and a skiing jaunt in the mountains, the couple will be at home in Salem. The bride is a sen ior at Willamette, having previously at tended University of Alberta, and is a member of Delta Gamma. Mr. Barber was graduated this year from Willamette. BPW CLUB PARTY ANNOUNCED December meeting for the Salem Bus iness and Professional Women's club is to be a Christmas party on Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock in the Salem Wo man's club house. . Members of the Woodburn, Dallas and Silverton clubs have been invted as guests. Each one attending is to take a gift for a child between the ages of 10 and 15 as the admission to the party. The Tuesday event is the only meet ing in December for the club. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Carolyn Williamson, daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Wil liamson, to Darwin W. Calsee, son of Mrs. Ethel Gibbons of Salem and Glenn W. Calsee of Chicago. The ceremony was solemnized Thanks giving day in Reno, Nevada. Following a trip through Nevada, California, Utah and Idaho the couple are at home on route 7, Salem. Hollywood Lions club auxiliary has planned a meeting for next Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. G. M. Flentz, 1245 North 18th, at 7 o'clock. There will be a no-host dinner and an exchange of gifts. Mrs. Carl Gies, Mrs. M. G. Porter and Mrs. P. W. Hale are on the committee for the party. Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood will be entertained by Mrs. Frank Myers and Mrs. C. W. Parker on Tuesday at the Myers home, dessert to be at 1:30 o'clock.. The garden study group and the in terior decorating group of the American Association oi University Women have planned a joint event for Thursday eve ning at 7:45 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Goruon Carl, 1675 Fair Oaks way. Mrs. William li. Anderson is to be guest speaker to talk on Christmas decora tions. Hostesses for the meeting with Mrs. Carl are Mrs. R. H. Bonner, Mrs. C. J. Dalzellc, Mrs. Donald Fisher. Catholic Daughters of America plan their regular meeting for next Wednes day evening, December 14, at the Salem Woman's club, at 8 o'clock. GOP WOMEN PLAN MEETING Salem unit of the Republican Women's clubs oi Oregon is meeting Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce, the meeting this time being on Tuesday instead of Monday. Mark O. Hatfield, instructor in poli tical science at Willamette university, is to talk lo the group on the Hoover commission report. New officers will be installed. The new president is Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and other officers serving with her include Miss Elizabeth Porter, Miss Marjorie Harris, Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Helen McLeod, : Mrs. Glenn McCormlck.