16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 10, 1949 A , km Russians Convicted Accused of espionage, these Soviet citizens huddle together in the county court at Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, where they were convicted and sentenced to prison at hard labor for terms ranging from three to 20 years. The 10 defendants (six shown above) Immediately ap pealed. It was the first time since the war that Russian citizens have been tried, convicted and sentenced in any of the eastern European countries. (Acme Telephoto) Messiah to Be Given Sunday At High School Auditorium . Salem Oratorio society will present its annual performance of Handel's "The Messiah," Sunday afternoon in the auditorium of! Salem senior high school. The program will be at 3 o'clock, Sean Melvin Geist of the Willamette university college of music directing The chorus of more than 300 voices is accompanied by the Willamette symphony orchestra, directed by Dr. Willis C. Gates of the university. There will be six soloists with the presentation. Robert C. Johnson Is to be a basso soloist. He is of Portland and has sung with various church groups in Portland and with many other choirs and chor uses, including the Eugene Glee men, the Portland Gleemen and the Portland Symphony choir. Virginia Ward Elliott of Mc Minnville has the soprano solo parts. She has appeared twice before as soloist with the Salem Oratorio society. For 15 years he was director of the well known Linfield a cappella choir. Edith Fairham Gunnar, con tralto, also is a soloist in the Sunday program. This is her second appearance with the Ora torio group. She is well known to Salem audiences and was fraduated in June from Willa mette. Baritone soloist is Robert Dwinn, senior student at Willa mette. He has sung with the uni versity a cappella choir and has been, guest soloist on many pro grams here. Grace Ashford, also of Willa mette college of music, is a so prano soloist for the Sunday per formance. She has sung before many groups here and has been a member of the First Presby terian church here. Ormal Tack, director of music in the Lower Columbia Junior college at Longview, is the tenor oloist. He has been soloist at many churches in the Seattle and Portland areas and has had much experience in organizing and directing men's choruses and glee clubs. The Sunday presentation of "The Messiah" is without charge and the interested public is invited. H. L. Pearcy Elected Head of Nut Growers Portland. Dec. 10 Walnut growers are socking ways to im prove their product and increase ales. The Nut Growers' society of Oregon and Washington was told here yesterday that the im provements are needed, for the market is dwindling. Among suggestions offered were proposals to plant cover crops in the winter and to add organic humus to the soil. Harry L. Pearcy, Snlem, was elected president; Burr Fisher, Springfield, and Guy L. Ander son, Longview, vice presidents. Appeal NLRB Ruling Portland, Dec. 10 (P A drug stire firm involved In labor trouble said today it would ap peal to the courts for aid. The Haleston Drug stores said It would appeal from an NLRB decision In which the NLRB re fused to handle the case on the ground that interstate commerce was not involved. The firm had accused the AFL Culinary Work ers if unfair labor practices. Americans average 80 , bus rides a year. FOR Insured Savings Sff First native brought death today to the British governor of Sara wak, 45-year-old Duncan G. Stewart. Stewart died in a Singapore hospital after a seven-day fight for life. He had been stabbed December 3 while making his first visit to Sibu, an inland cen ter of the North Borneo crown colony to which he came only month ago. He had been flown to Singa pore for treatment and his con dition took a turn for the worse three days ago. ONE OF THE BOYS Two-Star General Runs Outfit In 'Most Unorthodox Manner' By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Scott Air Force Base,- Belleville, 111., Dec. 10 (U.B The air training command clicks from the top down. The guy who makes .it click is handsome, affable Maj. Gen. Robert W. Harper. I don't use the word "guy" with any dis respect for two-star rank, because Bob Harper considers himself one of the boys and he is. You could tell that when he took the rostrum at headquarters here to open a public informa tion conference attended by of ficers from the 17 air bases in the command. The 49-year-old general runs the biggest business in the air force in a most unorthodox man ner. He figures he can get more out of his men with a friendly smile and a warm handshake than with a scowl and a slap ping down not that the general! can't get rough when the oc-l casion demands. He certainly can, and does. Bob is a constant source of amazement and often bewilder ment to those under and above him. Hardly a day goes by that he does not shock some rank in Washington. He doesn't like the word "channels." "I'm not even sure I know what the word means," he says. He's probably the greatest cut ter of red tape in the world He can see no sense in writing a letter, with multiple copies, when there is a telephone handy "If I have to go through a dozen different sources to get a simple job done I'd just soon forget about the job," he says. On the surface, the entire op eration seems technically pre cise and simple. Actually, the air force training is the most nerve-shattering end of air force operations. But with Bob at the controls the operation is simple. You may get the idea that the general sold me a bill of goods. He did. G.l.s Idyll of Love Uprooted Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. 10 W) The American army has pulled up stakes on a GI's Idyll of love in a tent with his beau tiful German sweetheart and their baby. Army officials announced yes terday the soldier, recruit Mel born C. Moffitt of Hominy, Okla., had been arrested after being absent without leave since last March 31. Moffitt, the army said, had had a "fine record," but when his unit got ready to head for the United States he apparently decided to pull out in order to be with his girl and baby. The announcement said the family had been living in a house in the Grafenwoehr area until about two months ago. Then, an official said, the sol dier got scared and moved his family Into a homemade but well-camouflaged tent in the woods in the area. Moffitt was arrested after a German forester reported a "strange man who looks like an American is living in the woods at Grafenwoehr." Army police took the girl and her baby to Nuernberg for ques tioning, but they said the girl was not put under arrest. It is estimated that U. S. tour- s.. ists in Canada spent a quarter of a billion dollars last year. Building Hits Ebb Lebanon New building total in Lebanon for November was only $30,250, according to fig ures released by Elda Ungar, city recorder. The amount was divided into three residences, two garages, two business build ings, three remodeled cottages, two remodeled garages and a re modeled business building. YOUNG MEN 17-45 ARE NEEDED BY RAILROADS THROUGHOUT AMERICA TRAIN NOW AT PORTLAND, ORE., FOR: STATION AGENTS TELEGRAPHERS Positions open throughout the United States. Starting salary $277.50 Plus benefits, rapid ad vancement. GI approved. For information contact representa tive at Marion Hotel December 12th and 13th Only. GIVE THIS EASY-TO-MAIL CHRISTMAS GIFT Mayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE in a Special Gift Wrap and Shipping Carton Ready to Mail 2- and S-lb. Gift Packs At Your Slort Or ol Your Door I for your I FREE COPY J lSsSsSajr ff t? T the fact Wll cott farm financ ing .. . read how to an with the Farm Incoma Privilege, be ufa with Uw Prepayment ( Reserve. Aek m for this' new booklet prepared br the leader la the . field. The Eqniubht Ufa Awnrance Society Leo N. Childs 341 State St. - Ph. J-5663 Salem, Oregon V Army Sergeant Killed In Blast Tun-ell, Ark., Dee. 10 (IF) A 26-year-old army sergeant, trapped in a small service sta tion, was killed yesterday when stacks of Christmas fireworks ignited and blasted the room with flaming explosions. Maurice E. Mims of Clanton, Ala., died as he crouched in a corner in an effort to shield him self from the fury of exploding rockets, firecrackers and roman candles. His cousin, 'William E. Clack- ler, 23, of Clanton. escaped by plunging through a glass door. The operator of the service sta tion, Ed Haskett. followed Clackler to safety. Clackler said the fireworks were set off when a penny pack age of lighted firecrackers was tossed on the floor. "They started exploding all over the floor and one hit a big stack of other fireworks," he said. "They were all stacked in the front of the room and we were trapped in the back." He said he and Mims were on their way to Seattle, Wash., where Mims was to report for duty. They stopped at the service station, he said, to repair a flat tire. Stalin Now Heap Big Indian Chief London, Dec. 10 (ff) Now It's heap big chief Stalin, or so Mos cow radio says. A Moscow broadcast heard here said Stalin had received the headddress of an honorary Indian chief. It was a birthday gift.. Stalin will be 70 on Dec. 21. Accompanying the headdress, said the radio, was a greeting hailing "the greatest of war riors, Josef Stalin, elected hon orary chief of the Indian tribes." The broadcast did not say what Indians sent the gift, where they sent it from, or just when Stalin had been elected an hon orary chief. British Governor Dies of Stab Wound Singapore, Dec. 10 W A stab wound inflicted by a rebellous Federal mm jf7 Savings Current Dividend 2Vi A st Federal Savings 1 and Loan Ass'n. 141 South Liberty That phone number ii , 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel VAN LINIS CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Onr reputattoa Is yoor security? 7T4 Fkir r mibk Winners MilTO h CR0SLEV REFRIGERATOR CONTEST WINNER NO. 1 MISS RITA LANGE 3625 Monroe Ave., Salem, Oregon WINS A 1950 CROSLEY SHELVAD0R Pictured at right is Miss Rita Longe, 3625 Monroe Avenue, Salem, Oregon, being presented her owner's warranty certifi cate by Mr Meier of Woodry's. Seventeen-year-old Miss Lang, oldest of six children of the Severin Lange family, said "I'll give it to "Mom" and the family for Christmas," and Woodry's are certain the Lange's will get years of trouble free service from this spacious Crosley Shelvadora, 1 ALWAYS A WINNER! IN THE HEART OF HOUSEWIVES EVERYWHERE Little wonder Crosley'i Shelvadore it winning the hearts of housewives everywhere. . . . Open its double-thick door and PRESTO!! You have lots of front-row food at your fingertips . . . In Front ... In Sight . . . In Reach! Meal preparation is easier, faster. Loading is simplified. Lots of extra bottle space, too. Woodry's invite you to drop in and inspect the 1950 Crosley . . . to learn first hand of its truly superior and exclusive features. It's a Winner With Dad and the Kids Because of Its Extra Bottle Space, Too REMEMBER, WOODRY'S WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL CHRISTMAS i