X AUTOMOBILES I CALL US SANTA CLAUS AT OUR NEW LOCATION WITH NEW LOW, P.RICES! FRONT & MARION PH. 3-3040 MARION MOTOR AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S UNDER $1000 SPECIALS 1. ONLY $895 1941 BUICK SPECIAL BEDAN. WE HAVE OVERHAULED THE ' ENGINE, CLUTCH, AND k FRONT SUSPENSION. ALSO A BEAUTIFUL, LOW MILE- EAGE '41 BUICK ROADMAS- TER SEDAN AT THE SAME PRICE, 2. ONLY $495 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. OWNED FORMERLY BY ONE OF OUR MECHANICS. WELL KEPT AND GOOD CONDI TION. 3. ONLY $395 1940 HUDSON SEDAN. A GOOD BUY AT THE PRICE. 4. ONLY $190 1937 FORD 2-DOOR. A PRET TY SWEET LITTLE CAR. 5. ONLY $175 1934 DODGE SEDAN. THIS ONE WILL SURPRISE YOU. IT HAS A LATE MODEL EN GINE IN GOOD SHAPE AND WILL OIVE YOU LOTS OF MILES. OttoJ.WilsonCo, Commercial at Center . FREE 1941 DODGE motor, wheels and tires. All you buy is the body. If you don't believe it Ph. 3-3581. . Q294 1949 STUDEBAKER -ton pickup miles. 1500. Ph. 2-4479. 2800 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE- PLUX SEDAN. ONE OWNER, FINISHED IN A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT GREY. RADIO, HEAT ER, DEFROSTER, WIND SHIELD WASHERS, SEAT COV ERS, UNDERCOATED, DOWN PAY'T 435. FULL PRICE $1295 ORVAL'S (The Lot With The Turntable) Center at Church 8ts. Ph. 34702 q294 Eisner Motors Fine Cars SPECIALS FULL PRICES 1935 OHEV. SEDAN W5.00 Mil MODEL A B-0 1934 CHEV. SEDAN .J35.00 1938 BUICK SEDAN 1100.00 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 852 N. High Balem, Oregon q209 m,o nmnv HUTANET. RADIO. HEATER, DEFROSTERS. EX CELLENT TIRES, OOOD MO TOR TWO-TONE ORIGINAL FINISH. TERMS IF DESIRED, LIBERAL TRADE ALLOW iunv. TWTTTAT. PAYMENT S535 B PULL PRICK I"95 ORVAL'S (The Lot With the Turntable) Center at Ohuroh Sti. Ph. 34702 Used Cars As Low As $25 Down Ron's Motor Co. J4Q S. High St. U7 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUX CLUB COUPE. ONE OWN KR. -HEATER, DETOOSTER. ORIOINAL LIOHJ GREEN FINISH. THIS IB REALLY SHARP. SEE IT TODAY. DOWN PATT. $435. FOLL tSJCt aM ORVAL'S (Tl lot with tti. Turetble) 0ntr t Church 8U. Ph. S0J Q3B4 GOOD 'SS Chryiler Coupe. Hud ood ore. No wKck. 645 Ferry St. q' MODEL A. eieellent condition. PH. J-; OWNER lolne emt. Will 1300. 1947 Chrysler New Yorker, black ' 4-door eedon. Excel, cond. Mar een . Ri.th narn Motel. Apt. No. 1 0.295 1950 Pontiacs Are Here 46 Pontile Sedan VB1!S 39 Pontlac Sedan 4" 46 Olds Sedan Coupe '43 Chevrolet Sedan 40 'Chrysler Sedan 4" '37 Dodtte Sedan 37 Chevrolet Sedan 36 Chevrolet Sedan '40 Plymouth Sedan ..... '36 Oldsmoblle Coupe " Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. LIBERTY PHONE 3-4113. q - 1948 STUDE CHAMPION CLUB S COUPE. ORIOINAL LIGHT TAN FINISH. RADIO, HEATER. DEFROSTERS, A VERY POPU LAR MODEL WITH MANY OUTSTANDING FEATURES DOWN PAY'T. 1495. FULL PRICE '49S ORVAL'S (The Lot'With the Turntable) Center at Church sts. Ph. 303 ZEEB'S USED CARS SELL TRADE TlTDUfl 1 LOTS Ph. 2-6454 PB S-7714 2335 Fairground Rd. 82(1 Hood SL 1941 BUICK SUPER BEDAN. EQUIPMENT INCLUDES RA DIO. HEATER. DEFROSTERS, ATTRACTIVE ORIOINAL TWO TONE GREEN FINISH. OOOD MECHANICALLY, A REAL VALUE. DOWN PAYT. 275. FULL PRICE 125 ORVAL'S The Lot With the Turntable) Center at Church 6U. Ph. 34702 294 B AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES SHROCKIZED The new Hudson pacemaker is rsally bringing in some beauti ful used cars All makes & models, at a price that will surprise you. LISTED "are a few of the 70 cars we have to offer. 1948 HUDSON SUPER It) SEDAN 1947 HUDSON SUPER (6) SEDANS (3) 1946 HUDSON SUPER (6) SEDANS (3) 1943 HUDSON COMM. (8) SEDAN 1946 CADILLAC (63) SEDAN 1947 STUDEBAKER COM, SEDAN 1947 KAISER SPEC, SEDAN 1948 FORD DELUXE 3-D, SEDAN WEEK END SPECIALS i 1641 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN- ETTE (585.00 1641 LINCOLN OUST. SEDAN ...1495.00 1641 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SED. $645.00 1048 NASH AMBASSADOR BED, .$985.00 1941 PACKARD (110) SEDAN ,..$465.00 1840 CHRYSLER ROYAL SED. ..1345.00 1939 DODGE DELX. SEDAN ....$345.00 COMMERCIAL 1947 CHEVROLET SED. -DEL, .,11046.00 1B46 DODOE PICKUP I 895.00 REMEMBER OUR HIGHWAY LOT 3020 PORTLAND RD. . . FOR CHEAPIES, $35 UP I ShrockMotorCo. Chemeketa at Church Tel. 3-7922 WILSON'S OUTSTANDING SELECTION 1948 AND 1949 MODELS . PRICE QUALITY APPEARANCE 1. ONLY $1775 '49 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 2-DOOR. WITH LOADS OF EXTRAS AND CLEAN-AS NEW. 2. ONLY $2095 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN. LOW MILEAGE, KEPT WITH METICULOUS CARE. A BEAUTY. 3. ONLY $1995 1949 BUICK SPECIAL BEDAN. WITH ONLY 6900 MILES AND IN PERFECT MECHANICAL coNDrriON. spotless, for THE BARGAIN HUNTER, 4. ONLY $2295 1948 BUICK ROADMA6TER SEDAN WITH DYNAFLOW, NEW GOODYEAR TIRES CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, LOW MILEAGE. THE ULTIMATE IN AUTOMOTIVE LUXURY AT AN ECONOMY PRICE. 5. ONLY $1395 1948 KAISER SEDAN WITH LOW MILEAGE. YOU CAN NOT OVERLOOK THIS ONE IF YOU WANT AN ALMOST NEW CAR AT THE PRICE OF AN OLD ONE. 6. ONLY $395 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON. BUY YOUR GAS BY THE CUP. 7. ONLY $1875 A GORGEOUS 1948 PONTTAO STREAMLINER SEDAN. THIS CAR HAS HAD EXCEPTION AL CARE, AND SHOWS IT AT A GLANCE, BUT BRING ALONG YOUR MAGNIFYING v GLASSES IP YOU WIBH OttoJ.WilsonCo. Comirercial at Center 1649 CHEV. SPECIAL DELUX 5 c PASS. COUPE, LIGHT GREEN FINISH. RADIO. HEATER. DE FROSTERS, '48 MOTOR. THIS IS SHARP. DOWN PAY'T $275. FULL PRICE $795 ORVAL'S ("The Lot With the Turntable) Center at Church Sta. Ph. 34702 q284 VERY GOOD '38 CneV. 4-door 1275. Little work needed. Call 3-5865 after ft p.m. i 294 WILL TRADE 1938 Studebaker -Commander sedan for LWB truck of equal value or sell for (275. Write Capital Journal, Box 296. q294 1942 MERCURY SEDAN LIGHT GREY PINISH, HEAT ER. DEFROSTERS, EXCEL LENT TIRES, GOOD MOTOR, THI3 CAR IS UNUSUALLY CLEAN, AND A REAL VALUE. M DOWN PAYT, $275. FULL PRICE 1795 ORVAL'S (The Lot with the Turntable, Center at Church Sts. Ph. 34702 q294 Eisner Motors to Sell 1941 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, radio and heater. Above average. Will finance. Ph. 3-3253690 Waldo Ave. C236 LOOK, new 1649 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-door sedan. Only 11065. 1887 N. Winter St. 4294 FARM EQUIPMENT ONE JOHN DEERE Llndcman BO Crawler Tractor, nice new. A tooa Buy it 11200. Poole-Kri en r Implement Co., Redmond, Oregon, Phone 91. qb296 FINANCIAL Sl.IKO PRIVATE money to loan. Will di vide, ftl. Z-U7U7. r295" PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State, Rm. 125. Lie. - fl-123 - M-165. O. R, Allen, Mgr. r294 FARM A NO CITY LOANS 4M7. and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tot Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 1-7101 r WANTED to eell 1st mortgage on good Nortn Salem residential. Bai. 10900. Will give sizeable discount. Pay 5. Reply Capital Journal, box 295. r39fl PRIVATE MONEY Special Rate and Tenu On Larger Loan Long and Short Time Payments ROY H SIMMONS 13S South CommercloJ St Phone 1-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE OR EDIT 00, 183 5. Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No M-159 8-1B4 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgiounda Road Next Door to Bank ' Free Parking Phone 37032 Llo N M308-8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. t SEX PS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4Vi INTEREST 6 to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 2-3963 FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Llo. 8-133 and U-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS I3S S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 f INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 20 to 30 on Auto Insurant Complete Line of Insurance VAN M. GREER AGENCY 985 Highland Ave. Ph. 2-2451 ra305 TRAILERS 1046 37-FT. schult housetraller. Bleeps four. Butane cooking, built-in baby crib. See at 1747 N. 9th St., Corvallts. $1500. t294 6',6-FT. trailer. Like new. Also -ton GMO pickup. Less than 9,000 miles. In quire Trailer Park Village or 1000 S. Cotn'l. t291 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 458 Court, Phone 36773. APPLIANCE SERVICE GLECTBIU HOME appliance repair lerVltt new appliance V luce's Biectrlo Phone Free estimates nade-iaa accepted on 3-9231) 137 S Liberty 81 0 AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers scissors knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-0833. o WTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona 1-9288 Nltnt 2-1804 33" Center 0 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3148, Salem. o6 ("ILDING 1,'ARrENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms No down payment Phont 2-4850 o" CASH REGISTERS Instanr delivery of new RCh cash register A) make., sold, rented, re pa: ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-8773 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of toundatlon. aide walk driveways, patios, curbs, walla etc. Call 2-4850 0 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7178. EXCAVATING EXTERMINATORS ' Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6, Box 437-G. 0311 Brelthauut '? for flowers Dial 1-9179. o FURNACE & CIRCULATOR SERVICE HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8576. HOUSEHOLD PRODLCTB J. R Watklns Oo products. Prea de Ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. a INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service - Floor Wailn Buildings - Factories Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MA INT. GO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 ft LANDSCAPF NURSERY t A. Doerfler & sons, Ornamentals. ISO N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 145 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. oSll- MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569, 07 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and filing lupplle, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c :s, Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE Slfstrom's are equipped to do your painting Phone J-2493 o PAINTING & PAPERHANGING Ac painting. Est. free. Ph. Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 07 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and palntina. H J, Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807. Fret est. 0305' Paperhanglng to your satisfaction, ?' years exp. Also painting. Ph. 2-0910. O3031 Repair A Contract. Glen Moody. Ph. 24426. 0396 PICTURE FRAM1NO Picture framing Rutcheoo Paint Btor ! Phowf 1-6687 er ROAD GRADING Large & Small Jobs. New grader. Strickfaden, phone 3-5410. SEWING MACHINES Bouaht. sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. all makes, W. Davenport. Ph. 1-7671. o307 SAND GRAVEL Garden SotL crushed rock. Shovel avd dragline excavating Wallini Sand Grave. Co. Phone 3-9249 Journal Want Ads Pay ' I j i f - M , f s k M i n J 3 J. MMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMIIIIMIH IMlllllllllMimilllTO lii HTllllIll fc I . i Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Dec. 10 W) The stock market timidly poked its way ahead today. Not all issues advanced, but a decisive majority ot leading shares sold at higher prices. A good many stocks showed no change at all. A moderate amount of busi ness was done although the usual week-end influences helped to tone down activity. Turnover for the two hour session was in the neighborhood of 600,000 shares. Corporate bonds moved nar rowly. Firemen Hold Party Hubbard The firemen and their ladies celebrated Christ mas at the fire hall with a danc ing party and exchange of toys to be given to needy children in the community. Eleven cou ples and five single men were present for the occasion. Re freshments were served. DIRECTORY Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, sand A f'.lt dirt Excavating 10B shove) A; cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph offlee 24003, res. S7146 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Balem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. K. P. Hamel, Septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned Guaranteed work 1143-Stn 0t.. West Salem. Ph. 3-740 o301 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage, charge Call un collect Todd's Septic Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 3-0734. o SEWERS AND 8E1TTC TANKS Electrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Raior Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Bewers, Drains, Tanks. Ph. 3-8337. o SEWING MACHINES All repairs guaranteed. Free pickup St delivery. Used machines bought tt sold. Ph. 3-5569, 1091 Edgewater. 0297 All makes ' repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3513. o TRANSFEP BTORAGB .ocal tt Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets. Trucks tc Portland dally Agent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere In U.S ot- Canada Lamer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 TRUCK A TRANSFER Lester DeLapp truck service. Commer cial hauling. Dally service to Portland. Ph. a-1750. Q294 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Coder wood portables AD makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order oi rellnlahed Relaheldt A UwU 3-3639 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37336. WEATHERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, wail A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and pollahed Ph 1-3337 141 Court Langdoe. eulbertson and Mather WINDOW SHADES Waxhtble, Roller Made to order 1 Day Dei Relnhoidt A Lewis Ph 33639 0 WOOD L SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LODGES Multnomah Chapter No. 1, )M R AM. Hodson Oounctl No. 1 R. & s.M. Regular meeting, coun cil degrees. Election and Installation of officers. Refreshments. 7:30 p.m, Thursday, December 8, 1949. 292 A Klngwood Lodge No. 204. A.P. AM, Stated and election Monday, Dev. 12, 7:30 pm, 395' Livestock Association While snow fell m the surrounding hills the Marion County Livestock association held its annual meeting Friday night in Silverton Hills Community club house, enjoyed a dinner prepared by the wives of members, elected officers and did other association business. The picture above shows the association at dinner. Below, at left, and from left in the picture, are Bob Barnes, Marvin Jahn, and Lawrence Fisher, FFA boys who told about their trip to Kan sas City with all expenses paid as winners of the highest honor conferred by the FFA. Fisher represented the Future Farmers of the county. All are Silverton boys. Below at right are Louis Patterson and Marshall Chelders, 4-H boys, showing the Pacific International Livestock trophy awarded for top achievement at the show. It is the first time the trophy has come to Marion county. It was presented by Anthol Riney, 4-H director in the county. Hennies of Turner Heads County Livestock Group Louis Hennies, Turner sheep the Marion County Livestock association at the annual meeting at the Silverton Hills community club house Friday night. He succeeds Lloyd Sletto, Mehama, who presided at the dinner at tended by 125 persons and also Other officers are Alvin Hart ley, Silverton, vice president; Ben A. Newell, assistant Marion county agent, secretary and Flor- enz Aelinski, Salem director. Holdover directors are Robert Sears and Paul Townsend, both of Salem. The report of the nominating committee was given by Ted Hobart. LEGAL CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON FOR THK tSUUHlX ur Mflitiun In the Mntter of the Estate of RAY MOND H. FREEMAN. Deceased. To: CLARA FREEMAN, JUHW W. fit At,- MAN; GREETINOS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON: You are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the above entitled mat ter wlthing 10 days from the date of the service of this Citation upon vou if serv ed within Marlon County, Oregon, or If served within any other County of the State of Oregon, then within 20 days of the date ot service oi mis uuauon, jj personally served: or if served by publi cation, then within 2B days of the 4at of the first publication of this Citation, or If mrvut nntalHa t.hn Rtfttft flf Oregon In lieu of publication, then within 28 days of the service of such Citation, If personally served outside the State of Oregon, to show cause, If any exists, why an Order of Sale should not be made as prayea ior In the petition, and for the aale of the following described Real Estate, to-wlt: Lot Numbered 6 in miluh nunco, as shown on the Records of Maps and Plats In Marlon County, Oregon, sub ject, to rights of public to road way nlrmtr the East 15 feet of said lot and further show cause why the same should not be sold as prayed for In tr." petition on file herein, as private sale In the usual course of business to the high est bidder lor cash, or part cash and part credit, for the purpose of paying claims, expenses of administration and for dis tribution as provided according to law WITNESS the Honorable REX KIM MELL, Judge of the Circuit Court of he State of Oregon for the County of Mar lon and the seal of said Court affixed hereto this 7th day of October, 1949. ATTEST: a H. A. Judd, Clerk By: ft, Vernon Windsor, Deputy (SEAL) Nov.' 18, 36, Dec. 3, B, 16. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING A xRutar of the estate of DAN B. JARMAN, deceased, the undersigned has filed in Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar ion County, In Probate, Its final account In estate of said decedent, and January 6, 1950, at 9:15 o'clock, a.m., and court room of said court have been appointed by kUl tnurt fnr hearing of objections to said account and settlement thereof. THE UNITED STATES WATIUWAU BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) By R. M. ALTON Its Vice-president and Trust of ficer EXECUTOR AFORESAID Allan G. Carson and Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Executor. Dec. 2, 9, 16, 33 and 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROSE M. WOOD and EDNA L, HOU8ER have been, by order of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Marlon County, ap pointed administratrices of the estate of EDWARD NOVVAK, deceased. Any ivrmna hvln -ttm ualnst said es tate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said admlnlstratrlcea at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salrm, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 9th day of December, 1B49. ROSE M. WOOD EDNA L. HOUSER Joint Administratrices of the estate of Edward Novvak. deceased. RHOTEN to RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA 310 Plonker Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Admlnlstratrlcea. Dee. 9, 16, 33, 30, Jan. I. ' man, was elected president of the business session. Medals were presented by An thol Riney. county club leader, to Marshall Jelderks and Louise Patterson, members of the Mid die Grove pig club, which took judging honors at the Pacific International Livestock show in Portland. Mrs. Emory Goode is leader of the 4-H club. Livestock brands were di cussed by Roy Nelson, of the state department of agriculture vith Sgt. Charles Weims, of the stock protection division of the state police, discussing opera tions of his department. Organ izational work was outlined by Dorman Turner, secretary of the state livestock association. Victor Howard, county preda tory animal trapper, reported that a total of 88 foxes, 22 coy otes, 11 bobcats and eight bear had been caught during the year. Bob Barnes, Marvin Jahn and Lawrence Fischer. FFA, told of the national convention in Kan sas City with Charles Evans, president of the Western Live stock association, announcing the annual convention to- be in Cor vallis January 30 and Febru ary 1 Frank A. Riches, Wash ington county livestock man, was a guest. Music for the evening were solos by Mrs. Albert Tippner, accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Dahl and Mrs. Walter Hardy, accompanied by her husband. Grains Climb Steadily Higher Chicago, Dec. 10 Wj Grains climbed steadily higher on the board of trade today in a fair ly active market. The Decem ber contracts, aided by a good deal of short covering, led the advance. Corn contracts came close to their seasonal highs. Trade reports of potential ex port business in wheat aided that cereal. A weather bureau forecast for blizzard conditions in many sections of the western plains area also was a streng thening influence. Traders felt this would further slow up the movement of wheat to market. Weather also was a factor in the corn and soybean frimness. Low temperatures were predict ed for the mid-west corn belt. It was reasoned this would in reasc feeding of corn and soy bean meal on farms, as well as reduce Offerings of the cash grain. Bookings of corn totaled only 5,000 bushels. Wheat closed 'fi-1 higher, December $2.21-2.21, corn was -lV4 higher, December f "apital Journal, Salem, Oregon, SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS 4nlem Livestock Market (B.t vnllcr Packing Company Wooled lambs (19.00 to 120.00 Feeder lnmba (13.00 to $17.00 Cutter cowa 18.00 to 111.00 Dairy Hellers 310.00 to 313.00 Fat dairy cowa m.oo to jia.uu Bulla $11.00 to $10.00 Calvea, good 4300-450 Iba.) 118.00 to i2n St, Veal (150-300 Iba.) top ... .$20.00 to las.ug Portland Proanee Butterfat Tentative, itnlect to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .35 to l percent acifliiy aenverea in Portland 63-Olc lb.; 92 acore, 61-65o lb.; 00 core. 61-G3ci B0 acore 65o. Valley routes and counLrv Dolnta 2c leas than (lrat Butter Wholesale POB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 03 score. 63 c HI st-aTp R2c: B BO score. 60 C lb.. C score, 67c. Above prlcea aro strlcMy nominal Cliecso SelllnB price to Portland whole ,inlfl Oregon si rid lea 39-42C, Oregon 6 small loaf. Mi -45c: triplets m Icaa than Elll)!lC Ecitr (to wholesaler) A grade lame, 421-1-44 'tc; A medium, 38-39 'Ac: grade B Urge, 41-41 'jo; small A grade, 37MiC. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints, 08c: AA cartons, 6flc; A prlnta. 88c: A cartons 60c: B prints, 65c. Hubs Price to rctallurs Grade A A InrRC, 49o doz,; certified A Inrne, 81c; A laro 40c; AA medium. 42c; cer tified A medium. 41c; B medium, 37c; A Email, 39c; cartons 2c additional. Clit'eie Price to rvtnlleis Portland Oreiion singles 39-42c. Oregon tonf, fi le loots 44"a-4oa id.; triplets, tva cents iobs than singles premium or anus, singles 51 '4c Ib.i loal, 53tto, Poultry I.lvo Chlokena No. 1 quality FOB nlanu, No l broilers under a ids. au-ic lb. fryers 3-3 lbs., 23-2Qc: 3-4 lbs.. 27c: roasters 4 Itw and over. 27-2Bc; fowl, LcKliorns, 4 lbs. and under, 15-l8c; over 4 b.s. lG-lBc; colored fowl, all weights, 36 27c; roosters, nil weight.';, 22-23c. Turkey Not to growers, 31-31 'Ao on toms, 44-44 ',4c on hens. Untfblti AtciaKe to growers, live whites, 4-5 lbs., 17-lOc lb.; 6-Q lbs., 15-170 'b. colored 2 cents lower, old or heavy does. and bucks. 8-13o. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40o; local. 40-52c, Countrj-Killrd Mrat Veal Top duality. 33-34o lb.; other grades according to weight and quality with lighter or Heavier, ao-auc. lions Li 8 lit blockers, m-aic; sown 19-aic. Lambs Top quality, springers, 37-39c; mutton, 10- lie. Reef Oood cows, 33-35c lb.; cannera- cuttcra, I9-21C, Fresh Dressed Meats (wholesalers to retailers per ewt.t: Beef steers Oood 500-800 lbs., $30-42; commercial. 133-38: utility. $24-25. Cows Commercial J27-30; utility, $24- 26: canners-cuttcu. 123-28, licet Cuts i Good Btcorsi H1nd quarters $50-52: rounds, $44-40: full loins, trimmed, $72-75; triangles 132-34; square chucks, $38-40; ribs, 152-55; lore quarters, $34-30. Vea and call Oood, $37.40; commercial, $35-40; utility, $28-32. Lambs Oood -choice spring lambs, $40- 44; commercial, $30-39; utility, 133-34. Mutton Good, 70 iba down, HB-ao. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 8-12 lbs., $38-42; shoulders, 10 lbs down, 130-33; spare ribs, $41-44: carcasses, $24-25; mixed weights $3 per cwt lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cn nears. Bark Dry 13Mic lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley ooarse and medium trades. 46o lb. Mohair 250 ib. on la-montn growtn, nominally. Hides Calves, 37c lb., accord in to weight; pips, 32c lb.; beef, ll-12c lb.; bulls, 6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Prnnquettes, first quality jum bo, 34.7c; largo, 32.7c; medium, 27.3c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; lare. 28.3c; medium, 26.3c: baby, 33.3c; soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 27.2o; medium, 34.7c baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20o Ib.i large, 18c. medium, lflc; small, 13c. Sinkiang Province in western China is nearly three times as large as Texas. $1.30'4-, oats were lower to higher, December 76, rye was unchanged to V lower, De cember $1.43 V soybeans were V lower to Vfe higher, December $2.32 4, and lard was unchang ed to 7 cents a hundred pounds higher, December $10.12. CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE JORY PACKING CO. 945 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4590 Salem, Ore. Saturday, Dee. 10, 194915 ; M A K K t Completed from reporia ot Salem dea'-ra lor ina guidance oi uapnai journ RaadeiY. Revised dally) Retail Feed Prleeat Egg Math 14.60. Rabbit Pellets 4. 20. Dairy Feed $3.60. Poultry i Buftng priest -Gradt A oo ui ed hens, 23o; grade A Leghorn hen and up, 17c; grade A old roosters, 14c Grade A colored fryers three lbs, 26o. Eggi Buying Price Large AA, 40et larg A, 37-38C! medium AA, 32c; medium A, 1 30c; PUlletl, 27c. Wholeials Prieta Egg wholeaala prlcea l-7o above these prtcesi above grade A generally quoted at 43c, medium 14c. Buiterfat Premium 69ei No. L 641 No. t, M-600, (buying prices). Batter Wholesal trade A. 6Sl - aall 73c. STOCKS iBy the Aaaoclated Pr-m American Can 994 . Aat Pow A LI 141 Am Tel A Tel , Ha- Anaeonda 27 Bendlx Aviation 34 '4 Beth Steal 31 1 Boeing A m ana 33 ' Calif Packing - uanaa an racins is Case J I , 39 u Caterpillar , Chryaler , 63 S ' Com with A Boo Cona Vultee 10 Continental Can 36 , n Crown Zellerbaeh 39ft Curtlsa Wright 7 Douglas Aircraft 67 )4 Dun on t de Nam 60 H General Electric 41V General Food , 47V'- ntrai asotora sou. Uoodyear Tire- 43' in Harvester 28 i Int Paper 67 H Kennecott 60 - Llbby McN A L 7 Long Bell "A" . Montgomery Ward 61' nain neivinaior .. is1 Nat Dairy 37. nt uenirai ioh Northern Pacific 18 Pae Am Fish ,. Pa Gas A El 33!, Pa Tl A Tel 104 t Penney J C , 85 ttaaio uorp ..., . la , Rayonler 3S . Rayonler Pfd 31 Keyname uetai .. Richfield 38 aleway Storei 30 Sears Roebuck 43 Southern Paolflo , 48. Standard OH Co, 63 tudebaktr Corp t lunsnine Mining . Transamerlca M 16 Union Oil Cal 36 Union Paolflo II United Airliner , 13 U B steel 36 f Warner Bros Pit 15' t woolworth r 47'. DEATHS Dr. ft. Lee Wood ' Dr. R. Lea Wood, lit resident of llt" North 20th atreet, In thla city, December v 7. Survived by wife, Carrie Wood of 8a-' lemi a daughter, Mri. Bather fiodmtr of Fort Leavenworth, Kana.; k aon. Dr. t Maurice T, Wood of Eugene; two ilateri, ix Mra. A. B. Watt and Mra. Ludr Garrett,, both of Nowhere; and four arandchlldren. f Service were - held at tht Howall-Xd-ward chapel Saturday, December 10, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain offici ating. Ritual iatlc arvlcM by Salem lodaa 4 AF 6iie AM followed by mlltUrr services at Belcreat Memorial park. Alphonte Ilantd Alpnonae Hanggl, at tna reamenc M 1 193 E. Salem Height ave., Wednesday.--December 7, at the age of 78 year. Bur ived by widow. Anna Roift Hanial of Ba lem; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Loewen and Mrs. Joe Helten, both of saiem: a aon, Max Leo Hangar, la grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Member of St. Joseph's Catholic church. Reclta- tlon of the rosary was at the Howell-Ed-wnrda chapel Friday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m, Re quiem mass was at St. Joseph's church Saturday, December 10, at 10 a.m. Inter- -' ment In St. Barbara cemetery, Benjamin B. Goodman Benjamin B. Goodman, late resident of 345 North Church street, at a local hos pital, December 10, at the age of 03 year. Surviving are his wife, Hazel Downing " Goodman of Salem; a brother, Oharlea Goodman of Los Angeles': and a sister, Mrs. J. Rosenberg of Portland. Funeral services will be held at the W. T. Rig don chapel, Monday, December 13, at 1:30 p.m. Ritualistic services by A Ins worth u lodge, AF ic AM. Concluding service att Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. o . o Newton D. Fersuion t Newton D. Ferguson, late resident of Klamath Falls, at a local hospital Decem ber 10, at the age of 63 years. Survived by three slsteri, Mrs. J. I. Moore and Mrs, L. Faith of Atlanta, Qa., and Mrs. Helen Warner In Pennsylvania; and brother, Walter Ferguson, Atlanta, Ga. An nouncement of service later by the How ell-Edward chapel. Mn. Elliabeth Rroecer Mrs. Elizabeth Kroeger, late resident of 1616 S. E. 58th atreet, Portland, at t Portland hospital at the age of 85 years, i December 10. Surviving are a daughter, Miss Ella Kroeger of Portland; a aon, ' William H. Kroeger of Rlckreall; two, brothers, Henry Windhorst of Indepen- denca and John Windhorst of Now Salem, . N. D.; and grandchildren, Winona and. Albert Kroeger of Rick re oil. Service: will be held at the CloughBarrlck chapel Monday, December 13, at 3 p.m. with-. Rev. Walter Battermnn officiating, In Lermcnt in Belcreat Memorial park. OBITUARY Ivan II. Ramsby Silverton Relatives and friends attend ed funeral services In Portland for a na tive of Silverton, Ivan H. Ramsby, 73, son " of a well known polneer family, who died' Monday at hi Portland home following a ' year's poor health. He was born In tha Silverton area In 1877. Hla father waa Mar- siinii Ramsby, who came to Silverton from -Indiana when IB years of age, the mother woa Sarah Smith Ramsby, born Id ther Erwln Valley district near Silverton. Hi wlfo was the former Mabel Quail, a Sil verton young woman, who died In Portland' in 1921. The family lived here until sev eral year nuo when they went to Portland to make their home. Three daughters, on.' son and five grandchildren, all of Port- nna, survive, auo tnree brothers, Clyde) Hamsbr of Silverton. Charles. Hwk Home, and Roscoe Ramsby of Portland. ocrvicea were from rinlaya with eonclud Ing rltea at the Lincoln Memorial park. $$ MONEY $$ Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loan State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 M 222 USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 saoks $5.00 B"Yto $10.00 2 ton, ... 17,50 FREE Delivery Anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 FHA