12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 10, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. f SO "AUNT HARRIETT IS I-I M STTAV HERE) fHOWEVER-THIN&S I'M LOOKING FOR SURE I 1 lf" N4Mfc O ?fTJ!T S HUH ? THAT KINDA CHANSES'EXPECTED, MAGGIE.' NOBODY EVEN THE "BARGE INN? PLACE ' ' TSSKmtf m5T0PV--1 T VOUR PLANS, DON'T IT, 7mUCH LONGERTHAN SUSPECTS WHERE W BO.'-DO VOUfRUN BV QUITE "3 "MJ V J rtC 3"1 1' TRIDINQ UP THE STAIRS WAS SANTA CLAUS. , (Chapter 6) ' SANTA PLANS A PARTY ii Henry and Mr. Dilly, with Se- rena in his arms, struggled through 'the deep snow to the little white , cottage. Henry knocked at the door. .There was no answer. He knocked gain and again. Still there was 'Ho. answer. WAnrv Tun HiRfmrmlntpri "Mftv- ',tw this isn't Santa Land after all," iSe said. Willy, nllly," reproved Serena. '''Where else would you ilnd Hying Wlndeers?" ' Just then Mr. Dillv sDled a fold- d paper' under a milk bottle on th cottage steps. He picked It up 'and read It aloud. "Mr. Milkman, please leave 114 extra quarts of milk tomorrow as 'we are having company. Mrs. "Claus." "Goodness," said Mr. Dilly. "Do .you suppose we are the company line expected?" 1" "If we are do you thing we MU have to drink all that milk?" tasked Henry in alarm. " Just at this moment a funny 'little dwarf, his pockets bulging with nails, hammer and Christmas slights, came rushing up on the iporch dragging yards of ribbon and (Wires and tinsel behind him. "Out of the way! Out of the wayl" he shouted fiercely. "How can I do anything with thousands ,h people standing in my wayr in "I be? vour Dardon." said Mr. Dilly. "There are only two of us 'and a duck. We will gladly step 'put oi your way n you'll ten us ;where we can find Santa." t "You'll have to look for yourself," snapped tne awan. ''i By this time the dwarf had drag- "lea up a step laaaer and was tack- inw 7hr1t.mn llffhta from nnn nnrl lot the porch to the other. i "But, who are you?" asked Mr. iniiy. ii "I am Patrick Tweedleknees,1 "aid the dwarf, "And if you have 'tome to the party you are two days 4 early and might just as well go thome again." M "Joy. mulroyl" cried Serena. "I love a party I" " Tweedleknees looked at Serena !)Hth disgust. "I expect there'll be ,all kinds of queer characters at tiane party, uut even l cuan'i ex ipect a talking duck." ii "She's a rhyming duck," boast, d Henry. J" "Well, get her away from here (wnaiever sne is t. Suddenly a fine firm voice cried "Tweedleknees I Behave yourselfl" And there, striding up the steps, was Santa Claus himself, all red and round and happy-faced. Santa Dulled Henry into nis arms and gave him the finest hug he had ever had. He shook hands with Mr. Dilly and greeted Serena. "Tne party is not until aay au- er tomorrow." said Santa. "But wel come anyway." we didn't know aoout tne party," protested Henry. "But we will be glad to come If we are invited," piped up Serena. Then Mr. Dillv examined to Santa who thev were and why they had come to Santa Land. "I thought you would know all magic and could show me how to get a rabbit out of a hat. "I'll never be a successful magician until I can do that." Well, now." said Santa. I will try to help you but you must wait until after the party. We're so busy getting things ready " iai" snorted xweeaieicnees. I'm the only busy one." "ijon't mind Tweedleknees. laugh ed Santa. "He doesn't mean anv of his harsh words. Come In now and get warm before the fire. Seated before the fire he told them about the party he was hav ing. "All mv friends have been mad at me because they say they never have any Christmas. So I've invited tnem here lor a Christ mas party of their own." "Who are your friends?" asked Henry. Santa threw out his arms. "Good ness! You know them all: the Hal loween witches, the Enster bunny, Tom Thumb, Red Biding Hood, Sim- pie Simon, tne seven Dwans." Henry's eves nearly popped from his head. "You mean those people are really coming nerev "Those and many more. Every one is Invited except the Wiggle waggles, xney are some norriu elves even at a party so I sent them no invitation. Now I must go to the shops for awhile. Make yourselves at home." After Santa had gone Hcnrv cried "Won't it be wonderful to go to such a party i" But Mr. Dilly did not hear a word He was staring at a little black box In a corner beyond the chim ney. On the box were two words. Thev said. "Santas Magic." "Oh, my," whispered Mr.' Dilly wno lovea magic more man any thing Jn the world. "Do you sup pose Santa would mind if I took one tiny peek into his box?" Next: A Terrible Loss. r Dream-House Special Here Is a J,"dream house'' made of cardboard, , paste and paint to delight any little girl. Easily made from step-by-stcp 'picture instructions, you still have ' Vrts of time to make the house and ; furnish it before Santa Claus arrives! Pattern Envelope Noc. R3341 and R2343 contain complete making di rections, materlnl requirements and step-by-step directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital .Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. I ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem OH, BY THE WATA FAMOUS SWISS WATCH COMPANY HAS ASKED ME TO INVENT A NON-WINDING WRIST WATCH, AND I HAVE AN INSPIRED IDEA-USING THE MAGNETIC NORTH POLE TO KEEP A WATCH ALWAYS WOUND WUR. FIGHTING ') NOTHING, 1 - BIG-TIME a. 17 osiki? IS a v I V. I JiXil fl Mu:mm: run pi i 1 11 1 : ; u i 1 1 A A ... , 1 p ' , r , 1 v ,OTT(J I CUANE THE Mm&&L' Mm w C. WW. Kfc, Pawn Vwbr.WgUW I I I I ' Ig-lO W fina vieeTtVL be frank wtt'I ''you could QTovrM surs hts g I SEEN VOU tSUVS AROUND WETJE TftKIMQ g I NOT COPS VOU QUYS-I DONT U TO LIKE IT A LOT I MCMORV WILL PROVE , U R I WHERE VUH TAKIN' ME? WHAT VOU FOR A I PV 5 UK6 D" LOOKS Of DtS- LESS, IF VOUR I VERV QOOO OUR 1 ARE VUH? COPPERS? I CUNT DONE I UrrLE -RID&, I W AND VOU Agg Ix NOT A-TALL- fSZ, MEMORY SHOULD 1 TREATMENTS ARE FINE ' I ! ( THAT GUV NOCKER 1 VOUto TWHyC HE CONTROLLED f VSS 6QT CHARM , RUDV-HE A HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN TTbSTI GIVES ME A PAIN, EVERY VOTE IN TOWN THE WAY DOE SWT SMILE VERY OFTEN HEAD DOES THE SAME,' I FAWNYHE MOVES OUR' ILLUSTRIOUS MAYOR, BUT VWEU WE DOES MIS J THINS AND IT HASNT I 1 MMTO TOWN ONE DAY OBIE SLIDER, COW-TOWS J WHOLE FACE I -Mig'l ANY BRAINS EJTHSR!J!Osl l. -v HtaWr. L-feft!alfcl IBWl8vUJE3 ijEy, ( &rlVirr-(-'WWXH&V-s-. I HERE eOCSA' ) ITS INtKXJMIHTEBUT; --J .jAlT'K'sftJ' l H)OW WLCWES CM.Y, ACCORD' -rJ -VJ OF VOI DAISV J f ACCOFtDIN VK,LifP7- ME-MADLV- 6 rwiDPX HOOK'S r Jtlf'' -S , MAE. TO KILL. ) V T TH' PLAN, I L lvS4a V'tDLY.Ev'RVilA-7W') AJf &. fiWt TH'BCVYO' . HE MIGHT ZA t ' C ' 8)JUs BOW KNOWS I T'OITYO- . ( " " (I if KUtf?t9t$ LOVES-INSECH 1 NOTGIT f I " ' " r HT "Tf r 'i UmiiiH M - I . . : w j .1 7. I - l '.".-I : i 'V l ,"1 ; r-mrySMe :rfn .,p? ves,but v-'5.- rsMZ m I III ,' I ll .. . , lL. I "'"-"" -1 I tnn.wiAimiuurl.g V "Vif aSrpC ANIlItoSeS I BUCIi , LENT TO ME BY A J I RAJAH, MR. BRUSH, HE f a ' 1U1VBU6 I mSdS J H6JOa-RMNNe, KJ WNT TOUCH THAT FROZEN H'M-M, . fERERfeL of-tS.SWYOu'. A RUSTV- MS. MEN7EL.MV OTlf MEAT. HE AIN'T ET FOB thatB OPS U Vn TWO PAYS EA III -m I ' I fUKE AAY VEAH, Vn I I I BE CAREPUL.... I C 0 1 S BATHER FRAgOg) p I COME NOW.MARTY.'- -NEVERAWAKEN BECAUSE-HAB J I HOW OO YOU ACCOUNT W T THINK WE vl I A LOGICAL SUGGESTION- If WE -""Rl A SLEEPINGCURORAWOMANCUR-IOWTY.irtiT My ENTHllllA'jM FOR YOUR COOLING OFF 5uOilLDSTART RACK ) DONT WANT TO THUMB A RIDE WrTH X- I Ar'TiA''ckrPA rORTHE FIR-R-R5T TITLE- TOWARD LUCIA?r TOWARD SHELTER, J SOME PASSING ESKIMO! GOONASIUCIASINTENDEDAND --f WHICH MADF ME FFF1 . . . -S--V RUNNV' ZZS k , jC W'SSSSoSSl M ru I 1 kgw koin Rex kslm koco MO NBC Q70 CBS HHP ABC 1380 MBC MM f 5:00 Hnilcal 'j lor Tooth Kemember m " DmIh J"Jr 6:15 Sc.,.tai W. r.r Youlh Sp.cUI E.tnt B.t Mori.n D I, I.xlor 5:30 nil Bonn Dnier Ahe.J Hirmoniei Orn Bevwlei Bel'ch VenloU 5:45 Elin.t PeleMon Nwi Tten TunM Christ. Science Fo-inaii.r. 6:00 DlileUnd Ji' Philip Mitlowe Bb. Ruth Quick FlMb CndlellM 6:15 DlsleUnd J Philip Mmtlouc Home Edition Quick Flub Sllmr 6:.1(l Dtnnii l)T Mem. In Muilc Trio Nllht IUm Ne"" .A 6:45 Dennl. P.? Dick B.yme. Bert Andrew! Xlthl alderi A.'ablr of Qd 7:00 Judr C.n.T. Sim It Alln Hollj-wood Popul.r Muilo Time Wi 7:15 JudT Cimn slni It Aln Byline Popular Mutle nayhonn 7:30 Grand Oi' Oprj slut It Aiein Chandu Maelo Coaat Rambfn Band 7:45 Grand OI' Oprr Sln It Alain Chandu Maele Co.it Bamblera Mldconrt 8:00 Truth or V. Monroe Lone Ban.er Dance Orch. W U - Chlce 8:30 Conieonencea V. Monroe Lone Banter Dance Orch. W II - CJ ct 8:30 Hollywood Star Gene Autry Superman Meet the Preia W II Ch oo 8:45 Bollywood 8t.r Gene Autry Superman Meet the Preia W V - Chlco 9:00 Hit Parade Gantbuitera Dick Jersena Newa W II - Chlco 9:15 Hit Parade Ganebuatera Dick Jer.ena - Chryatal Card. W U - Chleo 9:30 Life of Klley Johnny Dollar Navy Hour Dance Orch. Newa 9:45 Life of Biley lohnny Dollar Navy Hour Dance Orch. Dancing fatty 10:00 Sum HayeV 1-atar Final Newa Monica Whalen Danelna- Party 10:15 Morton Downey Man of Steel Ira Blue BPtt. John Wohohan Danelna Party 10:30 Orchestra Capitol Dance Band Car. Cayallero Danelna Party 10:45 Orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Car. Cayallero Daneinr Party 11 :00 Newa Serenade l-et'a Dance Open House Dancing Party !!:!5 w" Museum Orian Muilo Let's Dance Open House Danclni Parly 11 :30 Vfn Museum Treasury Band Let'a Dance Open House Danclni Party llj45 Wax Museum Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Dancing PartT 12:00 Sim OK Isilcnl Ixtra Hour Sim OH Isltn O" DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Grand Ope Newi and 6: IB. London Letter) 6:30, Dinner Melo- I Sittn Off, " tV KOAC lBrdB P.M. - 8:00. Ctall- dlHI :M, G w (m Upbekt, 5:50, 650 Sporti Clob; 6:00, Newii Tonliht; T:55, Weather i 10:00, DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 SUNDAY 7:00 lUdlo Pulpit IChurcb of Air Band Box 7:15dio Pulp" Ohnreh of Air Band Bo m.--.-, 7 an J. Doe'i Muile Church of Air Band Box Mat, Chamber 7 ;45 J. Doe'i Mnale Chnrch of Air Band Boi Enaemble , 870O Mem- Mwlo Newnmaken BevWal Hoar 1st Baptlfl Ch. Hymn Tint 8 15 Morn. Serenade Howard Smith Revival Hour lit Baptlit Ch. New 8.30 Chorch In our Salt Lake Taber Revival Moor Vo ce Propheej Pe o ih P Vo ee ;45 Home Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecj Fello'ahlp Veke "oeflA Newa Invitation Sonthernalrea Ra. Bible Clan Bible Program 9il5Herea to Veta to Learntai Sonthernalrea Ra. Bible Claia Lutheran 9-30 Eternal Lifhl Goeit Stara Meiiaae of Lutheran Hoar Ave Maria Hr. 9i!; Eternal Light Newa Israel Lntheran Bonr Ave Maria Hr. fiwjO Glenn Shelter. Peo. Platform Vletorla Corey Newi Ch'reh In Wild. 015 Ortanlat Peo. Platform Romanoa Sonn Oran Loft 0:30Chlcaco Hoand Explorer Snndar Veiperi Newa Saered Heart 10:45 Table Jane Plckena Snndar Veipcn Donbleday Qali Wayna King 1100 NBO Theatre Chorallera Victor Llndlahr Mlchaos Flrat Baptlit 11 '15 NBO Theatre Chorallera Frank A Emit Mhhaui First Baptist 1:30 NBC Theatre Gallery Gosii Plane David Ron First Bapt si 11:45 NBO Theatre Newa Playhoaie Canaries First Baptist 2 -00 Mr. Plait NT Phllharm. Hoor of Palth News Serenade for 1215 Chuck Foster NY Phllharm. Hour of Faith Guest Star Strings 230 Quia Klda NY Phllharm. Xmaa Seals Juvenile Jury Newa 2:45 Quia Klda NY mil harm. Parade of Bits luvcnlle Jury United Watlona 1 .(V0 Living, 1949 NY Phllharm. Week'a World Hse. of Mystery Words Mmle 1-15 Llvlnr 1919 NT Phllharm. Week'a World Hse. of Mystery Words A Mosla :30 American My Serenade Voles of Martin Kane Daydream Mas. 1 45 Forum News Prophecy Martin Kane Daydream Mas. 2"00 Radio City Sammy Kaya Boys Town Ch. The Shadow Donald Stewart 215 Radio City Sammy Kaya Boya Town Ch. The Shadow Donald Stewart 2:30 H'vest of Stars Symphonetta Greatest Story True Detective Donald Stewart 2:45 H'vcst ef Stars Symphonctte Greatest Story True Detective Donald Stewart 3:00 The Hardy Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Steel The Messiah 315 Family Family Hoar Lutheran Hour John Steel The Messiah 3 '30 Hollywood Boston Blackle Mus. with Girls Nick Carter The Messiah 3:45 Calling Boston Blackle Mus. with Girls Nick Carter "The Messiah 4:00 H'Hyw'd Calling Jack Benny (Research News The Messiah 4:15 H'Urw'd Calling Jack Benny Here's to Veia Mcital Health The Messiah 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amoa 'n Andy Guest Star World Concert The Messiah 4:45 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Cinnamon Bear World Concert The Messiah 5:00 Sam Spado Berf.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander's Dallas Minfst. 5:15 Sam Spade Berf.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Med, Board Here's to Vett 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray PM Serenade 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray PM Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Wlnchell Enchanted Hour Ted Dale 6;15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louella Parsons Enchanted Hour Ted Dale 6;30 Albnm Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family Theatre Headline Newa 6:45 Music Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre froplcana 7;00 Take It or Contented Hr. Jl ramie Fldler Medical HHItes Sunday aloa 7:15 Leave It Contented nr. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday Salon 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whistler Amailng Roy Rogers Nasarcne Ch. 7;45 Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Rogcra Nasareno Ch. 8:0ft I Man's 'amUy Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stfons Nasarena Co. 8:151 Man's Family itllsa Brooka Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Nasarene Ch. 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wlnehell Walt. Wlnchell Frank de Vol g:45 Symphony Hoar Berg.-M'C'rthy Intermeito Louella Painns Frank de Vol 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Gregory Hood News Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Gregory Hood Editorially Sunday Rever'e 9:30 Danee Oreh. Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Gov. McKay News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rich! 'Id Rcp'tr Sign Off Moon Dreams 10:15 Mary A. Mereer Night Editor Geo. Sokolsky Moon Dreama 10 :30 Cathollo Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreama 10:45 Catholle Hour Muslo lor Yon Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 New Serenade Drew Pearson Sign Off 1:15 Wax Museum Chicagoans Nocturne 1:30 Wax Museum Pre), o Midnlte Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum Pre!, to Midnlte Nocturne 12:00Slgn Off "sign Off Xtra Hour 1 MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodge Podge News Farm News News 6:15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Kloek 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Newa KOCO Klock 7:00 Eerly Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex RItter ' 7:15 Old Bongs Duncan M'Leod Agronsky Breakfast Gang KOCO Kloek . 7:30 News Bob Garred Bob Haien Muslo News 7 :15 Sam Hayea Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock . 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bargain Countr Crusaders 8:15 Eddie Albert Dave Valle Breakfast Club Family Alter Crusaders , 8:30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Musle West. Melodies 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Muslo Fiesta Tims 9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Time 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Mus. Memories Melody Time 9:3(1 Hometownera Helen Trent Art Llnktetter Pastor's Call Stars Sing 9:4ft News Our Gal Snnd'y Art Llnklettcr Walts lime John C. Thorn. 10:00 Marriage for S Big Sister Sage Riders News NW. News " 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Memory Maefe 10:30 Car. Cavallero Yg. Dr. Malona My True Story Concert Mln. Tune Time 10 :45 The Playboys Guiding Light My True Story Melodies R8 Keya 11:00 Double or M Mrs. Burton Betty Crocker Ladles First Muslo Mart 11:15 Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles frit Muslo Mart 11:30 Children Today Norab Drake N'westerners Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westerners Queen for Day Vocal Variety 12:00 News Duncan M'Leod B'haga Talking Top Trades H'wood Muslo ' 12:15 Road of LIfa ' Come A Get II News News H'wood Muslo 12:30 P. Y'g's Family Bright A Light Jack Norman N.W. News Newa 12:45 Right to Happl. Art Baker Meet Menjons Jimmy Wakcly Dava Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Br. In Hollyw'd Tell Neighbor Mae's Melodies' 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moore Br. In Hollyw'd Ch. of Cora. Mao's Melodlea l:30Lorento Jones Garry Moore Kay West Ch. of Com. Mac's Melodlea 1;45 Wldder Brown Kirkham Mows. Kay West Blng Slnga Mao'e Melodlea 2:00 Girl Marries News Jap Stewart Bob Pool Wae's Melodlea 2:15 Por. Paces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poola Mae'g Melodlea 2:30 Just Plain Bill Show Bride A Groan Musle for Mam. Mae'g Melodlea 2:45 Fr. Pge. Farrell Tnnef 'Hy Yowrs Bride A Groom Music for Mon. Mae'g Melodlea 3:00 Welc. Travelers Art Kirk. News Talk Way Oat Tarm-Home Mac's Melodlea 3:15 Welc. Travelers Arth'r Godfrey Talk Way Out Polka Time Mao's Melodlea ' 3:30 Aunt Mary Art. Godfrey Lad's be Seated News Mao's Melodies 3:45 Love A Learn Art. Godfrey Ted Malone Hawaiian Har. Mac's Melodlea 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Lett'rs to Santa Fulton Lewis Movie Tlma 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Frnk. Hem'way Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Masiey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byers Can 4:45iPaula Stona lEd. R, Morrow Cinnamon BcarlNewa Be Beautiful ACROSS 1. German musical corapoBer I. Culmination 9. Female sheep 12. Air: comb, form 13. Horse of A St. Puzzling aueation e of Athena ST. Snare 39. Roam about 40. Reposes 42. High society 44. Sunken fence certain color Illuminating Shaft of 1 srht uoviwM 14. IS. Roman road 16. Talk together 18. Town In Franca 20. Weaving machine tl. Form of legal defense 23. Shouts 27. Siamese eolna 29. Insect 31. Waste allk 32. One to whom property la rented 49. Family nam 53. Roman emperor 64. Hair's breadth 65. Not any 66. Small wild ox 67. Cudgel 68. Princely Italian famllT Celestial body DOWN 1. Security 2. Philippine Negrito U-JVJ ISITIAItlMSWATBTflTBTNlDl I u "Wis Li i TDsfTrl es-ateipUi-eIaIsIb1s Solution of Yeiterday's Puizla 59. S. Fissures In a glacier 4. Hourly a. Portion of A curve C Chinese laborer ' la I3 I" iis I" I7 I8 Wl9 I" Tz 5 is M it M ; ib if so WMMw H!LZ 5 ZJZt ZMi !1 Z SH ; M 5T 55 T. Stone for grinding malza S. Minister plentlpotan tlary I. Make a mistake 10. Existed 11 Optical orgaa i 17. Correct ID. Biography 22. Internal fruit 24. Act of coming to rest 26. Femlnlna nam 26. Sleigh 27. Wingllk 28. Distant: prefix 30. Russian sea 33. Man's arch enemy 35. Timber tree of the Paclflo Islands 18. Take oftens at 41. Gleamed 43. Sumatran squirrel throw 46. Book of thi Bible 47. Malayan eano ts. Mount on wlnga 4. Engineer shelter 60. Rdihle tuber 51. Secure (3, Bora X.