10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 9, 1949 I Mlf' M -V IS nf 'II C t4rfrj For Club or Campus At left, classic wool knit pullover in yarn dyed to match the patch-pocketed skirt. The U.S. favorite. Girl About Town At right, her fitted cardigan is a novelty knit with window-pane checks, good with a variety of skirts. - WILLAMETTE Campus Clippings university By GER I BOWLES The holiday spirit is already in the air at Willamette, with many Christmas parties, dances, and general festivities scheduled (or the coming week. The four national sororities on campus have planned a "Holly Daze" formal dance at the Labor Temple tomorrow evening. this annual Panhellenic affair will center around an Old Eng lish Christmas setting, with Jean Gilmer of Chi Omega complet ing further decoration arrange ments. Holly and tints of red, lilver and green will lend to the festive air, and the snowmen programs will no doubt add that certain something to the Yule- lide scene. The Greeks have In vited various student body of ficers, and the affair promises k be equally as enjoyable as in previous years. , Three Willamette students. Brace Ashford, Edith Fairham Bunnar and Bob Gwinn, have been honored by selection as loloists in the annual presenta tion of Handel's "Messiah," iponsored by the Salem Oratorio lociety, to be given Sunday aft ernoon at the Salem high audi torium. "The performance will Include a large chorus and the university orchestra, both un der the baton of Dean Melvin Qeist. Each year, many Salem residents return to hear once igain the work of this brilliant composer. Santa Claus will be on hand Sunday evening to pass out tandy canca to all Pi Beta Phis ind their dates during the Christmas party at the chapter house. All will help make the ornaments of cranberries and popcorn which will be used to decorate the tree later on in the evening. The singing of Christ mas carols and just general mer rymaking will wind up the party. Alpha Chi Omega has arrang- edits annual Christmas party with Salem alumnae for Tucs day evening at the chapter house, and at this time gifts to the house arc presented. Dessert will be served. On Wednesday evening Alpha Chis have their party for active members. Willamette's Art Gallery had Its initial opening recently when Ihe work of Dale Cleaver was ihown. The exhibition room Is In reality a converted wing of Ihe art department in which various displays of senior art majors may be viewed through out the year by students and Sa lem residents. A large delegation of Young Republicans have planned to at tend the state convention to be held in Oregon City this week end. Chapters from major col leges and universities all over Oregon will meet to discuss new officers for the coming year and resolutions to be adopted. Con vention plans include meetings, dances, and banquets. Informal rushing for women began this last week with ap proximately 35 women signify ing their interest in sorority living. A continuous schedule of dinners and "coke" dates will finally culminate in formal pledging the first part of next semester. AMONG those entertaining this week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, who are to be hosts for an informal party Sat urday evening to honor Mrs. Johnson's father, David W. Eyre, on the occasion of his birthday. Friends have been invited to call between 5 and 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown and Mr. and Mrs. James Walton will assist the hosts. Mrs. Streeter New Assembly President Silverton Mrs. Harold Streeter, member of Salem Am erican Legion auxiliary unit No. 136, was elected president of Marion county assembly at the S t a y t o n meeting Wednesday night. Mrs. Streeter succeeds Mrs. Ben Kuensteng, now of Portland. Other officers elected include Mrs. W. O. Green of the Wood burn unit, as vice president of the assembly; Mrs. Mabel Senz of Stayton unit as secretary; Mrs. Pphaen Sayre of Aurora unit, treasurer; Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Salem, Capital unit No. 9, chaplain; Mrs. Fred Lucht of Mt. Angel, historian; Mrs. Geo Moen, Silverton unit, as scrgeant-at-arms; and Mrs. L. Miller of Hubbard unit, as color bearer. In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Kuensteng, Mrs. M. E. Wright of Aurora presided dur ing the brief business meeting when unit reports were given and membership attendance checked. Mrs. C. E. Higinboth am of Silverton served as sec retary and Mrs. Mae.Heggie, Mt. Angel, as treasurer. Mrs. W. Washburn, Stayton, appeared as vocal soloist in program selec tions. Mrs. Jess Wells, Scio, pre sident of the hostess unit, Stay ton, opened the meeting and presented the gavel to Mrs. Wright. Guest speaker was Mrs. I. N Bacon, Salem, president of Am erican Legion auxiliary District 2. Membership should be sent WHITE STAR OF BETHLEHEM Azaleas - Evergreen Christmas plus blooming for Mothers day makes a double gift In one. Also Winter Blooming Heather. Mr. and Mrs. William Berg Landscape Florists Nebraska at R. R. Crossing Entrance on Garnet St. Left-over rice may be made into an excellent dessert by fold ing into it stiffly beaten whipped cream, adding sweetened fresh fruit. in, regardless of the number se cured, at least twice a month to headquarters to substantiate the department and national reports, Mrs. Bacon explained. The dis trict president urged publicity to be brief from the units, and sent to her by the 10th of the month. Units represented in the as sembly included Woodburn, Sa lem Capital No. 9, Salem No. 136, St. Paul, Stayton, Silverton, Mt. Angel, Idanha, Hubbard, Aumsville and Aurora. NEIGHBORS of Woodcraft are meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in the Salem Woman's club house to make plans for the Christmas program. Members are asked to take their sack lunch, THE WALKER Street club met this week at the home of Mrs. Harry Burke for an in- HE'S GOT A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY! Yes, sir! he's buying his new home through the FHA Mortgage Loan plan at Pi oncer Trust! . . . and at terms CHEAPER THAN RENT! FHA DIAL yu( 3-3136 lfj& J I Pioneer Trust Co. i Incorporated under th Or hob State Banking Lawn, ' State at Commercial Riuielt SicWi Gandlie6 TIIE FINEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Russell Stover Candles are made of the finest Ingredients, scientifically blended to make the most delicious candies, appreciated by.,, and appropriate for . . . c wyooe. mem. MAIN FLOOR I MiWP " if -is. Ai., ' Charming Copper for Christmas Sh'U ador. on of th.t. charming Finnish coff pott truly characteristic of Finland'! matt.r craftsmen. Available in tlx six.s In glaaming solid copp.r with lln.d interiors tor practical us. Va lllir (2 cups) $ 4.95 'A film (3 cup.) 5 95 V. Ill.r (4 cups) 7.50 I lil.r (6 cups) t.tS VA Hurt (9 cups) 9.95 3 Ill.r. (12 cups) 10.95 All PACKAGES OIFT WRAPPED. Above- Pries include Dilivmry Anywhtro FlNLANttJkllOUSE fmporlc-ri X; Finland'! of Craft! Writ today to P. O. Box 1925 1027 N.I. Alb.tlo St., Portland 11, Or.. ALLEN'S BIG FOUR FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIALS ALL METAL Christmas Tree Stands 89c-T9-l49 ALUMINUM CAKE COVER and PLATE 98c 10 INCH PR. PLIERS Reg. 1.15 49c Two Good Used Refrigerators 39.95 (pi) 236 N. Commercial St. formal afternoon. Christmas de corations were featured and a gift exchange was held. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Grace Wilson, Mrs. Frank Carruth, Mrs. Ernest Brinkley, Mrs. Laurence Christenson. Mrs. Harry Burke and daughter, Ruth Ann; Mrs. Jessie Gwin, Mrs. Donald Brazie, Mrs. Ben Burke, Mrs. Charles Ward. Mrs. Donald Brazie was elect ed president for the new year, succeeding Mrs. Laurence. Christenson. Refreshments were served. ,,,t GRAND OLD Sr ( NAME V CANADA J JjPjV AN AMERICAN PRODUCT CeilY'l lltllVI HINDIS WHIItTIT V"Srojy "OOF . 61.4 GUAM HCUTKAl SMUT St JAS. IAKCIAY 1 CO. HMITfO PtOHA, IIUNOH v. - v INCOMPARABLE Blue Grass Unforgettable fragrance always a prized gift. Whether you give it in small or large quantity! BLUE GRASS PERFUMAIR the perfect per fume carrier with 1H drams Blue Grass. 2.50. BLUE GRASS PERFJME a generous bottle makes a gift of delicate distinction. 7.50. BLUE GRASS FLO WERMIST-4 oz. bottle. 1.50. BLUE GRASS TOILET WATER in lovely decanter bottle. 5.00. prlc. plo tsuo COUIt 4 COMWftCIAl MIDICAt CINTff ftuo om At inm riw Niy uisenberi ' CORNER ttst operate atom' tfy kXIl Bee r ... in favor of your figure! Famous for fit . famous for wear . . . famous for valuel Barbizon's patented ' classic in the favorite v 4-gore alternating bias cut. Bryn telte't slim, trim lines follow your curves with custom-made perfection . . . give and take with each movement of your body. In rayon satin. Come in and be measured for your very own 'Body-Contour"" size. Miss Lady Little Miss Little Lady (10-20) . (38-44) (9-15) (14i2-26V2) (31 to 43) . 135 North Liberty CKOSLEY' First-Again! y In spite of a definite console shortage we have secured a supply to sell at 229 95 A Former 349.95 Value See These Outstanding Features See These Outstanding Specifications BEAUTIFUL, GENUINE CHARROLTON CABINET RECORD CHANGER Plays both standard and L. P. records Automat ically. Slide-out drawer. CROSLEY FULL RANGE F. M. Quieter less noise and interference. Built in DiPole Antenna. i STANDARD BROAD CAST with Signal Webb Antenna. i AUTOMATIC BASS BOOST. Unusually rich, satisfying tone quality. Convenient Terms - Gladly TONE CONTROL Fully adjustable from bass to treble. SPEAKER. Powerful con cert type. TILT-OUT RADIO. 11 tubes. OPEN TONITE 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK