Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Schervem-Guthrie Rites
At Woodburn Church v
y Woodburn The First Presbyterian church at Woodburn was
Athe setting for a beautiful wedding Sunday, December 4, when
Miss Mildred Lee Guthrie and Vernone Schervem were united in
marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Guthrie and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R.
S.Schervem, all of Woodburn;
Woodburn Junior
Women Entertained
Woodburn Mrs. Emry Ing
ham, state junior extension chair
man, was guest speaker at the
regular meeting of the Woodburn
Junior Woman's club Wednesday
evening at the library club
rooms. She was Introduced by
Mrs. Gordon Seely, program
chairman, and spoke on the proj
ect of the year for junior clubs
of Oregon, which was sponsor
ing a recreation room at one of
the cottages at the Boys' State
school. The project will be com
pleted and open house held in
the near future. She stated
there were 26 junior clubs in
Oregon with 1500 members.
Plans were made to organize
a social hygiene class after the
first of the year. Mrs. Harold
Schiel is in charge of arrange
ments. A library panel board was ap
pointed to select books for the
junior book shelf at the local
: library. Appointed on the board
' were Mrs. Layman Baird, Mrs.
Joe Sowa, Mrs. Homer Wads
worth and Mrs. Lois Gaviola.
Christmas baskets will be dis
tributed with Mrs. Walter Scar
borough, Jr., in charge, assisted
by Mrs. E. A. Buchanan and Mrs.
Lois Gaviola.
The next meeting, December
21, will be a Christmas party at
the library club rooms. Hos
tesses will be Mrs. Leonard Hew
ett, chairman, Mrs. Jesse Fowler,
Mrs. Stewart Popp and Mrs.
Tony Zastoupil. There will be
games, a tree and exchange of
Guests at the meeting Wednes
day night were Mrs. Philip
Branson and Mrs. L. H. Hilde
brandt. Refreshments were
served by the hostess, Mrs. Hom
er Wadsworth.
Wednesday at the Oliver Willis
home for the annual Christmas
party and luncheon. Two new
members were added to the roll,
Mrs. Ray Osborn, Four Corners,
and Mrs. Walter Siebert.
Members attending were Mrs.
W. G. Walker, Mrs. P. C. Har
land, Mrs. A. L. Schissler, Mrs.
E. B. Kasson, Mrs. William Ray,
Mrs. E. W. Harland, Mrs. Mae
Noll, Mrs. W. W. Rolofson, Mrs.
R. B. McClay, Mrs. Ethel Daven
port, Mrs. Roy Carter, Mrs. A. W.
Bodies, Mrs. W. Loe, Mrs. Henry
Knight, Mrs. Oliver Willis, Mrs.
F. M. Hoyt, Mrs. A. M. Ander
son, Mrs. Wade Weekly, Mrs. M.
Next meeting is to be Janu
ary 3 with Mrs. Mae Noll, 1160
Reedy Drive.
Today's Menu
(Br Uu Associated Press)
'. Sunday Night Supper
Split Pea Soup with Croutons
Sunday Night Supper Salad
Baked Apples Hot Rolls
Sunday Night Supper Salad
Ingredients: lVfe cups diced
cooked leftover beef, lamb, or
pork, J4 cup diced cooked pota
toes, ,2 cup diced cooked car
rots, cup cooked green peas,
Vi cup French dressing (well
seasoned), salad greens, 4 small
sweet pickles (halved), 2 hard
cooked eggs (quartered), may
onnaise or mayonnaise-type sal
ad dressing.
Method: Mix the meat, potatoes,
carrots, peas and French dress
ing together in a bowl and allow
to stand in the refrigerator to
blend flavors for about 14 hour.
Serve on salad greens garnished
with the sweet pickles, egg and
mayonnaise. Makes 5 servings.
Rev. George R. Cromley of
Salem, a former pastor, offici
ated at the double ring ceremony
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Miss Arlyss Nelson was soloist,
accompanied by Miss Patricia
Tremaine, who also played the
processional and recessional.
Tall baskets of vari-colored
chrysanthemums .decorated the
The bride wore a white satin
gown fashioned with scalloped
neckline, full length train, and
she wore a veil of fingertip length
held in place with a small lace
covered crown. She wore long
white mitts and carried a bou
quet of pink rosebuds, tied with
matching pink streamers.
The maid of honor, Miss Pa
tricia Bradley, wore a blue for
mal and carried a matching bou
quet of chrysanthemums. Brides
maids were Miss Arlene Scher
vem, sister of the bridegroom,
Miss Sharon Guthrie, sister of
the bride, and Miss Joyce Piper.
Miss Schervem was gowned in
formal of pale green, Miss
Guthrie in orchid and Miss Piper
in yellow, and each wore a
matching crown and large satin
bow in her hair. They carried
matching bouquets of chrysan
themums. Flower girl was little
Cheryl Seely in a floor length
dress of pale pink. She carried
a basket of flower petals. Light
ing the candles was Linda Guth
rie in a floor length dress ofj
pink and Richard Guthrie.
Best man was Lonnie Esau of
Salem, and ushers were Fred A.
Zurcher of Salem, Jack Randall,
uncle of the bride, and Robert
Guthrie, a cousin, both of Hills-boro.
Mrs. Guthrie wore a two-tone
brown suit with green accessories
and corsage of Talisman roses
for her daughter's wedding. Mrs
Schervem, mother of the bride
groom, wore a rose colored after
noon dress with black accessories
and a corsage of white roses.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the Forsythe
room at the church. Miss June
McCoy of Salem, cut and served
the wedding cake, Miss' Patricia
Houseweart presided at the cof
fee urn and Miss Betty Jo De-
hann at the punch bowl. Miss
Roberta Berney of Oregon City
passed the guest book and the
gift table was in charge of Miss
Marilyn Busch of Forest Grove
and Miss Margie Forsythe of
After a short honeymoon, Mr.
and Mrs. Schervem will reside
in Salem, where he is employed.
Both are graduates of Woodburn
high school. He was a member
of the class of 1925 and she was
graduated in June of this year.
If yon like a milder, mellower,
smoother, lighter blend,
you're like the thousands
of folks who have switched
to better-tasting Calvert.
80.8 Proof-5 Grain Neutral Spirits
Calvert Distillers Corp.. New Tort Clt
Everyone who gets an ELGIN Watch!
illBSill IesJ
To Be Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. John
son will be hosts at their Fair
mount home Saturday evening
at a buffet dinner and Christ
mas party for the members of
the staff of the Ralph Johnson
Appliance company and their
wives. Thirty-two will attend
the affair.
Additional guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mr.
and Mrs. William L. Phillips,
Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Mun
gor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Brady, Sr.
SCIO Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Goar are planning an open house
on Sunday, December 11, at their
home in the Riverside neighbor
hood, in observing their 50th
Navy Ensemble Navy satin combines with navy wool jer
sey in a newsworthy dress for early winter, shown with
dressy accessories which make it right for after-five.
Campus Clippings oregon
This week the Christmas spirit has hit the Oregon campus. Each
of the houses has decorated a tree many of the men's and wom
en's living organizations have been caroling during the dinner
AWS staged a successful
Christmas party Saturday after
noon at the Sigma Kappa house.
Gifts for needy families were
placed under the tree. Faculty,
townspeople and students all attended.
Saturday evening was an oc
casion for many house dances
on the campus. The Delta Delta
Deltas chose as their theme,
'Frost Fantasies." Their house
was decorated with lavish silver
walls, sparkling snowflakes and
a mist of pale blue and green
clouds. A gay statue of Jack
Frost greeted the guests.
The Alpha Omicron Pi house
dance theme was the "Rubiayat."
The decorations were done in a
Persian fashion, with hanging
gardens and a fountain. Quota
tions from the Rubiayat were
written in scrolls.
Blue was the main color for
the sweetheart dance of Sigma
Chi. The words to their sweet
heart song were written along
the walls. In the living room
was a large white cross, edged
m gold.
Girls from Hendricks hall gave
a formal with the theme "Stellar
n' Cellar." Rooms were deco'
rated with pitchforks and lumin
ous spider webs. Other house
dances were as follows:
Alpha Delta Pi with the theme,
Wintermezzo"; University
House, The Night Before Christ
mas , Ann Judson house, Sil
ver Strings." "
Aside from the house dances
this week-end, Carmen Cavallero
appeared at Willamette park
Wednesday evening.
Dorothy Thompson, world
traveler and journalist, spoke to
the students Thursday. She
chose as her topic, "Those Cru
cial Days."
Handel's oratorio, "The Mes
siah," will be presented in Mc-
Arthur court Sunday evening at
8 o'clock. "The Messiah" will
be presented by the University
Choral union of 700 voices and a
70-piece symphony. The pro
gram will be broadcast over
KUGN on Sunday and trans-
scribed over KOAC on Monday.
wedding anniversary. This
makes the third golden wedding
anniversary to be observed in
the Scio community recently.
Last month Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mespelt, also of the Riverview
community, celebrated their 50th
anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Irish of Scio celebrating theirs
at the same time.
Holiday Meeting
Silverton The Silverton
Woman's club, Mrs. P. A. Loar
President, will meet Monday,
December 12, in the social
rooms of the First Christian
church, the 2:15 o'clock after
noon program to be preceded by
an executive business session at
1:30 o'clock at the church.
Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs.
Harrison Fisher as program
chairmen of the Christmas hour
will tell of the "Origin of
Christmas Carols" and will ar
range for music suitable to the
Tea hour hostesses will be
Mrs. Theodore Hobart, Mrs. Al
vin Legard, Mrs. F. E. Sylves
ter, Mrs. F. Butler, Mrs. Emma
Coberly, Mrs. Thomas Chidsey,
Mrs. W. Clark Bachman.
Christmas packages for the
Corvallis Children's Farm home
will be brought, wrapped
marked as for a boy or girl, and
for the approximate age of
child. Also wrapped gifts for
the Salem State hospital will be
brought by members. Candles
are to be donated.
SILVERTON Mrs. Orville
Frank, president of the Junior
Woman s club, is announcing
the meeting for the evening of
Tuesday, December 13, to be at
the Joe Marsh home, with Mrs.
Elaine Schell and Mrs. Gerald
Smcdstad, hostesses, and the
featured program speaker to be
Mrs. Nell V. Brannon of the
Chemawa Indian school staff.
Miss Brannon is being receiv
ed with interest because of the
young matrons of the club hav
ing had the Chemcwa students
us their Christmas project guests
for several years.
The Men in Your Life
Will Cheer Your Desserts
f&ddi-Ujip Makes
Glorious Treats Without Work!
Your husband and children
will love the luscious good
ness of Reddi-wip. It makes
even simplest desserts ben
come delicious treats. Reddi
wip is pure, rich cream it
whips itself at the touch of m
finger. Each throw-away
container gives yon 31 serv4
ings. Use Reddi-wip every
day it's the effortless way
to superb desserts.
Its Dura Power
Mainspring eliminates
99 of watch repairs
due to steel
mainspring failures
Thrill your loved one
this Christmas with a
beautiful, star-timed
Elgin We have a wide
range of styles and
prices to show you.
Mdn of -EliHor" mital.
JSnreJ Elgin- Adjusted. DuraPouvr
Mainspring. 10K natural gold filled
cane, staintest steel back. Gold filled,
ueti back expansion bracelet, $47.50
ffadutflng Fdrd Tos
Elgtn De Luxe, 1 7 jeuxls. Ad
justed. Dura Potter Mainspring.
10 K natural gold filled case. High
curved crystal, $5S.QQ
this is their BIG year!
We've the most wonderful selection of pearls
you've seen! These shown are just a small part of
our gorgeous Christmas collection! Every woman
would love a gift of this fashion-favorite jewelry in
her Christmas stocking I
Necklaces ... 1 strand, 1.00 up; 2 strand 1.95 up;
3 slrond,2.95 up; 4 strand, 4.95 up; 5 strand, 5.9S up
Ropes ... in combinations of brown, green,wineand
white 1.95
Earrings ... in a multitude of styles .
Marvella and Richelieu boxed pearls
. , from 1.00
, . from 3.00
with rhintitonf
1 strand
229 JSf
2 strand 3:89
3 strand 5.89
The Lucky Numbers
at the opening of
56, 80, 134
Come In and Pick Up Your
Warren's Radio
2017 Fairgrounds Rd.
Ph. 37681
Open Evenings Until Christmas
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 9, 1949 9
At the Tuesday evening meet
ing the members of the club
will observe their annual ex
change of nominally priced
HOSTESS today at an infor
mal luncheon was Mrs. Frank
V. Prime, entertaining in honor
of Mrs. Burdette Glenn of Cor
vallis, formerly of S a 1 e m. The
Glenns are moving to Berkeley,
Calif. A group of 12 friends of
the honoree were invited for to
day's luncheon.
Dorothy Gray
Sun Dance
Stirring fragrance, Bright and gay
as its name. Appcalingly packaged
in pink with sun-spectrum design
in many colors. Cologne and Dust
fag Powder . . .
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty
On the Corner"
'inn mi iimmh m
HaSSOcks Plastic Cover. Many Colors A Q5
Foam Rubber Tops and np
Smoking Stands O 9J
Metal JktVtJ
Electric Lighting Smoking Stands 10 CI)
Chrome-finish '. I osW
Magazine Baskets .... 3.50 and up
Desk Lamps 7 Cft
Metal and Walnut Bases and up
Desks 90 OS
Drop Lid; Walnut or Mahogany sfcU
Desks 90 CQ
Flat Top Walnut WsW
Card Tables AQZ C 05
New Colorful sf J and o f
Card Table Sets 00 7C
Table and 4 Chairs Beautiful Colors '
Boys and Girls, 24" 39.95
Standard and DeLuxe Models
Real Beauties 47.50-64.50
260 State St.
Dial 3-9148