6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,. Friday,. December 9, 1949 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 9. 191!) 7 m m I : I A . m m fa fa i irn T7 Y N ftif ;r It II II FUN BEGINS AT 7:00 Ends 9:00 Downtown Salem Tonight I Ml 01N 9 Santas Dressed in Civilian Clothes mil Qve These Stores 9 O'CLOCK 4 f . 1 . V 1 &!$ v . . . WILL BE EVERYWHERE IN DOWN TOWN SALEM TONIGHT GIVING VALU ABLE GIFTS! HE MAY BE YOUR NEIGH BOR OR FRIEND ACROSS TOWN - BUT IF YOUR ARE SHARP ENOUGH TO FIND HIM AND QUALIFY BY- TAPPING HIM ON THE SHOULDER AND SAYING Tag, You Are Santa Claus YOU WILL RECEIVE A GIFT FREE! EAGH SANTA WILL REPRESENT ONLY ONE STORE WITH ONE GIFT! J usfc to have a little fun downtown tonight, Salem's downtown merchants are offering a great many fine Chrstmas gifts (SEE ADS ON THESE PAGES) . The rules are simple and easy to follow. JUST TAP YOUR SUSPECTED SAXTA ON THE SHOULDER AND SAY, "Tag, you are Santa Claus". You must follow the in structions to the letter in order to get your gift. Each store represented will have a Santa . . . about twenty in all! On the streets and street corners ... in the crowds ... or in the stores . . . it's iip to you to find him. FUN NIGHT IS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN . . . THERE'S NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF SANTAS YOU MAY FIND! 7:00 TO 9:00 O'CLOCK DO NOT FALL f Schlesinger & Co: TO Be In I Will' Give a Beautiful LADY DUFF GOWN If you "tag" our Santa Claus and soy those magic words, you'll be on your way to a real fine ladies gown. Our Santa is tall, dark and ruddy ... a real fine man that can be easily detected. Just walk up and say "Tag, you are Santa Claus" and see what happens! A tap on the shoulder, those exact words, and the plain clothes Santa for the 7 A1 P- IWI IUV, Away Valuable Gifts! Tag our Santa and you will receive a $22.50 PAIR OF SLACKS DOWNTOWN SALEM ! TONIGHTip WOODRY I FURNITURE CO.! "4 Blocks South of the Ladd & Bush Bank'4 Tag Our Santa and Receive I FLOOR LAMP j OR 2 TABLE LAMPS I Our Santa is just an average American Guy not ftall, not short, not handsome, not homely, he smokes a pe, cigarette and occasionally a cigar and he has a mole! JOE'S at UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP 422 State St. AND If you tag J. J. 's Santa you will receive free a $25 SPORT COAT from the J J. CLOTHES SHOP . . 387 State St. MtftMlMaOlM Tag the Santa for the Roberts Bros. will give you a pair of PLAYTEX SUPERFOAM PILLOWS Now our Santa isn't exactly tall, nor exactly short . . . he isn't exactly handsome, nor is he homely . . . but he will gladly be your Santa with our lovely gift. Just tap him on the shoulder and say "Tag. You are Santa Claus" and he will escort you to Robert Bros, for your lovely gift. Tagrur Santa, saying' the right words, and SALLY'S will give you a DUVATEEN ROBE absolutely free! What's he look like? Well . . . let's say he looks just Santa without the uniform and white whiskers . . . you can't miss him! Metropolitan Smart Shop PENNEY'S Quisenbe rry s will give you a beautiful 50 PIECE SET OF SILVERPLATE for your table, complete with chest! Our's is a short Santa of medium build, black hair, blue eyes. This Santa moves quickly with a short-stepped fast manner of walking . . . just watch for a bright, alert Santa full of pep! j wamunmjiwi and we will give you free MARTHA MANNING DRESS Fit? We guarantee it, either in full or half sizes. Our's is a young Santa, about 5' 8", medium stocky build, dark blond, and a "poor man's" Barrymore profile . . . shucks, everybody knows him! prize will be a beautiful 3 Vi LB. ALL-WOOL BLANKET Identify Our "Santa" and He'll Bring You In For a Fine Gift of FABERGE Toilet Water The best of the best in blankets. Just say to our Santa (when you spot him, of course) "Tag. You are Santa" and it's yours! He is 5' 1 1" tall, and blue-eyed, a sandy complexion. O yes, and a moustache, dark suit, and quite a serious appearance. or choice of another item of equal value! Fred Meyer Salem Home Montgomery Ward gives a TWIN ELECTRIC Waffl o rrriA Our Santa is really "Santa's Helper" 'cause he's"Oimle young to be Santa himself. He is a tall, gay blade fith a smile and pleasant personality that portrays the Seal Christmas Spirit. Tag our Santa on the shoulder, saving "Tag. You are Santa Claus" and let him show youthe woy to this wonderful gift. - FURNITURE CO. 1 37 So. Commercial Identify Our "Santa" ... be awarded this lovely BRASS h TABLE LAMP Indirect lighting, ' has American Beauty Satinstrand thad. It's a 24.95 value! Our "Santa's" Medium Build, Blond Hair ! 8 If you can find Wards Santa, you'll be rewarded with a handsome electric 3-WAY COOKER It's a waffle iron! It's a sandwich grill! It' a griddle! Bakes 4 waffles, toasts 4 sandwiches, fries 8 eggs or 18 hamburgers. Let's Go to MARILYN SHOE STORE for a perfect Christmas Gift! PAIR OF WOMEN'S SHOES E Be sure you tag Marilyn's "Santa"! m m m wtm l fa mi f w I I MAKILYN oHULotUKt I 387 Court Street R.LElfstromCo. "Tag, You're 'Santa Clans'!" '' ; Yes, if you identify Elfstrom's "Santa" he'll escort you to our store for a UN IVERSAL AUTOMATIC I WAFFLE IRON A 17.95 Value! CLUES: Medium build and complexion, wears glasses, has a great smile! RItMAkkfeMtMtkMlMtkMtMtliMt! Capital Drug Store f , MILLER S Cor. State and Liberty jj If You're Lucky You May Win Thi Grand Gift! S TUSSY MAKE-UP BEAUTY CASE of red simulated-alligator, purse style, complete tfi skin lotion, lipstick, overnight cream, wind and weAi lotion, face powder, perfume and rouge! s Our "Santa's" short and dark . . . 'nuf said! ? ... GIVE A WOMEN'S WHITE STAG SKI SUIT Just tap our Santa on the shoulder and say, "TAG, YOU ARE SANTA CLAUS"! He'll escort you to Miller's second floor fashion shop for the White Stag Ski Suit given free Vos a gift from Miller's Department Store. ?. S. Our Santa is almost as handsome as a movie actor. Tall, dark . . . slightly bow-legged . . . very kind disposi tion . . . Watch for him . . . tag him! BISHOP'S 145 N. Liberty Yes, if you "tag" our "Santa" tonight, you'll be awarded this magnificent gift: Pendleton Gabardine or Wool Flannel SHIRT! Bishop's "Santa" is well worth hunting for! A DOMINION AUTOMATIC TOASTER $18.75 Value Will Be Given by Salem Hardware COMPANY 120 North Commercial Thii beautiful toaster is chroma plated, fully outomatie and adjustable to light or dark toast. Stevens "&' Son WILL GIVE A HARVEL Wrist Watch Value 29.75 Come down tonight and have some fun. You may re ceive a Harvel Wrist Watch free. Choice of a man or woman's watch. m m I I 4 l m 4i P fl m fa m m fa m , & I fa if I II II $ m I 5 4 fa fa I I f fa M fa fa fa I fa If fa 'I m IS I 1 fa P k fa 8 m fa fa fa 1