) V Lota I Paragraphs Jackson Kites Held Final jfates for Earl Milton Jackson, 67, "ol Eugene, brother of -Ralph Jackson of Salem, were held at Eugene Friday with burial in Rest Haven Memorial park. He was born in Minnesota on March 12, 1882, and had lived in Eu gene 22 yean. He is also sur vived by a son, two daughters, two sisters, another brother and four grandchildren. Former Resident Dies Fay D. Howe, 69, died in Eugene this week with funeral services Fri day afternoon at Cottage Grove followed by cremation. He was born at Brownsville September 4, 1880, and played football at the University of Oregon where he enrolled in 1900. He was married to Bernice F. Reid in Salem August 12, 1914, and liv ed here for several years. Sur viving are his wife, daughter, brother and two sisters. Concert Presented The sec ond annual Christmas concert of the Santiam Choral club was presented at the Stayton high sch&ol auditorium Thursday night under the direction of Fe lix French, Salem. Guest soloist . was Kenneth VanCleve, Salem, ; accompanied by Robert Rawson. Two trios were heard in spe cial numbers, members of the first being Barbara Shower, Ann Mynatt and Ora Boehme and of the second Maxine Browning, Ann Mynatt and Doris Roberts. Ruth Spaniol was accompanist for the club. Scio Bonds Approved Bonds for the construction of a new high school at Scio have been approved by the state treasurer's office and will be deposited with the Linn county treasurer. The bonds were approved a year ago. The union high school district directors will advertise the bids with the funds to be available to the district as soon as the contract for construction is awarded. Marion Firemen Meet Fire fighters from various Marion county communities will be en tertained at Sublimity next Wed nesday night. Advancement of good techniques in fire fighting and fire prevention are dis cussed at the monthly meetings as well as other subjects of in terest to firemen. Teeners to Frolic The Hayes ville Teen-age club will hold a Christmas party at the Scout cabin Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock with members exchang ing gifts. Margaret Katka will be in charge of entertainment with Laurene Karsten the re' freshments. The Dale Carath- ers will be chapcrones. Mrs, Duncan Home Mrs, C, R. Duncan of Hubbard, who has been hospitalized here for five weeks following a stroke, was able to return home this week. Grange Club Meets The Ma deay Grange home economics club will hold an all day meet ing at the Grange hall Tuesday with a no host luncheon at noon. This will be the annual Christ mas party with husbands of members guests. Siddall Family Back Mr. and Mrs. Galen Siddall and children, who live in the Hayesville com munity, have returned from a two weeks' trip that took them ip southern California, north ern Mexico and into Death Val ley. Dowe In Hospital Lester Dowe, of the West Stayton com munity, is a patient at the Sa lem Memorial hospital where he underwent surgery. Thursday. Barn Dance Planned Mem bers of the YGA of the Macleay district are sponsoring a barn dance at the Grange hall Satur day night. Bennett Will Speak Frank Bennett, Salem superintendent , of schools, will speak at the meeting of the Hayesville PTA IMonday night at 7:30 oclock, "Irs. Water Nystrom is in charge of musical numbers with the sec ond grandmothers providing re freshments and Mrs. A. Ben- eon and Mrs. V. Snyder in charge. Local Firm Files Certificate of assumed business name for State Typewriter Service has been filed with the county clerk by Dorothy J. and Francis M. Walsh, 990 Heather lane. Cleaners LJ s t e d Nu-Way Cleaners, 775 Edgewater street, is assumed business name filed with the county clerk by Ralph E. and Helen Smith. Richards Hospitalized Joe Richards, of Woodburn, motor carrier for the Capital Journal Is hospitalized in Portland where he underwent surgery Wednes day for a throat complaint. He was in the surgery four hours, BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the Following New Citizens PHILLIPS To Mr. Md Mrs. Merle Phil lips. 1125 7th, It trie Salem Oeneral hoiplUl. flrl, Dec. I- &NnWTa Ur nd Uu. Frank finite. Stiverton Rt. 1 Box ill, it trie Silent Oen ril hoaplul, a bor, Dee, l. HALL To Mr. ind Mrt. Joseph I. HlU. Monmouth, flrit ehlM, a bor it the Silem Oeneril noepltil. Dee. 3. nimH Steven a first irindchtld of Mr. ind Mrt. Jimei Oeotle ind fir.t irfat-trandron of Mr and Mra. T. K. Oeotle, who hivt M f uw rioaaiuiJiMr Elks Hear Howard Charles A. Howard of Salem, district deputy grand exalted ruler, Ore gon northwest, paid his official visit to the Elks lodge at Ore gon City Thursday night. A class of candidates was also ini tiated. Nurses Will Meet The Salem Practical Nurses' association will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in the chapel of the Salem Me morial hospital. Gicsy Rites Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. William Giesy, 87. widow of the late Dr. Giesy, will be held from the Miller funeral home in Aurora at 11 o clock Saturday with burial in the Aurora cemetery. She was a sister-in-law of the late Mrs, R. J. Hendricks, Salem: Mrs. George Krause and Mrs. Charles Beck. She died Monday at the home of a daughter in Burbank, Calif. Another daughter. Mrs. Earl Gribble, lives in Toledo. Five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren also survive. Mrs. Diebert Home Mrs. Adam Diebert and infant son, 1075 Market, have been dismiss ed from the .Salem General hos pital. Pension Club Meets The American Pension club will meet at Women's club building at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Refresh ments will be served. Jory to Corvallis Harold B. Jory, registrar of Willamette university, will represent the university at the annual meet ing of the Oregon Institutional Placement association, to be held on the OSC campus at Corvallis Saturday, Jory is president of the association which includes placement directors and their staffs from colleges of Oregon Radio Program Ready Speaking over the Chin Up Chatter program Saturday over K.OCO between 3 and 4 o clock will be Rev. Roy C. Ferguson, a regular member of the Chin Up club of Oregon, who will be heard in a short sermon. Miss May Einseldt will be the vocal ist, accompanied by Miss Billic Oliver. All are Salem residents. Aviation Broadcast The first of a series of radio broadcasts sponsored by the state board of aeronautics and known as "Fly ing Time" will be heard over KOAC Thursday night at 8 oclock, according to W. M, (Jack) Bartlett, director. The program will also be heard ov er the Corvallis city station at 3:45 Sunday afternoon, Albany at i o ciock Tuesday and Eugene at i o clock f riday. Arrested Here LeRoy Bell Munro has been booked at the sheriff's office as wanted in Til lamook on a charge of non-sup port. Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 293 Holly wreaths and decorative greens for home or mailing. The Flower Basket, 1020 Market, phone 2-4802. 301 Jary Florist, 365 Court and The Flower Basket, 1020 Mar ket, open Friday evenings until Christmas. 301 The season's best buy is a Christmas membership in the Y. Ph. 3-9117. 293 Xmas Gift Boxes of Aufranc's Delicious Canned Fruits ready for mailing. Prepaid in the con tinental U. S. Ph. 3-8487. 293 Air steamship tickets, Kugel, 153 North High. Ph. 3-7694. 293 We supply fine holly for your eastern friends. Ship any place prepaid. Drive over to our or chards and get acquainted with us. Lovely packages $2.25 and $3.50. Wreaths and layer size containers made to your order Benson Holly Orchards, Rt. 2, Silverton, on Silverton-Salem highway. Phone 4424, 293 IDEAL GIFTS of Bleached and Graded No. 1 Oregon Wal nuts and Filberts are now avail able in 5 and 10-lb. burlap bags for shipping at Salem Nut Grow ers Cooperative, 2828 Cherry avenue. Phone 3-3568. 297 Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. U vou miss your Capital Journal Wanted experienced chocolate dipper. Gay's Candies, 135 N. High. 293 Order your Big-Jumbo pop corn balls. White - Pink - Green at Hasklns Carmilcrisp Shop, 335 N. High St. 293 Fresh killed young turkeys to bake or fry, 39c lb. Also baby beef for your locker 35c lb C. S. Orwig, 4375 Silverton Rd. Phone 2-6128. 294 Exclusive presentation. Imper ial wallpapers. R. L Elfttrom Co. J Mi current rate on youi savings. Salem Federal, 560 State St Salem's largest Savings association Extensive line of gifts In hardware, houseware, china it spurting goods. Use our 10 lay-.way plan. Salem Hardware Cc 120 N Commercial Phone 22406 oefnrt 6 p.m II you mm you! Capital Journal Christmas Event Saturday The Christmas party of the aux iliary to the 369th engineers and 409th quartermasters will be Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the quonset hut. Mrs. Homer Ly on, Jr., is chairman of the an nual event and working with her on plans for the party are Mrs. Victor Gibson, Mrs. Ingvold Johnson, Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs. Don ald Gardner. Military officials of the Portland district and bat talion commanders and their staff have been invited. School Survey (Continued from Page 1) Approval was given by the board to an increase of $71,224 in the budget of the department of veterans' affairs requested be cause of increased loans. The money requested is used for at torneys and appraisers fees which are charged to the loans made. A request from the state parole board for $9,894.55 for employment of an employment officer was reduced to $5,000 by the board. The extra man was requested on the grounds that jobs are not being found for men already paroled and this condition is causing unrest at the penitentiary. The employ ment of the additional employ ment officer is on a trial basis, the board said. Amanda Anderson Chosen Amanda Anderson of Salem high school faculty was elected a counsellor of the Western Speech association at its 18th annual convention held in San Jose, Cal., late in November. San Jose college was host to the con vention which brought several hundred delegates from colleges and universities in the 11 west ern states. License Is Issued William B. Woods, Goldendale, Wash, and Edna L. Kinzley, Aurora, have been issued a Vancouver, Wash, marriage license. To View Timber Members of the county court were slated to make a trip Friday afternoon with Ford Converse, well known Portland lumberman, to view some county timber on Sardine creek. This timber has been subject to a bid of $180,000 by J. K. Elder of Portland and it is understood Converse also is interested. Hadleys Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hadley of Salem are the parents of a son, named Dale William, born here this week, Hadley is a senior at Willamette university. The baby is the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley of Albany. Licenses Approved Beer li cense applications have been ap proved by the county court for Frank R. Pfaff, 505 N. Mill street, Silverton, and Raymond E. and Wilma S. Russell, 140 S. Lancaster drive. Johns-Manville shingles ap plied by Mathis Bros., 164 S Com'l. Free estimate. Ph. 34642 Custom made Venetian Blinds call Reinholdt & Lewis 2-3639. 293 Gift boxes, fancy holly and mistletoe postpaid anywhere in the U. S. $2.00. (Leave the ad dress we do the rest). Jary Florist, 365 Court, phone 3-7375 or The Flower Basket, 1020 Market, phone 2-4802. 301 Choice holly. Hormone treat ed. 414 S. Liberty. 293 Knapp shoes. Ph. 3-4320. 293' Notice! Hearing Aid users. Our new office hours are from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m, including the noon hour, every day except Saturday, when we close at 3 p.m. Come in and let's get ac quainted. Batteries for all kinds of hearing aids. James N. Taft & Associates, 228 Oregon Build ing, Salem. 293' Rummage sale. Salem Heights Women's club, Sat. 9 till 5. 339 Court St. 293 We desire to thank the friends and neighbors for their kind ness, words of sympathy and floral offerings in the loss of our sister, Volene Moritz Shields The Moritz Family. 293 Play pool and shuffle board at 4 Corner Fun House. 294 Dwyer's will be open Sunday 294 Prrnn hpfnr-A ft n m If you miss your Capital Journal Holly wreaths, swags our spe cialty. Poinsettias, other potted plants, cut flowers. Open eve Pemberton's Flower Shop, 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9946. 294 Wanted Shopsmith in good condition Call 2-8339 evenings. 295 Wonderful rummage, Fri. & Sat., Dec. 9 & 10. Old Sears store. So. High ent. 294 Rummage Sale at the YWCA, Saturday,. December 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 293 Rummage sale, Friday, Dec. 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. First Methodist church. 293 Xmas trees delivered. 2-0401. 295 Phone 22406 oeture 6pm II you mlti your Capital Journal. Held to Jury As Chicken Thieves An alleged chicken stealing ring composed of three men and two 18-year-old girls was or dered held for the grand jury Thursday afternoon in the dis trict court, and two of the men were led back Friday to answer to a second similar charge. The pair which is charged with two separate cases of chick en stealing was identified as Gary Allen Meredith and Leon ard A. Burns. A preliminary ex amination on the second charge was set for December 12 in dis trict court with bail listed at $1000 each. These two and Alfred V. Cure ton, Sally June Meredith and Delores Jean Heller, were or dered held to the grand jury Thursday. The charges against all of them were for burglary, not in a dwelling. United Nations (Continued from Page 1) That vote supported a joint proposal of Australia, El Salva dor, Russia and Lebanon to car ry out assembly decisions made in 1947 and 1948 that the city be placed under U.N. rule. Israel occupies the new city of Jerusalem, Hashemite Jordan the old city on the armistice lines now prevailing. Jordan is not a member of the U.N., but its representative was permitted to state King Abdullah's opposition to giving up its walled portion of the Holy city where most of the religious shrines of Christ ians, Jews and Moslems are lo cated. Some nations that voted against the proposal in commit tee agreed with Israel's warning that the city population would never accept outside rule. Holy Places Only One nation active in the brew ing revolt was The Netherlands. The Dutch were reported lead ing a movement to argue in the general assembly that the plan everybody can agree on and which Israel has offered to go along with Is internation al supervision of the Holy places only. The Arab states were counted on to remain solid for the in ternational rule proposal. But there were some reports that enough Latin American Catholic countries would come out of their role of abstention or even back down on their support to prevent the resolution from get ting a necessary two-thirds ma jority. , ,' State-wide Plans Made Six members of the Practical Nurses association of Salem attended a banquet meeting at the Nortonia hotel in Portland Thursday night where it was voted to form a state-wide o r g a n i zation. Em blems and insignia pins were discussed. Dance Hall Listed Certifi cate of assumed name for Aums- ville Pavilion, dance pavilion, has been filed with the county clerk by Carl L. Morrison and Joe L. Himmel. Club Plans Dinner The an nual Christmas dinner of the Sa lem Chin-Up club will be held at the Four Corners Community hall Sunday with serving be tween 1 and 1:30 o clock. COURT NEWS Circuit Court State vs Harlan Bemler, plea of suiltr entered to charge of larceny In a dwell- 1ns of a fur coat from Marie Henry, route 3, dats for sentence continued by Judge ueorge . Duncan to uecemoer i&. Ellen Sprenzl vs Joseph U. Sprensl, dlv oroe complaint allege cruel and inhuman treatment and aks plaintiff be restored the name of Ellen Allan. Married Octo ber 17, 1946 at Kelso, Wash, O. V. Crispin vs Delmer E. and Martha E. wood, demurrer to complaint, N. J. Campf vs Delmer E. and Martha E. Wood, demurrer to complaint. Marie P. Hills vs Georte Lund. Jr.. and others, complaint seeking to quiet title to real property. Paul B. and Helene W. Wallace vs Paulus Bros. Packrne Co., objections by oeienaanu 10 proposed Dili 01 exceptions. Fred B. Brnon, Jr., vs Dan W. and Minnie McCarthy, on trial suit seeking to foreclose on contract of sale ol real prop erty. Orval X. and Ann Cox vs V. O. Ttn Ison and others, motion to make com plaint mora definite and certain. Robin Reed vs Lee Eyerly, plaintiff motion case be not dismissed for want of prosecution. Ohio Casualty Co., vs Robert Marr, de. murrer to complaint overruled. Ollli vs Ollbert M. Vlnvard. arder to rfa. fend ant to appear December 21 and show cause wny ne should not make certain support money payments. Ednar V. and Irene Collins vs Nora M. Cawrfie, complaint to quiet title to real property. Probate Court Bessie E. Baker estate, closing order enterea- Seymour Jones conservatorship, L. O. Page, Walter UcCune and Earle M Daue named appraisers. James Imlah estate appraised at tl4, 934.88 by D. W. Eyre, Leo O. Page and Ed ward RosteiD. Pred Meier estate, authorising Acnes Meier seal, executni, to execute eon veyance deed. Laura Dean Brownson, minor, order accepting rulinatlon of Betty E. Bard well as guardian. olice Court Reckless driving: Roy Adams Amstutx, Silverton, fined IM. Failure to five pedestrian right of way: Paul P. Kuhnly, I8 Oarden read, rotted 10 ball. Marriage Licenses Charles O. Hamblen. 47. barber. West talem. and tootle KpaiterMe, l, taiesiaoy, seiem. Counly Plans (Continued from Page 1) Two witnesses established the necessity for the project, such testimony being required by law. Tell of Flood Damages Mrs. Fred L. Rose, residing a quarter of a mile north of Kci- zer school on the river road, said in the 1943 flood 18 inches of water boiled around her home, top soil from gardens and flower beds was carried away, a sidewalk and part of a drive were washed out, as were coun ty road shoulders, and similar damage was inflicted in subse quent floods. A. L. Mason, chairman of the diking committee and a leading proponent of the plan, followed up with a showing of 18 inches of water standing in his house for three days, driving his fam ily out. He told of 100 chickens being drowned, how they went back in a boat to feed a neigh bor's cattle. He said the current at his place was so strong an at tempt by a horse to swim it was ineffectual. He said 26 inches of water was rushing through a neighbor's house and some of the road pavement was washed out. He cited three times since then when water was over his place. Not a protest was registered to the plan at the initial hear ing. NLRB Hearing Here Dated for December A national labor relations board hearing on whether a labor election should be held at the Valley Concrete company will be held in Salem Decem ber 20. Th nnmnanv asked for the election to determine whether its emnlaves want to be repre sentor! hv the AFL Teamsters. The hearing will be held in the city council chambers. It will be separate from a Jan uary 24 hearing, to be held on the company's charge that the teamsters and the balem Laoor Council instituted a secondary boycott against the firm. Chile Admiral Killed Santiago, Chile, Dec. 9 &) Rear Admiral Enrique Diaz Mar tinez, 50, chief of Chile's navy, was killed last night in an auto mobile collision here. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS EWilaw nanamhar Q Organized Seabee reserve unit at Naval and Marine eorp reserve training center, - Monday, December 12 Organized Marine corps reserve unit at in aval ana marine ourutt reserve training center. Company B, 162nd Infantry regi ment, and headquarters detachment, Oregon National Ouard, at Salem armory. Salem post wo. lao, American Legion. Marion post no. 001, vrw at VFW hall. Murines on Leave Two Marines from this area, wno have been stationed r,t Ban Dieao have arrived to spend a 10-day leave with tnelr parents. me men are Pfc. William Earl Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Neal ol 1125 South 14th street, Salem, and pic. James H. Brines, son of Mr. and Mrs Arnold Brines of Silverton. Both young men enlisted In the Marine corps in sepiemoer oi mis year. Tiehten Reauirements Naval Reserve officers selected for promotion after January 1, 1050, must complete required correspon dence courses covering basic and specialized subjects, either before selection or In a reasonable period following notification of selection. Thirteenth Naval District Head quarters announced this week. In recent postwar years, Naval Reserve officers have been promot ed solely on their records and qual ifications, tinder the new system, promotion units will be earned by taking the correspondence courses. Basic courses, to be required of all officers, will Include such subjects as Navy Regulations, Naval orien tation and Naval command and ad ministration. Approximately 100 specialist courses will cover differ ent officer classifications and spe cialties Units also may be earned by com pletion of certain seminars, class room courses or other equivalent In struction, all of which must have previous Bureau of Naval Personnel clearance. To avoid hardships, the new pro gram will begin with low require ments, Increasing progressively up to July, 1951, when most of the cor respondence courses will have been published and candidates will have had sufficient time to complete the full reauirements. All Reserve officers from Wash ington. Oregon, Idaho and Montana may obtain the promotion regula tions and correspondence availabil ity list fm the Thirteenth Naval District Commandant. Bark From Maneuvers With the Eighth Army in Nara. Japan Pvt. Harlan Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Short of West Salem, Ore.. Just returned to Nara from four weeks' maneuvering at Mount Fuji with his batterv, pvt Short is a cannoneer in Able Batterv of the 8th Field Artillery Battalion Comlnr far Christmas Silverton Allen Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and Ed ward Conklin, son of Mr. and Mra Earl Conklin. have informed their families that they will be (riven iver-Christmas leaves. Both of the vounr men are stationed at Fort Monmouth, K. J., with the armv and will make the trip home bv olane. They plan to return la their srn- K train. L7"pTO ROASTsT! rl STEWS, SOUPS 1 Lf -AND GRAVIES J i Si.?jn Peck St. Paving Sidetracked Paving petitions for both Mor- ningside street and Peck avenue south of Salem were tossed into the discard by the county court Friday as they came up after being continued to see if Peck avenue still had a chance for survival after determining ten tatively at a recent session that Morningside street would not be approved for improvement. The two streets south of the city connect and form an "L." The petitions for their improve ment came in separately but they were considered as an improve ment to be both done at once in event they met approval. Then came a remonstrance from Morningsicre street signed by a number of petitioners who had asked for the paving in the first place. They said the esti mated costs were too high. Friday Paul Harvey, Jr., one of the strongest movers for Peck avenue appeared and said he'd still like to see the work done on that street, but would like to have the court decide at this time as to whether or not it would be improved. He said he preferred this to any further continuances. The court ordered both peti- t i o n s indefinitely postponed. County Judge Grant Murphy said that Peck avenue, standing alone without Mo rningside street, would furnish a small strip of pavement in a "no-man's land leading to nowhere." In ad dition, he said if it was improv ed it would involve assessments against two pieces of property which also lie along Morning side street and work an injus tice on those property owners. Harvey indicated conditions might change by spring so a re newal of the twin projects could be undertaken. Pre-Christmas Service, Turner A pre-Chrlstmas service at the Methodist Church at Turner Sunday will feature two solos by Mrs. Josephine Albert Spauld ing. Mrs. Spaulding is widely known as a soloist having ap peared in concert with many of the leading musical organiza tions of the Pacific Northwest. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Alfred Schramm who will also play the offertory. Dr. Robert Moulton Gatke will speak on the theme "The Crowded Inn." STARTS MONDAY! BUS Leaves the corner of Court and Commercial every half hour from 10:15 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. The bus route will be north on Commercial to Chemeketa then east on Chemeketa to Church, north on Church to Center then east on Center to Capitol and north on Capitol to -FREE RETURN BUS- SHOP TIL 9 P.M. MONDAY AND FRIDAY PAY CHECKS GLADLY CASHED Visit Santa and Happy Time Toy Town Monday 3 to 9 - Friday 3 to 9 Saturday All Day :ZA i-w7t7T miea (TV yew Kuy nzcx Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Soroptimist Club Finances Park Playground Equipment Approximately $600 worth of modern playground eauiriment will be installed in the upper grounds of the new Bush Pasture park as soon as the ground is ready, according to an announce ment from Mrs. Glen McCormick, president of the Soroptimist club of Salem. . The club, under the direction of its service committee chair man, Mrs. Margaret Callahan, has arranged for the financing and purchase of the equipment from the Salem firm of Steven s Equipment company and it will be installed under the direction of J. W. Moyer, city superinten dent of parks, probably some time in June when the sod and landscaping are prepared along the South High street side. Included in the equipment will be four unit multiple swings, 10 feet high, a smaller three unit kindergarten swing, a 16-foot wave slide, horizontal bars and a merry-go-round, all of which are in the latest scien tific design for safety and utili ty and all-metal construction. To help finance the 1950 proj ect and the regional conference of Soroptimist clubs from the northwest and Canada, Mrs. Mc Cormick added that the second major project for the 1949-50 year- would be a fund - raising public entertainment program to be presented sometime before the regional convention which is slated for April. The local group, now number ing about 45 business and pro fessional women, will play host to some 350 delegates and pre liminary plans for entertainment and hospitality have already been started. HlONIGHT-1 COLLEGE BASKETBALL f WILLAMETTE f ;! , vs. 'p I CHICO STATE 1 WU Gymnasium 8 P.M. Preliminary 6:30 P.M. 100 Reserved Seats $1.20 General Admission 90c Students with Card 50c mm sis TO SHACKS -apiro. Friday, December 9, 1949 5 Chiang Flies (Continued from Page 1) Formosa lies athwart the sea and air lanes between the Phil ippines and Okinawa, both high ly essential in the American de fense plans for the western Pa cific. The greatest problem facing the island is how long can Chiang Kai-Shek's treasury sup port war against the Reds? The nationalists are now almost without incdme except from For mosa. Gold reserves brought from the mainland are being ex pended rapidly. Sooner or later Chiang's war treasury of an esti mated $320,000,000 (U.S.) will run dry. Then the burden will fall on Formosa. Girl Scouts Guest Mrs. Rob ert Morrow was hostess for the Girl Scout troop No. 51 of the Liberty community at her home on Boxwood lane with Patty McMillan assisting with the re freshments. The girls worked on gifts for their mothers and will wrap these at the next meeting. Names were drawn for a gift exchange in connection with the Christmas party. De Lee Davidson was named chair man of the refreshment commit tee and Jean Collins will have charge of the entertainment at the next meeting. via Phone 3-9191