Young GOP Convention Hears Idaho Woman Speak Young Republicans of Oregon will hear an address by Louise fhadduck, executive secretary to the governor of Idaho and co jrector of Region No. 9 for the National Young Republican Federation, at their annual convention to be held December 9, 10 and 11 at West Linn, announces Bill Ireland of Molalla, gen . S'eral convention chairman. 41 , I Miss Shadduck, who holds the uutiooK bright For Linn Labor . Albany, Dec. 9 Oregon State Employment service officials here painted an optimistic pic ture of the seasonal unemploy ment situation in western Linn county, despite the announce ment by the state unemploy ment compensation commission that on a state-wide level No vember unemployment claims were up by 53 percent over last year. Bill Sloan, manager of the Oregon State Employment Serv ice office here, predicted that the western Linn area would ride out the winter months with less unemployment than last year. During November, he as serted, new applications for un employment compensation were actually less than applications during the same period in 1948. 1 "This does not mean that " (here is no unemployment here," lL'-said, "but I don't think that the number of men thrown out of work last winter will be job less this year." Sloan based his prediction on the fact that nearly all logging operators in the area have re ported they will operate throughout the cold months, un less shut down by bad weather. Most mills here, he said, have access to logs, unless mountain roads go out during bad weather. This area has yearly a natural slump of employment, due to the closing down of many sea sonal industries, he said. But, he continued, he refuses to be lieve that unemployment this winter will be more than the natural seasonal drop off. Merchants at Albany je Store Hours distinction of being the first wo man executive secretary to the Governor of Idaho, is also the youngest person ever to be ap pointed to that position. She is a former newspaperwoman and was assistant to the women s publicity director for the Na tional Republican committee at the '48 national GOP conven tion. Vivian McMurtrey of Port land, state Young GOP chair man, has announced her com mittee appointments for the convention. They are: RULES: Warren Lessig, Med- ford, chairman; Pat Burke, St. Helens; Bill Duffy, Portland; John Argetsinger, Klamath Falls: Hiram Mersereau, Prine- ville; Betty Mouton, Medford; Frank Santos and Hal Huffman. Oregon City. CREDENTIALS: Howard Hamlin, Milwaukie chairman; Gordon Childs, Drew Pearson, Lawrence and Henry Buehner, Portland; Sam Hall and Russell Tripp, Salem. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS- Kermit Smith, Portland, chairman; Richard Spooner, Bill Merriam, Tom Osborne and Clarence Wicks, all of Salem; Frank Santos, Oregon City: Clay Myers and Shirley Fields, Port land. PLATFORM AND RESOLU TIONS: Mark Hatfield, Salem, chairman; Helen Hamlin, Mil waukie; Jim Thayer, Carlton; Jim Collins, Salem; Russ Mar tini and Jim Snyder, St. Helens; Phil Roth and Donald Walker, Portland; Lawrence Neault, Baker; Ralph Holman, Oregon City; Bill Moshofsky and Margie Bullard, Klamath Falls; Wendell Wyatt, Astoria; Robert Car michael and Ralph Johnson, Eu- Change CROP Shipment Leaves Halsey Albany Linn county sent its CROP car, laden with 60-tons of barley, on its way this week fol lowing a brief dedication cere mony at Halsey. State Senator Orval Thompson of Albany gave the dedication address. The railroad car, the first to leave Oregon with Christian Ru ral Overseas Relief foodstuffs, was expected to hook on to a Portland bound car Tuesday or Wednesday. Burl Kelso, district CROP ex ecutive, stated following the ceremony that Linn's contribu tion is expected to top all other Oregon counties, and that Linn was the first to ship their com modity. Hundreds of farmers from all over the county contributed barley, other marketable grains and seeds, and cash to make the CROP drive a success. The big car was loaded with enough grain for three ordinary cars, at the Frum warehouse at Hal sey the first of the week. More than $150 was left over, it was reported, to buy more grain, Macpherson, head of the Linn drive stated. This money will be thrown in with some other county to buy more food. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Friday, December 9, 1949 3 been made, it was explained. particularly for convenience of holiday shoppers from out of town. ) Albany Agreement that local retail stores will remain open until 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday, December 9 and 10; Friday and Saturday, Decem ber 16 -and 17, and Friday, De cember 23, was reported Wed nesday from the Albany Retail Merchants' committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The agreement further pro vides that on the night of Satur day, December 23, stores will close at 5:30 p.m., but that every Friday thereafter the stores will remain open until 9 p.m., but close Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. These recommendations have food conmction rot thi 'PofPopcori V gene. NOMINATING: Bill Robison Portland, chairman; Steve An derson, Jim Hatfield and Tom Osborne, Salem; Bill Jackson, Baker; Bill Moshofsky, Klamath Falls: Bill Thelin, Oak Grove; Stamm Johnson, Portland. PUBLICITY: Frank Burke, St Helens; chairman; Gene Bird, Eugene; Bill Force, Medford; Phyllis Webber, Baker; Jim Mc Queen, Portland; Jim Ragland Salem, and Bill Ireland, Molalla IF BETTER TASTE is what you seek Tiy eflal Salla- ' fiction guar sL ..CAWbawaw. laad . bal "My-nj") OUAKANTIIO ,j($zml'$ You'll switch to Calvert, too, this week. CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whlakej -85.8 Proof-66 Drain Neutral Spirit Calvert Distiller. Corp., New York City 4 We Give and "Redeem S&H Green Stamps 177 north liberty 6 to 9 P.M. HOUSE DRESSES jntjRt 80 Square percales ttJ)ttJ).f Sizesl6to44 51 READY TO WEAR Second Floor M M CHILDRENS OVERALLS . ha Rib style suspender type M jJlf Sizes 4 and 5 sanforized m CHILDRENS Second Floor MM WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Soft and hardsole wl JF Felt blue and wine I SHOES Second Floor D SATIN LININGS Various colors Jf ILI1 Limited quantity JAl Vl" PIECE GOODS Mexzanine J Ml "LA PILLOW CASES mi Famous name Jf tUI Fine quality TC CA DOMESTICS Downstairs sJ Ml -r- MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Broken Sizes odd lots . tLflLf1 Whites and colors V MENS Main Floor Ml Ml LADIES' NYLON SLIPS Nylon acetate nylon lace ra Jf M J All sizes various styles M LINGERIE Moin Floor I LADIES' HAND BAGS Plastic and patents Values to $2.95 ACCESSORIES Main Floor $188 We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps riUTi rilrpTP Trirrr davia juijucjj ncoc jv ' Useful Gifts For the Home 177 north liberty Open Friday Nights Till 9 Repeated by Popular Demand V Folding type Scenic top IT TOP TABLES Reg. $4.00 .39 You'll find t-ountless uses for these utility tables in your own home! And, they'll moke grand Christmas gifts, too! Constructed of genuine hardwood with satiny plastic coated masonite, resistant to heat and stains. Two de signs: Crown Inlay; Persian Crewell. Sewing Clinic Mrs. Gaskins, our new home representative will con duct a sewing demonstration, Friday evening and Sat urday. Luxurious Two-Tone SATIN COMFORTERS A gift that will be received as well as given with pride! Light as a breeze satin comfort ersfilled with feather-soft 100 white goose down (1 12 lbs. of it.) Quilted design, engaging 4" all-round ruffle. In Grey-Red; American Beauty; Turquoise-Brown; Grey American Beauty Lt. Green-Hunter Green; Grey-Hunter Green; Blue-Rose; Cold-Brown. Lte . pit 1 Cannon's All Wool BLANKET 4 Special For Christmas Giving 7. 49 1 tie-mi rSt.-.i A A blanket you'll want to call your own, too, in soft, pure wool. The big 72 x 84 size and individually boxed for Christmas gifting. Rose, blue, green or cedar. t " rt Ji Cannon's 3-Pc. TOWEL SET $1.7 5 Pinwheel Pattern Most popular of all Cannon towels, the hand some jacquard weave Pinwheel pattern. (Priced individually: Bath towel, $1.00 Hand towel, 50c Wash Cloth, 25c.) Enjoy new outnts every icason . . . and save. It's so easy with the All-New NEW HOME. You just guide the material your NEW HOME does the rest. See the distinctive new models today. Hepplewhite Console in Walnut $184.00 New Home Portable $89.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT JL WHITE SHIRTS Famoui "Imperial" ihirts of gleaming white sanfor tied broadcloth end featuring the fuied rtandard col lar, ocean pearl buttons. Sizes 14 to 17, ileevel 32 to 35. Men's, main floor FLANNEL PAJAMAS "Valentine" p.j.'j of warm lanforiied flannel. Nofen collar coat or middy front ityle, drawifring or elastic waistbands. White with blue, green, maroon or fan prints and stripes. A, B, C and D. Men's, main floor Men's Nylon Dress Socks Quick To Dry! Nylon Dress Socks Reg. $1 pair. Shortio elastic top, or long style in neat verti cat patterns In maroon, navy, Brown, grey. Kein forced at heel and toe. Irregulars of famous brand. Sizes 10 to 13. MENS MAIN FLOOR DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS